
14.What does the man make the phone call for?
A.He wants to make a reservation.
B.He wants to build a penthouse.
C.He wants to get some books.
15.Who is Tony Parker?
A.The person who handles bookings for standard rooms.
B.The person who makes all the arrangements for executive accounts.
C.The person who manages the hotel.
16.What is the man's phone number?
A.660-843-3233. B.660-843-3235.   C.660-843-3230.


解答 ABB


4.This summer,Monika Lutz's life took an unusual turn.Instead of heading off to college,the high school graduate packed her bags for a Bengali jungle.Lutz,like a growing number of other young Americans,is taking a year off.Gap(间隔) years  are quite common in Britain and Australia,but they are just beginning to catch on in the U.S.Lutz,who grew up in Boulder,Colo.,has put together a 14-month schedule that includes helping deliver solar power to some communities in India and interning (实习) for a fashion designer in Shanghai---experiences that are worlds away from the lecture halls and university dormitories that await other students."I could not be happier,"she says.
 Why are students attracted to the gap-year concept?According to new survey data from Karl Haigler and Rae Nelson,education-policy experts and co-authors of The Gap-Year Advantage,the most common reason for this is to avoid burnout."I felt like I was focused on college as a means to an end,"says Kelsi Morgan,an incoming Middlebury College freshman who spent last year interning for a judge in Tulsa,Okla.,and teaching English at an orphanage in the Dominican Republic.The hope is that after a year out of the classroom,students will enter college more energized,focused and mature.That can be an advantage for colleges too.Robert Clagett,dean of admissions at Middlebury,did some research a few years ago and found that a single gap semester was the strongest predictor of academic success at his school.
 Most experts recommend securing a spot in college before taking a gap year and warn against using the time off to lengthen your resume."Most admissions folks can see right through that,"says Jim Jump,the academic dean of St.Christopher's School in Richmond,Va.But for students like Lutz,who,after getting rejected from five Ivies,decided to take time off,a gap year can help focus interests.Lutz now plans to apply mostly to non-Ivies that have strong marketing programs."This experience has really opened my eyes to the opportunities the world has to offer,"she says.
 But at least one education expert doesn't want schools spreading the gap-year message.In a study that followed 11,000 members of the high school class of 1992 for eight years after graduation,Stefanie DeLuca,a sociology professor at Johns Hopkins University,found that,all things being equal,those who delayed college by a year were 64% less likely to complete a bachelor's degree than those who didn't.DeLuca did not say whether these students voluntarily started college late,but at the very least,her work indicates that taking a gap year doesn't guarantee success."I'm not going to say that time off does not have benefits,"says DeLuca."But I think we should not be so enthusiastic."
67.The students take gap years mainly becauseB.
A.they want to be more unusual   
B.they want to refresh themselves 
C.some experts advise them to do so  
D.their parents think it good for them
68.According to Lutz,the gap year has made her moreC
A.energetic      B.relaxed  C.practical   D.enthusiastic
69.Stefanie DeLuca probably agrees thatA.
A.students should think twice before taking gap years
B.taking gap years enables students to achieve success
C.schools should encourage their students to take gap years
D.taking gap years increases students'chances of getting a good job
70.What's the author's attitude towards gap years?D
4.A.Advantages of removing traffic signals
B.Opinions of the public
C.Opinions of the creator
D.The experiment with on light roads
E.Problems from abolishing traffic signals
F.Reasons for abolishing traffic signals

What causes traffic jams?Too much cars,right?No!Some Brits are now saying that traffic lights are to blame for much of the congestion.
A report from the Institute of Economic Affairs,a UK think tank(智囊团),argues that abolishing traffic signals would decrease congestion,reduce exhaust emissions(废气排放) and improve safety.The report said that removing lights should also prevent other bad behavior caused by signals,such as speeding up to catch a green light.It would also avoid the wasted time when drivers have to sit at a red light even if no one is using the green.
The idea may sound strange,but it's not new.Seven cities and regions in Europe are experimenting with no-light roads.Drachten in the Netherlands has got rid of 16 of its traffic light crossings and changed the other two to roundabouts under a"shared space"scheme.At crossings,cyclists dutifully raise their arm when they want to make a turn,and drivers follow a first-arrived,first-through approach and communicate by hand signals,nods and waving.The result?Typical journey time has been cut in half,and accidents and congestion have mostly disappeared.
There have been small collisions but no problem,said Hans Monderman creator of the scheme."We want small accidents,in order to prevent serious ones.It works well because it's dangerous.The driver has to be responsible for his or her own risk."The many rules take away the ability to be considerate,"Monderman added."We're losing our responsibility for socially responsible behavior."
So far,Drachten's locals have called the experiment a success."I am used to it now,"said Helena Spaanstra,24."You drive more slowly and carefully,but somehow you seem to get around town quicker."Tony Ooosward,70,was equally enthusiastic."I am a walker and now you are the boss at the crossroads,everyone waits for you.But at the same time walkers wait until there are a number of people wanting to cross at the same time."

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