


Snake dishes have become popular _1.___ recent years.Snake meat in various flavors (风味) is often seen in restaurant ads.Eating snake seems to be now in vogue(盛行), and if you haven’t eaten snake yet, you _2.____(consider) “out of date”.But I wonder__3.____ all the trends are worth following.

Some people may defend themselves _4._____ saying that snake meat is nutritious.But these people don’t realize that many parasites(寄生虫),_5.___ do harm to our health, are found inside snakes.

According _6.____ a survey, about 1000 tons of snakes are eaten every year in China and sometimes as 7.____ as 10 tons of snakes are served on dinner tables in Shenzhen in a single day!

These figures warns us that if no action is taken, __8.____ number of snakes will drop and make an increase in mice and worms population, which will __9._____ in a decrease(减产) of crop output.Who will see such tragedy happen?

So let’s start not to eat snakes any more because “to protect the snake is to protect __10.____.”



The right pair of exercise shoes can do a lot to prevent discomfort and injuries, personal trainers say.Here are some shopping tips:

1. Depending on your workout, shoes designed for walking, running, tennis, cross-training or another specialty will provide the best support for your feet.

Shop when you normally exercise.Feet actually get bigger throughout the day, sometimes swelling up as much as a half-size by nighttime. 2.

Try them on.Never grab a pair of exercise shoes based only on the size of footwear you normally buy.Bring the type of socks you’d wear to work out and go for a walk through the store.

3. You should be able to spread your toes out comfortably.Make sure there’s about a half-inch of space between them and the front of the shoe.The back should fit snugly (warmly and comfortably) against your heel and not move up and down.If your feet are different sizes, buy based on the larger one.

Talk to an expert.Shoe salesmen and personal trainers can study your stride (步伐) and the shape of your feet. 4.

5. Many trainers recommend switching footwear every three to five months, if possible, to maintain(保持)proper cushioning and support.One tip: if you have to tie your shoes very tightly to feel a good amount of support, they may be ready to go.

A.Think about how much you can afford to buy the workout shoes.

B.Consider your type of exercise.

C.Focus on fit.

D.So don’t shop first thing in the morning if you often work out in the evening.

E.Pay more attention to new style shoes

F.Replace worn shoes regularly.

G.Usually they can recommend the best shoes to guard against injuries.


Wind turbines are efficient sources of cheap energy but also a source of concern as their huge spinning blades (叶片) frequently kill birds and bats. A new type of wind generator developed in Spain offers a creative solution to that problem.

In 2002, Spanish inventor David Yanez saw a short film about the Tacoma Narrows Bridge in the U.S., collapsing in strong wind. It was a vivid example of the powerful vibrations wind can create when it blows past a long pole, such as a car antenna or even a stick of bamboo. It gave him the idea for a new type of wind-energy generator.

“The initial philosophy or spirit was to create a generator of dreams that had all the qualities one would want: It should be as cheap as possible, need as little maintenance as possible, the setup as simple as possible,” he said.

Yanez and his friend Raoul Martin took the idea to an engineering firm, where they were told it would never work. Undiscouraged, they started experimenting on their own in a small wind tunnel they built.

Good initial results were repeated by a larger working model called Vortex (涡旋) installed in a nearby field. “What we have is a mast (桅杆), which is the top piece and acts as a blade,” Yanez said. “It’s constructed from the same material as a conventional generator, and what it does is it oscillates (振荡), transmitting the oscillation to a conventional alternator, which by its own oscillation converts the wind’s energy into electric energy.”

Yanez said the output of the 6-meter-tall generator, and even that of smaller models, was better than expected. The Vortex creates about 30 percent less energy than a comparable bladed wind turbine, but it is lighter and cheaper to build and maintain. It is made mostly of reinforced plastic and has very few moving parts. Also, it does not create noise and—even more important for many environmentalists—it does not present a threat to passing birds.

The current prototype works at wind speeds ranging from 1.5 to 7 meters per second. The inventors say the next step is building a 12.5-meter tall bladeless generator with a 4-kilowatt capacity that could power small businesses or individual homes, or provide supplemental power to a main grid. The commercial version of the Vortex Bladeless generator should be ready for the market by 2017.

1.The author mentions a short film about the Tacoma Narrows Bridge to show ________.

A. what the initial philosophy or spirit was

B. what inspired Yanez to create the generator

C. how the bridge was destroyed in strong wind

D. how wind creates powerful vibrations

2.What do we know from the passage?

A. The original idea was considered as practical in an engineering firm.

B. Yanez and Martin’s initial tests by themselves proved to be successful.

C. The material for constructing the mast is different from that of the past.

D. The new generator is better at creating energy than a comparable bladed one.

3. What would be the best title for the passage?

A. Bladeless wind-power generator is friendly to birds.

B. Wind turbines are efficient sources of cheap energy.

C. A new generator will come onto the market by 2017.

D. Yanez has made a generator for the benefit of people.


When I was having a walk through the park today, I met a friend I hadn’t seen for ages. She stared at me curiously. “You have kept this umbrella for years; it's old and out of date. I wonder why you keep it and take it wherever you go.” I smiled, “it means a great deal to me.” I simply gave her my shortest answer. Honestly speaking, I, either, could not understand the reason why I kept it.

