
第三节:完形填空(共20小题,每题1.5分, 满分30分)
Everybody gets unhappy. That’s why people eat a lot of  21  or spend lots of money on clothes—they think that these things will make them  22  !   23  , it is easy to create happiness, if you just have learned to be a  24  .
Giving  25  and resources to others who need them is a good thing to do. It will possibly contribute more to your happiness and to maintaining(保持) a   26   attitude than anything else. The key to successful family   27  is spending time staying with other family members. Give your time to your husband or wife,  28  time and resources to your children, and  29   they are the most valuable to you in the world.
Imagine this: a boy has  30  ,and you give him something of great  31  to him, such as by reading him a book. There is no  32  that you’ll see a big simile on his face. Maybe you’ll find that this is the happiest  33  of your life. You can also volunteer for a rescue service. There you will learn the meaning of“I cried  34  I had no shoes and then I saw a man who had no legs”.
Isn’t it true that the happiest people are typically those we consider foolish because they are  35  ready to give you the  36  off their back? It is also  37  that the most discontent(不满足的) people are the ones who are always making demands and never  38  others. Form the  39  of being a Big Giver, and then you will know one of the secrets to living a  40  and happy life.
21.A.junk food               B.meals                        C.fruits                        D.vegetables
22.A unhappy                 B.disappointed               C.happy                       D.satisfied
23.A.Mostly                   B.Actually                    C.Finally                      D.Naturally
24A.winner                    B.reminder                    C.receiver                    D.giver
25.A time                       B.money                      C.clothes                     D.food
27.A.communication     B.negative
B.relationships       C.rude
C.hobbies       D.equal
28.A. take                      B. bring                        C. devote                     D. lead
29.A.believe                   B.recognize                   C.understand                D.dream
30.A.something              B.nothing                      C.everything                 D.anything
31.A.value                     B.help                          C.use                           D.importance
32.A.wonder                  B.need                          C.doubt                        D.good
33.A.view                      B.person                       C.day                           D.moment
34.A.but                        B.because                      C.though                      D.if
35.A. never                    B.yet                            C.seldom                      D.always
36.A. clothes                  B. hat                           C. money                     D. life
37.A.true                       B.certain                       C.sure                          D.real
38.A.take in                   B.pay for                      C.care about                 D.worry about
39.A.culture                   B.custom                      C.look                         D.habit
40.A.healthy                   B.unforgettable              C.successful                  D.simple

21—25 ACBDA   26—30 ABCBB   31---35 ACDBD  36---40 AACDC



If you are human, you can’t help but experience times when everything seems to be going wrong .You must also  21  as if your life is completely out of control at times.It is during those “down times” that words of encouragement from family, friends, co-workers or  22  strangers can boost (增强) your spirits.It is also during those  23  that destructive words can be devastating (毁灭性的) and sink you deeper and deeper into depression.
For example, consider this story about a group of  24  who were traveling through the woods when  25  of them fell into a deep pit (坑).All of the other frogs gathered around the  26 .When they saw how  27  the pit was, they told the two  28  frogs they would never get out.
The two frogs didn’t obey what other frogs said and tried to  29  out of the pit.The other frogs kept telling them not to jump,  30  it was in vain.Finally, one of the frogs followed what the other frogs were saying and simply 31 .He fell down and  32 .The other frog continued to jump as   33  as he could.Once again the crowd of frogs shouted at him to  34  the pain.The more they 35 , the harder he jumped and finally he  36  to safety.
When he  37 , the other frogs asked him why he continued to jump when they were all  38  him to simply quit.The frog  39 to them that he was a little bit deaf.He thought they were  40 him all the time.
21.A.think B.experience    C.seem D.feel
22.A.so   B.just   C.even      D.ever
23.A.processes        B.times     C.courses   D.practices 
24.A.frogs     B.mice      C.dogs      D.cats
25.A.two   B.three      C.many     D.few
26.A.hole       B.pit     C.water    D.well 
27.A.muddy     B.wide        C.deep      D.long
28.A.uncomfortable        B.unpleasant     C.unhappy   D.unfortunate
29.A.run   B.walk        C.climb       D.jump 
30.A.so   B.since        C.because     D.although 
31.A.gave out B.gave up  C.gave away       D.gave off
32.A.died       B.wounded       C.destroyed        D.damaged
33.A.fast B.hard       C.easily       D.swiftly
34.A.help  B.ban       C.stop       D.forbid
35.A.cried       B.spoke       C.shouted     D.read
36.A.get it     B.forget it   C.use it       D.made it 
37.A.turned out       B.kept out   C.got out         D.held out
38.A.talking to      B.shouting at       C.throwing at         D.speaking to
39.A.explained  B.announced       C.introduced       D.told 
40.A.encouraging  B.helping    C.pulling   D.dragging

