



A.University of Auckland


Theology, Science, Art, Business, Education, Music…


¥60,000-80,000 a year

Length of schooling

3 year

Admission criterion(标准)

1 year preparation for students of senior 3 or graduates with an average mark of 80; regular college course for students who finish the first year in universities.

Location(位置)and climate

Auckland, the biggest city in New Zealand; comfortable climate; warm summers and mild and wet winters

B. Istituto Maranon


Fashion Business, Fashion Buying, Brand of Management and Fashion Promotion, Interior Design, Product Design and Graphic Design…


¥90,000-120,000 a year

Length of schooling

3 years

Admission criterion

No language proficiency test required; able to speak English or Italian; at least 12 years schooling

Location and climate

Milan, a global fashion centre in Italy; summers are extremely hot and humid; winters are chilly

C. Amusement Media College, Japan


Animation(卡通), caricature, digital game design


¥90,000-120,000 a year

Length of schooling

2 years

Admission criterion

12 years schooling or above

Location and climate

Tokyo, Japan which is a country with the most advanced animation techniques, four distinct seasons; mild spring and fall, hot summer, and winter with a few snowfalls

D. The University of Nottingham


Arts, Engineering, Medicine and Health Sciences, Science, Social Sciences, Law, Education


¥80,000-160,000 a year

Length of schooling

3 years


Finish senior high school with good performance or undergraduates in college

Location and climate

Nottingham, located in Britain, wet springs, hot summers, warm autumns and icy winters

E. University of Lyon


Art, Engineering, Medicine and Health Sciences, Science, Business, Spanish, Fashion design


¥10,000-30,000 a year

Length of schooling

3 years

Admission criterion

Finish senior high school and obtain a letter of admission of a university

Location and climate

Lyon in France; the climate is mild and sunny

F. Ecole Superieure d Art et de Design


Art, Animation Design, Furniture Design, Decoration and Design


¥100,000-120,000 a year

Length of schooling

2 years

Admission criterion

Between 18 and 25, single; more than 1 year learning experience in art college

Location and climate

Reims in France; temperature ranging from 5℃ in December to 26℃ in August


56.Annie is a top student of senior 3. She loves art and is gifted in art. She wants to learn art in a foreign country which has pleasant weather.

57.Betty has just entered a university, but she wants to quit school and go abroad to learn fashion design because she is crazy about fashion and wants to become a great designer. She has to choose a college with low fee because her family is not rich.

58.Eva is an English major student in a university. She loves fashion and wants to learn fashion design in a fashion center that is filled with fashion elements.

59.Alex is college student majoring in computer science. He found animation design would be profitable industry, so he decided to learn animation design in a country where the climate is mild, not cold in winter and not hot in summer.

60.Philip is an English major college student. British art fascinates him very much so he decided to feel the rich art atmosphere and learn art in Britain.   






1.A valuable dog was taken while being walked by its owner in City Park yesterday afternoon.Police wish to talk to a man seen nearby at the time, described by witnesses as short and fat with short light hair and clear glasses.

2.Yesterday morning at 9.30a.m.a man armed with a gun entered the National Bank and demanded money from the staff, before fleeing when confronted by bank security staff.Security cameras show the man as being short and thin with shoulder length blonde hair.

3.A tall, strong built man with blonde hair, a thick black moustache and wearing dark glasses knocked a woman to the ground and stole her purse on Main Street last Saturday afternoon.If you see this man, do not approach as he is considered extremely dangerous.

4.At the football match between Manchester United and Liverpool, several people had their wallets stolen while waiting in line to buy food.The victims did not see or notice the thief but bystanders describe him as very tall and thin, clean shaven with short light hair.

5.A car was stolen from the supermarket carpark on Friday, June 23 this year by a man described as very young, 1.7 metres tall with thin dark hair and carrying a blue backpack.A reward of $500 is offered for the car's recovery.





Use cash. Instead of paying things with credit cards, use cash for non-bill spending such as eating out, gas and groceries. Spending cash makes the spending more real, and there’s an added advantage of knowing when you’re out of cash.


Small weekly savings transfers. I got this idea from my friend, who automatically deducts(扣除) $20 a week from his check to savings. I decided that I could live with the deduction of $40/week without really feeling it — it’s a relatively small transfer that I barely notice, and I save about $2,000 a year!


