
I keep a two dollar bill in my wallet that was given to me by my mother when I was six years old.

The  31  goes with me wherever I go. My mother gave it to me so that  32  would follow me. She looked at me and said, “I want you to carry this two dollar bill for extra good luck.”

“Thanks, mom,” I replied, “I will keep it  33  to me always.”

My mother passed away when I was seven years old. I remember I took out my two dollar bill and held it in my hand for the longest time, knowing that she would  34  me the rest of my life.

Each time I felt I had a crisis, I would  35  for my two dollar bill and set it on the table. I would  36  at it for several hours and could always  37  a solution. When I applied for my first job, I was thirty years old and very shy. The thought of being interviewed for a job was  38  but I had to work. I saw one of the interviewers well dressed with  39  purse and shoes. I also knew the chance of being chosen was  40  when looking at the length of others’ resumes.

“What makes you feel you are  41  for this job?” The well-dressed woman asked. “I really need this job and there is nothing I can not do” I responded. She then asked me a series of questions and the interview was over. As I left, I  42  and said “Please give me a chance. I learn quickly and can be a very  43  member of your team.”

I went home,  44 . That evening I received a phone call. “Gina” she said, “we decided to give you a chance to  45  yourself.” “Thank you, you will not regret this decision.” I  46  the phone and yelled. At that instant, I remember my mom once said to us “You are  47  in my mind. Don’t  48  failure. It is a way to get us to try harder.”

How  49  this gift from Mom! It had built up  50  in me.

1.                A.money         B.check          C.bill  D.paper


2.                A.luck           B.happiness       C.wealth   D.wisdom


3.                A.close          B.near           C.hard D.firm


4.                A.look out for     B.watch over      C.see to    D.come across


5.                A.get            B.stretch         C.hold D.reach


6.                A.stare           B.glance          C.observe  D.glare


7.                A.come up with    B.put forward      C.set up    D.pull through


8.                A.exciting        B.amazing         C.nervous  D.scary


9.                A.suitable        B.matching        C.fancy D.exaggerating(夸张的)


10.               A.slim           B.terrible         C.few  D.abundant


11.               A.born           B.qualified        C.stable D.grateful


12.               A.turned around   B.turned back     C.put up D.raise up


13.               A.productive      B.additional       C.concise(简洁)    D.effective


14.               A.terrified        B.exhausted      C.sound D.cautious


15.               A.test           B.challenge       C.prove D.strengthen


16.               A.hung up        B.got through     C.set aside   D.got off


17.               A.brilliant        B.awesome       C.careful    D.unbelievable


18.               A.stand          B.bend          C.fear  D.ruin


19.               A.rare           B.special         C.relative   D.primary


20.               A.confidence      B.perseverance    C.model D.intelligence


























1.考查名词:A.money钱B.check支票C.bill钞票D.paper纸,从前面的I keep a two dollar bill in my wallet that was given to me by my mother when I was six years old.可知选C

2.考查名词:A.luck幸运B.happiness 快乐C.wealth财富D.wisdom智慧,妈妈把这张钞票给我,这样好运会跟随着我。选A


4.考查短语:A.look out for当心B.watch over看管C.see to负责 D.come across遇到,知道她会在余生照顾我。选B



7.考查短语:A.come up with提出,想出,B.put forward提出C.set up建立D.pull through度过难关,想出一个解决办法。选A


9.考查形容词:A.suitable适合的B.matching匹配的C.fancy极好的, D.exaggerating(夸张的),我看见一个面试官穿着讲究带着想匹配的鞋子和钱包。选B

10.考查形容词:A.slim苗条的,渺茫B.terrible可怕的C.few很少 D.abundant丰富的,我知道被选中的机会很渺茫。选A

11.考查形容词:A.born天生的B.qualified合格的C.stable稳定的, D.grateful感激的,什么使你觉得可以胜任这个工作?选B

12.考查短语:A.turned around转过身B.turned back回过来C.put up张贴D.raise up抬起,我离开的时候,转过身,说:请给我这个机会。选A

13.考查形容词:A.productive多产的,优秀的B.additional额外的C.concise(简洁)    D.effective有效的,我学的很快,会成为你们团队里面优秀的成员。选A


