
【题目】【原创】Disney World presents a dilemma for many people. If you’re there, you’re probably there because you love the children in your life. But should that noble desire to do right by the wee ones automatically put you in a disgusting holiday of six-foot animated characters, wailing toddlers and chicken-finger meals?

B Resort & Spa has solved this problem. Stay here and you’ve got easy access to “the happiest place on Earth” without sacrificing your adult sensibilities.

There’s 80-minute B Indulged massages to be had at the Aveda spa, complete with footbaths for your weary feet, and adventure tours to nearby Boggy Creek to observe tigers in their natural habitat. Even the mini-bar is stocked with a nod to grownup tastes (think Boulder Canyon natural, kettle-cooked chips).


B is right inside Orlando’s Walt Disney World Resort, just a short, free shuttle from Downtown Disney. This means you don’t have to stay in the kid zone all day long.

If you have a car at your disposal, it’s also well worth a trip out to the East End Market, where you’ll find the best of Orlando’s local food scene, along with a superb Basque eatery, Txokos, whose famous cook Henry Salgado has been nominated twice for a James Beard Award.

Eat in or eat out?

Room service is exceptional for breakfast: quick and delicious, with perfectly poached eggs and house-made sausage so tasty you’ll find yourself craving it for weeks to come. For dinner, American Q has tasty house-made barbecue sauces and all-you-can-eat, Brazilian-style carved meat dishes from across the U.S. The foods here will keep everyone in the family happy, and good pineapple wine should mellow out the grownups after a long, crazy day at Disney.

【1】Who may be interested in the passage?

A. Parents B. Teachers .

C. Children . D. Adolescents.

【2】Living in B Resort & Spa, you can _____.

A. visit Disney World for free

B. have breakfast without leaving your room

C. enjoy meals cooked by Henry Salgado

D. watch tigers closely

【3】Why does the writer think Disney World is a dilemma?

A. Because Disney World is like a trap for adults.

B. Because adults are forbidden to enter Disney World.

C. Because adults can get little joy from Disney World.

D. Because Disney World is full of animated characters.

【4】Which is not mention in the passage?

A. Transportation. B. Location. C. Food. D. History.

【5】Where can you find this passage ?

A. In a science book. B. In a travel magazine.

C. In a government work report D. In a news report










【2】B细节理解题。根据文章末段Eat in or eat out?内容可知客房服务提供客人在房间内就餐,选B。而根据第五段内容可知只有开车去the East End Market才可以看到Henry Salgado厨师,故C选项错误;根据第三段内容adventure tours to nearby Boggy Creek to observe tigers in their natural habitat.可知客人必须去Boggy Creek才可以看到老虎;根据第四段B is right inside Orlando’s Walt Disney World Resort, just a short, free shuttle(公共汽车)from Downtown Disney可知游客可以从迪士尼免费坐车来旅馆,故判断 A选项错误。





【题目】Researchers are finding new ways to save snakebite victims.Experts discussed the latest findings during a recent conference.

Scientists in Australia have shown that a chemical called nitric oxide could increase the chances of surviving a poisonous snakebite.The scientists injected rats with a deadly amount of snake venom.Then they rubbed an ointment(软膏)containing nitric oxide on the skin around the injection site.The study found that the rats lived about one-third longer than if nitric oxide had not been used.But the treatment had to be started very quickly.

Dirk van Helden led the research.He says the nitric oxide ointment also showed promise in humans.The study appeared earlier this year in the journal Nature Medicine.Scientists say the findings could help save many lives.A recent study found that poisonous snakes cause as many as ninety-four thousand deaths worldwide each year.But Ulrich Kuch of the Biodiversity and Climate Research Center in Frankfurt,Germany,says that number appears to be low.

Mr Kuch says many deaths could be prohibited if snakebite victims are treated correctly,but they often go to traditional healers or do not seek any help at all.He said,“Sometimes it’s because there is no treatment available—no antivenom(抗蛇毒血清),which is the specific(特殊的)drug to treat snakebites—or health care staff do not know how to treat snakebites,and sometimes its because transportation to get to a health facility is not available or too expensive.

Here is no single antivenom that can be used to treat all snakebites.The antivenom must be specific to the kind of snake that bit the person.In some countries the treatment is costly,while in others there is no such treatment.

1What is this passage mainly about?( )

A.Snakebite deaths around the world.

B.Progress in fighting snakebite deaths.

C.Snakebite treatment around the world.

D.The chances of surviving a poisonous snakebite.

2After being rubbed an ointment containing nitric oxide,the rats .

A.suffered no pain B.died immediately

C.lived a little longer D.started feeling uncomfortable

3What does Paragraph 3 suggest?( )

A.The number of deaths caused by snakebites is becoming lower each year.

B.The nitric oxide ointment has saved thousands of people’s lives.

C.It is very important to find an effective way to treat snakebites.

D.The number of deaths caused by snakebites worldwide is low.

