请阅读下列应用文及相关信息,并按照要求匹配信息。请在答题卡上将对应题号的相应选项字母涂黑。 【温馨提示】如果该题选E,请填涂AB;如果选F,请填涂CD。
A. Culture fan: Karen, 17, American. She’s simply fascinated with other cultures. Her best friends come from four different countries. She enjoys foreign music and movies. She likes reading books, especially about culture and history. Send her a message at rickyroberts1000@yahoo.com.
B. Open-minded girl: Sarah, 17, Chinese. She spends most of her time knitting, dancing and seeing movies. She likes swimming, listening to music, learning foreign languages, collecting stamps and playing games. She’s willing to make friends with anyone between 17 —19 years of age. Her email: Sarah@hotmail.com.
C. Language Talents: Takumi is 18. This Japanese boy has mastered several languages such as Japanese, English and Russian. He likes learning about different cultures and listening to music. Do you want to learn languages? His email: ff8_angel19xx@hotmail.com.
D. Traveling around the world: Mary, 18, American. She enjoys art, pop music, and travel. She has been to several countries such as Italy, the UK, Ireland, China, and France, and she is always curious about different cultures. Her email address is bandana4real@hotmail.com.
E. Sports lover: Rodrigo, 22, Australian. He’s a teacher of physical education and a personal trainer. He likes sports very much. He also likes to write books. Contact him at lby4real@yahoo.com.
F. Music-loving girl: Ada, 19, English. She’s a college student. She plays some instruments: the piano, the guitar, and the violin. She plays the piano quite well. She can dance and sing really well in French, Japanese, Romanian, Italian, etc. Her email: si_a91@hotmail.com.
请阅读以下希望找到理想笔友者的自我介绍,然后根据他们的要求,匹配他 / 她拟要找的笔友俱乐部成员:
1.I’m Andy, a second-year university student from the U.S. My major is elementary education, so I will become a teacher. In March 2008 I’m going to Japan to study at the Nagasaki College of Foreign Language. I’d like to make friends with someone who can help me with Japanese.
2.My name is Eliza. I’m a very outgoing girl. I love playing the piano. I hope to become a pianist. I also play the guitar. I can sing in several languages. I’m looking for someone who has a lot in common with me.
3. I’m Anna, and I live in Canada. I speak English, French and Spanish. A lot of things interest me, especially other countries’ cultures, because I would like to see what other people’s lives are like. If you are interested in the same things, let’s become friends.
4. I’m Emilio Ukabi. I’m a boy of 18 years old, from Nigeria. I want to become an engineer in computer science and my favorite hobby is playing basketball. Really, I love this game. I’d like to be your friend, as long as you are sporty.
5.I am Emiri, a 17-year-old girl from Tokyo, Japan. I want to make friends all over the world! I seek girls or boys around my age who have similar hobbies― listening to American pop music and traveling abroad.

Harry, Tony, Collins, Jesse和Jack 几位同学欲提高学习成绩,故针对自己的情况上网找寻适合自己学习方法与资料。
A.Study Skills Self-help Information - Virginia Tech - Articles and self-assessment tests covering scheduling and time management, memory techniques, note-taking, reading, and setting up a good studying environment. |
B.Academic Tips - Helping students manage time, take better notes, study more effectively, improve memory, take tests and handle the stresses of senior life. |
C.Neuromod - Online Memory Improvement Course - It is possible to improve one's memory performance in specific areas by applying memory techniques. This site explain a number of systems ranging from simple to sophisticated. The training steps are clearly laid out and in most cases online training software is provided. |
D.Studying Revising Exams - One-page summary of studying, examination, and writing techniques. A collection of articles about good study habits with how-to suggestions. |
E. Learning Skills - University of Victoria - Copyrighted e-books with tips on organizing notes, reading, time and study management, exam preparation and writing, writing assignments, and study strategies.
F. Study Guides - Collection of academic study guides. Topics include classroom and study preparations; studying, writing and reading skills; math and science skills; evaluating and using web content; and preparing for tests. Authored, maintained, and revised by Joe Landsberger.
56. Tony wants to better himself by means of taking notes, time management and so on. He also feels like solving the problem of heavy pressure in study.
57. Harry wants to improve himself through the ways of time management, memory skills etc., especially he can check himself in time and can find himself better learning surroundings..
58. Jesse will find some suggestions on how to make notes and how to do his writing homework.
59. Collins focuses on his future exams, so he would like to get some instructions for his science study and use some materials on the Net.
60. Jack hopes to train himself systematically to keep what he learns in mind a longer time.