
【小题1】The country has come under ______ (严重的)criticism for its human rights record.
【小题2】I cannot ______(集中) on my work when I’m hungry.
【小题3】She was ______(乐观的)about the future of the company but the rest were pessimistic.
【小题4】The house is situated in very pleasant ______(环境).
【小题5】The job is not finished but is still in ______.(过程)
【小题6】My colleague ______(安排) for a taxi to pick me up this morning.
【小题7】After a hard day’s work, I felt______(彻底的)tired.
【小题8】After class, thousands of students ______(涌入)into the dining hall.
【小题9】The ______ (瞬间)I saw him I knew he was angry.
【小题10】He has ______(获得)a reputation as this country's premier solo violinist.


【小题3】固定词组be optimistic about sth意思“对…乐观的”
【小题5】固定词组in process意思“在进行中”






66.Junk food is food that has a lot of ________ (卡路里)but few nutrients, vitamins and minerals. 66. _________

67. People who celebrate Kwanzaa can enjoy the spirit of holidays without all the              67. ________

68.I took my ______(电容器) to a shed in the fields where I could do my experiment.     68 _________          

69.Earthquake are________(极其) difficult to predict.                                69 _________           

70.The teacher stopped to drink some water and then she___(继续)to give her lessons.      70.________ 

71.What are the ________(原则) of the Spring Festival?                  71. __________         

72.This new model is of high ________ (质量)but it is not expensive     72.__________        

73.He paused, waiting for her to_______(领会)the information.          73. __________        

74.Of all the resources on earth, nothing is as________(珍贵)as a drop of water. 74,_________         

75.On Peace Day, no fightings and_________(冲突) are allowed.                  75. _______        






66.Junk food is food that has a lot of ________ (卡路里)but few nutrients, vitamins and minerals. 66. _________

67. People who celebrate Kwanzaa can enjoy the spirit of holidays without all the               67. ________

68.I took my ______(电容器) to a shed in the fields where I could do my experiment.     68 _________          

69.Earthquake are________(极其) difficult to predict.                                 69 _________           

70.The teacher stopped to drink some water and then she___(继续 )to give her lessons.      70.________ 

71.What are the ________(原则) of the Spring Festival?                  71. __________         

72.This new model is of high ________ (质量)but it is not expensive     72.__________        

73.He paused, waiting for her to_______(领会)the information.          73. __________        

74.Of all the resources on earth, nothing is as________(珍贵)as a drop of water. 74,_________          

75.On Peace Day, no fightings and_________(冲突) are allowed.                  75. _______        

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