
【题目】My 18-month-old son, Adam, called from the front door.“Look, Mama! Doggie!” I dropped what I was doing and stuck my head out the door.Brandy, our next-door neighbor’s 11-year-old dog, was over again.“Go away!” I shouted.

Brandy’s owner had died about a month earlier.The woman’s family had emptied the house and stuck a “For Sale” sign in the front yard, but the family had left old Brandy behind.For weeks, she’d been wandering around the neighborhood.

It wasn’t that I disliked dogs or anything like that.I just didn’t think about them very much.I never had a dog growing up and had never thought to get one.

Brandy went away and I stayed outside with Adam.Then the phone rang.I went inside to take the call.When I came back, Adam was gone.I searched the yard, front and back, then the basketball court and public pool.No trace of him.I was so nervous that I ran home and called the police, then my husband.

Police searched the neighborhood.Suddenly I heard another sound: a dog barking.“It’s coming from the woods,” one of my neighbors said.We followed the barking to a wooded cliff(悬崖).There we found my son, and he was just inches away from the edges of the cliff, fast asleep.Brandy was beside him, leaning(倚靠)against him to keep him away from the edge.When I picked Adam up, Brandy sank down on her side, breathing quickly.She must have been holding Adam there for hours!

I thanked the police and brought Adam and Brandy back to our house.She hesitated a moment on our doorstep, no doubt remembering the time I’d driven her away.

“Come on, girl,” I said.“This is your home now.” Brandy stepped in, and once she saw she was really welcome, she relaxed and lay down on the floor just inside the door.She’d done a great thing, and I wondered if she knew it .She’d certainly touched me in a way that no animal ever had.What a pity a dog like Brandy had been left behind!

【1】What is the correct order for the events in the story about Brandy?

a.She was left behind by her owner’s family.

b.She stepped into the woman’s house.

c.She appeared at the woman’s front door.

d.She stayed beside the woman’s son for hours.

A.d, a, b, c B.a, c, b, d

C.c, d, b, a D.a, c, d, b

2What did the woman do when she first saw Brandy?

A.She gave her some food.

B.She drove her away.

C.She took her home.

D.She said thank you to her.

3Why did the woman call the police?

A.Her son was lost

B.Brandy was gone.

C.Brandy appeared in her yard.

D.She got a scary call.

4How were they able to know that the woman’s son was near the cliff?

A.By searching the neighborhood.

B.By hearing a dog barking.

C.By following a dog’s footsteps.

D.By hearing her son’s crying.








1D细节理解题。根据第二段:The woman’s family had emptied the house and stuck a “For Sale” sign in the front yard, but the family had left old Brandy behind.句意:女人的家人们清空了她的房子并且在她的院子前树了一块写有出售的牌子,但是她的家人把布朗迪留在了后面。可知顺序排第一的是a;根据第一段:My 18-month-old son, Adam, called from the front door.“Look, Mama! Doggie!” I dropped what I was doing and stuck my head out the door.Brandy, our next-door neighbor’s 11-year-old dog, was over again.句意:我十八个月大的儿子,亚当在前门呼喊着:看!妈妈!小狗!我扔下手中的事情,把头伸出门外——我们旁边的邻居家的十一岁大的狗又一次的来到了我家门口。有下文可知布朗迪是因为被主人的家人抛弃了才出现在了作者家门口,故c排在a后面;根据第五段:We followed the barking to a wooded cliff(悬崖).There we found my son, and he was just inches away from the edges of the cliff, fast asleep.Brandy was beside him, leaning(倚靠)against him to keep him away from the edge.When I picked Adam up, Brandy sank down on her side, breathing quickly.She must have been holding Adam there for hours!句意:我们跟着犬吠声来到了一个树木繁茂的悬崖。在那里我看到了我们的儿子,那时他已经睡着了,在离悬崖边缘只有几英寸的地方。布朗迪在他的身旁,靠着他,使他远离悬崖的边缘。当我把亚当抱了起来,布朗迪一下子摊在了地上,呼吸地非常迅速。她肯定支持亚当了几个小时。故d排在c后面;根据第七段:Brandy stepped in, and once she saw she was really welcome, she relaxed and lay down on the floor just inside the door. 句意:布朗迪走了进来,一旦她意识到自己是真的收到了欢迎,她立马放松了下来并且在门口躺了下来。故b排在最后;根据顺序,故选D.

【2】B细节理解题。根据第一段:Brandy, our next-door neighbor’s 11-year-old dog, was over again.“Go away!” I shouted.句意:我们旁边的邻居家的十一岁大的狗又一次的来到了我家门口。走开!我叫嚣道。故选B.

3A细节理解题。根据第四段:When I came back, Adam was gone.I searched the yard, front and back, then the basketball court and public pool.No trace of him.I was so nervous that I ran home and called the police, then my husband.句意:当我(接完电话)回来的时候,我发现亚当不见了。我找遍了院子的前前后后。篮球场,公共泳池,都没发现他的踪影。我非常的紧张地回到家,然后给警察和我丈夫打了电话。故选A.

