

  V.Drew Gilpin Faust made history in 2007 when she became the first female president of Harvard University, Massachusetts, US.Faust is an excellent historian known especially for her work on the history of the American South.She was a professor of history at the University of Pennsylvania for 25 years.In 2001, she became dean(院长)of the Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study at Harvard.

  Born in 1947, Faust grew up in a traditional family.She has often spoken of her “continued confrontations(对抗)” with her mother “about the requirements of what she usually called femininity(女性特质)”.Her mother used to tell her, “It’s a man’s world, sweetie.And the sooner you learn that, the better off you’ll be.”

  However, the daughter was a rebellious one.For example, Faust would fight with her mother over whether it was suitable for her to drive a car at night, even if one of her three brothers was a passenger.“She was raised to be a rich man’s wife, ” said a friend, Elizabeth Warren.“Instead she becomes the president of the most powerful university in the world.”

  As a girl, Faust rebelled against not only the strict rules of femininity, but also the racial injustice that existed in her native Virginia.At age 9, after a conversation with her family’s black handyman(杂务工)and driver, she sent a letter to President Dwight D.Eisenhower decrying(谴责)racial injustice.When studying in Bryn Mawr, a women’s college in Pennsylvania, she was a student activist who would go on to march in the civil rights protests(抗议)in the 1960s.

  What would her mother, who never went to college and died in 1966, have to say about her appointment? “I’ve often thought about that, ” she said.“I’ve had dialogues with my dead mother over the 40 years since she died.”


According to the passage, Faust was born in _________.

[  ]










According to the passage, Faust’s mother expected Faust to be _________.

[  ]


Harvard’s president


a great woman


a traditional housewife


a professor of history


What does the underlined word “rebellious” in Paragraph 3 mean?

[  ]


Unwilling to obey rules.


Difficult to get along with.


Always doing what one is told to do.


Confident and able to do things by oneself.


Which of the following can be the best title for the passage?

[  ]


A lesson from Harvard’s new president


A woman fighter for American civil rights


A “rebellious daughter” to lead Harvard


A portrait of Harvard’s future president



  Halloween is a festival celebrated on October 31st. The name of the holiday means “hallowed” or “holy evening” because it happens the day before All Saints Day(万圣节) .

  It is said that Halloween is the children's New Year's Eve. they dress up with special costumes(服装) , they eat too much, and stay up too late celebrating.

  Children go around the neighbourhood wearing make-up, and dressed masks and colorful costumes. The most common costumes are witches, ghosts, skeletons, and popular TV, movie and storybook characters. Sane costumes are homemade, others are bought in stores. The children go door to door saying “trick or treat” . People give them candy, cookies, fruit or money. Sometimes money is to help UNICEF ( United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund) .

  Homes, stores and classrooms are decorated in the traditional Halloween colors, orange and black. Usual decorations are witches, black cats, ghosts, skeletons, and jack-o-lanterns (灯笼) . Jack-o-lanterns are pumpkins that are carved to look like faces. They ace placed on doorway entrances and in windows. Horror movies and ghost stories are shown on TV on this day.

  Adults and older children also celebrate Halloween with parades, festivals and costume parties. Some people create their costumes, other people rent them. Contests are held where the beat costume receives a prize. One of the party events popular with children is dunking(浸泡) for apples. Apples are put in tubs filled with water. People try to get the apples using only their , hands cannot be used.

1.Why is it said that Halloween is the children's New Year's Eve?

[  ]

A.Because Halloween comes the day before All Saints Day.

B.Because only on that day can children go around the neighbourhood.

C.Because children can get money from their parents on Halloween.

D.Because children dress up with special costumes, eat a lot, and stay up late celebrating.

2.Which of the following is NOT true about the common costumes according to the passage?

[  ]

A.They are colorful.

B.Some of the costumes are homemade.

C.They are witches, skeletons, ghosts and popular TV characters, and so on.

D.All of the costumes are homemade.

3.What are the traditional Halloween colors?

[  ]

A.Red and green.

B.Orange and black.

C.Black and white.

D.Orange and brown.

4.Which of the following about Halloween is WRONG?

[  ]

A.Jack-o-lanterns are pumpkins that are carved to look like faces.

B.Adults also celebrate Halloween together with children.

C.Horror movies are shown on 1'V on 31st October.

D.Apples are the favourite fruit people eat on Halloween.


  It’s not only rocket scientists and journalists who are following the course of“Shenzhou V”,or“Divine ship/vessel V”.There are also lexicographers, or dictionary compilers.The flight of the Spacecraft last week might help put some new words into orbit.

  One of them is a western media coinage used to refer to the Chinese astronauts.It’s a combination of the Chinese pinyin“taikong”, meaning space, and the English“astronaut”, from classical Greek:“star sailor/navigator”, for people who was going into space as a career.

