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Volunteers wanted
     Volunteers are wanted to teach English on weekends in local orphanages (孤儿院).
     Those who are interested please send e-mail to volunteers@yahoo.com before 25th July,
2007, talking about your advantages and reasons for applying.
     Young Volunteer Club
From: lihua@163.com
To: volunteers@yahoo.com
Dear Sir / Madam,
From: lihua@163.com
To: volunteers@yahoo.com
Dear Sir / Madam,
      I have read the ad for volunteers and am interested in becoming one of the voluntary English teachers.
Now I'm writing to apply for the position.
     I am Li Hua, and am studying in Yu Ying High School.
     I have been doing well in my study and have a good command of English. I once tutored a primary school
kid in English. This experience has helped me build up confidence and improved my communication skills.
     In my opinion, being a voluntary teacher is more than improving language and teaching skills. It is helpful
to broaden our horizons and improve our understanding of the world. That's why I hope very much to take
this opportunity. I believe, by helping those kids, I can make a big difference to their future and make a small
contribution to society.
     I'm looking forward to your early reply.
                                                                                                      Yours sincerely,
                                                                                                           Li Hua

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