
The oldest forms of medicine are enjoying a comeback. Modern holistic medicine is an approach that treats the whole patient, not just the disease. It is a way to maintain good health rather than cure illness. The most important influences on today’s holistic medicine are ancient Chinese medicine and Indian Ayurvedic medicine, both of which promoted whole body health.
Holistic medicine usually combines diet, physical exercise and meditation, together with other alternative techniques such as massage(按摩) and acupuncture(针炙). Herbal treatment, a practice of treating illness by using plants, is influenced by the writings of Culpeper as well as Chinese and Ayurvedic medicine. Homeopathy(顺势疗法) is one of the forms of holistic medicine which is widely practiced in Europe and the USA. Homeopathy began in Germany in the early 1800s, when Samuel Hahnemann described how very tiny doses(剂量) of a drug had an effect on his patients. According to Hahnemann, the more the drug was diluted(稀释), the stronger its effects. The substance selected would produce similar effects to the disease itself if given in large doses. In the UK homeopathy is regarded as a non-traditional but just about acceptable treatment.
Meditation and contemplation have an important role in holistic medicine. They were brought to Europe by Indian teachers who combined Indian Ayurvedic medicine with Western beliefs. Transcendental meditation(超脱静坐) is one of the best known of these techniques. People repeat words inside their head to reach a state of deep relaxation.
The holistic movement has made many doctors look at the whole patient, not just the disease. Life-style, emotional problems and diet are just some of the factors that can affect a person’s health. Holistic medicine emphasizes good diet, exercise and fresh air, all of which contribute to health. Some clinics now offer holistic medicine along with traditional treatments, so that their patients can choose a combination of treatments that suits them. One problem with holistic medicine is that it is difficult for people to be sure a doctor is reliable. To solve this, many countries want alternative doctors to form professional bodies.
51.Modern holistic medicine centres upon        .
A.curing a disease                                          B.herbal treatment
C.continuous development                          D.keeping patients healthy
52.Which of the following does NOT belong to holistic medicine?
A.massage                                                     B.meditation
C.a balanced diet                                       D.a knee operation
53.The principle of homeopathy is that        .
A.the large doses of medicine that will not be harmful will take better effect
B.the disease will be cured sooner by taking larger doses of medicine
C.a small thinner dose of medicine will be more effective
D.the doses of medicine depend on how serious the illness is
54.Which of the following titles best sums up the passage?
A.Holistic Medicine                                       B.Traditional Medicine Returns
C.History of Medicine                                D.Combination of Treatments Works
55.What can we infer from the passage?
A.Relaxation is the key of holistic treatment.
B.Holistic medicine needs to become more trustworthy.
C.Holistic treatment is more beneficial than traditional treatments.
D.Holistic medicine will become the most welcome treatment soon.




The Ivy League is an athletic conference comprising eight private institutions of higher education in the Northeastern United States. The term is most commonly used to refer to those eight schools considered as a group. The term is also connected with academic excellence, selectivity in admissions, and social elitism(精英主义).
The term became official, especially in sports terminology, after the formation of the NCAA Division I athletic conference in 1954, when much of the nation polarized around favorite college teams. “IV” was used because originally the league consisted only of four members. The use of the phrase is no longer limited to athletics, and now represents an educational philosophy inherent to the nation's oldest schools. In addition, Ivy League schools are often viewed by the public as some of the most prestigious universities worldwide and are often ranked amongst the best universities in the United States and worldwide. The eight institutions are Brown University, Columbia University, Cornell University, Dartmouth College, Harvard University, Princeton University, the University of Pennsylvania, and Yale University.
All of the Ivy League's institutions place near the top in the U.S. News & World Report college and university rankings and rank within the top one percent of the world's academic institutions in terms of financial endowment(捐助). Seven of the eight schools were founded during America's colonial period; the exception is Cornell, which was founded in 1865. Ivy League institutions, therefore, account for seven of the nine Colonial Colleges chartered before the American Revolution. The Ivies are all in the Northeast geographic region of the United States. All eight schools receive millions of dollars in research grants and other subsidies from federal and state government.
Undergraduate enrollments among the Ivy League schools range from about 4,000 to 14,000, making them larger than those of a typical private liberal arts college and smaller than a typical public state university. Ivy League university financial endowments range from Brown's $2.01 billion to Harvard's $26 billion, the largest financial endowment of any academic institution in the world.
71. From the passage, we know the word “Ivy” in “the Ivy League” was first chosen to refer to _______.
A. a plant       B. a number      C. a sport      D. a spirit
72. What is special about Cornell University in the League?
A. It is the oldest one.             B. It was founded by colonists.
C. It has the smallest endowment.   D. It is the youngest one.
73. Which meaning can the term “the Ivy League” convey today?
A. The largest enrollment.         B. The strongest government support.
C. The most expensive schools.       D. First-class education.
74. Which of the following statements is true?
A. There is no longer sports competition in the Ivy League.
B. Seven colleges were set up before the USA was founded.
C. Brown University has the smallest number of students.
D. Typical public state universities are larger than the Ivies.
75. Which of the following can be the best title of the passage?
A. The ABC of “The Ivy League”
B. Best Universities in the USA
C. The Financial Income of American Universities
D. How to Apply to an Ivy League University



