

1.After two hours of heated discussion, they came to an _________(一致;协议)on this matter.

2.We’ll see your honesty through your _________(动作;行为)rather than your words.

3.You must give an explanation to her, in case she might _________(误解;误会)you.

4.In some situations, our feelings can be _________(表达)better with gestures than the spoken language.

5.She braked her car suddenly and _________(避免)an accident.

6.Modern Kooris are living in the _________(相似的;类似的)way to their ancestors.

7.The _________(途径;通道)to the house was a narrow path.

8.I sent them flowers as an _________(表达)of thanks.

9.One of the _________(主要的)aims of education is to have students equipped with modern knowledge.

10.A heavy snow is _________(可能的)to come in a couple of days.

11.With life improving people will have a _________(一般的)interest in sports.

12.Children should see Three-D films with the company of _________(成年人).

13.As is well-known, a white pigeon _________(代表)peace.

14.He is so tall that his head nearly _________(接触)the ceiling.

15.He raised his hands in a _________(姿态;手势)of despair.

16.The boy was _________(好奇的)about everything he saw.


1.agreement 2.actions 3.misunderstand 4.expressed 5.avoided 6.similar 7.approach 8.expression 9.major 10.likely 11.general 12.adults 13.represents 14.touches 15.gesture 16.curious



1.The news that so many miners died of the disaster _________(使惊讶)us greatly.

2.The _________(摇摆)of the ship made many passengers seasick.

3.We should be satisfied with our own life when comparing with those who are _________(穷的).

4.Those with a _________(感觉)of humour are popular everywhere.

5.Her _________(特殊的;特别的)way of smiling left a good impression on me.

6.The learners of a second language have many obstacles to _________(克服).

7.It is also believed that playing firecrackers will bring good _________(运气)in the coming year.

8.A lot of funny jokes are _________(有趣的)and can make us relaxed.

9.Yuan Longping are invited to travel _________(遍及)the world circulating the growing of the super hybrid rice.

10.It’s not allowed to talk in the library, even to _________(日语).

11.The clothes are so _________(穿旧的)that they must be thrown away.

12.Mr.Johnson is easy to _________(挑出)among the crowds, for he is as tall as two meters.

13.When shopping in the mall, I _________(撞上, 碰见)a childhood classmate.

14.Some people are never _________(满足的)with their life and are always thinking of gaining wealth.

15.Having been _________(切断;断绝)with the outside world for fifty years, he doesn’t know about the modern life.

16.He _________(咀嚼)over the problem for several days before making his decision.

17.Li An _________(导演)the film Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon.


1.e tried his best to hold back his expression, and said in a ________(镇静的)voice.

2.She is so ________(慷慨的)that she gives all she has to the poor.

3.he spaceship ________(分开)from the rocket at six o'clock.

4.She is an old expert, and she has a lot of ________(经验).

5.________(不幸的是), she was badly hurt in the accident.

6.We should ________(保护)the environment from being polluted.

7.________(判断)from the appearance, he must be very rich.

8.Edison made a lot of important ________(发明)throughout his life.

9.Many black people are now still struggling for ________(平等)rights.

10.he tree was ________(晃动)because of high wind.

11.e has a lot of experience in the work, I mean he is a(an)________(熟练的)worker.

12.I think the Rocket will be the final ________(冠军)in the end.

13.A ________(灾难)happened to him when he was only five years old.

14.Since their ________(结婚), they have got on well with each other.

15.He ________(挥舞)his hand to me, asking me to give him a hand.

16.It is raining heavily outside.I am ________(盼望)Tom to send me an umbrella.

17.Today it is my father's birthday, let's ________(庆祝)!

18.Don't interrupt us, it is a ________(私人)talk.

19.Mary's confidence and ________(勇敢)impressed me a lot.

20.________(在我看来), he couldn't be trusted.

21..I saw a little girl ________(追赶)a bird.

22.You must ________(确保)that there is no spelling mistakes.

23.he teacher said that we would ________(取消)the sports meeting.

24.When the spaceship ________(起飞), millions of people were watching the live show on V.

25.We're taught to ________(作斗争)the difficulties, not to give up.

26.After a long time since the accident, I ________(恢复)at last.

27.I am ________(相处得好)with all my students.

28.When Jordan was 35, his career ________(结束).

29.I am ________(期待)receiving your letter.

30.Never ________(放弃), and you will succeed in time.

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