Stay at home. Going out makes you spend money unnecessarily. You eat at restaurants, go to the mall, and stop at the gas station for snacks. It’s hard to avoid spending when you’re on the road. Instead, stay at home and find free entertainment. It’s also a great way to bond with your family.


Don’t get catalogs(商品宣传册). Their announcements of sales or cool new products make it very tempting(引诱人的) to buy something you don’t need. Instead, stop getting the catalogs, and you’ll spend less.


Keep a 30-day list. If you have an impulse(冲动) to buy something you don’t absolutely need, put it on a 30-day list. You can’t buy anything but necessities — everything else goes on the list. When the 30 days are up, you can buy it — but most likely, the strong urge to buy it will be gone, and you can evaluate it more calmly.


Cook at home. I know it seems more difficult than eating out. But it doesn’t have to be hard. Make home-made pizza with a ready-made crust, some sauce, cheese and veggies. Put some spices on something and throw it in the oven while you cook some brown rice. Not only is this much cheaper than eating out, but it’s healthier.


1. Mr. And Mrs. Brown are a newly-married couple who work in the same company. They don’t earn much in their work, but they have to spend a larger part of their income to pay for their rent and daily necessities. Furthermore, they seldom eat at home because neither of them cooks well. Therefore, they have to pay a lot more extra money for food.

2. Mrs. Wang enjoys shopping very much because she is free all day long. Whenever she is wandering in the shops or stores, she will have a strong impulse and find it difficult for her to get back home with her hands empty. But it is quite often that she will find what she has bought is almost useless when she gets home.

3. Tony is a university student in New York, who is far away from his parents. He pays everything with his credit card. He finds it very cool for him to purchase with his credit card. However, he often finds his money has already run out in the middle of the month.

4. Miss Betty is a high school girl whose parents give her some money every week. As her parents don’t earn much money, she wants to save some money secretly so that she can buy a digital camera.

5. Miss Catherine is a young girl who is easily to be persuaded into buying something useless. She will get encouraged to buy something when she sees an advertisement. Her parents have warned her many times against doing such stupid things, but it doesn’t work much.





Use cash. Instead of paying things with credit cards, use cash for non-bill spending such as eating out, gas and groceries. Spending cash makes the spending more real, and there’s an added advantage of knowing when you’re out of cash.


Small weekly savings transfers. I got this idea from my friend, who automatically deducts(扣除) $20 a week from his check to savings. I decided that I could live with the deduction of $40/week without really feeling it — it’s a relatively small transfer that I barely notice, and I save about $2,000 a year!


Stay at home. Going out makes you spend money unnecessarily. You eat at restaurants, go to the mall, and stop at the gas station for snacks. It’s hard to avoid spending when you’re on the road. Instead, stay at home and find free entertainment. It’s also a great way to bond with your family.


Don’t get catalogs(商品宣传册). Their announcements of sales or cool new products make it very tempting(引诱人的) to buy something you don’t need. Instead, stop getting the catalogs, and you’ll spend less.


Keep a 30-day list. If you have an impulse(冲动) to buy something you don’t absolutely need, put it on a 30-day list. You can’t buy anything but necessities — everything else goes on the list. When the 30 days are up, you can buy it — but most likely, the strong urge to buy it will be gone, and you can evaluate it more calmly.


Cook at home. I know it seems more difficult than eating out. But it doesn’t have to be hard. Make home-made pizza with a ready-made crust, some sauce, cheese and veggies. Put some spices on something and throw it in the oven while you cook some brown rice. Not only is this much cheaper than eating out, but it’s healthier.


1. Mr. And Mrs. Brown are a newly-married couple who work in the same company. They don’t earn much in their work, but they have to spend a larger part of their income to pay for their rent and daily necessities. Furthermore, they seldom eat at home because neither of them cooks well. Therefore, they have to pay a lot more extra money for food.

2. Mrs. Wang enjoys shopping very much because she is free all day long. Whenever she is wandering in the shops or stores, she will have a strong impulse and find it difficult for her to get back home with her hands empty. But it is quite often that she will find what she has bought is almost useless when she gets home.

3. Tony is a university student in New York, who is far away from his parents. He pays everything with his credit card. He finds it very cool for him to purchase with his credit card. However, he often finds his money has already run out in the middle of the month.

4. Miss Betty is a high school girl whose parents give her some money every week. As her parents don’t earn much money, she wants to save some money secretly so that she can buy a digital camera.

