
完形填空(共20小题 每小题1.5分 满分30分)
Recently, I stopped by a convenience store to get a newspaper and a bottle of drink. The young woman at the check-out counter said, "That'll be five dollars   1  please,"  She  then   2  down at the paper I was   3  and said, "I'm sick and   4  all this negative (消极的) stuff on the front   5 . I want to read some   6  news for a change." She then said, "In fact, I think someone should just   7  a Good News newspaper — a paper with wonderful, inspirational   8  about people overcoming difficulty and doing good things for   9 . I'd buy one every day!" She then   10  me for coming in and said, " Maybe we'll get some good news," and she laughed. She made my day.The following day after my business appointments, I   11  the same store  again  to   12  bottled water and a piece of newspaper, but a   13  young lady was behind the counter. As I checked out I said, "Good afternoon" and handed her my   14  . She said nothing — not a word, not a smile or not a gesture. She just handed me my change and   15 a negative tone ordered…"Next!"
It hit me right between the eyes: Two people, the same age;   16  made me feel great, and the other, well, made me feel that I had inconvenienced her by   17 .
Every morning, you should ask   18  this important question: "Who do I want
to be today? 'The Grouch (不高兴的人)' or 'The Good News Girl'"? Your answer will do great good to   19  the joy and happiness that you will experience in your   20  .
A.at all B.in allC.for allD.all for
A.tired ofB.interested inC.concerned aboutD.fond of
A.rewardsB.the othersC.othersD.nothing
A.dropped ouB.dropped offC.dropped onD.dropped by
A.pick upB.take upC.bring upD.carry up
A.moving upB.going awayC.showing upD.showing off
A.homeB.work C.studyD.life


小题1:A.at all根本,究竟,用于否定句   B. in all总共,合计 C. for all尽管,虽然D. all for完全赞成,急于得到 根据句意:收银员说“这些总共是5美元”故选B
小题2:A. stare…at 凝视 B.glared…at (厌恶地、气愤地)瞪眼望着 C. glanced…at对...看一眼,匆匆一瞥瞥  D. noticed注意到 根据上下文应该是她瞥了一眼我的报纸。故选C
小题3:A. carrying运送   B. taking拿 C. reading阅读  D. buying买。根据文章,作者在便利里,应该是买的。故选D
小题4:A.tired of厌烦  B.interested in对…有兴趣C.concerned about关心
D.fond of喜欢,爱好。根据文章售货员说她生病了,可知应该是厌烦所有负面的东西。故选A
小题5:A. columns专栏B. editions版本   C. pages.页数D. parts零部件 on the front page在头版。文章说收银员厌烦头版的负面消息。故选C
小题6:A. bad坏的 B. good好的C. latest最新的D. interesting有趣的.前文说厌烦负面的信息,可知,这里应该是想要读一些好的新闻改变一下。故选B
小题7:A. collect收集B. print印刷   C. sell出售D. publish出版。根据句意:事实上,有些人就应该只出版一些好的新闻报纸。故选D
小题8:A. stories故事 新闻报道 B. ideas思想C.concepts思想  D.experiences经验。根据句意:报纸应该写一些美好的,鼓舞人心的报道。故选A
小题9:A. rewards奖励B. the others其余的 C. others其他人   D. nothing什么也没有。根据前文,新闻的内容是人们克服了苦难和为他人做好事。故选C
小题10:A. praised表扬 B. thanked感谢C. appreciated欣赏D. criticized批评,根据后文,她感谢我的光临,thank sb for doing sth,故选B.
小题11:A. dropped out退出 B. dropped off减少C. dropped on突然访问  D. dropped by顺便拜访;根据句意,我在忙完工作后顺便拜访了同样的一个店子,故选D.
小题12:A. pick up拾起,获得B. take up从事C. bring up提出,抚养D. carry up拿起;根据句意,作者我拿了一瓶水和一张报纸,故选A.
小题14:从后文She just handed me my change可知,我买完东西结账,所以应该是我递上了我的钱,故选B.
小题15:in a negative tone以一种很消极的语气,固定搭配,故选D.
小题16:从后文and the other, well, made me feel that I had inconvenienced her可知,一个…另一个one…the other,指人,故选A.
