
   Nobody likes feeling lonely,and isolation (孤立) isn’t only a psychological problem. Loneliness increases a persons risk of death by 26 percent,an effect comparable to the health risks posed by obesity.

   So some researchers are investigating what it is,exactly,that makes lonely people stay lonely. One long-held theory has been that people become socially isolated because of their poor social skills — as they spend more time alone,the few skills they do have start to fail from lack of use. But new research suggests that this is a fundamental misunderstanding of the socially isolated. It's just that when they’ re in situations where they need those skills the most,they choke.

   Professor Megan L. Knowles and her team tested the social skills of 86 undergraduates,showing them 24 faces oif a computer screen and asking them to name the basic human emotion each face was showing: anger,fear,happiness,or sadness. In the end,the lonelier students did worse than the non-lonely students on the emotion-reading task — but only when they were told they were being tested on their social skills. When the lonely were told they were just taking a general knowledge test,they performed better than the non-lonely.

   So the lonelier people are,the better they are at accurately reading facial expressions and decoding tone of voice. Lonely people may be paying closer attention to emotional cues (暗示) precisely because of their willingness to belong somewhere and form interpersonal connections,which results in technically superior social skills.

   This presents a fairly new way to think about lonely people. It's not that they need to improve the basics of social skills,which they,ve likely already shared. Instead,lonely people may need to focus more on getting out of their own heads,so they can actually use the skills theyve got to form friendships and begin to find a way out of their isolation.

29. According to the traditional point of view,why do lonely people stay lonely?

   A. They are happy to stay alone.

   B. They are difficult to get along with.

   C. They have few chances to practice social skills.

   D. They are likely to misunderstand others’ opinion.

30. In the test mentioned in Paragraph 3 ,the lonely performed better when they.

   A. felt not very lonely

   B. were under great pressure

   C. were told it was a test on social skills

   D. did not know the real purpose of the test

31. Compared to non-lonely people,lonely people.

   A. can better control their emotions

   B. can better express their emotions

   C. can better read people's emotions

   D. can better handle peoples emotions 

32. What inspiration may lonely people get from the text?

   A. Be brave to make friends.

   B. Show sincerity in friendship.

   G. Find ways to learn social skills.

   D. Make good use of your lonely time.

29. C 30. D 31. C 32. A



29. C.细节理解题。由第二段中的 One long-held theory ... the few skills they do have start to fail from lack of use可知,传统观点认为,孤独的人之 所以孤独是因为他们缺少与人交往 的机会 > 导致社交技能退化。

30. D.细节理解题。由第三段末句 When the lonely were told they were just taking a general knowledge test,they performed better than the non-lonely可知,当孤独的人不知道 测试的真实意图时他们在测试中的 表现更好。

31. C.推理判断题。由第三段中的实 验结果及第四段首句So the lonelier people are,the better they are at accurately reading facial expressions'and decoding tone of voice 可推断,孤 独的人更擅长解读人们的情感。

32. A.推理判断题。由最后一段中的 lonely people may need to focus more on getting out of their own heads,so they can actually use the skills they’ve got to form friendships …可 推断,孤独的人应该勇敢地交友。


   I've started to learn ancient Greek. It doesn't urge you to communicate,only to learn,and I find the early hours of the morning the perfect time for that. I love routine. I wait until 7 am to have tea. At 7:30 I make breakfast. After that,I read the Roman emperor Marcus Aurelius. 

   I read Marcia every day; it was his philosophy that got me through my son Matthew's 滅 death,four years ago in a motorcycle accident. Aurelius said: ‘What we jESHBlBl cannot bear removes us from life.’

Matthew's death was such a waste. At first I would rather have been dead too,but then I thought: ‘No. I mustn't do less. I must do more!'

   I am what you might call a late developer. I was 40 before I wrote my first novel,62 when I went to university. My husband,Neil,was a talented jazz musician,but at 25 he developed a serious illness,losing his speech and the use of the right side of his body. It was hell for all of us. We were so broke,and we lived on national assistance for ages.

