
Not only the USA and Russia but also China ________ manned satellites to circle the earth.

A.has sent up B. has been sent up

C. have sent up D. had been sent up



试题分析:考查主谓一致与动词语态辨析。句意:不仅有美国和俄国,中国也发送载人卫星环绕地球一周。not only……but also连接两个并列主语时,采用就近一致原则,故谓语动词的数与but also后的主语保持一致,又因发送China 与send up是主动关系,主动语态,故选A。



Do you constantly use the computer, whether for learning or entertainment? Computers give off radiation(辐射) that is bad for your health, but here are some ways to protect yourself from computer radiation.

__1.__Green tea can be absorbed(吸收) by the body easily into a form of vitamin A, which helps reduce radiation.__2.__

It is advisable to attach a radiation filter plate(辐射过滤板)in front of your computer’s screen.Make sure to avoid putting any mental substances near your computer as these may have reflected some of the electromagnetic waves that are harmful to your health.__3.The brighter the screen the higher the radiation there will be and vice versa.

You can also put some radiation-absorbing plants such as several cacti near your computer to prevent radiation.

Make sure you do a skincare protection before sitting in front of the computer .___4. Wash your face soon after using the computer in order to reduce 70% of the radiation.

__ 5.___ Old computer in general, has one to two times more radiation released than the new one within the same distance.

A.And adjust(调整) the brightness of your computer screen.

B.Apply(使用) a layer of facial mask(面膜) to protect yourself.

C.And adjust the sound level on your computer.

D.The most efficient way is by drinking some coffee regularly.

E.The simple way is by drinking 2 or 3 cups of green tea every day.

F.If possible, purchase a new computer instead of using an old model computer.

G.It also helps keep our eyes see things clearly in the dark by improving the visual ability.

A British farmer has been searching for a group of fighter planes for 15 years. The planes were lost in Burma during World War II. David Cundall, 62, traveled to Burma a dozen times. He spent about US $207,000 in the hope of finding a British Spitfire(喷火式战斗机)buried in the Southeast Asian country. Finally, his hard work paid off.

Cundall started his search after his friend heard from a group of U.S. war veterans(老兵)that they had buried Spitfires in the region. “We’ve done some pretty silly things in our time, but the silliest was burying Spitfires,” the veterans said.

Cundall began placing ads in magazines to try to find soldiers who might have been involved. After 15 years of searching, he finally managed to locate the missing airplanes. The planes had never been flown and were buried in their transport crates(条板箱). “We made a borehole(钻孔)and used a camera to look at the crates. They seemed to be in good condition.” Cundall told The Telegraph. The aircraft had arrived at a Royal Air Force base in Burma in August 1945. But, by that point in the war, the planes weren’t needed. “In 1945, Spitfires were ten a penny, and you could see them everywhere.” Said Cundall.

British Prime Minister, David Camerion, recently visited the country. As The Telegraph reports, Camerion’s help may mean that the Spitfires could soon be on their way back to the United Kingdom. Cundall hopes that with the help of investors, the planes can finally take to the skies.

“Spitfires are beautiful aeroplanes and should not be rotting away(腐烂)in a foreign land,” Cundall says. “They saved our neck in the Battle of Britain and they should be protected.”

1.Which of the following is the best title for the text?

A. A British Farmer’s Dream

B. Burma’s Buried Treasure

C. A Search for Buried Planes

D. The Design of the British Spitfire

2.What did the war veterans feel when they talked about the buried planes?

A. Disappointed B. Excited.

C. Regretful D. Hopeful

3.What does the underlined phrase, “ten a penny ”, in the third paragraph mean?

A. expensive. B. cheap. C. rare D. common

4.What can we learn about the British Spitfires?

A. The planes buried under the ground were seriously damaged.

B. The planes were not needed at that time during World War II.

C. It will be very difficult to take the planes back to the United Kingdom.

D. The planes were buried in Burma after they crashed there.

5.What can we infer from the last two paragraphs?

A. Cundall has asked Prime Minister David Cameron for help to bring Spitfires back.

B. The government of Burma will not allow Britain to bring the Spitfires back

C. The Spitfires buried in Burma are beginning to rot away.

D. Cundall likes Spitfires very much and he thinks they should be preserved.

Leadership is the most significant word in todays competitive business environment because it directs the manager of a business to focus inward on their personal abilities and style.Experts on leadership will quickly point out that“how things get done”influences the success of the outcomes and indicates a right way and a wrong way to do things.When a noted leader on the art of management,Peter Drucker,coined the phrase“Management is doing things right;leadership is doing the right things,”he was seeking to clarify the distinctions he associates with the terms.

