
2. [2014 •北京卷]Some people believe   has happened before or is happening now will repeat itself in the future.

A. whatever    B. whenever

C. wherever    D. however

2. A考査名词性从句(宾语从句)。句意:一些人相信过去发生或现在正发生的事情,将来仍然会重复。宾语从句中缺少主语,并且指的是事件,所以选A。



There is a saying, "No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted." After seeing all the good that her parents and other people had done, Judith O'Reilly wanted 2012 to be the 18 of her doing good. So at the start of 2012, she  19 to do a good deed(行为)every day in the coming year. A full 365 days later, she has 20 in fulfilling her plan. She has done a total of 365 good 21 , from picking up litter on the beach to making cups of tea for builders. She felt these small acts 22 a lot to others.

 She tried to be good in 2012. 23 her past year, Judith humorously concluded there were both good and bad things. 24 her deeds started to spread, Judith decided to record them and has written a book about her 25 : A Year of Doing Good. "When I made the decision, I didn't 26 what I was taking on that year," she said. "The idea of doing one good deed a(n) 27 has changed into something else. It made me 28 what a good life is, and how we give our lives meaning. It also 29 me that doing good is harder than it looks."

A year of doing good has helped make Judith a 30 person. Since then, she has been 31 with charity work. She became a companion for cancer patients, and taught32 disabled children to read and write. She even 33 up her own charity collection called the Jam Jar Army. That is, she put any small 34 she had into a jam jar. Thousands of people joined her, and 35 an amazing £26 ,000 for a variety of good causes.

The book A Year of Doing Good 36 people with the day-to-day journey of meaning, pleasure and joy, which come from 37 the lives of others in so many creative ways.

18.  A. age            B.  year          C.  date          D. cycle

19.  A. agreed         B.  decided       C.  appeared     D. refused

20.  A. failed          B.  improved     C.  lost      D. succeeded

21.  A. deeds          B.  models       C.  plans      D. examples

22.  A. increased        B.  remained     C.  meant          D. held

23.  A. Speaking highly of              B.  Ending up with

C.  Looking forward to             D.  Looking back on

24.  A. Once          B.  As            C.  Unless        D.  In case

25.  A. imagination        B.  task          C.  challenge     D. fault

26.  A. realize         B.  fear          C. offer           D. observe

27.  A. hour           B.  day           C.  week         D. month

28.  A. question           B.  control        C.  hope             D. promise

29.  A. gave            B.  served      C.  left           D. taught

30.  A. poorer         B.  healthier         C.  stronger      D. better

31.  A. angry          B.  tired         C.  busy         D. limited

32.  A. strangely           B.  finally          C.  mentally     D. partly

33.  A. set              B.  took           C.  picked       D. made

34.  A. cake            B.  box             C. change        D, plate

35.  A. earned        B.  raised         C. wasted        D. borrowed

36.  A. inspires       B.  awards        C.  satisfies      D. decorates

37.  A. cheering up                      B.  slowing down

C.  connecting with                D.  contributing to

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