4What does the underlined word “prohibited” in Paragraph 4 mean?( )

A. caused. B.considered.

C.examined. D.prevented.

5What is implied in the last paragraph?( )

A.Antivenom can be made very easily.

B.It’s very important to use the correct antivenom to treat snakebite victims.

C.Antivenom is extremely expensive all over the world.

D.A person bitten by a snake will survive as long as there is antivenom.

【题目】【改编】Our body clock,or natural body rhythm,influences our energy and alertness.Paying attention to it can help us choose the suitable time of day when we best perform specific tasks.

The reality,however,is that most of us organize their time around work demands,school deadlines,commuting or social events.Doing whatever your body feels like doing is a luxury in today's fast-paced modem society.

But that doesn't mean it isn't worth trying.Obeying our body clock has significant health benefits.Disrupting our natural body rhythm,on the other hand,has been linked to problems such as depression,obesity,or headache,says Steve Key,a biology professor.

When the body clock can synchronize(使……同步)the rhythms of its natural processes,it “gives us an advantage in daily life”,says Key.

According to him,when it comes to cognitive(认知的)work,most adults perform best in the late morning.As our body temperature starts to rise just before awakening in the morning and continues to increase until midday,our memory,alertness and concentration gradually improve.

However,he adds,our ability to concentrate typically starts to decrease soon thereafter.Most of us are more easily distracted between noon and 4 pm.

Alertness also tends to fall after eating a meal and sleepiness tends to peak around 2 pm,making that a good time for a nap.

Surprisingly, tiredness may increase our creative powers.For most adults,problems that require open ended thinking are often best dealt with in the evening when they are tired, according to a study in the journal Thinking & Reasoning.

When choosing a time of day to exercise,paying attention to your body clock can improve results.Physical performance is usually best from about 3 to 6 pm,says Michael Smolensky,a professor of biomedical engineering.

Of course, not everyone's body clock is the same,making it even harder to synchronize natural rhythms with daily plans.

【1】What does the writer mainly tell us in the passage?

A. The benefit of natural body rhythm.

B. A new research about our body clock.

C. Something about natural body rhythm.

D. The definition of natural body rhythm.

【2】What is the meaning of the underlined word disrupting”?

A. Following. B. Destroying.

C. Noticing. D. Finding.

【3】According to the passage, we can know _____.

A. people dont know tiredness can increase creative powers.

B. people are most focused at 3 oclock..

C. natural body rhythm can t influences peoples energy.

D. most grown-ups perform best in the early morning

【4】Which of the following is true ?

A. Our memory and concentration improve with the fall of body temperature.

B. A good time for a nap is usually at 1pm.

C. Physical performance is usually best in the morning.

D. Not all people have the same body clock.

【5】The benefit of knowing our natural body rhythm is that_____.

A. we can keep healthy all our life.

B. we can improve our IQ.

C. we can do specific tasks in suitable time.

D. we can do whatever our body wants to.

【题目】Every New Year brings renewed(更新的) expectation for a change, for a better life and for a better you. That’s a wonderful thing, because this fresh start gives us a chance to reinvent our lives and ourselves. Here’s how.

Let go

Many times we are held back by our previous failures,emotions and barriers(障碍). This is all old baggage. Let everything unhappy from the past go. Let go of failures. Let go of fears you’ve built up. Let go of your ideas about what your life has to be like. Let go of long-held beliefs and habits which seem to be burdens(负担) to you.

Clear away distractions(分心)

Clear away email, your favourite blogs and news websites. Clearaway the iPhone or Blackberry, and clear away all the chores that pull at your attention. In fact, if you can, shut off the Internet for a while. You can come back to it after you take a break.

Decide what matters most today

Forget about your goals for all of this year. Instead, decide what you want to do today. What matters most to you and your life? What are you most passionate(热情的) about right now? What excites you? What gives you the most fulfillment(满足感)? Often the answer would be in creating something, making something new, helping others, becoming a better person, and working on a project that you will be proud of. But whatever your answer, have it clear in your mind at the beginning of the day.

Reinvent yourself every day

Every day, you are reborn.Reinvent yourself and your life. Do what matters most to you. It might be the same thing that mattered most yesterday, or it might not be. That isn’t important. What’s important is today---right now! Be passionate, and be happy!

You’ll have a fresh start every single day---not just on January 1 of a new year.

【1】Writing this passage, the author seems to be ________.

A. strict B. peaceful C. nervous D. confident

【2】The underlined word “chores” refers to ______.

A. modern technology B. unimportant things

C. online information D. fashionable devices

【3】According to the passage, the writer’s suggestion is______.

A. Stopping using hi-tech devices to avoid troubles in your life.

B. Seizing the moment, but not to make a plan for the far future.

C. Forgetting everything about and from the past

D. Making yourself a person reborn every day.

【4】which one is the most proper title for the passage ?

A. Work Effectively in a New Year

B. Reduce Stress in a New Year

C. Freshen the Start of Every New Day

D. Live a Better Life in Every New Day

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