
10.Chen Yifan,17,a high school student,hit a (61)valuable(value) SUV on his way to deliver some food,leaving a 20 centimeter scratch and a broken mirror.
(62)With  nobody else at the scene,Chen left all his money,311 yuan($45),for compensation(补偿),and a letter of apology.When the owner Mr.Xue saw the money and letter,he(63)was touched(touch)by the student's deed and decided to return the money.
Chen finally got in touch with the car owner,(64)whowas looking for him.
"I saw the owner's telephone number on the car window,but I dared not call him.I was afraid to (65)be blamed(blame)and decided to leave a short letter,"Chen said.The teenager is a high-school student from a low-income family,and does part-time delivery jobs during vacations,(66)earning (earn)60-70 yuan every day.
"Some people would leave without (67)wordsword)after hitting a car,but the boy left money and (68)an apology letter.His behavior(69)deeply (deep) moved me."
Xue has offered 10,000 yuan to help Chen's future studies."He is a kind boy and should be rewarded for his (70)honesty (honest),"Xue said.

分析 一个17岁的中学生在送快递的路上撞了一辆汽车,并主动留下身上仅有的钱和一封道歉信,最后他的诚实赢得了车主的谅解.

解答 61.valuable   考查形容词.根据句意,此处用来修饰名词SUV,需用形容词形式,即valuable意思是贵的,有价值的.
62.With  考查介词.分析句式可知,此处是考查with+名词+介词短语的复合结构,表示状语. 
63.was touched 考查被动语态.he和touch之间是被动关系,即车的主人被感动了.     
64.who   考查定语从句.分析句式可知,此处是一个定语从句,先行词为  the car owner,故使用who做主语.
65.be blamed   考查被动语态.句子的主语I和blame之间是被动关系,故使用被动语态. 
66.earning  考查非谓语.earn和句子的主语  The teenager 之间构成主动结构,故使用现在分词.
67.words   考查名词.句意为,有些人在撞车之后可能就会离开,不会留下任何的话语.
68.an   考查冠词.apology letter意思是一封道歉信,apology是以元音开头的单词,故使用an.
69.deeply    考查副词.修饰动词move需用副词形式,深深地感动.
70.honesty 考查名词.句意为因为他的诚实而受到奖励,故此处需要名词形式.

点评 语法填空是通过语篇在语境中考查语法知识的运用能力,在解题前应快速浏览短文掌握大意,在读懂短文的基础上,结合短文提供的特定的语言环境去逐句分析.要解决好语法填空,离不开坚实的语法知识,有了坚实的语法知识才能对语言进行正确的分析和判断,从而答对题目.

10.Long ago a Native American chief named Shenandoah lived with his tribes(部落) in what is now the state of Virginia.Little is known about Shenandoah,but in some way,the soft sound of his name was given to a river.The Shenandoah River still flows in a deep valley between the Allegheny and Blue Ridge Mountains,just as it did when Chief Shenandoah lived.It is a slow moving river,soft and as beautiful as its name.Some word experts who believe the word"Shenandoah"means"spruce river"because the waters of the river run through great forests of spruce trees(云杉).And this explanation could be correct.
However,there is an old Native American story which is far more beautiful than that of the experts.Centuries before Europeans came to the New World,there was a great lake of blue water hidden in the mountains of Virginia.For hundreds of years,Native American tribes lived near this lake,feeding on the fish from its clean waters.The Native Americans often climbed up the mountains and camped there during their long hunts for food.In the evenings they sat near their camp and looked down at the beautiful lake.
On a clear,starry night you could see thousands of stars shining and dancing on the water below.The Native Americans loved this lake,and because they could see the stars in it,they called the lake,"Clear Daughter of the Stars."In their language,the word for this was"Shenandoah."
One day the lake started to disappear.Its water ran out of the valley,through a break in the mountain side.The waters ran on and on until they joined another river known as the Potomac.At last,the lake was gone.In its place was only a river.It is the beautiful Shenandoah River today.
However,the word Shenandoah becomes well known to people because someone wrote a song about it some years ago."Shenandoah"is perhaps one of America's most recognizable folk songs.Some say the song refers to the river.Others say it is about the daughter of Chief Shenandoah.Regardless of what the song is about,"Shenandoah"remains an American classic."O Shenandoah,I love your daughter,Away you rolling river; O Shenandoah,I love your daughter,Away I'm bound to go,'Cross the wide Missouri …"
21.According to the text,"Shenandoah"may be the following EXCEPTB.
A."spruce river"
B.the Potomac
C."Clear Daughter of the Stars"
D.an American chief's name
22."Shenandoah"is familiar to Americans mostly because ofC.
A.pure and refreshing water     
B.a great historical character
C.an American classic song 
D.the mysterious disappearance of a lake
23.The most suitable title of the passage is _A.
A.Shenandoah and Its Native American Roots
B.An American Chief's Romantic Tale
C.The Mystery of a Missing Lake
D.A Beautiful American Song.

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