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Dear George,
Very glad to have received your letter. Now I¡¯d like to tell you about the household hotels in
my city.
Best wishes!
Li Hua
Dear George,
Very glad to have received your letter. Now I¡¯d like to tell you about the household hotels in my city.
The household hotel is nice to stay in. Not only can you learn about South China clearly, you can feel at home as well by dining with the family for only 30yuan a day. Of course you can cook by yourself if the menu doesn¡¯t satisfy you.
It is really cheap to live in a single room for 40yuan a day and a double room for 25 yuan each. You can visit the old town , pick chrysanthemums or pick fruits on the farm if you¡¯d like to.
By the way, I can serve as your interpreter if you want one. And I¡¯ll pay my own hotel bill.
Best wishes.