   I wrote my first novel while Neil had his weekly music therapy(疗法) . That 50-minute therapy was all I had. I used to sit in a cafe and write and write while couples had life-and-death quarrels around me. Gratefully,my family supported me in my writing career.

   My daughter Emma gave me War and I loved it so much. Then it hit me: I hadn't read it at all,I'd only read a translation,and I so longed to read the actual words. A kind elderly Russian lady taught me the basics and I joined the Russian language degree course at the University of London. I gained the degree in my sixties and a PhD at 74. People talk about ‘the time of their lives’. Well,that was mine. Don’t!et anyone tell you your memory goes with age. It's there if you want it enough. Gradually I forced it into action — it was such an exciting experience. Oh,the joy of learning.

24. What does the underlined word “that” in Paragraph 1 refer to?

   A. Learning. B. Communication.

   C. Having tea. D. Following routine.

25. Shortly after Neil fell ill,the author.

   A. led a difficult life

   B. went to university

   C. quarreled with him

   D. tried to write novels

26. The author decided to learn Russian because.

   A. her daughter advised her to do so

   B. it was one of her favorite languages

   C. she wanted to read a novel in Russian

   D. she wanted to make a Russian friend

27. What can we learn from the text?

   A. It's never too late.

   B. No sweat,no sweet.

   C. Every road leads to Rome.

   D. Never judge a book by its cover.

   Six months ago I made a rash(轻率的) promise. The leader of the youth 41 in our village rang me in March saying, “We’ re thinking of running a children's play program for a 42 in October half-term. Would you be prepared to 43 ?” My response was, “Sure,why not?” 44 I was a little flattered(荣幸的) to be asked,even though working as a care assistant with old people hardly 45 me for the role. Still,I put the date in my diary. Time flew and 46 I knew it,the day finally came.

   I arrived at the youth centre that morning feeling full of 47 . There were 12 helpers including me and each pair had been allocated(分配) a particular 48 group. Mine was the 10 to 11 year olds.

  All too quickly the children began 49 . A handful of them were already members of the club but the other forty-five were from the local primary schools. 50 I asked myself why I had decided to spend a day with all these “little monsters” 51 when I have two of my own!I needn't have 52 of course as it turned out to be a 53 day. We learned “action” songs,decorated biscuits and played memory games. I say because I rediscovered my inner 54 and joined in all the activities.

   The most 55 was the final performance of “He's got the whole world in his hands” in the 56 part of the day. The children knew the words and actions off by heart and sang so 57 it was almost enough to bring the roof down. It made you 58 to witness something so magical.

   There was one 59 for the children and that was that the play program was only running for a day,and not the whole week. As I said goodbye to my group,one of the children 60 and said “Can we do it again in the next holiday,Miss?” My response was, “Sure,why not?”

41. A. team   B. organization   C. club   D. movement

42. A. morning   B. day   C. week   D. month

43. A. try   B. play   C. enter   D. help

44. A. In truth   B. After all   C. Above all   D. In short

45. A. considered   B. qualified   C. selected   D. wanted

46. A. before   B. as   C. until   D. since

47. A. anger   B. shame   C. anxiety   D. pain

48. A. age   B. interest   C. study   D. dance

49. A. arriving   B. acting   C. crying   D. changing

50. A. Instead   B. Again   C. Later   D. Besides

51. A. probably   B. certainly   C. exactly   D. especially

52. A. waited   B. worried   C. promised   D. joined

53. A. free   B. tiring   C. common   D. wonderful

54. A. world   B. voice   C. child   D. feeling

55. A. impressive   B. difficult   C. important   D. mysterious

56. A. starting   B. closing   C. early   D. middle

57. A. beautifully   B. sweetly   C. loudly   D. clearly

58. A. excited   B. confused   C. crazy   D. brave

59. A. failure   B. surprise   C. puzzle   D. disappointment

60. A. turned   B. passed   C. refused   D. shared

                       4 super-simple secrets to living longer,healthier and happier 

   Journalist Dan Buettner has spent over a decade studying the healthiest,longest-living people around the world,from residents of the Japanese island of Okinawa to the Greek island of Ikaria 一 so-called “Blue Zones”.

