
For ages, sailors have said that it is a good luck to see dolphins swimming alongside boats. Their presence meant that land is near, which will be vital informations if a boat and its crew are in danger. Some dolphins have even protected sailors which suffer shipwreck from sharks. There is no wonder that these unique and fascinating creatures have long known as our friends.

Dolphins are thought to be intelligent animals because of its quick ability to learn. They seem to communicate with each other through a combination of whistles and clicks. While scientists don’t know exact what they are talking about, it is thought that dolphins are telling each other that food is nearby, or warn each other of approaching dangerous.


Before I spoke to his school,Matt was waiting for me.He sat in his wheelchair unable to move.As soon as he saw me he started smiling.He could not talk but I pretended the sharks were eating his cereal and his laugh melted the hearts of everyone walking by.

One of the teachers told me that he was actually very smart,he just could not control his muscles due to a childhood disease.He was happy and very popular at his school—his parents' love and encouragement made all the difference.On the contrary,at a book signing session,I met a girl by the name of Anne.She walked up with her morn with a bright smile.Anne asked about my book with a slur in her speech indicating a slight head injury.I told her about it and she smiled the whole time and asked me to sign one for her.I did.

Five minutes later,I heard a voice from Anne's father,"You know you will not understand the book.You aren't smart enough."He said it so loudly that people were staring in their direction.She was absolutely crushed and her bright smile was now replaced with a look of total despair(绝望).He brought the book back to me and asked me to take it back.I asked him if he would allow me to purchase the book for Anne.He said no with a heartless response.I thought back to Matt.He could not speak,walk,run or play but was actually very happy and even doing well in school because of the love and encouragement of his parents.Anne on the other hand had a slight learning problem and may never know happiness or success because of a stern father.

What kind of parent are you? The truth is that whatever you are telling your kids-makes the difference between their success or failure in life.

1.What is Anne's problem?

A. She was in total despair. B. She wasn't smart enough.

C. She can't speak and read. D. She suffered from head injury.

2.According to the author,Matt's happy life mainly lies in .

A. the teachers' help

B. the author's appreciation

C. his parents' support and encouragement

D. the friendly attitude of all the people around

3.Why did the author want to buy the book for Anne?

A. To show her care for her.

B. To help her to improve her reading ability.

C. To teach the father how to educate children.

D. To save her from feeling uncomfortable.

4.What can we infer from the conditions of the two children?

A. They need more people to help them.

B. What parents do plays an important part in their children's success.

C. They are suffering different difficulties to some extent.

D. The children with disability are well worth sympathizing.

Will you be playing some music at work?

Music is particularly popular in the medical profession, especially among surgeons(外科医生). A recent survey shows that 90% of surgeons in the UK put music on the sound system in the theatre during operations. Plastic surgeons(整形外科医生)play the most music; it appears that ear, nose, and throat specialists the least.

But it isn’t only in surgeries(外科手术) where music is popular. In another recent survey, one-third of the 1,613 people said they listen to music while working. And 79% of them said that humming(哼歌)along improves their job satisfaction or productivity.

Is listening to music at work a good idea? Yes, say the experts. Many surgeons say that music helps to create a “calm atmosphere”, and a third of them added that it avoids getting bored! Also, listening to music raises the levels of a brain chemical that can help people focus. Office workers say it improves job satisfaction. Several studies suggest that it’s also good for hospital patients. Those listening to music through headphones during surgery require less anesthetic(麻醉剂), up to 50% less in some cases, and recover more quickly afterwards. “Sure, music reduces anxiety before surgery,” says Zeev Kain, an anesthetist at Yale University.

So, what type of music should we be listening to? Surgeons from the previous survey preferred rock, pop music and classical. And hip-hop is popular too. However, whatever the kind, it appears that self-selected music is the best choice. Pennsylvania State University research showed that when people chose their own music there was more stress reduction(下降). And other researchers found that when listening to self-selected music, surgeons did the maths faster and more accurately than when they were listening to music chosen for them.

1.The underlined word “theatre” in Paragraph 2 probably means ________.

A. an operating room

B. a rest room for surgeons

C. a waiting room in a hospital

D. a building where shows are performed

2.The surveys mentioned in the passage show ________.

A. music is popular in some professions

B. most surgeons in the UK are fond of singing

C. office workers learn a lot from listening to music

D. fewer than half of the people listen to music at work

3.What are the advantages of listening to music at work? ________.

①improving memory

②keeping people relaxed

③improving job satisfaction

④improving eyesight

A. ①④ B. ①②

C. ②③ D. ②④

4.How should you choose music for work time according to the passage? ________.

A. Turn to the surgeons for help

B. Make your selection by yourself

C. Rock, pop music and classical are always good choices

D. The most popular music should be taken into consideration

5.The passage is mainly about ________.