I learned to play on a piano purchased at Grinnell Brothers in Detroit.My brothers and sisters were taking lessons and I  41  to play, too."You're  42  young,"I heard over and over.But when began playing my sister's   43  by heart from hearing her practice, they   44  me begin. I was four.  45   joy and comfort I found at those keys.If I had a rough day at school,I played ragtime hard and loud  46  my frustratio(挫折)was gone, then I calmed my self with Mozart until I was  47  to face the world. The day I lost my first child, and my dad was diagnosed with cancer,I played until I nearly  48  .There was a comfort in those keys.
That piano followed me everywhere.I taught hundreds of  49  and adults on the keys of my own piano in Taylor for over ten years. I  50  my home to a fire in 1998 and my piano was destroyed. I felt  51 I lost my oldest friend.
The insurance (保险) supplied the money to purchase  52  .My mother asked me every time she spoke to me, "Did you get another piano yet?" even when she struggled to call me by name. After she died in 1999, I  53  an envelope containing a gift certificate(礼券)to Hammell Music for a  54 .Mother made sure that I would get another piano, knowing I wouldn't do it  55   .
And so I purchased a Yamaha baby grand. Nearby hangs Mom and Dad's  56  . I play every day when I come home from work. I imagine my folks are in heaven,  57  and smiling. Every song is for them and the  58  goes on.
And although I miss my first piano, the new one is a(n)  59  that old things pass away and new life  60  .
41.A.planned B.allowed       C.begged D.dared
42.A.very       B.so C.not      D.too
43.A.lessons   B.piano   C.keys     D.text
44.A.permitted       B.promised     C.let       D.made
45.A.What a   B.What   C.How    D.How many
46.A.until       B.when   C.as soon as    D.after
47.A.likely     B.ready   C.discouraged D.afraid
48.A.dropped  B.went    C.came to       D.slept
49.A.people    B.students       C.boys    D.children
50.A.destroyed       B.left      C.lost      D.rebuilt
51.A.as though       B.even though C.even if D.though
52.A.the other B.another       C.a house       D.one
53.A.accepted B.gained  C.received      D.won
54.A.present   B.piano   C.house   D.sum of money
55.A.for myself     B.at all    C.any way      D.above all
56.A.bed B.clothing      C.portrait       D.name
57.A.crying    B.listening      C.singing D.playing
58.A.joy  B.piano   C.sadness D.friendship
59.A.book      B.reminder     C.equipment   D.instrument
60.A.disappears      B.remains       C.stops    D.begins

