Every decision is made within a decision environment, which is defined as the collection of information, alternatives, values. Many decision makers have a(n)  50 to seek more information than required to make a good decision. When too much information is sought and obtained, one or more of several   51 can arise.
﹡ A   52  in the decision occurs because of the time required to obtain and process the extra information.
  53  overload will occur. In this state, so much information is available that decision-making ability actually   54  because the information in its entirety can no longer be managed or assessed  55 . A major problem caused by information overload is  56 . When too much information is taken into memory, especially in a short period of time, some of the information (often that received early on) will be pushed out.
﹡Selective use of the information will occur.  57   , the decision maker will choose from among all the information available only those facts which support a preconceived(预先构想的) solution or position.
﹡Mental fatigue occurs, which  58  slower work or poor quality work.
  59   fatigue occurs, where the decision maker tires of making decisions. Often the result is fast, careless decisions or no decisions are made at all.
The quantity of information that can be processed by the human mind is limited. Unless information is  60 selected, processing will be biased toward the first part of the information received. After that, the mind tires and begins to  61 subsequent information or forget earlier information.
A common   62 about decision making is that decisions are made in isolation from each other: you gather information, explore alternatives, and  63 , without regard to anything that has gone before. The fact is, decisions are made in a context of other decisions.
We might say, then every decision  64  from previous decisions: enables many future decisions, and assists other future decisions.

A.LaborB.Knowledge C.InformationD.Intelligence
A.relatively B.objectivelyC.appropriatelyD.personally
A.After allB.In additionC.In shortD.That is to say
A.suffers from B.deals withC.results in D.applies to
A.draw a conclusion B.made a choiceC.put it asideD.try it out

How can you create a great science fair project?.You can start by asking yourself some
What is interesting to me?
You can connect ainroot any topic to science, Your topic could be plants, worms,dogs,the sky or something else.If you can not think of a topic,search books or the Internet for ideas .Seek help from your teacher or a librarian.Your parents may have some good thoughts too.
What question do I have about this topic?
A great science project always includes an experiment.Make sure that your question can be
answered through an experiment.Here are some examples of questions:Does the amount of light have an effect on how fast plants grow?How much salt is in different kinds of cookies sold at the store? Why does the sky change color at different times of the day?
How much time do I have before the scienc fair?
A great science project always includes an experiment. Make sure that your question can be answered throuth an experiment, Here some examples of questions,Does the amount of light have an effect on how fast plants grow? How much salt is in different kinds of cookies sold at the store? Why does the sky change color at different times of the day?
How much time do I have before the science fair?
A science fair to be held in two weeks will not give you time for some experiments ,such as growing plants, carefully plan your project so that you allow enough time to perform your experiment accrately.
What do I think is the answer to my question?
Why do I think this? The answer you choose is your hypothesis,You will prove it right or wrong by perfoming an experiment,. If you were to think about the sky question, your hypothesis might be that the color of the sky is related to the position of the sun,
How can I prove my hypothesis?
This is where the experiment comes in.You have to test your hypothesis.If you wanted to find out how light affects plant growth,you could plant seeds in a number of containers.Then you could expose the plants to different amotmts of light and compare the growth rates.
How can I present my results?
You might display your question and hypothesis on poster boards.You might then add pictures and graphs.A great science project also states a conclusion.A conclusion of the plant experiment might be The plants that got the most light grew the fastest
When you have finished your project,you may have more questions.A great science project makes you want to learn even more.
64.A great science project always includes           
A.plants in pots                B.results
C.an experiment               D.poster boards
65.A hypothesis is a(n)       
A.question           B.idea          C.performance         D.proof
66.We can learn from the passage that           .
A.all science projects take about the same amount of time
B.a science project involves several steps
C.a science project should start with a conclusion
D.a science project raises many questions
67.To find out whether cold water freezes faster than hot water,you would first      
A.make a chart to explain your steps
B.state your conclusion to convince other people   ,
C.think of an experiment to give an answer
D.display your hypothesis to prove

I agree with the saying that some people “see old memories as a chance to deal with the past and unite past and present.” Many people are so ___1___ by things that happened in their past that they are not able to focus on the ___2___ . For example, in the book Ceremony, the main character, Tayo, cannot concentrate on the present because he can’t forget his troubled childhood and ___3___ continues to relive things that happened during that time.

However, past memories can help people to ___4___ in the present. A ___5___ example of people learning from the past would be the Marshall Plan. After the ___6___ of World War II there were many war-torn countries around the world in need of ___7___ assistance to help rebuild their countries, and the United States would have to be the one to ___8___ that assistance. Many American politicians thought it was ___9___ for the US government to spend money abroad on countries that would not be able to repay it for a long time. However, George Marshall, a former US general, remembered how the exact same ___10___ of "why should we spend money on war-torn nations that really owe us reparations (赔款)?" had been used after World War I towards Germany. The ___11___ of assistance towards Germany after World War I had caused a gigantic economic depression in Germany that had made the Mark (German money) virtually ___12___ . The German people became so desperate that they started ___13___ an extreme German nationalist named Adolf Hitler, who eventually started World War II. Marshall knew that if the US did not ___14___ war-torn Germany and, especially, Japan, we could ___15___ have a World War III on our hands.

1.A. shocked        B. troubled         C. punished         D. annoyed

2.A. memory         B. situation        C. present      D. future

3.A. constantly     B. innocently       C. ridiculously     D. rarely

4.A. forget         B. recover      C. enjoy            D. compare

5.A. personal   B. scientific       C. historical       D. commercial

6.A. conclusion     B. decision         C. invasion         D. extension

7.A. medical        B. political        C. economic         D. lawful

8.A. need       B. provide      C. find             D. prevent

9.A. reasonable     B. necessary        C. difficult        D. foolish

10.A. statement     B. argument         C. suggestion       D. introduction

11.A. intension     B. request      C. influence        D. lack

12.A. hopeless B. worthless        C. worldwide        D. valuable

13.A. refusing B. employing        C. supporting       D. charging

14.A. stop      B. warn             C. resist           D. help

15.A. similarly     B. simply           C. regularly        D. unlikely


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