

Universities around the country are doing everything they can to become green campuses. 1. , but there are also items that every student can do to contribute to a green campus and an eco-friendly lifestyle.

1. Recycle everything, especially paper!

The amount of paper a college student goes through every year is enormous. There are class notes, term papers, student newspapers, graphs and pictures printed out plus countless other random items. 2. , but the way you handle all the paper can really help create a green campus. Look for recycling boxes by dorms, restaurants and classrooms.

2. Use your printer wisely.

3. . This is a huge way to save on paper. Also, to save ink, use the low quality setting on files that don’t need to look too nice. Lastly, think about what you’re printing out. If you can show someone the website on a screen, do it. You don’t need to print out.

3. Limit the use of paper napkins(餐巾).

We’re not telling you to eat cleaner, but we’re telling you not to overdo it. Generally, a lot of fast food is eaten by college students, which means a lot of napkins get grabbed(拿取) on the way out. 4. .

4. Walk, bike, and limit the use of your car.

Most campuses, especially those that are trying to become a more eco-friendly campus, have pretty good public transportation. 5. . Walking or biking will help make your campus green. If you must drive, try to find others who need to as well, and carpool to reduce pollution.

A. Limit the amount you take

B. Buy as many recycled goods as possible

C. We know that these things can’t be avoided

D. There are plenty things that universities have been doing

E. On top of that, almost all universities are pedestrian(行人) friendly

F. Therefore, carpooling has become more and more popular these days.

G. Teachers usually don’t mind if they read papers that are printed on both sides of the paper




I live in a big city with a lot of homeless people. Luckily there’re small ways of helping them and you needn’t have a lot of ________ . One way to help is to buy their monthly magazine. ________ doing this one day,I got to ________ a young homeless man. He was often ________ the magazine at the train station.

He was a poor farmer from another country. After a while,I discovered that his________ was close to mine. It ________ that we were born in the same month.

I met him last year________ after his birthday,and after congratulating(祝贺) him,without ________ ,I asked if he had had a good day. He ________ and said that he hadn’t really celebrated. I felt so ________ .

I just couldn’t bear the thought of(不敢想) this nice,young man being ________on his 25th birthday with no presents,no cake,nothing!So I went home and looked in my yarn(纱线) basket. ________ for me,I had enough yarn ________. I set to work and knitted(编织) a ________ for the young man. The yarn had become a little dirty ________I didn’t knit very often. Then I washed the yarn so the scarf would be ________ when he got it.

I met him on my own birthday as I was going shopping. I had ________ to meet him so I had ________ the scarf and a piece of my own birthday ________ around with me. He was very happy with these gifts and so was I.The ________ in his eyes was the best present he could have given me!

1.A.work B.energy C.money D.experience

2.A.In B.On C.Besides D.By

3.A.realize B.ignore C.know D.recognize

4.A.selling B.reading C.covering D.buying

5.A.birthday B.house C.height D.hobby

6.A.said B.found C.guessed D.meant

7.A.long B.shortly C.ever D.even

8.A.stopping B.helping C.praising D.thinking

9.A.looked up B.turned up C.looked down D.got down

10.A.foolish B.excited C.clever D.worried

11.A.calm B.happy C.alone D.hungry

12.A.Suddenly B.Luckily C.Badly D.However

13.A.used B.done C.left D.produced

14.A.scarf B.cap C.sock D.glove

15.A.when B.because C.so D.and

16.A.different B.dry C.wet D.clean

17.A.liked B.hoped C.promised D.agreed

18.A.made B.thrown C.received D.carried

19.A.cake B.present C.song D.party

20.A.light B.pain C.sight D.tear


Public Speaking Training

·Get a coach

1. ,so get help. Since there are about a billion companies out there all ready to offer you public speaking training and courses, here are some things to look for when deciding the training that's right for you.

·Focus on positives

Any training you do to become more effective at public speaking should always focus on the positive aspects of what you already do well. Nothing can hurt confidence more than being told that you aren't doing well. 2. , so good public speaking training should develop those instead of telling you what you shouldn't do.

· 3.

If you find a public speaking course that looks as though it's going to give you lots of dos and don'ts, walk away! Your brain is so full of what you're going to be talking about.

4. . As far as we're concerned, there are basically no hard and fast rules about public speaking. Your audience can be your friends.

·You are a special person not a clone

Most importantly, good public speaking training should treat you as a special one, with your own personal habits. 5. . Your training course should help you bring out your

personality, not try to turn you into someone you're not.

