

A glass a day keeps obesity at bay.Alcohol has always been thought to cause weight gain because of its high sugar content, but new research suggests a glass a day could form part of a diet.Looking at past studies they found that, while heavy drinkers do put on weight, those who drink in moderation can actually lose weight.

A spokesman for the research team at Navarro University in Spain says, “Light to moderate alcohol intake, especially of wine, may be more likely to protect against, rather than promote, weight gain”.The International Scientific Forum on Alcohol Research reviewed the findings and agreed with most of the conclusions, particularly that current data do not clearly indicate if moderate drinking increases weight.

Boston University’s Dr.Harvey Finkel found that the biologic mechanisms (生物学机制) relating alcohol to changes in body weight are not properly understood. His team pointed out the strong protective effects of moderate drinking on the risk of getting conditions like diabetes(糖尿病),which relate to increasing obesity.Some studies suggest that even very obese people may be at lower risk of diabetes if they are moderate drinkers.

The group says alcohol provides calories that are quickly absorbed into the body and are not stored in fat, and that this process could explain the differences in its effects from those of other foods.They agree that future research should be directed towards assessing the roles of different types of alcoholic drinks, taking into consideration drinking patterns and including the past tendency of participants to gain weight.

For now there is little evidence that consuming small to moderate amounts of alcohol on a regular basis increases one’s risk of becoming obese.What’s more, a study three years ago suggested that reveratrol, a compound present in grapes and red wine, destroys fat cells.

1.The passage is mainly for those ______.

A. who produce wine B. who are eager to lose weight

C. who go on a diet D. who have a drinking habit

2.The underlined phrase “in moderation” in the first paragraph means ______.

A. properly B. carefully

C. excitedly D. frequently

3.Why has alcohol been thought to cause weight gain?

A. Because its calories are stored in fat.

B. Because it is rich in sugar.

C. Because it changes drinking patterns.

D. Because it increases the risk of diabetes.

4.What can we learn from the passage?

A. The specific roles of different types of alcoholic drinks are very clear.

B. Resveratrol is proved to increase the risk of becoming fat.

C. The research found moderate drinking has a strong protective effect.

D. Current data clearly show that moderate drinking increases weight.

5.What is most likely to be discussed in the paragraph that follows?

A. How to do some easy experiments.

B. How to prove the finding mentioned above.

C. How to make wine in a healthy way.

D. How to reduce the calories contained in wine.


My father suffered a disease once, but he was an optimist(乐天派).He wanted to do something to keep himself busy, so he became a volunteer at a children's h}pital. Sometimes one or two kids would die. At this time he would tell the heart-broken parents of the children that he would be with their children in heaven and that he would look after them there.

There was a girl with a disease that paralyzed(瘫痪)her from the neck down. She couldn't do anything. My dad decided to help her with his true love. He started visiting her, bringing paints, brushes and paper. He began to put the paintbrush in his mouth to paint. He didn't use his hands. He would visit her whenever he could and paint for her. "You can do anything once you make up your mind to do it,”he said. Finally, she began to paint using her mouth, too.

Later, my dad recovered and returned to work. He worked at the volunteer counter in the hospital. One day, he noticed the front door open. In came the little girl who had been paralyzed.

She was walking! She hugged my dad tightly and gave him a picture she had done using her hands. At the bottom it read: "Thank you for helping me walk again!”

After that my father often said love was more powerful than doctors.

1.Which words best describe the writer's father?

A. Patient and funny. B. Strong and serious.

C. Busy and hard-working. D. Kind and optimistic.

2.Why didn't the writer's father use his hands when painting for the girl?

A. He was not good at drawing.

B. He liked the taste of paint.

C. He wanted to give the girl hope.

D. He was an experienced artist.

3.What can we infer from the writer's father's words in Paragraph 1?

A. He cared little about the children who died.

B. He didn't think he would survive his disease.

C. He must know those heart-broken parents.

D. He used to work as a doctor in that hospital.

Below are the best four applications(应用,网络用语app) to help you organize your closet—and trust us, there really is something for everyone.


If you're looking to create your own digital closet, then this app is for you. Closet helps you categorize your outfits and keeps you up­to­date on what you've already worn.

PROS(优点): Very simple and user­friendly. Great for helping you look at your own closet without feeling overwhelmed.

CONS(缺点): No social interactions.


The app makes things insanely easy for the indecisive shopper. So if you're debating whether or not to buy something, you can get a second opinion. The app also gathers photos of items that you wish to buy and items you already own, so they are all in one spot.

PROS: When you sign up, you fill out a short survey that helps identify your personal style and subsequently finds people with similar taste that you can follow for inspiration.

CONS: The phone application is more visually appealing than the actual website.


It allows you to categorize your clothes by color, brand, pattern and more. And if you're wondering whether you have already worn an outfit, simply check your style calendar.

PROS: The app comes with a “Today in Fashion History” tip so you can brush up on your style knowledge.

CONS: You can't view your style profile using the app yet unless you log on to the site.