  In the Reuters and AP reports of October 15,“taikonaut”was used as a proper noun.For example:

  The long March 2F rocket carrying“taikonaut”Yang Liwei lifted off into a clear blue sky over the Gobi desert at 9 am and entered its orbit 10 minutes later.

  A Long March 2F rocket called the Shemhou V-“divine ship”in Chinese-carried a single“taikonaut”named Yang Liwei, 38, following Russian cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin and American Alan Shepard in 1961.

  The word“taikonaut”is not a newly coined term.It first emerged in November, 1999, when China launched its first unmanned“Shenzhou I”spacecraft.

  At that lime, some English news media predicted that China would soon launch a manned space flight and created the word“taikonaut”for the Chinese astronauts.It was then borrowed by the Germans media.

  But it was left out of mainstream dictionaries, such as the Merriam-Webster Dictionary and Cambridge Advanced English Learner’s Dictionary.

  However, the launch of the“Shenzhou V”will most likely help boost its status since there is already a word referring specifically to Russian astronauts in the dictionary entry.

  An astronaut of Russian(or the former Soviet Union)is called a“cosmonaut”, from the Russian“kosmonaut”.The word was derived from classical Greek:“kosmonaut”(universal)and“nautes”.One might argue that“cosmonaut”is a Russian variation on the earlier word“astronaut”.

  On March 14,1995, US astronaut Norman Thagard became the first American to ride into space on-board a Russian launch vehicle, arguably making him the first American cosmonaut.

  And if this trend of coinage continues, more English variations for astronaut will appear as more countries are able to send their own astronauts into outer space, what would Western journalists call an astronaut from India or Africa?We’ll have to wait to see.


Which of the following best suits the passage as a title?

[  ]


Why to Create the Word“Astronaut”?


Why to Make a Lot of Variations for“Taikonaut”?


How to Tell a“Taikonaut”from an Astronaut?


How to Call Astronauts from Different Countries?


Which is the right statement in the following sentence?

[  ]


The word“taikonaut”was born with the launch of“Shenzhou V”spacecraft.


Yang Liwei, Yuri Gagarin and Alan Shepard are all excellent taikonauts.


The American newspapers such as Reuters coined the word“taikonaut”.


Some new words have widely been put into use with the launch of the“Shenzhou V”spacecraft.


From the writer’s point of view, ________.

[  ]


lexicographers or dictionary compilers have also done a lot of things to help launch“Shenzhou V”


the American astronaut Norman Thagard is not a cosmonaut


the words coined or to be coined for astronauts of different countries usually have something to do with the name(s)of their countries


the reason why there will be more variations for the word astronauts is that more and more countries will be able to send their own astronauts into space


What does the underlined word“coinage”mean in the passage?

[  ]


System of coins in use.


Invention of word.


New meaning of a word.


Discovery of an old word.



  April fool’s party

  On Friday, April 1, Inner Affair goes back to the days of funk! Classic Tunes from the 70’s and 80’s by DJs Den & Sion.9pm till late.

  Tickets:Free entrance for those in costume, otherwise 50 yuan(US$6)

  Time/date:9 pm, April 1

  Place:Inner Affair, 1/F Qiankun Dasha, 6 Sanlitun Xiliujie, Chaoyang District



  Language in use

  Enjoy free in house coffee, tea and beer as well as music and dancing.Practice your Chinese, make friends and have fun.

  Time/date:7 to 9 pm, March 25

  Place:Language In Use Club, 2/F, Science Fortune Center, 8 Xueqing Lu, north of Xueyuan Lu, Haidian District


  The "worst" party

  Organized by Ozone Productions, the party is set to be "the worst ever", with the lamest music from the 60s, 70s and 80s.Special prizes will be awarded to the worst dressed or for bad fashion sense.

  Tickets:Free entrance

  Time/date:9 pm, April 1

  Place:Pula Pula, Tianze Lu, Oriental Seven Colours Plaza, Chaoyang District



  La Nuit Francaise

  Again on the 2nd Thursday of the month La Nuit Francaise will be held at Le Rendezvous.The monthly event is an opportunity for all French people and everyone interested in France or speaking French to gather together.

  The evening features three glasses of wine and canapes for participants and a special exhibition.

  Time/date:7 to 10 pm, April 14

  Place:Le Rendezvous, 3 Gongti Beilu, across from the Pacific Century Plaza, Chaoyang District Tel:6462-9110


  Marco V

  Dutch DJ Marco V drops by Banana for a gig which is supported by Hong Kong’s DJ Spark.

  Marco V has been around for many years, as an inventive, style blending deejay and a successful and devoted producer.His spinning is energetic, crowd pleasing and never sees an empty dance floor.He was ranked No.15 in this year’s international DJ MAG DJ Top100.

