
【题目】While __________ out of the window, I saw my father walking the dog in the garden.

A. look B. looks

C. looking D. looked




【题目】Regarded as one of the English language's most gifted poets, John Keats wrote poetry that concentrated on imagery, human nature, and philosophy. Although Keats didn't receive much formal literary education, his own studies and passion brought him much success. Additionally, his own life situation influenced his poetry greatly.

Growing up as a young boy in London in a lower, middle-class family, the young John didn't attend a private school, but went to a public one. His teachers and his family's friends regarded him as an optimistic boy who favored playing and fighting much more than minding his studies. After his father's death in the early 1800s, followed by his mother's passing due to tuberculosis (肺结核), he began viewing life differently. He wanted to escape the world and did so by reading anything he could get his hands on.

At around the age of 16, the teenage John Keats began studying under a surgeon so that he too might become a doctor. However, his literary appetite had taken too much of his fancy, especially with his addiction to the poetry of Ehmund Spenser. He was able to have his first full poem published in the Examiner in 1816, entitled O Solitude! If I Must With Thee Dwell. Within two months in 1817, Keats had written an entire volume of poetry, but was sharply criticized by a magazine. However, the negative response didn't stop his pursuit of rhythm.

John Keats' next work was Endymion, which was published in May 1818. The story involves a shepherd who falls in love with the moon goddess and leads him on an adventure of one boy's hope to overcome the limitations of being human. Following Engymion, however, he tried something more narrative-based and wrote Isabella. During this time, John Keats began seeing his limitations in poetry due to his own limit in life experiences. He would have to have the "knowledge" associated with his poems. His next work was Hyperion that would attempt to combine all that he learned. However, a bout (发作) with tuberculosis while visiting Italy would keep him from his work and eventually take his life in 1821.

【1】John Keats' attitude towards life changed because of________.

A. his early education from school

B. the criticism of a magazine

C. Edmund Spenser's poetry

D. the deaths of his parents

【2】What is the common thing between John Keats and his mother?

A. They read many books.

B. They died of the same disease.

C. They had a bad childhood.

D. They showed strong interest in poetry.

【3】What do we know from the passage?

A. Keats once had a chance of becoming a doctor.

B. Keats received little education at school.

C. In 1816 Keats spent two months writing a poem.

D. Endymion was about a real love story.

【4】While pursuing his dream of becoming a poet at first, John Keats was________.

A. knowledgeable B. experienced

C. determined D. impatient

【5】What can we infer from the passage?

A. The poem Hyperion wasn't completed by Keats.

B. Edmund Spenser was the greatest poet in Keats' time.

C. It is likely that Keats rewrote his poem Isabella.

D. Keats' family must have been very poor when he was young.

【题目】The best time of my life

It was June 15and in two days 1 would be turning thirty. I was 1 about entering a new decade of ray life and feared that my best years were now 2 me.

My 3 routine included going to the gym for a workout before going to work. Every morning I 4 see my friend Nicholas at the gym. He was seventy-nine years old and in terrific 5 . As I greeted Nicholas on this particular day he noticed I wasn't full of my 6 vitality (生命力,生气)and asked if there was anything wrong. I told him I was feeling anxious about 7 thirty. I wondered how I would look 8 my life once I reached Nicholas's age so I asked him "What was the best time of your life?"

Without 9 , Nicholas replied, "Well, Joe, this is my philosophical (哲学的)answer 10 your philosophical question When I was a child in Austria and 11 was taken care of for me and I was nurtured (养育,培养)by my 12 that was the best time of my life.

When I was going to school and learning the things I know todaythat was the 13 time of my life.

When I got my first job and had responsibilities and got paid for my 14 that was the best time of my life.

When I met my wife and 15 in love that was the best time of my life.

The Second World War 16 , and my wife and I had to flee Austria to save our lives. 17 we were together and safe on a ship bound for North America, that was the best time of my life.

When I was a young father 18 my children grow up, that was the best time of my life.

And now, Joe, I am seventy-nine years old. I have my healthI feel good and I am in love with my wife 19 I was when we first met. 20 is the best time of my life."

A. eager B. anxious C. happy D. satisfied

A. before B. beside C. besides D. behind

A. everyday B. every day's C. every day D. every day's

A. will B. would C. used to D. was used to

A. form B. type C. kind D. shape

A. common B. ordinary C. usual D. formal

A. turning B. becoming C. growing D. getting

A. forward to B. back on C. down upon D. out for

A. doubt B. question C. hesitation D. permission

A. for B. at C. in D. to

A. something B. anything C. everything D. nothing

A. teachers B. friends C. children D. parents

A. better B. best C. less D. least

A. efforts B. effects C. works D. gains

A. feel B. felt C. fell D. felled

A. broke in B. broke through C. broke up D. broke out

A. Whether B. When C. Although D. However

A. looking B. noticing C. watching D. realizing

A. just as B. just like C. just then D. just now

A. It B. This C. That D. Which

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