
13.You may have heard from some so-called friends that what you have been fighting for is not within your reach and that you have no chance to succeed.The question is,do you (41)Bthem and change your dreams or goals?
If you choose to believe these types of(42)D and start to believe what others say about you,you have given(43)Cof your life,your destiny,to the opinions,thoughts and feelings of others.
Two years ago,I happened to meet a lady at a local market who wanted to branch out (扩大范围)further in her life by starting to (44)A her own,small home business.She worked   (45)C for a group home as a day provider but wanted to (46)A better control of her destiny.She was(47)Dto go it alone (单干),afraid that she wouldn't be(48)Bto make enough money to quit her boring day job.Her biggest (49)Cwas not her ability; it was her(50)Ain herself.
Most of her friends and acquaintances(熟人) (51)Bher ability to be a business owner,or suggested to her that she would just forget about her business idea and(52)Dher job,telling her that jobs were hard to come by.(53)D for her,though,she did not want to totally give up her idea.And,while she continued to have doubts about what she really wanted to do,her goal was totally (54)Cby a new business acquaintance.
Her business acquaintance gave her encouragement and made time(55)Awhenever she needed questions or suggestions,or just to talk about business issues.Though she had all the right plans and the ability to succeed,she(56)Cher own obstacle.The good news is that she continued,even though she was(57)Awith self-doubt,and quit her day job to go it alone last year.
What she conquered was more than issues around developing her(58)B; she conquered her own anxiety,her own self-doubt.She succeeded because she did not(59)Dthe naysayers(反对者);she succeeded because she(60)Bthe greatest obstacle-her own belief in herself.

46.A.gainB escapeC.obeyD.admit
59.A.argue withB.rely onC.ask forD.listen to

分析 本文主要作者讲述了一位女士为了开创自己的事业,实现自己的目标,毅然辞去了正式工作,不断与自己的不自信作斗争,直到最后取得成功的故事.本文作者通过讲述这样一个故事,旨在告诉人们不要听信所谓朋友的告诫:你一直在为之奋斗的目标不在你的能力范围内或者你没有成功的机会.要相信自己,战胜自己,为了实现自己的目标不断努力.

41.B    动词词义辨析  根据文中第一句提出了一种说法:你可能会从一些所谓的朋友那里听到过:你一直在为之奋斗的目标不在你的能力范围内或者你没有成功的机会,因此可推测出此处的意思应是:你是否相信他们的话并且改变你的梦想或目标;故选B
42.D     名词词义辨析   结合上文可知,此处指的应是前面提到的看法或评论.comments:评论,意见;意为:如果你选择相信别人的种种评论;故选D
43.C     名词词义辨析    根据上文的说法:如果你选择相信别人的这种种评论,那么你对自己命运的支配权便被别人的观点,想法和感受给占据了;A.rules  规章;   条例;   B.goals 目标,目的;   C.control  支配权;    D.pace步幅,步调; 故选C
44.A     动词词义辨析     根据本句中的"a lady at a local market  who wanted to branch out (扩大范围)further in her life.当地市场上的一位女士想进一步扩大她的生活圈"可知,此处应表示通过开始拓展她自己的小家庭企业;expand 扩张,拓展;故选A
45.C     形容词词义辨析   根据下文提到"quit her boring day job辞掉她无聊的正式工作"可知,此处应表示:她每天都要做的正式工作;故选C
46.A     动词词义辨析     根据上下文以及本句中使用了转折连词but可知,此处表达的应是:虽然有一份这样的工作,但是她还想更好地获得她命运的支配权;故选A
47.D      形容词词义辨析    承接上文的意思,并根据本句中的"afraid that害怕,担心"可知,此处表示:对于单干她很犹豫;故选D
48.B      形容词词义辨析     结合上文可知,此处的意思应是:她害怕辞去了无聊的正式工作后,她不能赚到足够的钱;故选B
49.C      名词词义辨析     根据上文提到:她犹豫着要放弃目前的工作,然后自己单干,可知,这对她来说应是一种挑战;故此处的意思应是:她最大的挑战不是她的能力;故选C
50.A      名词词义辨析     承接上一句的意思以及根据文章最后提到的"the greatest obstacle---her own belief in herself最大的障碍---她对自己的信任"可知,此处应选belief,意为:是她对自己的信任;故选A
51.B      动词词义辨析     根据下一句"or suggested to her that she would just forget about her business idea 或者给她建议让她打消做生意的想法"可知,此处用于"or"之前,应表示类似的意思,即:
52.D      动词词义辨析    结合上下文可知,她所有朋友以及熟人都不支持她单干,所以此处应是让她保留她的工作;故选D
53.D      副词词义辨析     根据下文可知,她很幸运地受到了一位生意上的熟人的支持与鼓励;故选D
54.C      动词词义辨析     联系上下文可知,在她对自己的目标不知所措的时候,是一位生意上的熟人支持了她;故选C
55.A      形容词词义辨析     根据上文提到有一位生意上的熟人完全支持她并且鼓励她,可推测出此处应表示:在所有可用的时间内,她都可以去问问题,征求建议;available 可用的,可获得的;故选A
56.C      动词词义辨析      根据前一句"虽然她有所有正确的规划,具备成功的能力"可知,此处应表示转折的意义即:但是她的障碍仍然是她自己;故选C
57.A      动词词义辨析     根据下文可知,她去年辞掉了工作并开始单干,尽管她一直在与自我怀疑作斗争,但好消息是她仍在继续; B.conflicting冲突,抵触;不合句意;故选A
58.B      名词词义辨析      根据下文提到了"她征服了她自己的焦虑,她征服了自我怀疑",以及上文提到了:她最大的挑战不是她的能力;可推测此处应表示她征服了她的事业;意为:她所征服的不仅仅是发展她的事业的问题;故选B
59.D     动词短语词义辨析   根据下文可知,她成功了是因为她没有听从反对者的意见;故选D
60.B     动词词义辨析   根据本文所表达的中心思想可知,她成功了是因为她战胜了最大的障碍---她对自己的信任;故选B