  Tickets:40 yuan(US$4.80)in advance, 50 yuan(US$6)at the door, both include a free drink

  Time/date:10 pm to 4 am, March 31, April 1

  Place:Banana, in the lobby of the Scitech Hotel, 22 Jianwai Dajie, Chaoyang District



Which of the following is NOT true of Ad.1 and Ad.3?

[  ]


The two parties will be held on the same day.


The two parties will be held at the same time.


The entrance fees of the two parties will not be charged.


Some old music will be played at the parties.


Which of the following is intended for the Chinese learners?

[  ]


Marco V.


La Nuit Francaise.


Language in use.


The "worst" party.


We can infer that ________.

[  ]


Marco V is a newly established band


La Nuit Francaise may be French words


the "worst" party will attract a lot of college students


you will enjoy free drink at April fool’s party


  Below is a page adapted from an English dictionary.


  verb(stuck, stuck)

  push sth in

  [+adv./prep.] to push sth, usually a sharp object, into sth; to be pushed into sth:[VN] The nurse stuck the needle into my arm.◆ Don't stick your fingers through the bars of the cage.◆ [V] I found a nail sticking in the tyre.


  [+adv./prep.] to fix sth to sth else, usually with a sticky substance; to become fixed to sth in this way:[VN] He stuck a stamp on the envelope.◆ We used glue to stick the broken pieces together.◆ I stuck the photos into an album.◆ [V] Her wet clothes were sticking to her body.◆ The glue's useless-the pieces just won't stick.


  [VN +adv./prep.](informal)to put sth in a place, especially quickly or carelessly:Stick your bags down there.◆ He stuck his hands in his pockets and strolled off.◆ Can you stick this on the noticeboard? ◆ Peter stuck his head around the door and said, 'Coffee, anyone?' ◆(spoken)Stick 'em up!(=put your hands above your head-I have a gun)

  become fixed

  [V]~(in sth)to become fixed in one position and impossible to move:The key has stuck in the lock.◆ This drawer keeps sticking.

  difficult situation

  (BrE, informal)(usually used in negative sentences and questions)to accept a difficult or unpleasant situation or person:[VN] I don't know how you stick that job.◆ They're always arguing-I can't stick it any longer.◆ The problem is, my mother can't stick my boyfriend.◆ [V -ing] John can't stick living with his parents.

  become accepted

  [V] to become accepted:The police couldn't make the charges stick(=show them to be true).◆ His friends called him Bart and the name has stuck(=has become the name that everyone calls him).

  [V] to not take any more cards

  Idioms:stick in your mind(of a memory, an image, etc.)to be remembered for a long time:One of his paintings in particular sticks in my mind.

  stick in your throat/craw(informal)

  (of words)to be difficult or impossible to say:She wanted to say how sorry she was but the words seemed to stick in her throat.

  (of a situation)to be difficult or impossible to accept; to make you angry

  stick your neck out(informal)to do or say sth when there is a risk that you may be wrong:I'll stick my neck out and say that Bill is definitely the best candidate for the job.

  stick to your guns(informal)to refuse to change your mind about sth even when other people are trying to persuade you that you are wrong

  Phrasal Verbs:stick around(informal)to stay in a place, waiting for sth to happen or for sb to arrive:Stick around; we'll need you to help us later.

  stick at sth to work in a serious and determined way to achieve sth:If you want to play an instrument well, you've got to stick at it.

  stick by sb [no passive] to be loyal to a person and support them, especially in a difficult situation:Her husband was charged with fraud but she stuck by him.

  stick by sth [no passive] to do what you promised or planned to do:They stuck by their decision.

  stick sth<->down(informal)to write sth somewhere:I think I'll stick my name down on the list.

  stick out to be noticeable or easily seen:They wrote the notice in big red letters so that it would stick out.

  stick sth<->out(of sth)to be further out than sth else or come through a hole; to push sth further out than sth else or through a hole:His ears stick out.◆ She stuck her tongue out at me.◆ Don't stick your arm out of the car window.

  stick to sth

  to continue doing sth in spite of difficulties:She finds it impossible to stick to a diet.

  to continue doing or using sth and not want to change it:He promised to help us and he stuck to his word(=he did as he had promised).◆ 'Shall we meet on Friday this week?' 'No, let's stick to Saturday.' ◆ She stuck to her story.

  stick together(informal)(of people)to stay together and support each other:We were the only British people in the town so we tended to stick together.

  stick up to point upwards or be above a surface:The branch was sticking up out of the water.

  stick with sb/sth [no passive](informal)

  to stay close to sb so that they can help you:Stick with me and I'll make you a millionaire!

  to continue with sth or continue doing sth:They decided to stick with their original plan.


