
------ Henry doesn’t seem like the same person.

------ ________ so much in the war has made him more thoughtful.

A. For him to see  B. His seeing

C. Having seen  D. To have seen





试题分析:考查动名词做主语的区别。从上下文来看,第二个句子的谓语为“has made”,前面所填部分是主语,C项是现在分词的完成式不能单独做主语;D项是不定式的完成式只能作状语,排除;A项不定式放在句首且有for引出不定式动作的逻辑主语一般作状语,排除;B项为动名词具有名词的性质特点,能做主语,动名词做主语时其逻辑主语用形容词性物主代词或名词所有格表示;故B正确。




As a kid, I can remember going to the supermarket and grabbing eggs off the shelf. I would run them home to my mother because they were usually going into a delicious cake. Times  have  changed.  Cage­free?  Organic?  Brown? White? Omega­3s? Help! Here are some tips to help you figure out which eggs you should choose:

●Brown or white? In fact,color is simply a sign of the breed of hen. Find the freshest egg with the most flavor and let color be a secondary concern.

●Extra Omega­3s? Omega­3 eggs come from a hen whose diet has added flaxseed(亚麻籽) ,which produces an egg containing an average of 225 mg of Omega­3 fatty acids and Vitamin E. The countless health benefits for humans make these eggs an attractive purchase. My opinion? Eat a piece of fresh fish and get a pure dose of Omega­3s. Let eggs be eggs.

●Does your egg need exercise? Free­range eggs are from hens raised without the confines of a cage, though they may or may not have spent much time outdoors. Organic eggs are from hens whose feed must meet organic standards. These hens must be raised humanely, and they must be given time to stay outdoors. Hey,happier hens do lay tastier eggs.

●Does local make a difference? Nothing is better than local eggs. They may have a feather or two stuck to them or be a little imperfect shape and they may or may not be certified (证明) organic; however, they have one quality I prize:I know exactly where my food came from and how it came to be! In some cases I can even ask the farmer when the eggs were laid and what the hens were fed.

60.What does the author think of Omega­3 eggs?

A. They are a good choice for people to purchase.

B. They contain fewer Omega­3s than fresh fish.

C. They have the highest content of pure Omega­3s.

D. They are not the best source of Omega­3s.

61.The underlined part “Free­range” probably means“________”.

A. wild             B. organic

C. special           D. Omega­3­free

62.According to the passage, which of the following has nothing to do with an egg's quality?

A. The egg's color.      B. The hen's exercise.

C. The hen's living conditions.         D. The hen's food.

63.This passage is most probably taken from a book named________.

A. Shopping Skills        B. Eggs and Cooking

C. Raising Hens    D. Healthy Diet


       April Fool’s Day(愚人节), was a day of laughing and jokes. This day is kept in many countries, not only in Britain and the USA. This is a day to play jokes and make people laugh. Nobody knows when was the beginning of this custom. Some people connect it with the end of winter and the return of spring which make people merry and ready to play jokes.
In Scotland young people were sent for hen’s teeth or bird’s milk and everybody laughed when they could find such things. In the USA and Britain some people could place a sign on a person’s back with the words “push me!” Children often tell a grown-up that his sock is torn or he has something black on his face, and then shout “April Fool!” There is also the old purse(钱包) trick. A purse is left lying in the street, but when someone wants to take it, it is quickly pulled back by a string which the hidden joker holds in his hand. Or the purse may be filled with stones. Sometimes invitations are sent to people, asking them to come and visit somebody, but when they come they see that nobody expects them. Some people like to telephone to the zoo on the day and ask for Mr. Fish, Miss Fox or Mrs. Cat. All these jokes are very old but still they make people laugh.
【小题1】 ____________knows when the custom of April Fool’s Day started.

【小题2】Many tricks are played on April Fool’s day except ____ .
A.phoning the zooB.placing a sign on someone’s back
C.playing cardsD.leaving a purse in the street
【小题3】The purpose of playing jokes is to _____ .
A.for funB.make people laugh
C.make fool of oneselfD.fool someone
【小题4】The best title of the passage is ____ .
A.How people in the west spend their April Fool’s Day
B.Customs are different
C.How British people celebrate their holidays
D.How April Fool’s Day comes about

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