When Stephen Covey,founder and director of the Leadership Institute,explored leadership styles in the past decade,he focused on the habits of a great number of higllly effective individuals.His Seven Habits of Highly Effective People became a popular bestseller very quickly. His ideas forced a reexamination of the early leadership example,which centered on the feature that was found in the character ethic(道德)and the personality ethic.The former ethic suggested success was founded on modesty,loyalty,courage,patience,and so on. The personality ethic suggested it was one’s attitude,not behavior,that inspired success, and this ethic was founded on a belief of positive mental attitude.In contrast to each of these ideas,Covey advocates that leaders need to understand universal principles of effectiveness,and he highlights how vital it is for leaders to first personally manage themselves if they are to enjoy any hope of outstanding success in their work environments;To achieve a desired vision for your business,it is essential that you have a personal vision of where you are headed and what you value.Business leadership means that managers need to“put first things first,” which implies that before leading others,you need to be clear on your own values,abilities,and strengths and be seen as trustworthy.

1.What does Peter Drucker’s phrase infer?

A.Leaders should be good at making right decisions.

B.Leaders should be good at doing things right.

C.Leaders should be good at ignoring distinctions.

D.Leaders should be skilled in predicting future.

2.Under what condition are people likely to succeed,in terms of what the personality ethic suggests?

A.When people have little determination,they will be successful.

B.When people have good behaviour,they will gain success.

C.If people have positive mental attitude, they are likely to succeed.

D.If people have negative mental attitude,they are certain to succeed.

3.How Can leaders enjoy outstanding success in their work environments,according to Stephen Covey?

A.Firstly they have to think highly of themselves.

B.They are supposed to benefit themselves.

C.They can not adjust themselves.

D.First they must manage themselves.

4.What is the meaning ofthe underlined word “vision”?

A.Bright future. B.Good beginning.

C.Good scenery. D.Pretty background.

5.To be good leaders.what must managers Pay close attention to?

A.Universal principles of effectiveness.

B.Values,abilities and strengths.

C.Good qualities such as modesty.

D.Courage as well as patience.

Two Chinese living in South Africa were killed in a robbery (抢劫) on February 5, bringing the total number of Chinese killed in the country to four in less than a month.

Chen Jianqing, 35, from Southeast China's Fujian Province, who ran a shop with her husband in a small town 45 kilometers away from South African capital Johannesburg, was shot dead.

"One of her business partners died later in the hospital," the Chinese consulate (领事馆) officials in Johannesburg said yesterday. "Local police are trying to find more information about the case. And we have told the victims' (遇难者的) relatives and are helping them come to Johannesburg," Consul Wu Gang told China Daily. Chen's husband was injured during the robbery but did not suffer seriously, said Wu.

The robbery happened at about 5:45 pm local time and the armed robbers ran away after taking more than 50,000 South African rand (US $8,200) and some jewelry, Xinhua News Agency reported.

The killing happened just three days after Chen Jingmin, a 23-year-old man from Qingdao, Shandong Province, was shot dead north outside Johannesburg by armed robbers. On January 10, a Hong Kong businessman was attacked and robbed at his home in Johannesburg and died the next day in the hospital. All these happened just in less than a month.

According to records, there were more than 40 robberies attacking Chinese in South Africa last year, in which eight were killed. More than 100,000 Chinese are doing various kinds of businesses in South Africa, according to a Chinese official in the country. An increasing number of them are becoming targets (目标) of robbers after buying big houses or luxury cars, the official said.

1.The passage is probably ______.

A. a business story B. a scientific article

C. a newspaper report D. an official document

2.Who were killed on February 5 in a small town near Johannesburg?

A. Chen Jianqing and her husband.

B. Chen Jianqing and one of her partners.

C. Chen Jingmin and a Hong Kong businessman.

D. Chen Jingmin and one of his relatives.

3.How many Chinese were killed in South Africa since January?

A. 2 B. 4. C. 5. D. 8.

4._______are more likely to be robbed in South Africa.

A. Those Chinese who depend too much on local police.

B. Those Chinese who live near the capital of South Africa.

C. Those Chinese who open shops selling Chinese goods.

D. Those Chinese who leave others the impression of being rich.

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