4B细节理解题。根据第五段:Suddenly I heard another sound: a dog barking. We followed the barking to a wooded cliff(悬崖).There we found my son, and he was just inches away from the edges of the cliff, fast asleep.句意:突然我听到了一个声音:狗吠声。我们跟着犬吠声来到了一个树木繁茂的悬崖。在那里我看到了我们的儿子,那时他已经睡着了,离悬崖的边缘只有几英寸。故选B.


【题目】We all need friends and we always have.Our ancestors found that gaining the basic necessities of life was easier in a group.It’s estimated that the maximum number of people who lived in early communities of hunter-gatherers was 150.

Friends aren’t bound(受……限制)by blood or family bonds, employment contracts or legal obligations.Our circle of associates includes work colleagues and people we meet at parties, in the pub or on the train to work.Some associates are much more important than our family.We are capable of exchanging an email with these associates, and may have mutual acquaintances with a good number of them, providing common ground.We do things for one another because we want to.Whether writing an answer to a photo put on Facebook, sending a birthday card by post, or making a hospital visit, the efforts we have made for our friends are out of kindness.It is this nature of friendship which requires nothing in return that makes it beneficial and valuable.

Friendships take work, and they need to be nurtured, nourished and maintained.We feel good about helping our friends because we are friends.However, we often lose touch with our friends because of a lack of time and energy.When we are carrying a heavy load at work, involved in a serious relationship or raising children, it’s hard to spare time for friends.In these situations, we need to remind ourselves of what friends are for and why they can be so important in our lives.

In a survey of more than 2,000 married couples aged 55 or older, for both men and women, having friends was the best predictor of being satisfied in marriage possibly because they were more satisfied with their lives as a result of having friends.

Researchers suggest social relationships are the reason why women live longer than men, Social bonds reduce the risk of disease by reducing blood pressure, cholesterol(胆固醇)and heart rate.A lack of good friends is as harmful to your health as smoking or being overweight.Indeed, people without friends are more likely to die younger.Not only do friendships prolong(延长)our lives, they make us happier too.People who are socially active don’t feel so stressed or feel they can not enjoy anything easily they also tend to feel better about their lives and who they are.

【1】What makes friendship beneficial and valuable?

A.Its being not bound by blood or family bonds.

B.Its being easy to maintain.

C.The good we have done to our friends.

D.That we make efforts for friends out of kindness.

2What should we do when we have no time for friends?

A.Quit our jobs.

B.Give our friends calls.

C.Remind ourselves of what friends are for.

D.Turn to our friends for help.

3What can we infer from the survey in the fourth paragraph?

A.Having friends makes people satisfied in marriage.

B.The older people are, the more satisfied they are in marriage.

C.Married couples are more satisfied with their lives.

D.Married couples are easier to have friends.

4What is the main idea of the last paragraph?

A.Friendships prolong our lives and make us happy.

B.Men should learn to be socially active.

C.Women live longer than men.

D.Women tend to be less stressed.

【题目】Hank Viscardi was born without legs. He had not legs but stumps(残肢)that could he fitted with a kind of special boots. People stared at him with cruel interest. Children laughed at him and called him ‘Ape Man’ (猿人) because his arms practically dragged on the ground.

Hank went to school like other boys. His grades were good and he needed only eight years to finish his schooling instead of the usual twelve. After graduating from school, he worked his way through college. He swept floors, waited on table, or worked in one of the college offices. During all this busy life, he had been moving around on his stumps. But one day the doctor told him even the stumps were not going to last much longer. He would soon have to use a wheel chair.

Hank felt himself getting cold all over. However, the doctor said there was a chance that he could be fitted with artificial legs (假腿). Finally a leg maker was found and the day came when Hank stood up before the mirror, for the first time he saw himself as he has always wanted to be-a full five feet eight inches tall. By this time he was already 26 years old.

Hank had to learn to use his new legs. Again and again he marched the length of the room, and marched back again. There were times when he fell down on the floor, but he pulled himself up and went back to the endless marching. He went out on the street. He climbed stairs and learned to dance. He built a boat and learned to sail it.

When World War II came, he talked the Red Cross into giving him a job. He took the regular training. He marched and drilled along with the other soldiers. Few knew that he was legless. This was the true story of Hank Viscardi, a man without legs.

【1】Children laughed at Hank and called him ‘Ape Man’ because .

A. he didn’t talk to them

B. he kept away from them

C. he couldn’t use his arms

D. his arms touched the ground while moving

【2】It can be inferred from the story that five feet eight inches tall is __.

A. an average height for a fully grown person

B. too tall for an average person

C. too short for an average person

D. good enough for a disabled man

【3】The sentence “he talked the Red Cross into giving him a job” implies that the Red Cross .

A. was only glad to give him a job

B. give him a job because he was a good soldier

C. was not willing to give him a job at first

D. gave him a job after he talked to someone whom he knew in the organization

【4】When Hank marched and drilled along with the other soldiers, he .

A. took some special training

B. did everything the other soldiers did

C. did some of the things the other soldiers did

D. did most of the things the other soldiers did

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