
Tasha Tudor(August 28,1919 — June 18,2008) was an American illustrator(插画家)and writer of children’s books. She received many awards and honors for her contributions to children’s literature. When people talk about her creativity in artwork,she said,“I do it to support my dogs and my four children.”Her great publishing record, the number of magazine stories that have been written about her over the years, and her admirers have no effects on her at all.

Much of Tasha’s artwork and her reading are done in the wintertime.“I love winter. It’s delightful,”she says.“I don’t have to go anywhere because I work at home. If I’m snowed in,I can stay this way for months.”She hopes for early, deep snow to protect her garden from the hardship of the New England winter,and when it comes she puts on snowshoes when she needs to get down the mile-long dirt path that leads to the road.

Given her enjoyment of winter and her fantasy(梦幻)way of life,it’s not surprising that Tasha’s Christmas is a storybook holiday. She hangs flowers over the front door. Her tree comes from the woods,

and it goes up on Christmas Eve,lit by homemade candles and decorated with her great- grandmother’s collection that dates from 1850. In a place of honor on the tree are large cookies cut into the shapes of her animals.

The grandchildren and friends get presents from Tasha’s old dolls;so do the animals and they

have their own Christmas tree. “Of course,it’s a known fact that all the animals talk on Christmas

Eve,”she has written. Small, handmade gifts fill a big wooden box

At the end 0f each year, Tasha can look back and know that her life is perfect,that she has

again ignored the twentieth century,and that the magic continues. And for the rest of us,here’s

a bit of advice, Tasha style:“Nowadays, people are so restless.If they took some tea anti spent more time rocking on the porch(门廊)in the evening listening to light music,they might enjoy life more.”

1.Tasha loved winter because it allowed her to ____________.

A.read stories to her grandchildren

B.show her DIY snowshoes to kids

C.stay indoors working mid reading

D.enjoy bicycle tiding along the path

2.From the passage, we can learn that Tasha’s life is ____________.

A.modern and fashionableB.simple and fantastic

C.lonely and hardD.adventurous and inspiring

3.Which of the following is TRUE about Tasha?

A.She cared little about fame.

B.She created an animal fund.

C.She wrote many stories for magazines.

D.She bought presents for her relatives.

4.In which section of a paper can you probably read the article?








试题分析:本文主要讲述的是著名的儿童作家 Tasha Tudor 的人生理念以及她对于生活及工作的看法。属于人物传记类短文。







Adult Basic Education (ABE) and GED Preparation


The Adult Basic Education Department serves a huge population of learners. Our task is to teach basic skills and help learners to get more knowledge to function effectively as a family member, citizen, worker, and lifelong learner in a changing world.


ABE is a non-credit program of self-improvement designed to improve basic skills for students who are of different educational level. Development of reading, writing, and math skills are paid special attention to, as well as life skills, employability, and technology. Students without a high school diploma(文凭)also have the opportunity to prepare for the GED exams in the five subject areas writing, social studies, science, literature, and math.

Prerequisites (条件):

ABE classes are open to anyone 18 or over who desires to improve basic reading, writing, and math skills at the pre-college level. Students who are 16 or 17 must first obtain an official release( 证书) from high school before attending class.

To be accepted, students must attend an Educational Planning Session. During the Educational Planning Session students will be given an overview of the ABE programs as well as PCC policies, fees, etc. Students will also have their reading, writing, and math abilities assessed (评估) during the Educational Planning Session The results of their assessment will help the teachers develop individual programs of study for students to guide them toward their personal goals. Students needing special help must get in touch with the Office for Students with Disabilities (503-977-4341) at least two weeks before the session is held.


1.The ABE Department serves an aim to___________.

A. provide learners with basic knowledge and skills to fit in with society

B. help learners successfully get a job in a changing world

C. offer diplomas to those who fail to finish secondary education

D. provide students with opportunities to prepare for the GED exams

2.A 17-year-old is not accepted to ABE classes only because he_____________.

A. is below 18

B. can't offer a high school diploma

C. has left school without official permission

D. is assessed as poor in learning performances

3.What is the Educational Planning Session intended for?

A. Providing special help to disabled students.

B. Helping students be better at the four basic skills.

C. Finding out whether they can be accepted to ABE classes.

D. An assessment of students' basic skill levels.

4.Different courses are offered to different students according to ___________.

A. their own choices

B. the assessments during the Educational Planning Session

C. their performances in school

D. how much they pay for the courses


Almost anywhere in the world, you can probably see graffiti (涂鸦画). Although it’s usually more common in big cities, it can be found in almost any community, big or small.

The problem with graffiti art is the question of whether it’s really art. This isn’t always an easy question to answer, simply because there are so many different types of graffiti. While some simply consists of collections of letters, known as tags, with little artistic value, such examples are easy to find, especially on larger spaces such as walls.

If it weren’t for the fact that most graffiti is placed on private property without permission, it might be more commonly recognized as a legal form of art. Most graffiti, however, annoys the property owner, who is more likely to paint over it or remove it than accept it as art.

Many ways of removing graffiti have been developed, such as paints that dissolve graffiti paint, or make it easy to remove. Community groups and government departments often organize graffiti-removal teams.

It hardly makes sense to encourage artists to deface (丑化) private or public property; but perhaps there are ways to work with them rather than just oppose them. Graffiti artists can, for example, create murals (壁画) for property owners, and get paid for them.

Maybe we need to start at a very basic level, and find a way to encourage the creation of graffiti art on paper or canvas rather than on walls. After all, who would remember Monet or Picasso if they’d created their masterpieces on walls, only to have them painted over the next day? Finding a solution to such a complex problem is never going to be easy, but with more and more graffiti art being recognized in galleries around the world, we do need to try.

1.What would be the best title for this passage?

A. How to Be a Good Graffiti Artist.

B. Stop Removing Graffiti!

C. Do You Like Graffiti?

D. Is Graffiti Art?

2.The reason why people remove graffiti is that it ______.

A. makes buildings ugly B. has no artistic value at all

C. robs private property D. takes up too much space

3.In Paragraph 4, the underlined word "dissolve" is closest in meaning to ______.

A. change B. flow C. remove D. freeze

4.The example of Monet and Picasso are mentioned in the passage to indicate that ______.

A. they are world-famous artists

B. they are good at graffiti

C. walls are right places to keep their masterpieces

D. their works, if painted on the wall, might not be kept long

5.The writer’s attitude toward graffiti is that graffiti ______.

A. should be removed by more countries

B. should be saved on larger spaces

C. should be created only on paper or canvas

D. may be accepted as art


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