15.考查动词:A.test检测B.challenge挑战C.prove证明, D.strengthen加强,我们决定给你机会考验自己。选A

16.考查短语:A.hung up挂断B.got through接通C.set aside放置一边D.got off下车,我挂断电话,开始欢呼,选A

17.考查形容词:A.brilliant优秀的B.awesome 令人敬畏的,C.careful仔细的, D.unbelievable难以置信的,我记得妈妈对我说过,你对我来说是优秀的,选A








I keep a two dollar bill in my wallet that was given to me by my mother when I was six years old.
The  31  goes with me wherever I go. My mother gave it to me so that  32  would follow me. She looked at me and said, “I want you to carry this two dollar bill for extra good luck.”
“Thanks, mom,” I replied, “I will keep it  33  to me always.”
My mother passed away when I was seven years old. I remember I took out my two dollar bill and held it in my hand for the longest time, knowing that she would  34  me the rest of my life.
Each time I felt I had a crisis, I would  35  for my two dollar bill and set it on the table. I would  36  at it for several hours and could always  37  a solution. When I applied for my first job, I was thirty years old and very shy. The thought of being interviewed for a job was  38  but I had to work. I saw one of the interviewers well dressed with  39  purse and shoes. I also knew the chance of being chosen was  40  when looking at the length of others’ resumes.
“What makes you feel you are  41  for this job?” The well-dressed woman asked. “I really need this job and there is nothing I can not do” I responded. She then asked me a series of questions and the interview was over. As I left, I  42  and said “Please give me a chance. I learn quickly and can be a very  43  member of your team.”
I went home,  44 . That evening I received a phone call. “Gina” she said, “we decided to give you a chance to  45  yourself.” “Thank you, you will not regret this decision.” I  46  the phone and yelled. At that instant, I remember my mom once said to us “You are  47  in my mind. Don’t  48  failure. It is a way to get us to try harder.”
How  49  this gift from Mom! It had built up  50  in me.

A.look out forB.watch overC.see toD.come across
A.come up withB.put forwardC.set upD.pull through
A.turned aroundB.turned backC.put upD.raise up
A.hung upB.got throughC.set asideD.got off

Some people love eating food right after it is cooked. I prefer food just take out from the freezer. Fruit, candy, nuts, chocolate, cake with butter cream frosting(糖霜),even peas, all of them taste delicious when frozen. In fact, I often eat them that way.

I was a kid when I picked up the habit. In my family, lots of things were thrown into the freezer —finally, two freezers—to prevent them from going bad. Among them were some of the candies my sisters and I had collected on Halloween.

If we eat when they are still warm, we’ll find ourselves taking the cookies more than we should. It’s better if we can put them into the freezer and wait. That way we’ll eat less and enjoy them more because they are hard and chewing becomes a slower, more patient effort. That’s the point about frozen butter-cream frosting. Put it in your mouth at room temperature, and it’s gone very quickly. But when it’s frozen, you can enjoy the taste much longer as it melts(融化) in your mouth.

The freezer treats a lot of fruits kindly. Take frozen grapes for example, I keep a bowl of grapes in my freezer. They become a little icy, and somehow their sweetness is improved. They are perfect and healthy dessert(点心).This is the same with oranges, apples, bananas…You might think bananas would get super-hard when frozen. Wrong! They become cool, creamy and sweet. If you have wisely covered some or all of the bananas with melted chocolate before putting them into the freezer, they will have a double taste.

As long as you aren’t eating anything that truly has to be hot, go ahead and experiment.


1. What is the passage intended to tell us ____________.

A. Fruit should be frozen before one eats it.   B. Frozen food is better than hot food.

C. The author prefers frozen food.          D. Hot food is not healthy.

2.The author began to enjoy frozen food when he _________.

A. was young   B. learned cooking   C. got married   D. got a fever

3. Why does the author NOT advise us to take hot cookies?

  A. Because they need more time to prepare.

  B. Because the taste is not good when they are hot.

  C. Because they are too delicious to avoid our overeating.

  D. Because we may eat them quickly and enjoy them less.

4.What does the underlined word “it” in the third paragraph refer to?

  A. The taste   B. Butter cream   C. The cookie   D. Frozen butter cream frosting

5. Which of the following is the advice the author gives on eating fruit?

  A. Make bananas hard.        B. Keep grapes in a bowl.

  C. Mix kinds of fruits together.  D. Add melted chocolate to bananas.



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