Is it possible to persuade mankind to live without war? War is an ancient custom which has existed for at least six thousand years. It was always evil and usually foolish, but in the past the human race managed to live with it. Modern skill has changed this. Either man will stop war, or war will stop man. For the present, it is nuclear weapons that cause the greatest danger, but bacteriological( 细菌的 ) or chemical weapons may, before long, offer an even greater threat. If we succeeded in stopping war, there would be no danger for us. To do this, we need to persuade mankind to look upon international questions in a new way, not by contests of force, in which the victory goes to the side which is most skillful in massacre (大屠杀 ),but by arbitration (仲裁)in accordance with agreed principles of law. It is not easy to change old mental habits, but this is what must be attempted.

There are those who say that the adoption of this or that ideology (意识形态)would prevent war. I believe this to be a complete error. All ideologies are based upon beliefs without proof which are, at best, doubtful, and at worst, totally false. Those people who believe them are willing to go to war in support of them.

The movement of world opinion during the past two years has changed very largely such as we can welcome. It has become a common belief that nuclear war must be avoided. Of course, very difficult problems remain in the international world, but the spirit in which they are being approached is a better one than it was some years ago. It has begun to be thought, even by the powerful men who decide whether we shall live or die, that agreements should be reached even if both sides do not find these agreements wholly satisfactory. It has begun to be understood that the important conflict (冲突) nowadays is not between East and West, but between Man and the H?bomb.

From the first paragraph we can know that ____.

A. we may face greater threat from weapons 

B. bacteriological or chemical weapons are less dangerous than nuclear weapons

C. man’s idea of victory has changed

D. dangerous weapons are forbidden in modern society

According to the author,______.

A. it is impossible to live without war

B. the difference between East and West will lead to war

C. war must be stopped if man wants to survive

D. war will be stopped by modern skill

The author believes that the only way to stop war is to____.

A. stop nuclear weapons

B. settle international issues through agreements

C. destroy bacteriological and chemical weapons

D. let the stronger side take over the world

The last paragraph suggests that______.

A. nuclear war will definitely not take place

B. real agreements have been now reached

C. world opinion is still divided on nuclear war

D. man is beginning to realize that nuclear war is his greatest enemy

Which of the following words can best describe the author’s feeling in writing this passage?

A. Disappointed.   B. Doubtful.   C. Worried.   D. Hopeful.

The Chinese-born American architect Ieoh Ming Pei is one of the most creative architects of our times. He has incorporated both eastern and western ideas into his designs.

Ieoh Ming Pei was born in Guangzhou, China on April 26, 1917. His father was a famous banker. In 1935, at the age of 17, he came to the United States to study architecture at Massachusetts Institute of Technology. In 1942, he entered the Harvard Graduate School of Design.

In 1964, Jacqueline Kennedy selected Pei to design the Kennedy library. After that he became well-known all of the world. People named it one of the Ten Best Buildings in the United States. In 1968, Pei started work on the East Wing of the National Gallery of Art, in Washington D.C.. Over one million people visited the building during its first 50 days in existence.

Following the East Wing project Pei's fame has continued to grow widely. In 1983, French President commissioned(委任) Pei to help make the Louvre more modern. Ten years later, the completion of Pei’s glass pyramid at the Louvre created a new historic landmark for Paris. Pei described it as, "the greatest challenge and greatest accomplishment of my career." At Fragrant Hill, a 300-room hotel in the Chinese capital, Pei has attempted to bring to his native China his often-quoted "third way of making buildings." Avoiding both a complete copying of traditional Chinese motifs(特色) as well as the modernism of the West, Pei has managed, at Fragrant Hill, to make one of his most eloquent(有说服力的) statements.

Pei has designed nearly 50 projects in the United States and abroad. About half of these projects have won major awards. Pei has been awarded the highest honors from nations over the world. In 1990, Pei was awarded the Medal of Freedom by President George Bush for his contributions to world peace and service to the US government.

56. Which is the right order of the events of Ieoh Ming Pei?

Pei started work on the East Wing of the National Gallery of Art, in Washington DC.

Ieoh Ming Pei entered the Harvard Graduate School of Design.

The completion of Pei’s glass pyramid at the Louvre created a new historic landmark for Paris.

Ieoh Ming Pei was selected to design the Kennedy library.

Ieoh Ming Pei was born in Guangzhou.

Pei was awarded the Medal of Freedom by President George Bush.

Ieoh Ming Pei came to Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

French President commissioned Pei to help make the Louvre more modern.

A. e-g-d-b-a-h-c-f     B. e-g-b-d-a-h-c-f     C. e-g-b-d-h-a-c-f       D. e-g-b-d-a-h-f-c

The underlined word “incorporate” can be replaced by __________.

 A. divide               B. combine            C. separate           D. part   

It was ____________ that Ieoh Ming Pei became world-famous.

A. after the completion of Pei’s glass pyramid at the Louvre

B. after he designed East Wing of the National Gallery of Art, in Washington DC

C. after he designed the Kennedy library

D. after he designed the Fragrant Hill

__________ is an excellent building that shows both the traditional Chinese motifs and the modernism of the West.

A. Fragrant Hill 

B. Pei’s glass pyramid at the Louvre

C. The East Wing of the National Gallery of Art

D. Kennedy library

We can infer that about _________of Ieoh Ming Pei’s projects have won major awards.

A. 50              B. 15                C. 25               D. 35


   Although man has known about asbestos for many hundreds of years, it was not until 160 years ago that it was mined for the first time on the North American continent. H. W. Johns, owner of a New York City Supply Shop for roofers, was responsible for (对……负责)the opening of that first mine.

   Mr. Johns was given a piece of asbestos which had been found in Italy. He experimented with the material and then showed its surprising powers to his customers. After putting a pair of asbestos gloves, which looked much like ordinary work gloves, he took red-hot coals from the fireplace and played with them in his hands. How astonished the customers were to discover that he was not burned at all. You can well imagine that he had increasing business in asbestos roofing materials. However, because it was very expensive to transport(carry) them from Italy to the United States, Mr. Johns sent out a young scientist to seek a source nearer home. This young man found great vein(岩脉)

in the province of Quebec in Canada.

   Ever since 1881, Quebec has led the world in the production of this unusual mineral, which is made up of magnesium, silicon, iron, and oxygen. When it is mined, the asbestos is heavy, just as you would expect a mineral to be. When it is separated, a strange thing happens: the rock breaks down into fine, soapy fibers(滑腻的纤维)。

    Scientists do not know why the rock can be separated easily into threads(线),but they have found thousands of uses for this fireproof material, often called the “cloth of stone”.

1. The title that best expresses the main idea of the passage is _____.

   A. Asbestos mined in Canada          B. Fireproof matter

   C. A “wonder” mineral               D. A new roofing material

2. Johns proved his ability (能力)as a salesman by_____.

going into the roofing business

carrying asbestos from Italy

sending a trained scientist

showing the use of asbestos gloves

3. Which is the most important character of asbestos that the author wants to show us?

   A. It is like thread               B. It feels soapy

   C. It bums easily                D. It is unusually heavy

4. The author’s main purpose in writing this passage is to______.

show the need for more scientists

compare asbestos with other minerals

increase the sales of asbestos

present facts about asbestos


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