Welcome to Windsor Castle the oldest and largest occupied castle in the world. Windsor is one of the official residences (住所)of the Queen, who sometimes stays here.

Audio tours

Free audio tours are available on leaving the Admission Centre at the start of your visit. There is a descriprive audio tour for blind and poor-sighted visitors.

Guided tours

Visitors can explore the history of the Castle through a tour of the Precincts with an expert guide. Tours depart at regular intervals throughout the day from the Courtyard and finish at the entrance to the State Apartments.

Visitors with children

For those visiting with children, a special family tour and various activities are offered during school holidays and at weekends. Please note that, for safety reasons, pushchairs are not permitted in the State Apartments. However, baby carriers are available to borrow.

St George’s Chapel

Visitors arriving at the Castel after 15:00 from March to October are advised to visit St George’s Chapel first, before it closes.


Shops offer a wide range of souvenirs designed for the Royal Collection, including books; postcard, china, jewellery, and children’s toys. Please ask at the Middle Ward shop about our home delivery service.


Bottled water can be purchased from the Courtyard and Middle Ward shops. From April to September ice cream is also available. Visitors wishing to leave the Castle for refreshments in the town may obtain reentry permits from the castle shops. Eating and drinking are not permitted in the State Apartments of St George’s Chapel.

Photography and mobile phones

Non-commercial photography and filming are welcomed in the Castle. Photography, video recording and filming are not permitted inside the State Apartments or St George’s Chapel. Mobile phones must be switched off inside the State Apartments and St George’s Chapel in consideration of other visitors.


As Windsor Castle is a working royal palace, visitors and their belongings should get through airport-style security checks. For safety and security reasons a one-way system operates along the visitor route.

1.A visitor can apply for a free audio tour        .

A.in the Courtyard                        B.in the State Apartments

C.at the Admission Center                  D.at St George’s Chapel

2.What is specially offered to visitors with kids?

A.A security guard.    B.A pushchair.        C.A free toy.         D.A baby carrier.

3.Who can get re-entry permits?

A.Visitors buying gifts in the castle shops.

B.Visitors wishing to eat outside the Castle.

C.Visitors buying water from the Courtyard.

D.Visitors eating outside St George’s Chapel.

4.Why are visitors required to turn off their mobile phones?

A.To prevent them from disturbing others.

B.To ensure the safety of others.

C.To ensure the security of the Castle.

D.To prevent the use of the built-in cameras.

5.In the last part, a “working royal palace” refers to one       .

A.where the queen usually works            B.where works of art are on show

C.still being constructed                    D.still used by the royal family


An Italian couple are become the world’s oldest divorcees, after the 99—year—old husband found that his 96—year—old wife had an affair(婚外情) in the 1940s.

The Italian man, called by lawyers in the case as Antonio C, looking through an old drawer when he made the discovery a few days before Christmas.

In spite of the time that had passed since the affair, he was so upset that he immediately asked his wife of 77 years, named as Rosa C, whether it was true, and demanded a divorce.

