
- A lovely day, isn’t it?

-- Yes. I love        when the weather is like this. Why not have our lunch outside?

A.this              B.it                C.one              D.That








即学即练:A scientist who can speak English is in closer touch with those of other countries than ______ who doesn’t.

A. that         B. those            C. /                D. one




Kathy started at my nursery school at the age of three. She settled into the group easily, and would be first on the slide and highest up the climbing frame. She could put on her coat without help and not only fasten her own buttons but other children’s too.

She was a lovely child but unfortunately a scratcher. If anyone upset her or stood in her way, her right hand would flash out fast and scratch down the face of her playmates. Children twice her age would fly in fear from her.

This must have been very rewarding for Kathy but obviously it had to be stopped. All the usual ways failed and then I remembered an account by G  Atkinson Highfield School, of how fights in the playground had been stopped. No punishment had been given, but the attacker had been ignored and the victims rewarded. So I decided to try out on Kathy.

With a pocketful of Smarties I followed Kathy around. She was so quick that it was impossible to prevent her scratching, but I was dertermined to stay within arm’s length all afternoon.

All was peaceful but then I saw Kathy’s hand moved and heard the scream. Gently I gathered up the little hurt one in my arms and said “Nice, nice sweetie” and then looked puzzled when she got nothing.

Soon came another scream, this time from John. While holding him in my arms, I said, “Look, Kathy, a nice Smartie for John” and put it into John’s mouth.

A smile of understanding flashed across Kathy’s face. Minutes later, she came to me and said loudly, “Give me a Smartie! I have hurt my finger!”

“No,” I replied, “you’ll get it if someone hurts you.”

On purpose, she turned and scratched a nearby boy, Tom, and waited quietly while I mothered and rewarded him, then she walked away.

She has never scratched a child since.

Parents who find older children bullying younger brothers and sisters might do well to replace shouting and punishment by rewarding and giving more attention to the injured ones. It’s certainly much easier and more effective.

From the passage, we know that Kathy is _______.

A. sensitive but slow

B. smart but a bit rude

C. independent but selfish

D. quick but sort of passive.

Kathy scratched Tom because _______.

A. she was angry at Tom, who was in her way

B. she wanted to get a Smartie from the teacher

C. she was in the habit of scratching other children

D. she wanted to know if the teacher meant what she had said

According to the passage, the underlined word “bullying” is closest in meaning to“_______”.

A. helping

B. punishing

C. hurting

D. protecting

The writer of this passage aims to recommend an approach to _______.

A. rewarding children’s good behavior 

B correcting children’s bad behavior

C. punishing badly-behaved children

D. praising well-behaved children

A young man was getting ready to graduate from college. For many months he had loved a beautiful sports car in a dealer’s showroom, and knowing his father could well   16   it, he told him that was all he wanted.
As   17   drew near, the young man expected   18   that his father had bought the car. Finally, on the morning of the special day, his father called him into his study. His father told him how   19   he was to have such a fine son, and how much he loved him. He handed his son a beautiful wrapped (包装好的) gift box. Curious, but a little bit   20  , the young man opened the box and found a lovely Bible (圣经).
Angrily, he raised his   21   to his father and said, “Is a Bible   22   you can give me with all your money?” He then stormed out of the house, leaving the Bible.
Many years   23   and the young man was very successful in business, but   24   his father was very old, he thought perhaps he   25   go to see him. He had not seen him since that graduation day.   26   he could make the arrangements (安排), he received a telegram which   27   him of his father’s death, and all the possessions (财产) willed (立遗嘱) to him.
  28   arriving at his father’s house, sudden sadness and regret filled his heart. He began to   29   through his father’s important papers and saw the still new Bible, just as he had   30   it years ago. With tears, he opened the Bible and began to   31  . As he was reading, a car   32   dropped from the back of the Bible.
How many times do we   33   blessings (祝福) because they are not wrapped as we expected? Do not spoil (搞糟) what you have by desiring (渴求) what you have not; but remember what you now have was once   34   the things you hoped for. What may appear as bad fortune (运气) may   35   be the door that is just waiting to be opened.

A.his birthdayB.graduation dayC.sports meetD.examination day
A.allB.thatC.all whatD.that all
A.turn overB.turn onC.turn upD.turn down

Last week, I took a sales class for female business owners. The     36   thing the instructor did was ask if anyone had been the victim of a     37   sales experience. Every person in the room    38   her hand.

When she knew details, we learned that the     39   situations had one thing in common. It     40   that whenever a class member had a bad sales experience, it involved the     41   promising something he wouldn’t or couldn’t deliver.

The example I     42  with the class was a current one. I bought a summer membership at our community pool     43   because it advertised a lovely baby pool to which I could escape with my active one and four year-olds. However, every time I’ve used the pool this summer, the baby area has been     44   . Too much chlorine(氯气),    45   one manager.