  from tree

  [C] a thin piece of wood that has fallen or been broken from a tree:We collected dry sticks to start a fire.◆ The boys were throwing sticks and stones at the dog.◆ Her arms and legs were like sticks(=very thin).

  for walking

  [C](especially BrE)=WALKING STICK:The old lady leant on her stick as she talked.

  in sport

  [C] a long thin object that is used in some sports to hit or control the ball:a hockey stick

  long thin piece

  [C](often in compounds)a long thin piece of sth:a stick of dynamite ◆ carrot sticks ◆(AmE)a stick of butter

  [C](often in compounds)a thin piece of wood or plastic that you use for a particular purpose:pieces of pineapple on sticks ◆ The men were carrying spades and measuring sticks.

  in plane/vehicle

  [C](informal, especially AmE)the control stick of a plane

  [C](informal, especially AmE)a handle used to change the GEARS of a vehicle

  for orchestra

  [C] a BATON, used by the person who CONDUCTS an orchestra


  [U](BrE, informal)criticism or harsh words:The referee got a lot of stick from the home fans.

  country areas

  (the sticks)[pl.](informal)country areas, a long way from cities:We live out in the sticks.


  [C](old-fashioned, BrE, informal)a person:He's not such a bad old stick.


When Jimmy says:“Every morning, I have to take the crowded bus to school, which I really can't stick.”, he may feel _________.

[  ]










Due to her fashionable dress, the woman stuck out when she was walking in the street.“stuck out” in this sentence means “_________”.

[  ]


be noticeable


be followed


be admired


be envied


When I was in trouble, Paul was the only one who _________ to help me.

[  ]


stuck in his throat


stuck together


stuck up


stuck his neck out


Sally said to me:“Try a peaceful life out in the sticks, and you will experience something totally different.” She means _________.

[  ]


I should go to the woods to enjoy a new life.


I should ignore the criticism and enjoy myself.


I should go to the remote areas to have a change.


I should go out by plane instead of by train to change my feelings.



  April fool’s party

  On Friday, April 1, Inner Affair goes back to old days ! Classic Tunes from the 70’s and 80’s by DJs Den & Sion.9pm till late.

  Tickets:Free entrance for those in costume, otherwise 50 yuan(US$6)

  Time/date:9 pm, April 1

  Place:Inner Affair, 1/F Qiankun Dasha, 6 Sanlitun Xiliujie, Chaoyang District



  Language in use

  Enjoy free in coffee, tea and beer as well as music and dancing.Practice your Chinese, make friends and have fun.

  Time/date:7 to 9 pm, March 25

  Place:Language In Use Club, 2/F, Science Fortune Center, 8 Xueqing Lu, north of Xueyuan Lu, Haidian District


  The "worst" party

  Organized by O-zone productions, the party is set to be "the worst ever", with the saddest music from the 60s, 70s and 80s.Special prizes will be awarded to the worst dressed or for bad fashion sense.

  Tickets:Free entrance

  Time/date:9 pm, April 1

  Place:Pula Pula, Tianze Lu, Oriental Seven Colours Plaza, Chaoyang District



  La Nuit Francaise

  Again on the 2nd Thursday of the month La Nuit Francaise will be held at Le Rendezvous.The monthly event is an opportunity for all French people and everyone interested in France or speaking French to gather together.

  The evening features three glasses of wine and canapés for participants and a special exhibition.

  Time/date:7 to 10 pm, April 14

  Place:Le Rendezvous, 3 Gongti Beilu, across from the Pacific Century Plaza, Chaoyang District Tel:64629110


  Marco V

  Dutch DJ Marco V drops by Banana for a gig which is supported by Hong Kong’s DJ Spark.

  Marco V has been around for many years, as an inventive, style blending deejay and a successful and devoted producer.His spinning is energetic, crowd pleasing and never sees an empty dance floor.He was ranked No.15 in this year’ s international DJ MAG DJ Top100.

  Tickets:40 yuan(US$4.80)in advance, 50 yuan(US$6)at the door, both include a free drink

  Time/date:10 pm to 4 am, March 31, April 1

  Place:Banana, in the lobby of the Scitech Hotel, 22 Jianwai Dajie, Chaoyang District



Which of the following is NOT true of Ad.1 and Ad.3?

[  ]


The two parties will be held on the same day.


The two parties will be held at the same time.


The entrance fees of the two parties will not be charged.


Some old music will be played at the parties.


Which of the following is intended for the Chinese learners?

[  ]


Marco V.


La Nuit Francaise.


Language in use.


The "worst" party.


We can infer that _________.

[  ]


Marco V is a newly established band


La Nuit Francaise may be French words


the "worst" party will attract a lot of college students


you will enjoy free drink at April fool’s party

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