
13.This isn'ther(she)cap.

分析 这不是她的帽子.

解答 答案:her.考查形容词性物主代词.空格后的"cap(帽子)"为名词,形容词性物主代词修饰名词.she为代词,主格.her为宾格,形容词性物主代词.hers为名词性物主代词.

点评 考查人称代词的用法,注意分析句子成分.

3.A famous doctor once received a little child who was badly ill.Thanks to his skill and care,his young patient got well and was soon able to get up and run about again.
The child's mother was very much obliged to the doctor,and she called on him to thank him for what he had done for her child."Doctor,"she said,"you have saved my little son.I don't know how to thank you enough.I feel that money alone cannot repay you,so I have made this little purse with my own hands,as a sign of my gratitude.I hope you will accept it."The doctor stood up and said coldly,"Madam,a little present like that is very nice between friends,but a doctor needs to be paid properly for what he has done."The lady was so surprised and hurt so much that she could not reply for a moment.Then she said quietly,"Perhaps you will tell me how much your fee is?"
"Fifty pounds",he answered.
The lady opened the little purse and took out four fifty-pound bank notes.She handed one of them to the doctor,and put the other three back into the purse.She put the purse into her handbag and,saying good bye to the doctor,went out of the room.
42.The lady was thankful to the doctor becauseB.
A.he had saved her life               
B.he had saved her son's life
C.he had lent her some money      
D.he often called on her
43.The doctor refused the lady's purse because he thoughtD.
A.the purse should be given between friends
B.the purse was too small
C.the lady was not kind to him
D.the lady just gave him that purse and wouldn't give him the medical fee
44.The money in the purseC.
A.was only 150 pounds
B.was less than 200 pounds
C.was much more than the medical fee
D.was not enough for the medical fee
45.How do you think the doctor would feel in the end?D
A.Sorry and worried                 
B.Regret and proud
C.Excited and proud                
D.Sorry and regret.
4.Like international travelers anywhere,foreigners visiting the United States from other countries can be confused by some of what they encounter.Fortunately,their fellow travelers have plenty of advice.Here are some specially good travel advice from around the world.
From Italy:
Tipping is filled with misunderstanding.Q.Is it true that I have to"force"to tip at all?A.It is not mandatory to tip,however,it is strongly recommended,because in many cases it is the only entry of workers.Generally in a restaurant,in the cab,and in many places where there is a service tip is 15%.Since the bill that will explain you exactly the city tax of 8.875%,is sufficient to double that sum,without bothering to do the calculations.In the hotel you leave two dollars per day per person cleaning.Obviously you do not leave tips in places like McDonalds or Starbucks.
From China:
Americans love to follow rules,even when no one is looking."Americans are such strict rule followers.I witnessed this once sitting on the sidelines of a high school dodge ball game.To me,it was ridiculous,a little violent,and very American.It struck me that my classmates followed the rules of the game so strictly.Even when no one noticed that a person had been hit and he could have kept playing,he voluntarily gave himself up and left the game.I was deeply impressed by how much people honored the rules even when they are not seen."
From Russia:
Gifts are not a big deal.And did you know bribery (行贿) was illegal?"Gifts:Americans do not expect them.On the contrary,an unexpected gift while conducting business can put an American in an awkward position.Such things for Americans suggest exchange of commercial.
Business gifts in the U.S.are not acceptable.Moreover,they often cause suspicion.Americans fear that they could be interpreted as a bribe,and in the United States that is strictly punishable by law."
From Japan:
Nobody is impressed by how much you can drink."In the U.S.,they do not have a sense of pride if they drink a large amount.Rather,if you drink a lot,there is a sense that you cannot manage yourself,and you can lose respect from those around you.Being drunk doesn't excuse your actions,and to drink alcohol habitually is a sign of alcoholism.Alcoholics are seen as mentally weak,and are avoided by society due to their inability to have self control."

46.What does the passage mainly tell about?B
A.Cultural diversity.
B.Cultural differences.
C.Cultural revolution.
D.Cultural construction.
47.Which is closest in meaning to the underlined word"mandatory"in Para.3?A
48.According to the passage,what are Americans most likely to do?D
A.Tipping everywhere.
B.Sending a surprising business present.
C.Drinking a lot.
D.Obeying the game rules.
49.Which word do the international travelers probably use to describe Americans?B
18.A Frenchman went to a small Italian town and was staying with his wife at the best hotel there.One night,he went out for a walk alone.It was late and the small street was dark and quiet.Suddenly he felt someone behind him.He turned his head and saw an Italian young man who quickly walked past him.The man was nearly out of sight when the Frenchman suddenly found that his watch was gone.He thought that it must be the Italian who had taken his watch.He decided to follow him and get back the watch.
Soon the Frenchman caught up with the Italian.Neither of them understood the other's language.The Frenchman frightened the Italian with his fist (拳头) and pointed at the Italian's watch.In the end the Italian gave up his watch to the Frenchman.
When he returned to the hotel,the Frenchman told his wife what had happened.He was greatly surprised when his wife pointed to the watch on the table.Now he realized that by mistake he had robbed the watch and it was the Italian's.
28.The Frenchman went to a small Italian townB.
B.with his wife        
C.with his friend          
D.with an Italian
29.Suddenly he found hisA was gone.
30.The Italian gave up his watch to him at last becauseD.
A.he had stolen the watch from the Frenchman.
B.he understood what the Frenchman wanted
C.he had picked up the watch on his way from work
D.he was afraid of the Frenchman
31.Who was robbed of the watch on earth?B
A.the Frenchman was.
B.the Italian was.
C.both of them was.
D.Neither of them was.
2.Emotional eating is when people use food as a way to deal with feelings(81)instead of satisfying hunger.Believe it or not,we've all been there.Have you ever finished a whole bag of chips out of boredom or downed cookie after cookie while preparing(82)for a big test?But when done a lot-especially (83)without/before realizing it-emotional eating can affect weight,health,and overall well-being.
Understanding what drives emotional eating can help people(84)take steps to change it.One of the biggest myths about emotional eating is that it's caused by (85)negative feelings.Yes,people often turn to food when they're stressed out,lonely,sad,anxious,or bored.But emotional eating can be linked to positive feelings too,like the romance of sharing dessert on Valentine's Day or the celebration of a holiday feast.Sometimes emotional eating is tied (86)to major life events,like a death or a divorce.More often,though,it's the countless little daily stresses (87)thatcause someone(88)to seek(seek) comfort in food.
We're all emotional eaters to a degree.But for some people emotional eating can be a real problem,(89)causing (cause) serious weight gain or other problems.The trouble with emotional eating is that once the pleasure of eating is gone,the feelings that cause it remain.And you often may feel worse about eating the amount or type of food you like.That's(90)why it helps to know the difference between physical hunger and emotional hunger.
Next time you reach for a snack,wait and think about which type of hunger is driving it.

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