
13.In 2012,Mo Yan was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature,______ the delight of the Chinese people.(  )

分析 在2012年,莫言被授予了诺贝尔文学奖,使中国人感到高兴.

解答 答案D.A项"用;随着;支持;和…在一起";B项".为,为了;因为;给;对于";C项"在(表示存在或出现的地点、场所、位置、空间);以(某种价格、速度等";D项"到;向;(表示时间、方向)朝…方向";固定短语"to one's delight/to the delight of …令人高兴的是,令人感到喜悦";根据语境可知,‘在2012年,莫言被授予了诺贝尔文学奖'是使全中国人感到高兴的事.故选D.

点评 本题考查介词辨析.解答此类题目首先要读懂句意,理解每个选项介词的意思,然后根据上下文语境锁定合适的介词.平时要加强介词的积累.


Five Things Ambitious People Never Say

(1)“I can’t do this—it’s too hard.”

Ambitious people never limit themselves or undervalue hard work with these words. 1.

(2)“I’m not good enough.”

Ambitious people never say they are not good enough. Saying you are not good enough holds you back and makes you vulnerable to quit when things get a little rough. And quitting when things get a little rough is never a good thing. The most successful people in the world are not quitters. 2.Be confident and believe in yourself, or no one else will.

(3) “I won’t make it through the obstacles.”

Challenges and obstacles are tests of your resolve and desire to succeed. 3.They say they will make it because they know better things lie ahead—the sun always shines after the storm.

(4) 4.

The only time people won’t take you seriously is if you don’t take yourself seriously. Insisting that people won’t take you seriously is an excuse not to do what you know you should do. Ambitious people never say these words. They respect themselves and honor their work and that earns people’s respect. Start respecting yourself and honoring what you do and people will respect and take you seriously.

(5)“I’m going to fail for sure.”

5.It can teach you valuable lessons and redirect you to the right path. Ambitious people don’t say they are going to fail and let that stop them from trying. They defy the fear of failure by taking calculated risks because they know the only time you are truly defeated is when you don’t try at all. Jim Carrey says it best: “You can fail at what you don’t want, so you might as well take a chance on doing what you love.”

A. People won’t take me seriously.

B. They tell themselves they can do it.

C. They are hard workers who believe in themselves and their abilities.

D. People take it for granted that it is impossible.

E. Ambitious People never say they can do everything well.

F. Ambitious people never say they won’t make it through the hard times.

G. Failure is not entirely bad.

1.It was a simple letter asking for a place to study at Scotland's oldest university which helped start a revolution in higher education.A 140-year-old letter written by a lady calling for her to be allowed to study medicine at St Andrews University has been discovered by researchers.Written by Sophia Jex-Blake in 1873,the seven-page document,which urged the university to allow women to study medicine at the institution,was released yesterday on International Women's Day.
The document was discovered buried in the university archives (档案) by part-time history student Lis Smith,who is completing her PhD at St Andrews Institute of Scottish Historical Research.She said:"We knew that Sophia Jex-Blake and her supporters,in their effort to open up university medical education for women,had written to the Senatus Academicus (校评议委员会) at St Andrews in an attempt to gain permission to attend classes there,but we didn't know documentary evidence existed.While searching the archives for information about the university's higher certificate for women,I was astonished to come across what must be the very letter Jex-Blake wrote."
In the letter,Sophia and her supporters offered to hire teachers or build suitable buildings for a medical school and to arrange for lectures to be delivered in the subjects not already covered at St Andrews.Although her letter was not successful,it eventually led to the establishment of the Ladies Literate in Arts at St Andrews,a distance-learning degree for women.The qualification,which ran from 1877until the 1930s,gave women access to university education in the days before they were admitted as students.It was so popular that it survived long after women were admitted as full students to St Andrews in 1892.
Ms Jex-Blake went on to help establish the London School of Medicine for Women in 1874.She was accepted by the University of Berne,where she was awarded a medical degree in January 1877.Eventually,she moved back to Edinburgh and opened her own practice.

59.Sophia wrote a letter to St Andrews University because she wantedC.
A.to carry out a research project there   
B.to set up a medical institute there
C.to study medicine there             
D.to deliver lectures there
60.Lis Smith found Sophia's letter to St Andrews UniversityA.
A.by pure chance                 B.in the school office
C.with her supporters'help      D.while reading history books
61.Sophia's letter resulted in the establishment ofB.
A.the London School of Medicine for Women
B.a degree programme for women
C.a system of medical education     
D.the University of Berne
62.When did St Andrews University begin to take full-time women students?D
A.In 1873.     B.In 1874.     C.In 1877.    D.In 1892.
4.What brings a nation together?Of the four choices-shared values,language,history,and religion,it's shared values.In our latest poll (民意调査),seven out of 16countries chose values as the greatest factor (因索)bringing a nation together,and six preferred language.Both choices scored high in the poll,suggesting that our values and how we express them are closely linked Still,history was not forgotten in some countries,particularly in Mexico and Russia.Even Canada and the United States chose national histories as the second-most important factor uniting their people.The biggest surprise?Not one country picked religion as its top choice.
Respect your elders
In most countries,the oldest
generation considered values more important to a nation than did those who are under 45years old.
Do you speak Canadian?
Language scored lower in Canada than in all other countries polled,perhaps because the country speaks two official languages,French and English.
Church and state
Most people polled do not connect their religious beliefs to their national pride.Religion ranked last in 13countries-with France scoring it at 1%,the lowest of all.
46.According to the poll,what was the most important factor in bringing a nation together?B
47.In which country did language score the lowest in their national pride?A
48.According to the charts,shared values and language were considered equally important in.D

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