A. how to choose music wisely

B. where to find the best music

C. the popularity of music in hospitals

D. the benefits of listening to music at work

YOU probably think you know about London’s problems. The people are unfriendly, it’s way too expensive, and the food is terrible - so why do so many tourists flock (蜂拥) there?

London was named the world’s most popular city between July and September 2013. It edged out other world-famous cities such as New York and Paris, welcoming 4.9 million visitors, according to the UK Office for National Statistics.

Amazingly, this was an increase of almost 19.5 percent on 2012 - the year when the Olympics happened in summer.

So can London’s success be explained? Well, maybe. As the English writer Samuel Johnson once said, “when a man is tired of London, he is tired of life”. London life is often crazy and expensive, but if you can think of something, you can probably do it there.

Anywhere in the city, you can often look around a great museum such as the British Museum, watch a concert at a historic venue (场所) like the Royal Albert Hall, or dance the night away in a cool nightclub such as Fabric.

And it’s not just about culture – there are also world-famous sporting venues around the city. Many tourists like to watch soccer matches at stadiums such as Chelsea’s Stamford Bridge, Arsenal’s Emirates Stadium, or Tottenham’s White Hart Lane. Tourists even came to watch British tennis player Andy Murray’s famous victory at the Wimbledon tennis tournament (锦标赛) in 2013.

Yes, but what about the food? Well, even if you don’t like British food – and if you’ve never had real fish and chips, or a summer pudding, then perhaps you should wait until you’ve tried them – there is plenty of great food from all over the world available in London’s many restaurants.

London, like many of its buildings, has a long history, but also never lacks a vibrant pulse (充满活力的脉搏). All over the city, history and modernity come together to make it an essential place for tourists to discover.

1.What is the author’s main purpose in writing the article?

A. To show the effects of the 2012 London Olympics.

B. To analyze why London appeals to tourists.

C. To compare London with other world-famous cities.

D. To talk about common problems in London.

2.The underlined phrase “edged out” in the second paragraph probably means ______.

A. took the lead of

B. had a lot in common with

C. followed the example of

D. became more popular than

3.In Samuel Johnson’s eyes, life in London is probably ______.

A. relaxed B. boring

C. colorful D. challenging

4.According to the article, London is attracting many visitors from across the world, mainly because ______.

a. it is a city rich in culture and attractions

b. most local people are friendly

c. the sporting venues around the city are worthy of a visit

d. British food enjoys a good reputation among visitors

e. the city has a combination of history and modernity

A. abc B. ace

C. bcd D. bde

Failure is probably the most exhausting experience a person ever has.There is nothing more tiring than not succeeding.

We experience this tiredness in two ways: as start-up fatigue(疲惫) and performance fatigue.In the former case, we keep putting off a task because it has either too boring or too difficult.And the longer we delay it,the more tired we feel.

Such start-up fatigue is very real,even if not actually physical,not something in our muscles and bones.The solution is obvious though perhaps not easy to apply: always handle the most difficult job first.

Years ago,I was asked to write 102 essays on the great ideas of some famous authors.Applying my own rule,I determined to write them in alphabetical(按字母顺序),never letting myself leave out a tough idea.And I always started the day's work with the difficult task of essay-writing.Experience proved that the rule works.

Performance fatigue is more difficult to handle.Though willing to get started,we cannot seem to do the job right. Its difficulties appear so great that,however hard we work,we fail again and again.In such a situation,I work as hard as I can-then let the unconscious take over.

When planning Encyclopaedia Britannica (《大英百科全书》),I had to create a table of contents based on the topics of its articles.Nothing like this had ever been done before,and day after day I kept coming up with solutions, but none of them worked.My fatigue became almost unbearable.

One day,mentally exhausted,I wrote down all the reasons why this problem could not be solved.I tried to convince myself that the trouble was with the problem itself,not with me.Relived,I sat back in an easy chair and fell asleep.

An hour later,I woke up suddenly with the solution clearly in mind.In the weeks that followed,the solution which had come up in my unconscious mind provided correct at every step.Though I worked as hard as before,I felt no fatigue.Success was now as exciting as failure had been depressing.

Human beings,I believe must try to succeed.Success,then,means never feeling tired.

1.What does the author recommend doing to prevent start-up fatigue?

A. Writing essays in strict order. B. Building up physical strength.

C. Leaving out the toughest ideas. D. Dealing with the hardest task first.

2.On what occasion does a person probably suffer from performance fatigue?

A. Before starting a difficult task. B. When all the solutions fail.

C. If the job is rather boring. D. After finding a way out.

3.What could be the best title for the passage?

A. Success Is Built upon Failure B. How to Handle Performance Fatigue

C. Getting over Fatigue: A Way to Success D. Fatigue: An Early Sign of Health Problems

Mom and Dad are two of the most important people in your life.You probably see at least one of them every day. If your dad worships(崇拜)the Pittsburgh Stealers,you're likely to grow up being a big fan of that football team.And if your mom loves to read,you just might grow up carrying a book wherever you go,just like she does.