Then all of a sudden, fallen leaves darkened my eyes with a strong wind. I grabbed the umbrella instinctively. The rain poured down. Thanks to my umbrella, I didn’t get wet at all.

“Why have I kept it for so long?” I asked myself, staring at my umbrella. I couldn’t remember when and where I bought it, for I’m always tired and lazy to answer questions. It could protect me from the heavy rain, I told myself eventually. Looking at the people rushing through the street, I felt safe. This might be another reason.

It is always so. We know a thunderstorm comes unexpectedly and goes without a warning. The sky cleared up. The sun shone brightly. Just as usual, I seized the umbrella with my left hand. Still there’s water dropping down. I walked among the noisy crowd and listened to what they were murmuring in their heart. “Today I will ask for a rise, or I'll leave this company.” Good luck to you, I smiled to him. “I’ll manage to make you live forever.” A little boy held a pet dog close to him. “She’ll be all right, because she is blessed.” I heard angels singing in this city.

The moment my fingertips touched the umbrella, I felt it’s dry, and it’s warm. Soon it became hot. I held it up to avoid harmful sunshine. Do I need a reason to explain why? Maybe I should think about it. I need my umbrella when it is sunny as well as when it is rainy.

1.Which of the following words best describes the author?

A. Watchful. B. Hard-working. C. Clever D. Strange

2. From the author's feelings with people among the noisy crowd, we can see that _____.

A. he is sensible enough to understand others’ murmur

B. he is sorry for people who can’t foresee their difficulties

C. he is warm-hearted even to care for unfamiliar people

D. he is kind enough to hope everyone will plan their life well

3.What’s the most suitable title for the passage?

A. Try to notice every passer-by.

B. Umbrellas are important.

C. Always be prepared.

D. Weather changes unexpectedly.



Winter begins in the north on December 22nd.People and animals have been doing what they always do to prepare for the colder months,Sqzeirrels,for example,have been busy gathering nuts from trees._____1._____

They examined differences between red squirrels and gray squirrels in the American state of Indiana.The scientists wanted to know how these differences could affect the growth of black walnut(黑胡桃)trees._____2._____The black walnut tree is also a central part of some hardwood forests.

Rob Swihart of Purdue University did the study with Jake Goheen,a former Purdue student nowat the University of New Mexico.The two researchers estimate that several times as many walnuts grow when gathered by gray squirrels as compared to red squirrels.Gray squirrels and red squirrels do not store nuts and seeds in the same way.Gray squirrels bury nuts one at a time in a number of places.____3.____So some nuts remain in the ground.Conditions are right for them to develop and grow the following spring.Red squirrels,however,store large groups of nuts above ground.

____4.____But Professor Swihart says their numbers began to decrease as more forests were cut for agriculture.Red squirrels began to spread through the state during the past century.The researchers say red squirrels are native to forests that stay green all year,unlike walnut trees.They say the cleaning of forest land for agriculture has helped red squirrels invade(涌入)Indiana.____5._____

A.Gray squirrels are native to Indiana.

B.But they seldom remember where they buried every nut.

C.Red squirrels bury nuts in a different way.

D.The black walnut is the nut of choice for both kinds of squirrels.

E.Jake Goheen calls them a sign of an environmental problem more than a cause.

F.Scientists are worried that they will drive away the gray squirrels.

G.Well,scientists have been busy gathering information about what the squirrels do with the food they collect.

Let us suppose it is now about A.D. 2060. let’s make believe it is about fifty years from now. of course, things have changed and life is very different.

Voyages to the moon are being made every day. It is as easy to take a holiday on the moon today as it was for the people in 1960 to take a holiday in Europe. At a number of scenic spots on the moon, many hotels have been built. The hotels are air-conditioned, naturally. In order that everyone can enjoy the beautiful scenery on the moon, every room has at least one picture window. Everything imaginable is provided for entertainment of young and old.

What are people eating now? People are still eating food. They haven’t yet started to take on heir(继承) supply of energy directly as electrical current or as nuclear power. They may some day. But many foods now come in pill form, and the food that goes into the pill continues to come mainly from green plants.

Since there are several times as many people in the world today as there were a hundred years ago, most of our planet’s surface has to be filled. The deserts are irrigated(灌溉) with water and crops are no longer destroyed by pests. The harvest is always good.

Farming, of course, is very highly developed. Very few people have to work on the farm. It is possible to run the farm by just pushing a few buttons now and then.

People are now largely vegetarians(素食者). You see, as the number of people increases, the number of animal decreases. Therefore, the people have to be vegetarians and we are healthier both in our bodies and in our minds, and we know the causes and cure of disease and pain, and it is possible to get rid of diseases. No one has to be ill any more.

Such would be our life in 2060.

1. According to the text, what will be on the moon in about A.D.2060?

A. Many other animals. B. Many tourists.

C. Many plants. D. A sea.

2. What will people eat in 2060 according to the text?

A. Foods in pill form. B. Foods in gas form.

C. Biscuits in pill form. D. Foods in water form.

3.Why are people largely vegetarians in 2060?

A. There are fewer animals existing on earth.

B. People don’t like to eat meat.

C. People no longer need food.

D. People are healthy enough.

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