"Happiness isn't just feeling good.It's good for you and for society.Happy people are more successful, have better relationships, are healthier and live longer," said Ed Diener, a professor of psychology at the University of Illinois.
Beyond your genes
Sonja Lyubomirsky, a professor of psychology at University of California Riverside, analyzed studies on identical twins and concluded that happiness is 50 percent genetic, 40 percent intentional and 10 percent circumstantial.
"Your circumstances—where you live, your health, your work, your marriage—can be tough to change.But most people are surprised that circumstances (环境) don't account for as much of their happiness as they think," she said.
Life circumstances don't result in continuous happiness, she says, because we adapt.That new car, promotion or house feels great at first.Then we get used to it.Keeping that good feeling requires something else: control of how you act and think.
Happiness defined
To gain happiness, you need to understand what happiness is.
Martin Seligman, a psychology professor at the University of Pennsylvania, says happiness is the pursuit of engaging and meaningful activities.
By "engaging", he means when we get so absorbed in what we are doing that we lose track of time. "Meaningful" would be using what you are best at to serve others or to participate in a cause that's
bigger than yourself.
"Your purpose doesn't have to be giant," says psychologist Dan Baker."If you're 17, your.purpose can be getting into the college of your choice.When you're a parent, it can be getting your kids off to school safely and prepared for each day."
External factors
From 1981 to 2007, the World Values Survey took polls (民意测验) all over the world and measured what it considers happiness and overall life satisfaction.Of the 52 countries that completed the surveys over the 17-year period, happiness increase in 45.
According to the survey analysis, economic growth helped promote happiness for some, while Democratization(民主化)and rising social tolerance contributed even more
Democracy provides more choice, which promotes happiness.Support for sex equality and tolerance of people who are different from oneself are also strongly linked.This is not just because tolerant people are happier, but because living in a tolerant society strengthens everyone's freedom.
68.Professor Sonja Lyubomirsky found that ____.
A.we get continuous happiness as a result of life circumstance
B.happiness is more genetic than circumstantial
C.new car, promotion or house can make people happy for a Song time
D.to contorl the way we act and think, we should be happy
69.We can infer that _____ from the Paragraph "Happiness defined".
A.to gain happiness, we should make ourselves get involved in what is worthwhile
B.to gain happiness, we needn't understand the meaning of happiness
C.happiness, is the pursuit of engaging and meaningful activities
D.it's no point in paying attention to engaging and meaningful activities.
70.The World Values Survey suggests people are more likely to promote happiness if____.
A.they can choose to be those who are different from others
B.they get much money or raise social states
C.they five in a democratic and tolerance society
D.they owns freedom and get support for sex quality
71.According to the whole passage, which statement is correct?
A.It makes only you feel good to know how to get happiness.
B.Happy people are all successful and healthy.
C.Happy people achieve their goal more easily.
D.Happiness lies more in the aged than in the young.