点评 本文是人物故事类的文章.在快速浏览全文时,应把握文章的大意,了解作者的写作意图;在做每一小题时,应结合前后句以及上下文的意思,仔细推敲判断该句句意;最后还要注意各类词的词义辨析.

1.Marjorie Gestring
    Marjorie Gestring was a springboard(跳板) diver from the United States who won the gold medal in 3-meter springboard diving at the 1936 Summer Olympics in Berlin,Germany at the age of 13 years.With the cancellation(取消) of the Olympics in 1940 and 1944 because of World War II,Gestring did not get a chance to defend her title,and her comeback attempt for the 1948 Summer Olympics failed.
Bob Mathias
    17-year-old American Bob Mathias won the decathlon(十项全能运动) only four months after taking up the sport.He is the youngest athlete in Olympic history to win a men's track and field event.By the time Mathias retired from decathlon competition in 1952,he had nine victories in nine competitions.He had won two gold medals separately in 1948 and 1952.In 1954 a film about his early life called The Bob Mathias Story was made,in which he and his wife played themselves.
Fu Mingxia
    Fu Mingxia was born on August 16,1978 in Wuhan,Hubei Province.At an early age,her father taught her to swim at a nearby river.She started exercising gymnastics at age 5,soon turning to diving.Fu Mingxia left home at age 9 to train in Beijing.In the 1992 Summer Olympics held in Barcelona,Fu Mingxia became China's youngest Olympic champion ever when she won the 10-meter platform gold at the age of 13.
Ian Thorpe
    Ian Thorpe was born on 13 October,1982.He is a former Australian freestyle swimmer.At the age of 14,he became the youngest male ever to represent Australia.Ian Thorpe,17 years old,won the gold medal in the 400m freestyle by breaking his own world record in Sydney 2000.He has won five Olympic gold medals.
41.How many times has Marjorie Gestring taken part in the Olympic Games?A
    A.Two.       B.Three.          C.Four.           D.Five.
42.Which two athletes took part in the Olympics in the same year?C
    A.Marjorie Gestring and Fu Mingxia
    B.Bob Mathias and Fu Mingxia
    C.Marjorie Gestring and Bob Mathias.
    D.Bob Mathias and Ian Thorpe.
43.How long had Fu Mingxia practised diving in Beijing before she won the 10-meter platform gold in the 1992 Summer Olympics?C
    A.About ten years.
    B.About nine years.
    C.About five years.
    D.About three years.
44.What is the passage mainly about?A
    A.Some young Olympic champions.
    B.The history of the Olympic Games.
    C.How to train young Olympic athletes.
    D.How to prepare for the Olympic Games.
9.I was going to die in Antarctica,I was certain.An image of my frost-covered body,pale and lifeless,filled my mind as I glanced around.In all directions the empty wilderness of Antarctica stretched away from me,the only feature on the landscape was the division between snow and sky.I gazed sadly at my team.They were rapidly disappearing over the horizon.
I was leading an expedition (探险) attempting to reach the south pole.The team was made up of ordinary women from all around the world-from Jamaica,India,Singapore and Cyprus-many of whom had never seen snow,or spent a night in a tent,before we set off.Our aim was to be the most international all-female team to reach die South Pole.
As I watched,the rest of die team hat marched on,unaware that I was not with them.By the time I realized that my sledge was firmly trapped,the team were already a long way ahead of me.I called out to Era,my teammate,"Era!Stop I"
Getting no response I called again,but my shouts were carried away in the opposite direction by the wind.Seconds passed.Nothing.I was gradually being left alone,completely defenseless against the low temperatures of Antarctica.
My strength increased when I thought of a cold,lonely death.I pulled again my sledge,which moved a little.I removed the ice with my ski-pole and boot,desperately trying to break the sledge free.The sledge shot forward,knocking me off balance.I struggled to my feet and set off after the team.
I caught up just as Reena,my teammate from India,looked behind her and noticed there was one person missing.She swung around on her skis.in shock and spotted me in the near distance.
As we continued,my panic slowly faded.For the rest of the day.each of the team was glancing over their shoulder every few minutes.They were not going to risk losing me again.