小题17:A. moving up 上涨B. going away离开C. showing up出现D. showing off炫耀,根据句意,一个对我热情,另一个好像因为我的出现而打扰到她。故选C.
小题18:从后文Who do I want to be today?可知,应该是每天早上要问你自己,故选C.
小题19:A. creating创造B. determining决定C. enjoying喜欢D. guaranteeing保证;根据句意,你的答案对于决定你生活的快乐和幸福起了很大的作用,故选B.
小题20:A. home家B. work工作C. study学习D. life生活;根据句意,你的决定,对于你在人生中所经历的快乐幸福起到了很重要的作用,故选D.
Friendship can deeply affect the physical and mental health of both men and women. Studies show that people who have no friends or who are lonely, are more likely to die earlier, get sick more often and suffer greater physical wear and tear(折磨)than those who have a support system of friends.
Sometimes, family members may be more likely to give you advice or tell you what you don't want to hear. It may not be as good as a friend who will listen to you and guide you, but support your decisions anyway. The most important elements about friendship are those who suffer support and do not judge your decisions based on society.
One reason for the link between social support and good health practice seems to be that people who feel cared for by others are less stress-out and protected against the symptoms(症状)of depression and loneliness.
Generally, women benefit most because of how they deal with stress. Women are more social in how they deal with stress than men while men are more likely to have a "fight or flight” reaction. Women also tend to have larger, denser social network, in which more people know each other and help each other, while men typically have smaller groups of friends and will rely on their wives or other important people for more support. While all these affect people psychologically (心理上), friendship brings comfort that reduces the ill effects of stress, and the sex difference also contributes to the differ­ence in the length of one's life time.
小题1:In the author's opinion, a real friend should          .
A.tell you what to do even if you refuse to hear it
B.try to persuade you to change your mind quickly
C.judge your decision according to his, her experience
D.give you advice but respect your own decision
小题2:Women benefit more from friendship than men because         .
A.women are always cared for by more people than men
B.women are usually less stress-out when staying with others
C.women are more likely to solve problems with friends’ help
D.women can always keep more long-life friendship than men
小题3:According to the passage we can infer that          .
A.it's good for women to tell men what they should do or not
B.friends are always more important than family members
C.men don't want to share their problems with many people
D.the trend that women can live longer makes them more relaxed
小题4:This passage mainly talks about         .
A.why people should develop friendship
B.when friendship affects people's health
C.people’s different attitudes towards friendship
D.the friendship which can make people live longer
After Mom died, l began visiting Dad every morning before I went to work. He was frail and moved slowly, but he always had a glass of freshly squeezed orange juice on the kitchen table for me, along with an unsigned note reading," Drink your juice." Such a gesture, l knew, was as far as Dad had ever been able to go in expressing his love. In fact, l remember, as a kid I had questioned Mom "Why doesn't Dad love me?" Mom frowned, "Who said he doesn’t love you?" "Well, he never tells me, "I complained." He never tells me either," she said, smiling. " But look how hard he works to take care of us, to buy us food and clothes, and to pay for this house. That's how your father tells us he loves us. "
I nodded slowly. I understood in my head, but not in my heart. l still wanted my father to put his arms around me and tell me he loved me. Dad owned and operated a small scrap (片) metal business, and after school I often hung around while he worked. Dad handled scrap steel into a device that chopped it as cleanly as a butcher chops a rack of ribs. The machine looked like a giant pair of scissors, with blades thicker than my father's body. If he didn’t feed those terrifying blades just right, he risked serious injury. "Why don' t you hire someone to do that for you?" Mom asked Dad one night as she bent over him and rubbed his aching shoulders with a strong smelling liniment. "Why don’t you hire a cook?" Dad asked, giving her one of his rare smiles.
Many years later, during my first daily visit, after drinking the juice my father had squeezed for me. l walked over, hugged him and said, "I love you, Dad." From then on I did this every morning. My father never told me how he felt about my hugs, and there was never any expression on his face when I gave them.
小题1:What would be the best title for the passage?
