
17.Consulting(查阅;参考) a dictionary whenever you meet with a new word is not recommended by most teachers.

分析 无论你什么时候碰到新单词就查字典并不受大多数老师的推荐.

解答 答案:Consulting 考查翻译填空.根据句意和句子结构,要填入动词,consult意为"查阅;参考",分析句子结构,句中缺少主语,用动名词短语Consulting a dictionary whenever you meet with a new word 作主语.

点评 考查翻译填空,准确地理解句子、翻译句子,然后根据句意及提示确定所填单词词性,正确写出单词完成句子,使句意更通顺.

8.A man and his girlfriend were married.It was a large celebration.All of their friends and family came to see the lovely ceremony.Everyone could tell that the love they had for each other was true.
A few months later,the wife came to the husband with a piece of advice,"I read in a magazine,a while ago,about how we can strengthen our marriage,"she offered."Each of us will write a list of the things that we find a bit annoying with the other person.Then,we can talk about how we can fix them together and make our lives happier together."
The husband agreed.So each of them tried to think of the things that annoyed them about the other and wrote down what they came up with.The next morning,at the breakfast table,they decided that they would go over their lists.
"I'll start,"offered the wife.She took out her list.It had many items on it,enough to fill three pages.In fact,as she started reading the list of the little annoyances,she noticed that tears were starting to appear in her husband's eyes because he never thought that he had so many shortcomings.
The wife continued to read until she had read all three pages to her husband."Now,you read your list and then we'll talk about the things on both of our lists,"she said happily.
Quietly the husband stated,"I don't have anything on my list.I think that you are perfect.I don't want you to change anything for me.You are lovely and wonderful and I wouldn't want to try and change anything about you."The wife,touched by his honesty and the depth of his love for her and his acceptance of her,turned her head and wept.
In life,there are enough times when we are disappointed,depressed and annoyed.We don't really have to go looking for them.We have a wonderful world that is full of beauty,light and promise.Why waste time in this world looking for the bad,disappointing or annoying when we can look around us and see the wonderful things before us?
29.Why were there tears in the husband's eyes when the wife read his annoyances?B
A.Because he had no courage to face his shortcomings.
B.Because he never thought he had so many annoyances in his wife's eyes.
C.Because he was sorry that he didn't find any annoyance about his wife.
D.Because he didn't think he deserved to have such a perfect wife.
30.After hearing the husband's words,the wife feltA.
A.moved and ashamed
B.sad and disappointed
C.satisfied and proud
D.surprised and confused
31.The story is intended to tell us thatD.
A.disappointment cannot be avoided in our life
B.young couples should be more tolerant (宽容的) to each other
C.we should turn a blind eye to other people's blame
D.we should try to look for and see the wonderful things around us.
5.Day school ProgramSecondary students across Toronto District School Board(TDSB) are invited to take one or two e-Learning courses on their day school timetable.Students will remain on the roll at their day school.
The on-line classroom provides an innovative relevant and interactive learning environment.The courses and on-line classroom are provided by the Ministry of Education
These on-line courses:
     are taught by TDSB secondary school teachers;
     are part of the TDSB student's time table; and
     appear on the student's report upon completion.
Benefits of e-Learning
    Access to courses that may not be available at his or her TDSB school;
    Using technology to provide students with current information:and.
    assistance to solve timetable conflicts
Is e-Learning for You?
Students who are successful in on-line course are usually:
     able to plan,organize time and complete assignments and activities;
     capable of working independently in a responsible and honest manner; and,
     able to regularly use a computer or mobile device with internet access
Students need to spend at least as much time with their on-line course work as they would in a face-to-face classroom course.
56.E-Learning courses are different from other TDSB courses in thatA.
A.they are an addition to TDSB courses.
B.they are not on the day school timetable.
C.they are not included on students'reports.
D.they are given by best TDSB teachers.
57.What do students need to do before completing e-learning courses?C
A.To talk face to face with their teachers.
B.To learn information technology on-line.
C.To do their assignments independently.
D.To update their mobile devices regularly.
2.When you're climbing up a hill or playing sports,your back is all wet and so is your face.Why?Because you are sweating.(36)CWhen your body gets hotter than that,your brain doesn't like it.It wants your body to stay cool and comfortable.So the part of your brain that controls temperature sends a message to your body,telling it to sweat.Then sweat glands(腺)in your skin start making sweat.
(37)D When the sweat hits the air,the air makes it turn from a liquid to a vapor.As the sweat leaves off your skin,you cool down.
Sweat is a great cooling system.(38)G  Then you need to put liquid back in your body by drinking plenty of water so you won't get dehydrated(脱水的).
Sweat isn't just wet-it can be kind of stinky(恶臭的),too.(39)AIt's the bacteria that live on your skin that mix with the sweat and give it a stinky smell.And when you reach puberty(青春期),special hormones affect the glands in your armpits-these glands make sweat that can really smell.Luckily,regular washing with soap and water can usually keep stinky sweat under control.
So don't worry about a little sweat-it's totally normal and everybody sweats.Sometimes too much sweating can be a sign that there is something wrong in the body,but this is rare in kids.(40)F

A.Sweat by itself doesn't smell at all.
B.When people sweat,they lose water in their body.
C.Your body works best when its temperature is about 370C.
D.The sweat leaves your skin through tiny holes called pores(毛孔).
E.The vapor goes into the air and turns into drops of water when it comes across cold.
F.But if you think you have a sweat problem,talk to your parent or your doctor about it.
G.If you're sweating a lot on a hot day or after playing hard you could be losing too much water through your skin.

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