I’m sure the pool director was very apologetic that his     46   had been inconvenienced, and that’s nice, but the     47   is that I did not get what I paid for. When the baby pool was closed, I had to swim with my     48   in the adult pool, which did not     49   me the control I wanted and as such, was quite stressful. I would have rather stayed home.

The pool has     50  a customer. I will not be buying a pass next summer.

In work and in life, it is really important not to     51   something you can’t deliver, because at best, it will improve your   52    . At worse, you could lose your job.    53   , before you assure a co-worker or customer that you can get something done, make sure that your boss or someone higher-up isn’t going to step in and force you to     54   your plan. You are not God, so don’t lead people to believe that you     55  the universe.

1.                A.last            B.first            C.latest D.only


2.                A.good           B.miserable       C.bad  D.wonderful


3.                A.raised          B.rose           C.arose D.aroused


4.                A.negative        B.supportive      C.positive   D.pessimistic


5.                A.appeared       B.noticed         C.seemed  D.presented


6.                A.seller          B.buyer          C.shopper  D.assistant


7.                A.told           B.shared         C.held D.spoke


8.                A.roughly         B.correctly        C.naturally  D.precisely


9.                A.closed         B.turned         C.switched  D.forbidden


10.               A.announced      B.claimed        C.declared  D.exclaimed


11.               A.colleagues      B.fellows         C.customers D.children


12.               A.point          B.subject         C.sense D.truth


13.               A.friends         B.students        C.kids  D.cousins


14.               A.supply         B.afford          C.provide   D.undertake


15.               A.gained         B.acquired        C.hurt  D.lost


16.               A.promise        B.serve          C.accommodate  D.explain


17.               A.mood          B.relationships     C.feelings   D.learning


18.               A.However       B.Instead         C.Therefore D.Besides


19.               A.abandon        B.continue        C.change    D.conduct


20.               A.command       B.demand        C.contain    D.control



第二部分:阅读理解(共20小题; 每小题2分,满分40分)

Around six weeks ago, Kaileen came running into the house, just getting off the bus from school. She was all excited about a story about homeless pets because of Hurricane (飓风) Katrina and all that was going on to help them. She said that this information came from her animal newspaper (your KIND News). Kaileen has a great love and compassion (同情心) for animals, so her excitement did not surprise me. Her next ideas, however, did. She said that we should go around right then to our neighbors and collect all their change to send to the animal shelters (保护所).

I thought this was a school project, but in fact, it was not. This was what Kaileen wanted to do on her own! Well, it warmed me all over. To see your child so willing to help others just lets you feel that maybe you had done something right in raising (养育) her.

Anyway, I told her to make a card and send it out to our neighbors first. With the help of her older brother, Kaileen soon made a lovely card that asked our neighbors to help these pets by giving their spare change. She gave them a few days and a date she would come by to pick up any donations (捐赠). 

Well, I had to go out and buy a donation box. Kaileen collected $279.50!!! I just thought you would like to know how KIND News had touched a little one’s heart and given her the idea to show her compassion for animals. Thank you — we really enjoy your paper.

36. The passage is probably taken from ______. 

A. a report about a warm-hearted girl

B. an advertisement for an animal shelter 

C. a thank-you letter to a newspaper

D. a donation program for homeless pets 

37. What was the author’s feeling about Kaileen’s idea? 

A. Pleased and excited. 

B. Surprised and moved.

C. Tired and sad.                         

D. Worried and angry.

38. From the passage we learn that KIND News ______.

A. collects donations for homeless people 

B. sets up many shelters for homeless animals 

C. tells children how to keep pets healthy 

D. encourages children to help homeless pets 

39. We can infer that the passage is written by Kaileen’s ______.

A. parent          B. teacher         C. brother      D. neighbor



A:Hello! This is Li Mei Calling from Jilin.May I speak to Carla?

C:Just a moment,please. ___1___


A:Hi,Carla! This is Li Mei calling from Jilin.How are you?

Bt Oh,hi,Li Mei! How nice to hear your voice! I’m fine,thank you.

A:Thank you so much for giving me such a lovely time in Trindad.

B: ___2___  I hope you can come again some day!

A:I’d love to ! I wonder,though,if you are interested in visiting me during the Spring Festival this year. __3___.

B:Oh.I’d love to, but I don’t know if I will be free then. What time of year is it?

A: ___4___ but this year it’s at the beginning of February.

B:I’d love to come.  I’ll try to find out if I can take off work then.It’s very kind of you to invite me!

A:Oh,don’t mention it! I hope you can come! Say hello to Hari for me! I hope he can come to

China with you.

B:That would be fun! Thanks a lot for calling !__ 5___

A:OK, great! Have a good day!

B:Thanks,you too,bye!


A .Oh.sorry.he isn’t here at the moment

    B. I’ll get her for you

    C. It was a pleasure having you here.

D. It is always the same each other.

E. I’d love to show you one of our Chinese festivals.

F. I’ll let Hari know you called.

G. It’s different every year.


请将补全对话答案涂在机读卡上   E=AB        F=AC      G=AD


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