A.My father never loved meB.I just couldn't understand my father
C.My hard-working fatherD.Silent fatherly love
小题2:The author’s father always prepared a glass of freshly squeezed orange juice for him because____.
A.that was the author's favorite
B.that was a gesture of love
C.the author was always complaining
D.he was sure the author would be thirsty
小题3:The author’s father didn’t hire a helper because________.              .
A.he wanted to save money
B.his job required high skills
C.his job was too dangerous
D.he was not good at communicating with others
小题4:We may infer from the passage that _______.
A.the author's father lacked a sense of humor
B.the author's-father didn't love him very much
C.the author quite understood his father as time went on
D.the author's father was too strict with him
A farmer had some puppies to sell. He painted a sign advertising them on the edge of his yard.
One day, a little boy came to buy one of the puppies. With a whistle(口哨), the farmer called, “Here, Dolly!” Out from the doghouse ran Dolly followed by four little balls of fur. The little boy stood against the fence(栅栏). His eyes danced with happiness.
As the dogs made their way to the fence, the little boy noticed something else inside the doghouse. Slowly another little ball appeared, something wrong with its legs, doing its best to catch up.
“I want that one,” the little boy said.
The farmer knelt(跪下)down at the boy's side and said, “Son, you don't want that puppy. He will never be able to run and play with you like these other dogs would.”
With that, the little boy stepped back from the fence, reached down and began rolling up one leg of his trousers. In doing so, he showed a steel brace(固定器)running down both sides of his leg attaching itself to a specially made shoe. Looking back up at the farmer, he said, “You see, sir, I don’t run too well myself, and he will need someone who understands.”
小题1:How did the farmer advertise his puppies?
A.Advertise them in the newspaper.B.Put up a sign in his yard.
C.Show them to his neighbors.D.Send pictures to a magazine.
小题2:The underlined words “four little balls of fur” refer to “_________”.
A.four toy ballsB.four balls made of fur
C.four lovely dogsD.four puppies with no fur
小题3:Why did the boy choose the last dog?
A.Because they have something in common.
B.Because he didn't have enough money.
C.Because it was the most lovely one.
D.Because the farmer wouldn't sell other dogs.
小题4:According to the story, we know that the boy _________.
A.didn't like dogs at allB.needed a dog to help him
C.could run as fast as othersD.had an artificial leg
小题5:Which of the following words best describes the boy?
Four years ago, I felt lucky after escaping one of those terrible 2-mile runs. I hated running; it was just something that   1  came easily to me. At that time, if you had told me that I would one day run a marathon, I’ d have told you honestly that I had a better   2  of winning the lottery(彩票).
The turning   3  came when I met Mrs. Green. She was fifty years old, going through chemotherapy(化学疗法)for her cancer, and still managed to run 30 miles a week. I thought that if Mrs. Green could run 6 miles at a time, I could run at least two. In February, in cold weather, I started a 2-mile   4  around my neighborhood. Two months later, I   5  the running for the first time. I felt very tired, but I felt happy.
Over the next several years, I continued to push each run for a few   6  minutes, slowly building my endurance(耐力). I didn’t need to  7  against other runners, for my most important competitor was myself.
After continuing to   8  myself, I knew it was time to step my training up. I   9  I would train for the Detroit Free Press/Flagstar Marathon.
The race day   10  came, and I was filled with excitement and worry. It was final time to see what I was made of. The   11  ended up surprisingly. I did   12  through the last few miles, but after my running, there was no doubt in my mind that I’d finished. As I   13  the finish line, I experienced the strongest sense of   14  and happiness I had ever had in my life. I am now a marathoner.
As John Bingham once said, “The miracle(奇迹)isn’t that I finished. The miracle is that I had the   15  to start.”
One morning in Philadelphia, the sun shone bright through all the thick jungles and the tall churches. John, 6, wearing the worn-out clothes, walked from a far place, his dark small hands holding a piece of stolen bread.
John stopped for a moment at the entrance to the church and then left tightly holding the bread,      
He was an orphan(孤儿), whose parents were killed in World War II leaving him alone in the orphanage for five years, Like many children in the house, he had a lot of free time. Mostly no one took care of them, so they had to learn how to steal those they wanted.             
