
根据中文完成下列句子 (10%):

1. 幸亏你的支持,我们最终赢得了比赛。

____________  ____________ your support ,we won the game at last.

2. 我希望你不要瞧不起这种工作。

I hope you shouldn’t ___________ ____________ ___________ this kind of work.


This room _________  ___________ ___________ air conditioner.

4. 做实验的时候,你必须专注你所做的事情。

You must ___________ _____________ what you are doing while doing experiments.

5. 你对自己的英语学习情况满意吗?

_________ you ______________ ____________ your English study?

6. 我们学校学生的数量是他们学校的两倍。

The number of the students of our school is ________  _________ large as that of their school.

7. 在中国,政府一直在努力让人民摆脱饥饿,过上幸福的生活。

In China,  our government has been trying to ______  the people______  hunger. and __________ ___________ ___________ life.



1. Thanks to / Because of / Owing to      2. look down upon / on

3. is equipped with                    4. focus on  /  concentrate on       

5. Are ... satisfied / pleased / content with    6. twice as     

7. rid... of, lead a happy




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