
【题目】Arthur sat at the desk in his room, pencil in hand. He had to write a story for his English class by Friday. "! don't know what to write about, " he complained to his dog Toby, who was asleep at his feet. Arthur was talkative when speaking to his friends, yet he had trouble finding words when he had to write.

By bedtime Arthur had drawn a picture of Toby smiling. He had drawn a tree with its branches blowing in the strong wind. He had also written a note asking his friend Lee to go to the movies on Saturday. But he had not written a single word of his story.

On Wednesday, Mrs. Solomon, Arthur's English teacher, asked the class to turn in the first draft of their stories. His heart sinking, Arthur turned in the only work he had—the page with his name, the drawings and the note.

Arthur wasn't surprised when Mrs. Solomon asked him to stay after class the next day. But he was surprised by what she said to him. This is an attractive story, Arthur. The dog, the movie, the tree in the wind—I can't wait to find out how they all fit together. "

"That isn't my story, Mrs. Solomon, " Arthur admitted. "I haven't been able to think of one yet. "

"Oh, I think you have the seed (种子) of a story there, " Mrs. Solomon replied, "Look at your note and the pictures and see if a story comes to you. "

That night Arthur sat at his desk, and this is what he wrote: "One Saturday Mike went downstairs to meet his friend Julio at the cinema. It looked as if it might rain, so Mike carried his umbrella. Suddenly a big storm blew in, bending the trees. The noise of the wind sounded like the barking of Mike's dog Toby. Toby really hated storms and barked whenever he wanted to be let inside. Then Mike realized that it wasn't the sound of the wind. It was Toby. The dog was running after him down the busy street, barking. The sound was filled with blame. Mike felt guilty because he had left Toby outside. He turned and headed home with Toby running beside him. Mike let Toby in the door just as the rain started to pour down. "

Arthur had a story in the end. The last thing he did was to write his name proudly at the top of the page.

【1】What can we know from the first paragraph?

A. It was very quiet in the house.

B. Arthur was talking to his friends.

C. Arthur was doing his homework at school.

D. Arthur was a little pleased with his story.

【2】Why did Arthur turn in the page with only his name, the drawings and the note at first?

A. Because he had no time to fit them together.

B. Because he had difficulty in writing a story.

C. Because he wasn't willing to do his homework.

D. Because he wanted to show his talent for drawing.

【3】What does the underlined sentence in Paragraph 6 probably mean?

A. Toby is an imaginative and lovely dog.

B. The small tree will grow into a big one.

C. His friend Lee can give him a lot of support.

D. He can develop his story based on the first draft.

【4】What kind of teacher do you think Mrs. Solomon is?

A. She is a strict teacher.

B. She is a wise teacher.

C. She is an honest teacher.

D. She is an energetic teacher.

【5】What can we infer (推断) from the story?

A. Arthur is a shy and quiet student.

B. Arthur isn't very satisfied with his story.

C. There will be a storm on Saturday.

D. Encouragement is important in teaching.








【1】推理判断题。从第一段 he complained to his dog Toby, who was asleep at his feet.可知,房间里很静。

【2】细节理解题。从第一段 he had trouble finding words when he had to write 可知。

【3】推理判断题。从第六段 Look at your note and the pictures and see if a story comes to you.可推知。

【4】推理判断题。从第六段 Look at your note and the pictures and see if a story comes to you.可知,老师非常循循善诱,是位聪明的老师。

【5】主旨大意题。从最后一段 Arthur had a story in the end. The last thing he did was to write his name proudly at the top of the page.可知。鼓励在教学中何等重要。


【题目】Study Books

Basic Study Manual Hardcover (精装书):$ 37

Future success depends on the ability to learn. Here are the answers to the questions most often asked by parents, teachers, business trainers and by students themselves. Read this book and learn:

What the three barriers (障碍) to study are and what to do about them.

What to do if you get tired of a subject you are studying.

Twenty-six simple drills to help you learn how to study easily, rapidly and with full understanding.

Buy and read Basic Study Manual and use it do dramatically improve your ability to study.

Study Skills for Life Hardcover: $32

L. Ron Hubbards study technology for children opens the door to their future success by giving them the ability to study and learn. Fully illustrated (说明,阐明) for easy comprehension.

Learning How to Learn Hardcover: $25

The basics of effective study for 8 to 12-year-olds, fully illustrated. Children who read and apply the materials in this book regain their liking for study and their ability to apply this knowledge in life. Get this book for a child you want to see win at his studies!

How to Use a Dictionary Picture Book for Children Hardcover: $36

In spite of billions of dollars spent on educational research, children are not taught the most basic skills of learning, even the most basic of these: how to use a dictionary. In fact, a research of educational books for children found no book that told them how to use a dictionary or that one should. Written for children 8 to 12-year-olds, this fully illustrated book will teach your child:

How to find words in a dictionary.

The different ways that words are used.

What the different marks and symbols that are used in a dictionary mean.

How to use a dictionary to correctly pronounce words.

It includes a section for parents and teachers showing you how to use this book with children. Buy this book and give it to your children to unlock their education. Whats more, you will just pay 50% for it before May 1, 2014.

The purpose of the passage is to _______.

A. show readers how to use the four books

B. help children to learn English

C. enrich students knowledge about nature

D. sell the four books to students.

【题目】I first went to hear a live rock concert when I was eight years old. My brother and his friends were all of a heavy metal group called Black Wednesday. When they that Black Wednesday were going to perform at our local theatre, they all bought for performance. However, at the last minute, one of the friends couldn't go, so my brother me the ticket. I was really !

I remember the buzz (嘈杂声) of excitement inside the theatre as we all found our . After a few minutes, the lights went down and everybody became . I could barely make out the stage in the . We waited. Then there was a roar from the crowd, like an explosion, as the first member of the band the stage. My brother leaned over and shouted something in my ear, but I couldn't what he was saying. The first song was already starting and the music was as as a jet engine. I could the drum beats and bass notes in my stomach.

I can't recall any of the songs that the band played. I just that I really enjoyed the show and didn't want it to . But in the end, after three encores (加演), the show finished. We left the and walked unsteadily out onto the pavement. I felt a little dizzy, as if I had just from a long sleep. My ears were still with the beat of the last song.

After the , I became a Black Wednesday fan too for a few years before getting into other kinds of music. Once in a while, , I listen to one of their songs and I'm back at that first show.

【1】A. members B. friends C. fans D. volunteers

【2】A. guessed B. discovered C. thought D. predicted

【3】A. flowers B. drinks C. clothes D. tickets

【4】A. booked B. offered C. returned D. found

【5】A. relaxed B. embarrassed C. excited D. encouraged

【6】A. seats B. entrance C. spots D. space

【7】A. comfortable B. quiet C. serious D. nervous

【8】A. silence B. noise C. darkness D. smoke

【9】A. fell upon B. got through C. broke into D. stepped onto

【10】A. forget B. hear C. repeat D. bear

【11】A. loud B. heard C. sweet D. fast

【12】A. feel B. touch C. enjoy D. digest

【13】A. realize B. understand C. believe D. remember

【14】A. continue B. delay C. finish D. change

【15】A. party B. theatre C. opera D. stage

【16】A. escaped B. traveled C. benefited D. woken

【17】A. aching B. burning C. ringing D. rolling

【18】A. competition B. performance C. interview D. celebration

【19】A. though B. otherwise C. instead D. besides

【20】A. decide B. regret C. conclude D. imagine

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