A. You aren't like anybody else

B. You already do lots of things well

C. Turn your back on too many rules

D. Check the rules about dos and don'ts

E. Whatever the presentation, public speaking is tough

F .The one thing you don't want is for them to fall asleep

G. So trying to force a whole set of rules into it will just make things worse



I spend this morning clearing up the home where I live Now I am not talking about the house I am sitting in right now. As I I can see the sink is still full of dirty dishes. Dust is starting to on the pictures, tables ,and even my computer again Dirt to be swept from the floor and pet hair needs to be cleaned the couch. What is more, the in the turtle’ s aquarium(鱼缸)has to be changed.

Yet, as I looked my dirty, little house I have to smile because I know that the Home in which I live is right now. That home is my soul. When I this morning I noticed that it also had become again I wasn't willing to let it the way for long, though I have learned that a dusty soul leads to a terrible day and the terrible days lead to a(an) life.

I spent the morning clearing my soul from top to .I swept the negative thoughts from my mind and the feelings from my heart. Worries, anger and fear were into the garbage can. When I was done I felt in my home once more.21cnjy.com

The house in which I sit may need a lot of , but it will have to wait its turn. The home in which I live is what I am most about. I hope that the same is for you. I hope that you always make efforts to keep your soul ,beautiful and full of love and care.

Remember some day you will leave your house behind, but you will your home with you.

1.A. look around B. put forward C.move back D. take down

2.A. attack B. jump C. gather D. sit

3.A. hopes B. needs C. expects D. wants

4.A. of B. out C. away D. off

5.A. plant B. stone C. sand D. water

6.A. ever B. still C. never D. hardly

7.A. clean B. dirty C. quiet D. comfortable

8.A. turned up B. stood up C. took up D. woke up

9.A. crazy B. lazy C. dusty D. rainy

10.A. lie B. stay C. keep D. hold

11.A. interesting B. frightened C. satisfying D. wasted

12.A.top B. side C. bottom D. middle

13.A. harmful B. useful C. healthy D. enjoyable

14.A. collected B. thrown C. set D. arranged

15.A. safe B.sad C. calm D. excited

16.A. work B. time C. pack D. decoration

17.A. bored B. interested C. upset D. concerned

18.A. suitable B. wrong C. true D. helpful

19.A. dark B. bright C. sharp D. clever

20.A. bring B. join C. take D. move



Michael Greenberg is a very popular New Yorker. He is not famous in sports or the arts, But people in the streets him, especially those who are .For those people, he is "Gloves" Greenberg. How did he get that ?He looks like any other businessman, wearing a suit and carrying a briefcase (公文箱). But he's _. His briefcase always has some gloves. In winter, Mr. Greenberg does not like other New Yorkers, who look at the sidewalk and the street .He looks around at .He stops when he someone with no gloves. He gives them a pair and then he , looking for more people with cold .On winter days, Mr. Greenberg gloves. During the rest of the year, he gloves. People who have heard about him him gloves, and he has many in his apartment. Mr. Greenberg doing this 21 years ago. Now, many poor New Yorkers know him and his behavior. But people who don't know him are sometimes him. They don't realize that he just wants to make them .It runs in the .Michael's father always helped the poor as he believed it made everyone happier. Michael Greenberg feels the .A pair of gloves may be a thing, but it can make a big difference in winter.

1.A. know about B. learn from C. cheer for D. look after

2.A. old B. busy C. kind D. poor

3.A. job B. name C. chance D. message

4.A. calm B. different C. crazy D. curious

5.A. act B. sound C. feel D. dress

6.A. cross over B. drive along C. hurry down D. keep off

7.A. cars B. people C. street numbers D. traffic lights

8.A. helps B.chooses C. greets D. sees

9.A. holds up B. hangs out C. moves on D. turns around

10.A. hands B. ears C. faces D. eyes

11.A. searches for B. stores up C. gives away D. puts on

12.A. borrows B. sells C. returns D. buys

13.A. call B. send C. lend D.show

14.A. delayed B. remembered C. began D. enjoyed

15.A. understand B. dislike C. study D. excuse

16.A. sorry for B. satisfied with C. proud of D. surprised by

17.A. smart B. rich C. special D. happy

18.A. city B.family C. neighborhood D. company

19.A. honor B. pain C. same D. cold

20.A. small B. useful C. delightful D.comforting

Beijing, April 2----Starting from this year, the Beijing Municipal Health Bureau will begin to promote a home medical service. With this service a medical team which is made up of a doctor, a nurse and a medical health worker will be sent to some communities in the city. They will set up a medical filing recorder for every resident in community and publicize their contact information to them. If people in the community feel sick, they can consult their community doctor first. If community doctors cannot treat their illness, they will then be transferred to large hospitals. Liang Wan, deputy director of the Beijing Municipal Health Bureau, made the statement last Friday .