John believed God to be real, so every Sunday morning in any case he would go to the church to have a look and listen to those people singing inside or reading the Bible. He felt only at this moment he was the child of God and so close to God. But he couldn’t enter because his clothes were so dirty. John himself knew it.
John was quietly calculating the times. This was his 45th Sunday at the entrance to the church. He stood on tiptoe(踮着脚尖) for a while and walked away.
As time passed, the pastor(牧师) noticed John and learned from others that he was the small boy who liked stealing things in the orphanages.
On the 46th Sunday, the sun was shining and John came still holding a piece of bread with his dark small hands. When he just stood there, the pastor came out. He felt like running away, but he was carried by the pastor's friendly smile.
The pastor walked up to his side, clearly seeing John's small hands shaking.
"Are you John?"
John didn't answer, but looked at the pastor and nodded.
"Do you believe in God?" the pastor patted John on his head with dust.
"Yes, I do!" This time John told him loudly.
"So you believe in yourself?"
John looked at the pastor, without a word.
The pastor went on saying, "At the first sight of you, I find you're different from other kids because you have a good heart."
His face turning red, John said nervously, "In fact, I'm a thief." With that, he lowered his head.
The pastor didn't speak, but held John's dark small hands, slowly opened them and put them against his wrinkled face.
"Ah" Just at the same time, John shouted and was about to take out his dark small hands. Yet the pastor tightly held his small hands and spread them out in the sun.
"Do you see, John?"
"You're cupping the sunshine in your hands."
John blankly looked at his hands: when did they become so beautiful?
"In God's eyes, all children are the same. When they are willing to spread out their hands to greet the sun, the sun will naturally shine on them. And you have two things more than they do. First is courage and the second is kindness." With that, the pastor led him into the church. It was the first time that John went into this sacred place, and at this moment he didn't feel inferior, but the unspeakable warmth.
On that morning greeting the sunshine, John found himself again, along with the confidence, satisfaction, happiness, dreams he had never had.
Twenty years have passed. Now the boy who ever tightly held the bread with his dirt hands has been the most famous cook in Philadelphia and made many popular dishes.
Every Sunday morning, he would personally send the bread he baked to the orphanage. Those children who greeted him with cheers were used to consciously spreading their palms before they got the bread.
Because they all knew when we are willing to spread out our hands to greet the sunshine, the sun will naturally shine on us.
小题1:The method the writer uses to develop Paragraph is ______________
A.presenting contrasts (对比)B.showing causes (原因)
C.offering analysesD.providing explanations
小题2:Why didn't John go inside whenever he went to the church?
A.He was frightened to be recognized by the pastor
B.He was not welcomed by those singing in the church.
C.He was sorry for his dirty clothes and identity as a thief.
D.He was left alone in the orphanage and nobody cared for him.
小题3:Which of the following questions did John reply certainly?
A.“Are you John?"B."Do you see, John?"
C."So you believe in yourself?"D."Do you believe in God?"
小题4:Which of the following can best describe the pastor's great effect on John?
A.John became a famous cook.
B.John admitted his bad behavior. (行为)
C.John believed God to be real
D.John spread warmth to other orphans.
小题5:According to the passage, the sunshine cupped in hands can bring _______________
A.cheers and confidence B.dreams and imagination
C.courage and kindnessD.forgiveness and satisfaction
There was a woman, about 30 years old, married with two children. She had grown up in a home where she was constantly criticized and often treated unfairly by her parents. As a result, she was negative and fearful, and had no confidence at all.
One day, she was hit by a car. When she awoke, she found herself in a hospital. She could still speak, but had no recollection of any part of her past life. She was a total amnesiac! Her husband and children visited her daily, but she did not know them.
Determined to understand what had happened to her, she began reading medical textbooks and studying in the specialized area of amnesia and memory loss. She met and discussed with specialists in this field. Eventually she wrote a paper on her condition. Not long afterward, she was invited to address a medical conference to deliver her paper, answer questions about her amnesia, and share her experiences and ideas. During this period, something amazing happened. She became a genuinely positive, confident, outgoing woman, well informed, and very much in demand as a speaker and authority in the medical profession. All memory of her negative childhood had been wiped out. She changed her thinking and changed her life.
