
2.They promised to develop a software package by the end of this year,________ they might have.(  )
A.however difficultB.how difficult
C.whatever difficultyD.what difficulty

分析 他答应无论有什么困难,年底都要开发一个软件包.

解答 答案:C
题干中从句they might have缺少宾语,要用名词或代词;how修饰形容词或副词,what修饰名词;what连接名词性从句,whatever连接状语从句,表示无论什么.故选C.

点评 连词用来连接从句,按类型可分为:从属连词,连接代词,连接副词.学习时,要注意区分.


Looking for volunteers


Fancy running a programme item or two?

We are looking for volunteers to run a number of programme items. If you meet one or more of the following requirements, we are very happy to hear about them at programme@dwcon.org.

Have guitar, will travel

We have two sing-along items planned (one of them aimed specifically at kids). Unfortunately, one organizer had to leave for some personal reasons, so we need one or two people. We are happy to discuss what we had in mind, but this can be run in any way you want.

Have questions, can point

We have two panels(专家咨询组)for this year: panel on writing and panel on story archetypes(原型).

We are looking for two volunteers to run these panels as chair. The main responsibility will be to point at people with questions, and have a few questions /remarks(评述)ready in case the audience has no ideas yet. Or if you always want to know something of course.

Play recorder

On Friday evening we will have a karaoke-like programme item, and we are looking for one or two volunteers to act as “DJ”. Music and equipment will be provided, so we mostly expect you to keep track of whose turn it is to sing

Have eyes for colour

Guess what, this is a paint-related item. We would like to make “rock puppets(木偶),and we need one or two volunteers to guide that. Paint and rocks will be provided.

1.The volunteers who will work on the two panels should __________

A. be experts on writing.

B. be skilled at telling stories.

C. be good at asking questions

D. be experienced in chairing competitions

2.What is the duty of a volunteer “DJ”?

A. To make sure the equipment works well.

B. To play records for the person who will sing.

C. To make plans for the karaoke-like programme.

D. To choose the right music for the person to sing.

3.What should the volunteers work as for the paint-related item?

A. Guides. B. Painters.

C. Organizers. D. Chairpersons.

Parents must focus on a healthy balanced lifestyle for their children instead of focusing on weight or dieting in order to prevent obesity(肥胖)and eating disorder among teenagers, say new guidelines from the American Academy of Pediatrics. The guidelines were developed in response to growing concern about teenagers’ use of unhealthy methods to lose weight.

Quick weight loss methods can cause medical consequences such as unstable heart rate. Also, teenagers who diet in ninth grade are three times more likely than their peers(同龄人)to be over-weight in 12th grade, the researchers said. “Scientific evidence increasingly shows that for teenagers, dieting is bad news,” said lead author Neville Golden, Professor at the Stanford University.

Parents should not encourage dieting, and should avoid “weight talk” such as commenting on their own weight or their children’s weight. Instead parents should help their children develop a healthy body image by encouraging them to eat a balanced diet and exercise for fitness, not weight loss, the researchers states. Further, they should also never tease teenagers about their weight. Negative comments about weight can also be detrimental to a teenager’s health.

“Mothers who talk about their own bodies and weights can encourage their kids to have body dissatisfaction, which we see in half of teenage girls and a quarter of boys,” Golden noted. Such dissatisfaction is associated with lower levels of physical activities and with use of laxatives(泻药)to control weight.

Families should eat regular meals together, the researchers suggested, adding that eating family meals is likely to prevent weight problems, said the paper published online in the journal Pediatrics. Eating too fast, eating when not hungry, always eating dessert, eating out often are not advisable when you watch your weight.

1.What is likely to happened to teenagers if they go on a diet in ninth grade?

A. Their studies will suffer a lot

B. They’ll probably have unstable heart rate

C. They’re more likely to be overweight in 12th grade

D. They’ll probably have eating disorder problems

2.What should parents do to prevent teenager obesity?