Walk in My Closet

If you're browsing the Internet, looking for something to buy, you can instantly add the item to your virtual(虚拟的) closet so that your wish list items are all in one place. Besides sharing your closet with other users, you can also sell items you no longer want.

PROS: The “Moodboard” is a great way to gather inspiring looks that you like from other users and fashion experts.

CONS: The luggage feature, which allows you to prepare outfits for an upcoming trip, is only available on the site; it would be useful if it were on the app.

1.Which of the following is designed for people who often hesitate when buying clothes?

A.Closet. B.Pose.

C.Stylitics. D.Walk in My Closet.

2.What can we learn about Walk in My Closet from the passage?

A.It is a simple and user­friendly app.

B.It helps you confirm your personal style.

C.It combines both shopping and organizing your closet.

D.It requires you to log on the site to view your style profile.

3.The passage mainly tells us ________.

A.about the four best fashion apps to help organize your closet

B.how to use these fashion apps

C.that everyone can find their own personal style

D.that we should share our closet with friends

Experiments aboard the spaceship Columbia have disproved a theory on the human nervous system which won an Austrian professor a Nobel prize 79 years ago.

West German astronaut Ulf Merbold disproved the theory during tests aboard the spaceship yesterday. His discovery is connected with the workings of the inner ear, the body’s balance mechanism(机制).

In l914 Professor Robert Barany won the Nobel prize for Physiology(生理学) and Medicine when he announced that temperature differences affected the inner ear and caused the eyes to blink(眨眼). His theory was accepted by scientists.

But Merbold carried out tests to find if the theory was correct and shocked himself and space officials when he proved it wrong.

According to Barany’s theory the eyes would blink when cold air was blown into one ear and hot air blown into the other.

But if this theory was correct such a movement would be impossible in zero gravity(重力).

Both Merbold’s eyes continually blinked when the test was carried out.

1.Tests were carried out in outer space in order to _______.

A. find what causes the eyes to blink

B. shock the world

C. win the prize

D. prove the theory

2.Barany’s theory declared to prove _______.

A. how our hearing mechanism works

B. why we constantly move our eyes

C. that eye movement is affected by temperature

D. how hearing reacts(反应)

3.Barany’s theory was proved incorrect in space by the effects of _______.

A. having no weight B. having no air

C. the pull of gravity D. hot and cold air streams

Exercise seems to be good for the human brain,with many recent studies suggesting that regular exercise improves memory and thinking skills.But an interesting new study asks whether the apparent cognitive benefits from exercise are real or just a placebo effect — that is,if we think we will be “smarter” after exercise,do our brains respond accordingly?The answer has significant implications for any of us hoping to use exercise to keep our minds sharp throughout our lives.
While many studies suggest that exercise may have cognitive benefits,recently some scientists have begun to question whether the apparently beneficial effects of exercise on thinking might be a placebo effect.So researchers at Florida State University in Tallahassee and the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign decided to focus on expectations,on what people anticipate that exercise will do for thinking.If people’s expectations jibe (吻合) closely with the actual benefits,then at least some of those improvements are probably a result of the placebo effect and not of exercise.
For the new study,which was published last month in PLOS One,the researchers recruited 171 people through an online survey system,they asked half of these volunteers to estimate by how much a stretching and toning regimens (拉伸运动) performed three times a week might improve various measures of thinking.The other volunteers were asked the same questions,but about a regular walking program.
In actual experiments,stretching and toning program generally have little if any impact on people’s cognitive skills.Walking,on the other hand,seems to substantially improve thinking ability.
But the survey respondents believed the opposite,estimating that the stretching and toning program would be more beneficial for the mind than walking.The estimates of benefits from walking were lower.
These data,while they do not involve any actual exercise,are good news for people who do exercise.“The results from our study suggest that the benefits of aerobic exercise are not a placebo effect,” said Cary Stothart,a graduate student in cognitive psychology at Florida State University,who led the study.
If expectations had been driving the improvements in cognition seen in studies after exercise,Mr.Stothart said,then people should have expected walking to be more beneficial for thinking than stretching.They didn’t,implying that the changes in the brain and thinking after exercise are physiologically genuine.
The findings are strong enough to suggest that exercise really does change the brain and may,in the process,improve thinking,Mr.Stothart said. That conclusion should encourage scientists to look even more closely into how,at a molecular level,exercise remodels the human brain,he said. It also should encourage the rest of us to move,since the benefits are,it seems,not imaginary,even if they are in our head.
1.Which of the following about the placebo effect is TRUE according to the passage?
A. It occurs during exercise.
B. It has cognitive benefits.
C. It is just a mental reaction.
D. It is a physiological response.
2.Why did the researchers at the two universities conduct the research?
A. To discover the placebo effect in the exercise.
B. To prove the previous studies have a big drawback.
C. To test whether exercise can really improve cognition.
D. To encourage more scientists to get involved in the research.
3.What can we know about the research Cary Stothart and his team carried out?
A. They employed 171 people to take part in the actual exercise.
B. The result of the research removed the recent doubt of some scientists.
C. The participants thought walking had a greater impact on thinking ability.
D. Their conclusion drives scientists to do research on the placebo effect.
4.What might be the best title for the passage?
A. Is it necessary for us to take exercise?
B. How should people exercise properly?
C. What makes us smarter during exercise?
D. Does exercise really make us smarter?

