
Only when I read this story for a second time _________to appreciate its beauty.

A .did I begin     B. that I begin    C. I began    D. had I begin





试题分析:考查倒装句:句意:只有当我第二次读这个故事,我才开始欣赏它的美。only when位于句子开头,句子用部分倒装,提前助动词,因为两个动作是同时发生,用过去时,选A。


点评:部分倒装中考查较多的有:(1) 含有否定意义的词never,seldom,little. hardly,not,scarcely,nowhere,by no means(决不)等置于句首时。(2)以only修饰作为状语的副词、介词短语或从句,且放在句首时。 注意:only 修饰状语从句放在句首时,状语从句不需要倒装,只能倒装主句部分。





  Select a location accessible to water lines and power supply. Do not locate the heater where water lines could be subjected to(受…影响) freezing temperatures. It is recommended that the heater be located near the center of greatest hot water usage to prevent heat loss through the pipes.


  Before any electrical connections are made, be sure that the heater is full of water and that the valve(阀门) in the cold water supply line is open.


When the switch is closed, the operation of this electric water heater is automatic. The thermostats are preset to the "HOT" setting to provide a water temperature of approximately 120oF to reduce the risk of being burnt.


Shut off the electric power whenever the water supply is turned off.

Shut off the electric power, water supply and drain the heater completely to prevent freezing whenever the building is left unoccupied during the cold weather months.


The trip–free devices on this heater will cut off all power if temperature of water is above 190F. If there is no hot water after a reasonable period of time, check the main fuse(保险丝) box. In the event that the fuses have not blown, call a serviceman.

72.The location of the water heater shall ___________.

A. be close to water lines and power supply

B. be subjected to low temperature

C. be in the centre of the house

D. have a longer distance to hot water usage.

73.Before any connection of power , make sure that one thing you have to do is _____.

A. to have the heater in the water     B. to open the cold water inlet valve.

C. to shut off the thermostats         D. to replace wiring diagram

74.When you are not using the heater in winter months, it is better for you to________.

A. have the tank full of clear water    B. drain the heater

C. to leave it untouched             D. prevent it from losing heat

75. What will happen to the heater when the temperature of water is above 190F?

A. it will cause damage         B. It will break off automatically.

C. It will produce cold water.    D. It will blow the fuse.


For an owl (猫头鹰) with one-metre wingspan, the sky should be the limit. But Troy prefers his bird’s eye view to be no higher than 5 feet 10 inches. The one-year-old owl has an inconvenient symptom: he’s afraid of heights. After an unfortunate start in life when he fell from his nest by accident, Troy was raised by Gareth Tonen, a handler (饲养员), who just happens to be 5 feet 10 inches tall.

As a result, Troy has grown up without any great ambitions of his own. When it comes to trees, he can’t see what is about and would prefer to fly along at Mr. Tonen’s side. Only when the 25-year-old handler climbs up a tree can Troy be tempted to leave his comfort zone and join him.

Ashley Smith said, “ Troy’s fear of heights was a result of forgetting how to be a bird. He’s been in captivity (被圈养) for as long as he can remember and has never been higher than his handler can lift him. He sees himself as more of a human than an owl, and he doesn’t know how to sit in trees or hunt. Gareth has to almost act like an owl to get Troy to behave like one.”

As a result, a daily tree climb has become part of Troy’s – and Mr. Tonen’s – routine. Ladders have been fixed so Mr. Tonen can climb into the trees and call for Troy, who will fly up and join his handler but go no higher. Most of the time he flies down again, but occasionally Mr. Tonen has to carry him back to ground level. The afternoon ends with a meal of mouse, rabbit or his favorite, chicken.

Mr. Tonen said, “He now looks upon me as his mum or dad. He’s gaining more confidence and if I have to carry on climbing up trees with him then we’ll do what it takes for him to be a high flyer.

1.Troy was brought up by Gareth Tonen because he ______.

A. couldn’t fly high                    B. got badly hurt

C. left his parents accidentally         D. couldn’t live in trees

2. What can you learn from the second paragraph?

A. Troy doesn’t show any interest in flying high up in the sky.

B. Gareth Tonen has spoiled Troy by offering him everything.

C. Gareth Tonen is pleased to see Troy fly along at his side.

D. Troy would like his owner Gareth Tonen to climb up trees.

3.According to Ashley Smith, Troy doesn’t know he is a bird because ______.

A. he has developed the symptom of fearing heights.

B. he has been raised since he was very small.

C. he can’t learn how to fly higher than his owner.

D. he doesn’t want to fly among trees hunting for food.

4. Why does Gareth Tonen have to climb up trees every day?

A. To set an example of flying high to Troy.

B. To see how high Troy can really fly.

C. To teach Troy how to get meals in high trees.

D. To get Troy back down to cure his fear of heights.



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