5. Miss Catherine is a young girl who is easily to be persuaded into buying something useless. She will get encouraged to buy something when she sees an advertisement. Her parents have warned her many times against doing such stupid things, but it doesn’t work much.





This book has information about practically anything and everything! If you have questions, it has a lot of answers. Packed with hundreds of facts, and all of the information you need to keep boredom away and handle schoolwork with ease.

It’s Khachaturian’s first day at Hills Village Middle School, and it’s shaping up to be the worst year ever. He tries to break every rule in his school’s Code of Conduct. Chewing gum in class – 5,000 points! Running in the hallway – 10,000 points! Pulling the fire alarm – 50,000 points!

This book by author James Patterson issued in 2013 for kids tells us that Georgia Khachaturian plans to be good at Hills Village Middle School in all the places her troublemaking brother failed. She’s even promised that she’ll quickly become one of the most popular girls in school.

Homework, heartache – middle school has no shortage of danger. The author of Worst – Case Scenario offers a survival guide for those who are facing or just about to face this big time in school and life. The handbook is packed with funny but useful tips for the trickiest situations in school.

Jamie wants to be the world’s greatest standup comedian – even if he doesn’t have a lot to laugh about these days. He’s living with his aunt and her evil son Steve. But he doesn’t let his situation get him down. He practices the craft of stand – up every day.

In this book, Khachaturian is accepted to art school and imagines a math – and – history – free fun zone. Wrong! It’s more competitive, and to score high in class, he needs to turn his boring life into the inspiration. But then he has to decide if he’s ready to turn his world upside down.


46.This is a fantastic read full of funny stories of Khachaturian’s first day at school, I could actually put some faces on the characters in this book. My daughter is reading it now and laughing and talking about it to her friends for his silly things against regulation.

47.This book is popular with children, because it is full of stories to tell our kids how to be strong and realize his dream though in the worst situation. Jamie shares the secret of his troubled past instead of hiding behind his comedy act, which should be an example for youngster.

48.I like this read because it can teach kids how to face any unexpected dangers or happenings like taking charge of a too – busy homework schedule, dealing with a cold shoulder from a friend, avoiding cell phone disasters, and more. These tips are very useful.

49.Issued in 2013 for kids, this helpful book tells us readers a lot of information with facts of the heroine who is eager to be better than her brother, a troublemaker, in all fields at school. She also would like to be a well – received student in school as soon as possible.

50.I am  interested in this wonderful book because it shows our kids how to deal with competitive life in art school and how to get a very good mark in school when they enter a brand new grade. Also it tells them how to turn their dull school life into a lively one.




The people below are all looking for a department in a college to learn music.

A.    In this department they have risen to fame by some great violin players born there. The students there have several comfortable places to practice their violin and some other instruments. Meanwhile the students have a chance to practice other instruments, such as the piano, the drum.

B.  In this department they don’t plan to bring up a musician. They teach the students how to appreciate all types of music, especially for the students who love to be a listener, not a player of the drum. This is their first choice.

C.    This department is home of the guitar players. If the students haven’t played the guitar and hope to learn from the beginning, this is likely to be their favorite place. Of course, they are also able to learn country music, Jazz and so on.

D.    In this department you can learn jazz, opera, classical but jazz is the best and the most famous. They have experienced jazz teachers and they have won a lot of national contests. At the same time you can improve your skills in playing the guitar and the piano there.

E.    As is known to all, the piano is more versatile than any instrument. In this department only the students who have learned the piano for at least five years can be admitted. They are good at teaching advanced learners. After the hard practice, the students have a chance to enjoy all kinds of music.

F.    In this department they do well in teaching instruments, especially the drum. They have excellent drums and every student has a chance to practice every day. All the teachers are very patient and experienced. What’s more, the students can learn rock, classical music and jazz.


46.   Kevin likes jazz very much. He wants to make a living by it in the future. His favorite instrument is the guitar and he also wants to get his skill of playing the guitar better.

47.   Robert started to play the violin when he was five. His favorite style of music is country music. His wish is to become a violinist in the future.

48.   James is fond of music, but his wish is to be a computer expert. He especially loves the sound of the drum and he likes rock.

49.   Harry is only fourteen years old, but he has been learning to play the piano for nearly ten years. Harry says the best instrument is the piano. He expects to be a pianist in the future. In his spare time he likes to listen to opera.

50.   Greg was born in a worker’s family. His grandfather was a musician, but he doesn’t want to learn to play musical instruments and he just wishes to enjoy the rhythm of music.

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