   Now,he's letting the rest of us in on their secrets in his new book,The Blue Zones Solution: Eating and Living Like the World's Healthiest People. Here are the most important longevity-boosting habits of 100-year-olds around the globe. 36

1. Find your group

   “Who you hang out with beats just about everything else when it comes to your health/' says Buettner. He found that the people who live longest surround themselves with people who support healthy behaviors. 37

2. Eat smart 

   The world's healthiest 100-year-olds stick with diets that are 95percent plant-based,says Buettner.38 British researchers tracked 65 ,000 people for 12 years and found that those who ate seven or more portions of vegetables and fruits every day lowered their risk of dying from cancer and cardiovascular (心脑血管的) disease by 25 percent and 31 percent.

3. Seek a purpose 

  Very old Blue Zoners share another quality: They have an activity,passion or career that motivates them and gives their lives meaning. Sense of purpose can come from a variety of sources,but volunteering is a common one. 39

4. Move it 

   40 What is unexpected: “They don't exercise,per se (本质上) ,” says Buettner. “Instead,their lifestyles encourage physical activity.w They garden,bake bread and walk to the store or to work.

   A. “They eat a little meat,but mostly fish,” he says.

   B. They’ re still working,riding bikes,and enjoying life.

   C. For some people,a sense of purpose comes naturally.

   D. It's no surprise that physical activity also keeps Blue Zoners young.

   E. One explanation: “Health habits can spread like an infectious disease."

   F. Adopt even a few,and you’ 11 stand a better chance of living a long and healthy life.

   G. There's growing evidence that it not only keeps people healthier but helps people live longer.

   I'm walking around a street on Detroit's west side,looking at the house where my mother lived in the 1930s. A neighbor,understandably curious,bounds over.

   “I'm the king of Glendale,M Keith Harris says. Harris loves Glendale Street — so much so that he’s purchased nine properties for $42,000. “I'm.not done yet,” he says. “I'm going to buy more and rent them." I'm glad to hear this. Glendale could use more investment. So could Tuxedo Street,a few blocks away,where my father grew up. So could Detroit.

   I've seen all the photos showing Detroit in ruins. Now I've come to see for myself what's happened to what was America's fifth largest city around 1950. Then there were more than 1. 8 million residents(居民) ;now there are fewer than 700,000.

   This is where my family settled after immigrating to the United States in the 1920s,moving into neighborhoods fiiled witi people just like them.

   The handwritten 1940 census(人口 普查) page for Tuxedo Street literally illustrates the story: It shows a long list of Jewish names and the places from which Jews fled. The neighborhood was so insular (与世隔绝的) that when my American-bom mother went to kindergarten,she couldn't speak English.

   Those families don't live here anymore. Some houses have become empty lots. But some are tidy symbols of survival and pride. Keith Harris owns one of those homes. We have clean-up-the-block day,” he tells me. aWe are trying to make it better.w

   “Visitors like me walk these streets all the time,” he says, “Some people came and cried like babies." Maybe they shouldn't have. Though much is gone,there are seeds of hope across the city. Harris has planted some of those seeds. “We invest in this block,” he says, “because we want to stay."

21. Why does Keith Harris say he's the king of Glendale?

   A. He invests heavily in Glendale.

   B. He's a popular resident in Glendale.

   C. He knows everything about Glendale.

   D. He has the most attractive house in Glendale.

22. According to the text,Detroit .

   A. has a splendid history

   B. is able to bounce back

   C. has few houses for rent

   D. is attracting lots of visitors

23. What do we know about the author's mother?

   A. She had no gift for language.

   B. She lived in Tuxedo Street in the 1930s.

   C. She immigrated into the US in the 1920s.

   D. She had little access to other cultures as a kid.

24. Clean-up-the-block day was held to.

   A. maintain its Jewish style

   B. promote the image of Glendale

   C. brighten up local residents’ life

   D. set an example for the whole city

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