
【题目】Hardly ________ stepped on the stage when the audience broke into thunderous applause.

A. has Mo Yan B. Mo Yan has

C. had Mo Yan D. Mo Yan had



试题分析:考查特殊句式。句意:莫言一登上舞台,观众就送上了热烈的掌声。hardly...when...一......就...,相当于no sooner...than,当hardly或no sooner位于句首时,hardly分句和no sooner分句用部分倒装,后面的when分句和than分句不倒装。B、D未倒装,登台的动作发生在鼓掌之前,即过去的过去,应该用过去完成时,故选C。



For generations, people have dreamed of traveling to Mars to explore Earth's closest planetary neighbor. NASA and other space agencies have announced plans to send people to the Red Planet. But such a manned mission is years away.

In the United States, some volunteers are learning how people will react to months of separation from other humans on a Mars base.

What would it be like to live on the planet Mars? Volunteers are spending eight months in an area that looks much like the surface of Mars. But actually, they are living in Hawaii.

Six people are isolated high on top of Mauna Loa, a volcanic mountain on the Big Island of Hawaii. They are living on a simulated, or make-believe, Mars Base. The American Space Agency, NASA, has provided financial support for the work. The project is called HI-SEAS, or Hawaii Space Exploration Analog and Simulation.

The six member HI-SEAS crew is mostly self-sufficient. They take care of themselves. Food and supplies are brought to them. But the individuals bringing those supplies cannot communicate with volunteers inside the habitat, or base.

The current crew has been living in the habitat since October, and will stay until June. Two earlier crews lived there before them. Crew members communicate with the outside world through e-mail and blogs. They also produce videos on the YouTube website.

Crew members also are using a smartphone app, or program, that creates a 20-minute delay for communications. That would be the same as if you were communicating from Mars.

This is not the only group of volunteers with sights set on Mars. A group called Mars One has appealed for would-be Mars astronauts from around the world. Mars One is a private, non-government project based in The Netherlands.

Others believe the American or European space agencies are the most likely to put people on Mars, maybe in the 2030s, or later.

For now, on a mountaintop in Hawaii, volunteers are getting a taste of life on a future Mars base.

【1】What's the main idea of the Paragraph 1__________?

A. people have dreamed of traveling to Mars to explore it

B. ther are plans to send people to the Red Planet

C. such a manned mission is years away

D. people dream of traveling in space

【2】What is HI-SEAS___________?

A. volunteers are spending eight months in an area

B. six people are isolated and are living on a simulated Mars Base

C. six people are living in Hawaii

D. NASA has provided financial support for the work

【3】How do the six member HI-SEAS crew live in the Mar Base__________?

A. they can not communicate with the outside world

B. they are not self-sufficient

C. they take care of themselves

D. individuals can communicate with volunteers

【4】Which of the following is TRUE__________?

A. HI-SEAS is the only group of volunteers with sights set on Mars

B. Mars One has not appealed for would-be Mars astronauts from around the world

C. Mars One is a government project

D. the American or European space agencies are the most likely to put people on Mars

【5】Whats the main idea of the passage__________?

A. a program which allows volunteers to experience the life on Mars

B. people are dreaming of traveling to Mars

C. the life on Mars

D. six member HI-SEAS crew’s life

【题目】【改编】Shirley Temple(1928—2014),an American actress,was considered among the most successful child stars in the history of film.Born by an ambitious mother,Temple first appeared in a film at the age of three,and at six she starred in Stand Up and Cheer (1934).Known and recognized for her ability to sing and tap dance in several films,Temple became a famous figure in 1934.At the end of that year she was given a special Academy Award “in grateful recognition of her outstanding contribution.’’

During the Great Depression of the l930s,Temple was celebrated by an adoring public.At the height of her popularity,from l935 to 1938,Temple was the biggest box-office attraction in Hollywood.Temple made a number of films as a teenager,but her appeal had faded,and the films were not successful.In l949, Temple departed elegantly from Hollywood.

Two decades later,she reappeared into the spotlight by announcing her qualification as a candidate for Congress.She lost the election,but Temple displayed her determination and went on to enjoy a long and successful:career with the United Nations and the State Department.

After retirement,she reposed that she was at peace with her life and proud of her accomplishments in two of the nation’s most influential areas.“If I had to do it all over again.’’Shirley Temple once declared,‘‘I wouldn’t change anything.’’

【1】What made Shirley world famous?

A. Her determination and strong will.

B. Her attractive appearance.

C. Her ability in politics.

D. Her ability to sing and tap dance.

【2】What caused Temple to lose her appeal as an actor?

A. The appearance of new stars.

B. Not mentioned.

C. The Great Depression

D. The disappearance of her beauty.

【3】When did Temple return to the spotlight?

A. In her forties. B. In her twenties.

C. In her thirties. D. In her fifties.

【4】From the last paragraph we can infer Temple _____.

A. regretted she was involved in politics

B. was disappointed at leaving the stage so early

C. wanted to lead a different life

D. was satisfied with her choices.

【5】How do you find Shirley Temple?

A. Beautiful and kind-hearted. B. Out-going and adventurous.

C. Tough-minded and gifted. D. Humorous and charming.

【题目】【原创】1 was having a great morning until I sat down in front of my office computer.’’Your password has expired,’’a server message flashed on my screen, with instructions for changing it.Coming up with a new code doesn't seem like a big deal, unless you work at my company, where we have to change it monthly, using at least one upper-case letter(太写字母),one symbol and one number, and the whole thing can't be fewer than eight characters. And I can't use any of the same passwords I've used in the past three months.

Suddenly a strong emotion grew in me. What didn't make it any better was that l was deeply depressed after my recent divorce. Disbelief over what she had done to me was all I thought about every day.

That didn't work and I had to type a password that I'd have to reenter many times for the next 30 days. I remembered a tip I’d heard from my former boss. He'd said, "I'm going to use a password to change my life.“

I couldn't focus on getting things done in my current mood. There were clear indicators of what I needed to do to regain control of my life. My password reminded me that I shouldn't let myself be a victim of my recent breakup and that I was strong enough to do something about it.

I made my password Forgive@ h3r.

I had to type this statement several times a day. The simple action changed the way I looked at her. That constant reminder led me to accept the way things had happened at the end of my marriage and embrace a new way of dealing with my depression. As the month wore on,I felt a slow healing begin to take place. By the time my server prompted me to reset my password the following month, felt free.

One month later, my dear Exchange server asked me yet again to reset my password.I thought about the next thing that i had to get done.

My password became Quit@ smoking4ever

This password was a painful one to type during that month,but doing it helped me to yell at myself in my mind as i typed that statement.it motivated me to follow my monthly goal.

Seeing how these reminders helped to materialize my goals kept me motivated and excited.While it is sometimes difficult to come up with your next goal, keeping at it brings great results.

【1】Which of the following is closest to the underlined word “expired" in Para.1 ?

A. Been updated. B.Been out of date.

C.Remained very cool. D.Been replaced.

【2】What changes happened one month after the author set the password Forgive@ h3r?

A. He became calm and accepted the fact.

B. He felt he was the victim of the failed marriage.

C. He loved his former wife more than before.

D. He felt relieved that he had divorced.

【3】What is the lesson the author has learned through the experience?

A. Computers are the best friend of us humans.

B. Many a hand makes light work.

C. Don't be discouraged by difficulties.

D. Keeping oneself reminded of his goal will work.

【4】Which of the following might be one of the passwords the author set?

A. eattwice@day. B. save4triptoChina.

C. Date@her D. Save4@ring.

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