56.From the first paragraph we can safely infer that the authorC.
A.disliked her team                B.got seriously ill
C.was in panic                     D.lost her way
57.What is special about the expedition team?A
A.They were all female.                    B.They were all professional.
C.They made the longest expedition.        D.They had been strictly trained.
58.What made the author get her sledge out of the ice wasB.
A the shouts from her teammates                       B.her strong desire to live
C.the sudden change in wind direction                D.the natural beauty ahead
59.At last,each of the team members kept looking backB.
A.to avoid being attacked from behind
B.to make sure that none fell behind
C.to check the distance they had covered
D.to keep a record of the route they took
60.Which may be the best title of the passage?D
A.How to survive in Antarctic.                     
B.A mysterious trip to the South Pole.
C.A female expedition team.                        
D.Being left behind in the snow.
10.At the age of ten I could not figure out what this Elvis Presley guy had that the rest of us boys did not have.I mean,he had a head,two arms and two legs,just like the rest of us.About nine o'clock on Saturday morning I decided to ask Eugene Correthers,one of the older boys,what it was that made this Elvis guy so special.He told me that it was Elvis'wavy hair and the way he moved his body.
About half an hour later all the boys in the orphanage(孤儿院)were called to the main dining-room and told we were all going to downtown Jacksonville,Florida to get a new pair of Buster Brown shoes and a haircut. That is when I got this big idea,which hit me like a ton of bricks.If the Elvis hair cut was the big secret,then that's what I was going to get.
A11the way to town I told everybody,including the matron(女管家)from the orphanage who was taking us to town,that I was going to look just like Elvis Presley and that I would learn to move around just like he did and that I would be rich and famous one day,just like him.
When I got my new Buster Brown shoes,I could hardly wait for my new hair cut and now that I had my new Busier Brown shoes I would be very happy to go back to the orphanage and practice being like Elvis.
We finally arrived at the big barber shop,where they cut our hair for free because we were orphans(孤儿).I looked at the barber and said,"I want an Elvis hair cut.Can you make my hair like Elvis?"I asked him,with a big smile on my face."Let's just see what we can do for you,little man,"he said.I was so happy when he started to cut my hair.Just as he started to cut my hair,the matron signed for him to come over to where she was standing.She whispered something into his ear and then he shook his head,like he was telling her"No".Then he told me they were not allowed to give us Elvis hair cuts.Then I saw my hair falling onto the floor.

21.In the author's eyes,Elvis Presley wasB.
A.disgusting    B.admirable    C.ambitious   D.dynamic
22.From the passage,we can know thatC.
A.Buster Brown was more appealing than Elvis Presley
B.An Elvis hair cut cost the orphans a lot of money
C.The matron did not want the boy to have an Elvis hair cut
D.The barber was unwilling to give the boy an Elvis hair cut
23.We can learn from the underlined sentence that the boy wasA.
A.excited to have an Elvis hair cut
B.worried to think about the secret
C.anxious to remove the ton of bricks
D.careful to seize the chance
24.How would the boy probably feel when he walked out of the barber shop?D
A.Delighted.    B.Guilty.    C.Self-satisfied.      D.Depressed.

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