Plastic is everywhere because plastic is an extremely useful material.It is cheap, strong and lightweight.What’s more, it can take on nearly any form or shape, from soft and stretchy (有弹性的) to hard and glasslike.

Plastic, however, is far from perfect.It may even be bad for us.Studies now suggest that poisonous chemicals can get out of some types of plastic, get into our bodies, and cause a variety of health problems, including cancer, birth defects and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (注意缺陷障碍).

Two types of chemicals in particular have raised special concern lately.They are called phthalates (邻苯二甲酸盐) and Bisphenol-A (二酚基丙烷), BPA for short. Not all plastic products contain them.But the ones that do are surrounded by controversy (争议).That’s because experts disagree on how dangerous these chemicals are.

Plastic is a single word, but plastic isn’t just one thing.What all plastics share in common are plasticizers -- special chemicals that allow the material to be changed into nearly any shape or texture.Plasticizers (塑化剂) are added to plastic during the manufacturing process.

Phthalates and BPA are two types of plasticizers that work in different ways.Phthalates add softness to things like shampoo bottles, raincoats and rubber.They are also used in perfumes and makeup.BPA, on the other hand, gives a hard, clear, almost glasslike feel to products such as infant bottles.BPA also appears in food and soda cans, DVDs and other unexpected places.

How do these chemicals get into us? When plastic is heated in the microwave or dishwasher, chewed on or scratched, the chemicals can seep (渗透) out of the plastic.Even though we can’t see them, we eat them, drink them and breathe them in.

Scientists and parents are especially worried about young children, who tend to chew on everything, including plastic.Dozens of countries, including the European Union, Japan, Canada and Mexico have already banned phthalates from products made for children younger than three.California and Washington have done the same.And a number of other states are considering similar rules.As for BPA, Canada became the first country to ban the chemical from baby bottles.A dozen states are considering it.

1.What can we know about the plastic from the first paragraph?

A.Its characters and effects. B.Its wide use and bad points.

C.Its importance and chemicals. D.Its popularity and advantages.

2.Which of the following products contains BPA?

A.A soft plastic cup. B.A pencil eraser.

C.A baby milk bottle. D.A new perfume.

3.Phthalates and BPA can get into us __________.

A.through mouth or nose

B.through blood transfusion feeling plastic products heating in the microwave

4.What is the passage mainly about?

A.A new ban on plastic products.

B.Problems caused by the plastic.

C.Good points of the plastic.

D.The use of plasticizers.

The summer holidays are upon us again. Here is our guide to summer holiday fun in Peterborough!

Peterborough Museum

The Age of the Dinosaurs’ is the museum’s main attraction this summer. Get up close to prehistoric creatures via some great hands---on exhibits! Watch out for monsters lurking (潜伏)around every ember! The museum is open from 10:00 am to 5:00 pm Monday to Saturday, and from 12:00 pm to 4:00 pm on Sundays in August.

Call 01733 864663 for details.

Saxon Youth Club

School holiday fun: Young people aged 13-19 will be able to produce their own music, compete in spots activities, or try their hand at cooking at Saxon Youth Club, Saxon Community Center, Norman Road, Peterborough every Monday and Wednesday from 3:00 pm. PLUS an aero ball tournament will take place on Thursday, 12th August between 3:30 pm and 6:30 pm.

Houghton Mill

Alice through the Looking Class---a new production of the family favorite on Monday, 30th August. Bring rugs or chairs to sit on and a picnic if you wish to eat during the play. Gates open 5:30 performance 6:30 pm---8:30 pm. Tea room will be open until end of the interval. Adult 10. Child 7. Family 20.

Farmland Museum and Denny Abbey

Farmland Games: From Wellie Wanging to Pretend Ploughing matches, come and join the Farmland Team. Collect your sporting stickers and create a colorful rosette (玫瑰形饰物)that is fit for a winner! No need to book, just turn up between 12:00 pm and 4:00 pm on Thursday, 19th August. Suitbale for children aged four and above, each child should be accompanied by an adult and all activities are included in the normal admission price. Tickets Cost 7 per child.

For further information, call 01223 810080.

1.If you are interested in cooking, you can go to ________.

A. Peterborough Museum B. Houghton Mill

C. Saxon Youth Club D. Farmland Museum

2.You want to watch the new play with your parents, so it will cost you ________.

A. 21. B. 17. C. 27. D. 20.

3.Which of the following activities needs parents’ company?

A. Playing farmland games.

B. Watching a new play.

C. Competing in spots activities.

D. Visiting the dinosaur exhibition.

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