CANYOUIMAGINEHOWHARDITWOULDBETOREADSENTENCESLIKETHIS? Every one of us gets so used to punctuation marks that not many of us give them a second thought.Actually, the ancient Greeks wrote this way.The lack of punctuation marks probably didn’t bother good readers, though.As they read, they just put pauses where they fit best.Also at this time, sentences switched directions.A sentence read from left to right.The next one read right to left, and then left to right again, etc. The ancient Romans sometimes punctuated like this: They put something that can separate words in a sentence.The word punctuation actually comes from this idea and the Latin word punctum, which means a dot.

When the 5th century arrived, there were just two punctuation marks: spaces and points.The spaces separated words while the points showed pauses in reading.Then in the 13th century, a printer named Aldus Manutius tried to standardize punctuation.He always used a period for a complete stop at the end of a sentence.He used a slash (/) to indicate a short pause.Over time, that slash was shortened and curled, and it became the modern comma (逗号).

Since that time, other marks have enlarged the punctuation family.The exclamation mark (感叹号) comes from the Latin word io.It means “exclamation of joy.” The question mark originally started out as the Latin word questio, meaning question.Eventually, scholars put it at the end of a sentence to show a question.

Punctuation even keeps changing nowadays.New marks are coming into existence, and old punctuation marks are used in new ways.Take for example the “interrobang”.This 1962 invention combines the question mark and exclamation mark for times when writers want both.For example, “She did what?” or “How much did you pay for that dress?” Obviously, the interrobang is not widely used or recognized yet, but its invention shows that English is not yet finished with its punctuation.

1.From the first paragraph, we can know that _______.

A. good readers had trouble reading without punctuation marks

B. a sentence always read from left to right in ancient Greece

C. ancient Greeks switched the direction of punctuation marks

D. the use of punctuation marks can date back to ancient times

2.The passage is developed _______.

A. by time B. by space

C. by comparison D. by importance

3.We can learn from the passage that _______.

A. ancient Romans didn’t use any punctuation marks

B. exclamation and question marks came from Latin

C. spaces and slashes were already used before the 5th century

D. Aldus Manutius first started to use commas

4.What can be concluded from the last paragraph?

A. The combination of two marks will not work.

B. It takes time for people to accept new punctuation marks.

C. Old punctuation marks need to be standardized.

D. Punctuation marks are still changing today.


Simplify Your Life

Less is more.This is why we say: reduce things by half instead of doubling them,get rid of junk instead of piling it up,relax instead of stressing,slow down instead of speeding up.Apply these principles in your everyday life in a conscious way.You will then find yourself well along on your journey to simplification.


When you concentrate on one task,you find you have energy that you didn't even know you had. Just imagine: you are at a fair and you have to carry two heavy pigs over 100 yards.If you keep grabbing one and then the other,it will take forever,because one of them will keep slipping out from under your arm and running off.But if you tie one pig in a place,pick up the other,gather all your strength and make a dash for the finish line,pause for a moment,run back and get the other one,and with great determination,carry the second pig to the finish line,then you can be sure of success.


The pressure at work is on the increase in all occupations.In the modern nuclear family,the expectations that formerly would have been shared among all the relatives are now concentrated on the individual partner.

If you have the feeling that 24 hours per day are not enough for all the things you need to do,then it's not because the day has too few hours,but because you have too many activities.A simple fact that overloaded people often tend to forget.The solution is equally simple: refuse to accept so many work assignments in your private life or your working life.


"I can handle stress" is regarded as a positive statement in the world of work.People who can handle stress are given more and more to cope with -- until one day they break.

Pay careful attention to the signs that tell you that you are under more stress than you can cope with.These

If you have any of these symptoms,change your life goals and decrease your tolerance of stress.Say quite openly,"I can't manage that."


“If only I were slimmer,more beautiful,richer,more clever,then I would be happier." This is a dream that makes a lot of people ill,depressed,and unhappy.Life has its flaws,defects,corners,and edges.Only those who accept this reality can lead a really full life.

Of course there are activities in which errors are dangerous: driving a car; crossing the road. But life doesn't consist entirely of these things.In among them there is a lot of room for small and large mistakes.


Successful people all have their own places where they can withdraw in order to work.Find out which places improve your creativity.For me it's the train.When I know that I'm going to be traveling for four hours without phone calls and people knocking on my door,I find nay mind is free and I can read or write complex articles.There can be problems working on the train,of course : if the person sitting opposite you keeps talking away,or if train traps make you tired ( some people fall asleep after a few miles).

A. Escape Now and Then

B. Slow Down Your Life

C. Separate Your Actions

D. Allow Yourself to Be Weak

E. Relieve Pressure by Firmly Saying "No"

F. Imagine you are the best

G. Stop Expecting Everything to Be Perfect

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