Stricken by the guilt, she reportedly admitted everything but was unable to persuade her husband to reconsider his decision, though her children also did much more work.

She wrote letters to her lover during a secret affair in the 1940s, according to court papers released in Rome this week , which made people know the truth.

The couple are now preparing to split, though the marriage they built has lasted over nearly eight decades- they have five children, a dozen grandchildren and one great- grand child.

The discovery of the letters was the final problem for their marriage which had already run into difficulty- 10 years ago the husband briefly left their house in Rome and moved in with one of his sons, only to return a few weeks later.

The Italian thought the fierce split resulted from the couple’s southern blood- he is originally from Olbia in Sardinia, while his wife was born in Naples. The couple met during the 1930s when Antonio served as a young officer.

The case appears to set a new record, at least for the age of the oldest figures- the previous oldest couple to divorce were Bertie and Jessie Wood, both aged 98, from the UK.

That pair ended their 36- year marriage in 2009 when they were both two years away from their 100th birthdays. They got married in Elstree, Hertfordshire, in 1972 having both ended previous marriages, before moving to Falmouth, Cornwall four years later.

1.          Which is true according to the text?

A.To find his wife’ affair, Antonio C looked through an old drawer.

B.Rosa C’ lover may be Bertie.

C.Rosa C admitted what she did because she was sorry for her guilt.

D.The Italian thought the fierce split resulted from the discovery of the letters.

2.          Which word can replace the underlined one in passage5?





3.           Which of the following best describe Antonio C?

A.a childish man

B.a rude man

C.a romantic man

D.a stubborn(固执)man

4.           The marriage of Antonio C and Rosa C     .

A.may come to an end because the husband sticks to his decision

B.appears to set a new record

C.may have lasted over 36 years

D.began in the 1930s before both ending previous marriages

5.           This passage may come from        .

A.a text book

B.a newspaper

C.a history book

D.an advertisement



On Saturday, millions of people around the world will celebrate Saint Patrick’s Day, which honors Patron Saint (or main religious figure) of Ireland. Communities across the United States will host parades, parties, and other festivities to mark the occasion.

This year, cities like Boston, New York, and Chicago have organized massive events celebrating Saint Patrick’s Day. In New York City, hundreds of thousands of people will gather to watch the Saint Patrick’s Day parade—the nation’s largest. It is one of the most watched parades in the world. Last year, almost 2 million spectators(观众) and more than 150,000 participants (参与者)filled the streets. The parade, first held in 1776, is also one of the oldest.

Chicago also throws a big celebration. Every year, the Chicago River, which crosses the city, glows green as event organizers dump about 40 pounds of fluorescence, a powerful dye(染料), into the water.

Boston keeps its parade rolling for three hours or more. It is the nation’s second-largest parade. The city will also salute one of its most famous former residents, President John F. Kennedy, by opening the exhibit “A Journey Home: John F. Kennedy and Ireland,” at his official library.

Patron Saint lived in Britain in the early fifth century, when it was still part of the Roman Empire. He was captured (抓捕)and sold into slavery(卖为奴隶) in Ireland when he was only 16.He eventually escaped slavery and turned to a life of religious devotion. He trained to become a minister(牧师) and set out to spread Christianity throughout Ireland. After 30 years as a religious leader, Patrick died on March 17, 1461.Saint Patrick’s Day is always celebrated on March 17.In Ireland, it is an official holiday.

1.What’s the best title of the passage?

        A.History of Saint Patrick’s Day                            B.An Official Holiday in US

        C.The Largest Parade in the World                       D.Celebrations across the Country

2.What do you think is the official color of St. Patrick’s Day?

        A.Green                         B.Red.                            C.Black.                         D.Yellow.

3.The last paragraph is mainly about _____.

        A.the cruel slave trade.                              B.Saint Patrick’s contribution.

        C.activities during Saint Patrick’s Day           D.Ireland’s Patron Saint

4.Which of the following is not correct according to the passage?

        A.Parade is a most important event to observe Saint Patrick’s Day.

        B.Saint Patrick’s Day is a religious holiday.

        C.Saluting the former president has become a main event on the occasion.

        D.The Saint Patrick’s Day parade has a history of over two centuries.


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