In addition ,the Beijing Municipal Health Bureau will set up some funds to train home medical service workers for families whose members suffer either from high blood pressure, diabetes, cerebral apoplexy , or coronary heart disease . The home medical service workers will remind patients to take pills on time and lead the patients to follow some health tips in their daily life. They will also learn some practical knowledge to save patients in case of an emergency .

The work will first begin in the medical service room in the 25 community centers and spread to all communities in Beijing. The disease prevention and control centers at various counties and districts in Beijing will be responsible for teaching community doctors and giving home medical service lectures, or advice . These workers will not be able to work until they pass related examination and obtain the work certificates. It is expected that by the end of this year, there will be 10000 home medical service workers in Beijing .

1.Where does a person go to see first if he gets sick according to the passage ?

A. The community clinics. B. Large hospital .

C. Private clinic . D. Small hospital .

2.Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?

A. The medical team which is made up of a doctor, a nurse and a medical health worker will set up a medical filing record for every resident.

B. The home medical service workers not only give some healthy suggestions to the patients, but also learn practical knowledge about first aid.

C. Some funds will be provided by Beijing Municipal Health Bureau for home medical service training.

D. The government aims to offer the home medical service for free.

3.If you want to work as a home medical worker, you need to _____________.

A. receive the training about medical service.

B. pass related examinations.

C. obtain the work certificates.

D. All the above.

4.What can we learn from the passage?

A. All communities in Beijing have started home medical service.

B. People in Beijing will not easily get ill.

C. Medical service in Beijing will be promoted greatly in the future.

D. The other cities in China should learn from Beijing.



If you’ve ever been to a foreign country,you will know that fitting in isn’t easy. Chances are they will have a ________language and way of life. Here’s how to get a basic understanding on things________ going to a different country.

________ about the country. Get a base of knowledge. Where is the country located?What are their ________ foods?If you know someone who has been to the country,________ them to tell you a bit about the country.

Try basic phrases. If you do not know how to ________ their language,it will be hard to master the ________ language in a short time. Remember you will not have time to learn the whole language,so ________things like:asking for directions and ordering in restaurants. Learn these ________ along with the basic please,thank you,hello,and goodbye.

Try to meet someone who knows about or has been to the country. ________ it is a less known country,you may be out of ________ .In this case,search the Internet and the library.

Have a basic understanding of customs(习俗).If you do end up in a trouble ________your lack of customs,calmly explain you are ________ .Basic English customs are not the same around the world, ________as you get into Asia and Africa,but will ________a base for most European countries.

Handle your money well. Money can be ________ ,but cover all your bases. Understand the name of the monetary(货币的) ________ (i.e.dollars) and know the names of the coins or bills________the unit. Do this in your own country before ________ .Exchange your bills a couple of weeks before you go and practice ________ them. Know the basic conversion(兑换)(i.e.one pound is about two dollars).Recognize fair prices and know how to make basic money transactions(交易).

1.A.difficult B.native C.different D.terrible

2.A.until B.after C.before D.since

3.A.Tell B.Wonder C.Realize D.Learn

4.A.cultural B.wonderful C.strange D.traditional

5.A.argue B.ask C.discuss D.send

6.A.ignore B.practice C.accept D.speak

7.A.entire B.normal C.average D.general

8.A.focus on B.based on C.calm down D.settle down

9.A. stories B.names C.books D.phrases

10.A.If B.Though C.As D.When

11.A.practice B.mind C.sight D.luck

12.A.because of B.thanks to C.as for D.instead of

13.A.wrong B.accent C.foreign D.local

14.A.rarely B.especially C.usually D.hardly

15.A.provide B.inspire C.support D.refuse

16.A.shocking B.amazing C.confusing D.surprising

17.A.unit B.number C.amount D.power

18.A.above B.within C.behind D.below

19.A.setting off B.putting off C.cutting off D.turning off

20.A.paying B.recognizing C.answering D.charging

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