Here are four ways you can stay.close:and build a strong relationship with your parents.

(1)Spent time together.How much time do you spend just enjoying each other’s company?

Instead of playing a computer game or watching TV,maybe you can ask your mom and dad to play with you.Go outside together,try a board game,or read a book out.

(2)Share your feelings and ask for help.Your mom or dad might not know that you're having a problem.Tell a parent if you're sad or struggling with something.

(3)Show your care.Some families are always kissing,hugging,and saying "I love you".It's important to show that you care for each other.In addition to kisses and hugs,kids and parents show their love by respecting each other, being caring,polite,and thoughtful.

(4)Whatever you do,do your best!You,don't have to be perfect,but when you do your best,you make your parents proud.It makes them happy to see how you're turning into such a great kid.Why?Because it lets them know they’re doing a good job.

1.The first paragraph mainly tells us_______.

A. the Pittsburgh Stealers is a famous football team

B. the kid will like reading if his or her mother likes

C. parents influence their kids greatly

D. we should follow our parents' hobbies

2.In the third paragraph,the author suggests that_______.

A. you keep your parents company all the time

B. you stay at home with your parents

C. you enjoy games when your parents watch TV

D. you do something together with your parents

3.The underlined part "they're doing a good job" means_______. .

A. they have very good jobs

B. their jobs can bring the family much money

C. they make you become a great kid

D. they make you find a good job

4.The text intends to tell us_______.

A. parents are important to everyone B. how we get along with our parents

C. to respect our parents D. to share feelings with our parents

Spring and fall are usually thought to be enjoyable seasons.However,it is not always the case.1..It makes people suffer a lot from it.Why can't they find a cure(疗法)for the common cold?The answer is easy.There are actually hundreds of kinds of cold viruses(病毒)out there.You never know which one you will get.2..

When a virus attacks your body,your body works hard to get rid of it.3..You feel terrible because you can't breathe well,but your body is actually eating the virus.Your temperature goes up and you get a fever,but the heat of your body is killing the virus.You also have a runny nose to stop the virus from getting into your cells.You may feel very uncomfortable,but actually your wonderful body is doing everything it can to kill the cold.

4..In China and some other countries,for example,some people might eat chicken soup to make themselves feel better.Some people take hot baths and drink warm liquids.Other people take medicine to stop various symptoms(症状)of colds.

There is one interesting thing to note-some scientists say taking medicine when you have a cold is actually bad for you.The virus stays in your body longer because your body doesn't have a way to fight it and kill it.5..There is a joke,however,on taking medicine when you have a cold.It goes like this: It takes about one week to get over a cold if you don't take medicine,but it takes only seven days to get over a cold if you take medicine.So you should trust the function of your body.

A.Therefore,there isn't a cure for each one.

B.Different people do different thing to deal with the cold.

C.The first thing you need to come up with is an idea for your cold.

D.It is easy for many people to catch a cold in spring or fall.

E.Bodies can indeed do an amazing job on their own.

F.How much do you know about the various viruses in the world?

G.Blood rushes to your nose and causes a block in it.

"Smart" Idioms

Today we take a look at the word “smart”.If someone says you are smart,what do they mean?Is it a good thing or something bad?1.This is because the word smart has many meanings.

●That smarts!

For example,someone could say you look smart or are dressed smartly.That means they like what you are wearing and your physical appearance.To use a slang(俚语)expression,they could say,“You look really cool!”But if something smarts,it can be unkind or hurtful,either physically or mentally.If you accidentally trip over a chair and fall down,you might shout,“Ow!That smarts!”Or if a friend says something that hurts your feelings,you can say you are smarting from the hurtful comments.2.


If you are standing too close to a campfire,you could say your eyes are smarting from the smoke of the fire. Here the word “smarting” means a sharp pain.3.If someone is smart as whip,they are able to think very quickly.

●Street smart and book smart

4.Some people are considered street smart.They may not have a strong education.But they are good at dealing with people and problems in the real world.Other people might be book smart.This means they have spent many years in school.But they may not be so smart when dealing with people or real-world problems.

●Don’t get smart with me!

And then there is the definition of smart that means to talk or behave disrespectfully.If you say something disrespectful to your parents,they might say,“Don’t get smart with me!”Here,“smart”means to show a lack of respect by saying something unkind.In fact,a child who has a smart mouth makes rude comments,not smart ones.This definition of smart can also be used as a verb.5.

A.Do they really mean you are smart?

B.People have different attitude toward being smart.

C.However,different people have different ways of being smart.

D.In fact,maybe that person is no longer you friend.

E.The answer is not as easy as you might think.

F.But the most common meaning of smart is to be intelligent.

G.If you smart off to the wrong people,they could hit you in the face.

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