A. Urge teenagers to go on a strict diet

B. Comment on their own weight when eating

C. Express their dissatisfaction about their bodies

D. Encourage teenagers to eat healthily and exercise properly

3.What does the underlined word “detrimental” in the third paragraph probably mean?

A. Strange B. Harmful

C. Necessary D. Deadly

4.Which is considered helpful to prevent overweight?

A. Eating family meals more often

B. Eating only when hungry

C. Dinning out often

D. Eating too slow

We all do it. We make huge plans for New Year's Eve. As the big day approaches, we start building expectations, planning the best night of our lives. And yet, it rarely lives up. After all, how could it? We set unrealistic goals for a single night when many places are crowded and loud, there are tons of noisy drunk people, and an astronomical bill comes at the end of the evening. You're left wondering, "Was it worth it?" Fortunately, all it takes is a little reconsideration of your expectations to make sure this year's big night is one to remember.

If you get smashed on New Year's Eve, it is likely that you won't even remember what you did and whether or not you had fun. That's not saying there's something wrong with having a couple of glasses of wine at midnight. After all, it is a celebration. Just keep it light, since you want to remember the fun you had with your friends and family. After all, do you really want to spend the first day of the new year with drunkenness?

Many people like to spend the holidays with their friends and family. You could reserve a table at a favorite restaurant, but how about staying home and cooking? There's nothing worse than having to shout across the table because the restaurant is so crowded, except maybe waiting in line for an hour or more for that privilege. Never mind the bill will almost always be significantly higher than it would be almost any other night of the year. If you love to cook, you can make a great meal that everyone can enjoy.

A great idea for an at-home New Year's Eve party is wonderful. If it's a large get-together, it might be difficult to have a sit-down meal due to space restrictions, but a buffet is always a good choice. You just need to display the dishes for them to choose as they wish. Consider your space and guests' comfort when deciding what to serve.

1.Why do our huge plans for New Year's Eve usually fail?

A. We waste too much money on dinner.

B. There are drunken people everywhere.

C. Every place is crowded with people.

D. We pin too much on a single night.

2.Which of the following can replace the underlined word "smashed" in Paragraph 2?

A. Tired. B. Drunk.

C. Bored. D. Excited.

3.What did the author suggest doing to spend holidays with your friends and family?

A. Treating them at home.

B. Inviting them to dinner outside.

C. Waiting in line for a favorite restaurant.

D. Booking a great meal that everyone can enjoy.

4.What should you do if your home is not big enough?

A. Try to arrange a sit-down meal for your friends.

B. Serve a small meal according to your space.

C. Let your friends help themselves to dishes.

D. Consider your guests' comfort only.

12.It was my sister Sandra's first Christmas without her husband.Last Thursday,she was in the store (41)D for an ideal card for her two sons and daughter.Time passed by quickly as she (42)C the many choices.She wanted a card that sent something (43)B to each of them,as she knew they would have a(n) (44)B place in their heart this holiday season.
Finally,she found the one that expressed the (45)D feeling.(46)A,a sharp pain pierced (穿透) her heart when she realized that the card was (47)C"mom and dad".She stood,holding it close for a long time,unable to move from the spot.(48)A began to run over her cheeks.
"Is there something I can do for you?"a (49)D voice asked.She (50)B to face a stranger,a woman."Uh..oh…OH!"Sandra (51)A,"I can't give this card to my children because…because my husband died and this is the (52)C card."
The stranger's face softened with (53)C and love.She reached out and (54)A my sister into her arms,giving her unspoken (55)B to cry in the protection of her embrace (拥抱).She (56)B held my sister until her(57)D returned.
During her telling of this event I was feeling (58)B that I hadn't been there.My sister needed me and a stranger had to do my (59)D."You know,"she went on,"a friend suggested that it was like meeting with an Angel."My guilt (60)C in an instant.My sister required an Angel,and I think that is exactly what she got.


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