Each person comes into the world with no thoughts or ideas at all, and everything that a person thinks and feels is learned from babyhood onward. The adult becomes the sum total of everything he or she learns, feels, and experiences while growing up.
Everyone is born with no self-concept at all. Every idea, opinion, feeling, attitude, or value you have as an adult is the result of an idea or impression you took in and accepted as true. When you believe something to be true, it becomes true for you, whatever the fact may be. You are not what you think you are, but what you think, you are.
小题1:What happened to the woman after the accident?
A.She believed she was not talented.
B.She didn't love her husband any more.
C.She refused to recall her past life.
D.She was in complete memory loss.
小题2:Which of the following shows the structure of the passage?

小题3:Which statement agrees with the last paragraph?
A.Great minds think alike.
B.Thinking is to man what water is to fish.
C.Confidence in you is the first step on the road to success.
D.You are not what you believe, but what others believe you are.
The other day I was really annoyed by a friend’s behavior, and when I told my best friend Terry about it, he laughed and said, “ But Jenny, you do that all the time!” Well, that surprised me and set me laughing as well. Terry was absolutely correct. The very thing I had been annoyed at my friend for was a reflection (反映)of my own behavior.
Almost all of us have experienced something like this at some time. When we find ourselves upset or annoyed by situations or by the behaviors of others, it is usually because they are mirroring something in ourselves that we subconsciously (下意识地)know, and we are ready to look at them and make a change.
Understanding this is an important part of self-growth. When we become aware of the characteristics or behaviors we dislike in others, it may be because we are displaying those features in others in order for us to see and deal with them in ourselves. For example, if we need to learn to control our own habit of using sarcasm(讽刺), then we will attract very sarcastic people to us. And we will continue to do so until our lesson in regard to sarcasm is learned.
Recognizing these mirrors helps us do two very important things. It helps us to accept ourselves fully, not just the parts we are happy with. And secondly, it helps us to become more caring and able to love others just as they are. After all, they are only showing us what we do ourselves. Who knows? We could very well be mirrors for them, too.
小题1:Which can be the best title for the text?
A.The Importance of Understanding Each Other
B.Keep Peace and Calm in Times of Emergency
C.Reflections on Bad Behaviors and Situations
D.How to Deal with Bad Behaviors and Situations
小题2:The underlined word “them” in the second paragraph refers to ______.
A.people annoying youB.bad behaviorsC.big changesD.previous experiences
小题3:The example mentioned in the third paragraph shows _____.
A.everybody has his likes and dislikes
B.how to attract sarcastic people to us
C.what bad behaviors mirror in us helps ourselves develop
D.we must learn to control the habit of using sarcasm
小题4:Recognizing these mirrors helps us ____.
A.accept our bad partsB.use sarcasm bravely
C.make true friendsD.change others’ behaviors
A little boy was spending his Saturday morning playing in his sandbox. While creating roads in the soft sand, he   36  a large rock in the middle of the sandbox.
The boy   37  around the rock, managing to move it out from the dirt. With much   38 , he tried to push the rock out of the sandbox. When the boy got the rock to the edge(边缘) of the sandbox,   39 , he found that he couldn’t   40  it up and over the little wall. The rock was too   41  for his small body.
As he   42  to accept his failure, the little boy dug, pushed, and pried(撬动), but every time he thought he had made some   43 , the rock rolled and then fell back into the sandbox. The little boy   44  again and again, but the only   45  was to have the rock roll back.
  46 , he burst into tears. All this time the boy’s father   47  him from his living room. The moment the tears fell, a   48  voice rose above the boy’s head. It was his father.  49 , but firmly(坚定地) he said, “Son, why didn’t you use all the   50  that you had? The boy replied with tears, “But I did, Daddy, I did! I   51  all that I had!” “No, son, you didn’t,”  52  the father kindly. “You didn’t   53  me to help you.” With that the father picked up the rock and   54  it out of the sandbox.
Are you discovering that you don’t have the strength to move your “rocks” away? There is ONE who is always willing to   55  you with the strength you need. We also need that strength, especially in our daily life.
A.inventionsB.progressC.mistakes D.changes

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