Creativity is the key to a brighter future, say education and business experts. Here is how schools and parents can encourage this important skill in children.
If Dick Drew had listened to his boss in 1925, we  36   not have a product that we now think of as of great importance: a new type of  37   . Drew worked for the Minnesota Mining Company. At work he developed a kind of material strong enough to hold things together.  38  his boss told him not to think more about the idea. Finally, using his own time, Drew improved the tape, which now is used everywhere by many people. And his  39   company learned from its mistake. Now it encourages people to spend 15 percent of their work time just thinking about and developing new  40  .
Creativity is not something one is just born with, nor is it  41   a character of high intelligence. The fact that a person is highly intelligent does not  42   that he uses it creatively. Creativity is the matter of using the resources one has to produce new ideas that are good for something.  43   , schools have not tried to encourage creativity. With strong attention to test results and the development of reading, writing and mathematical skills, many educators  44  creativity for correct answers. The result is that children can give back information but cannot recognize ways to use it in new  45  . They may know the rules correctly, but they are  46   to use them to work out practical problems.
It is important to give children  47  . From the earliest age, children should be allowed to make decisions and understand their results. Even if it’s choosing between two food items for lunch, parents should let their children decide how to use their time or spend their money, but not help them too much if they make the  48   decision. The child may have a hard time, but that is all right. This is ___49___the most important character of creative people is a very strong ___50    to find a way out of trouble.
36.A.should         B.might              C.will      D.must
37.A.machine      B.walkman      C.tape     D.ruler
38.A.But          B.So            C.And     D.Though
39.A.new         B.former         C.own     D.formal
40.A.tapes         B.thought        C.ideas     D.feelings
41.A.usually        B.really          C.possibly    D.necessarily
42.A.mean         B.introduce     C.conclude   D.produce
43.A.Fortunately      B.Unfortunately   C.Anxiously D.Generally
44.A.give up        B.take up        C.use up      D.keep up
45.A.conditions     B.surroundings    C.situations  D.environments
46.A.sure         B.ready         C.able      D.unable
47.A.choices        B.chances        C.time     D.money
48.A.present        B.hard         C.wrong      D.right
49.A.why         B.how         C.what     D.because
50.A.desire         B.inspire        C.influence  D.attitude



Several years ago, I worked in a company as a driver. One day in the company when I was cleaning my   41    which was getting dirty from running outside, I noticed the owner’s elderly father making his   42   to his grandson. The old man was fond of fishing all his life. He usually stayed at home because of his old age, but this time he   43   to ask the kid to take him fishing. The grandson said, ‘I’m not taking you! It’s   44  than taking a kid.’

His answer broke my heart. I stopped working immediately and headed back home. I took everything I needed and then   45  . On the way I stopped at a store and bought a bobber (钓鱼的浮子). When I got to the company, I   46   the old man to go fishing near the river.

When we got there, I put him in the chair at the edge of the   47  , cast the line, and handed him the fishing pole (鱼竿). It wasn’t long before the bobber started to dance; he handed the pole to me. I took the fish off, cast, and   48   handed the pole to him. This went on, one fish after another, for over an hour until he told me he was   49   and needed to go home.

When I got him home, I gave the fish to his daughter-in-law with instructions to make sure he got them for dinner and then I   50  . Two weeks later, the old man died. His family told me later that all he talked about during that time was his last fishing trip.

Whenever you get the   51  , don’t forget to stay with your grandpa. Someday, you may be in the same place and you’ll want your family to   52   you too.

41.  A. chair               B. car                           C. bag                   D. taxi

42.  A. point            B. decision                   C. way                  D. mind

43.  A. went away      B. moved ahead            C. came out           D. stood up

44.  A. safer             B. easier                       C. quicker             D. worse

45.  A. returned           B. worked                    C. rested                D. studied

46.  A. taught                  B. suggested                 C. ordered             D. invited

47.  A. street             B. water                       C. sea                   D. hill

48.  A. suddenly       B. therefore                  C. again                D. lately

49.  A. disappointed     B. excited               C. worried             D. tired

50.  A. played       B. exercised                  C. left                   D. slept

51.  A. chance       B. experience         C. information          D. number

52.  A. look for      B. stare at               C. turn into      D. care about




I learned to play on a piano purchased at Grinnell Brothers in Detroit.My brothers and sisters were taking lessons and I  41  to play, too."You're  42  young,"I heard over and over.But when began playing my sister's   43  by heart from hearing her practice, they   44  me begin. I was four.  45   joy and comfort I found at those keys.If I had a rough day at school,I played ragtime hard and loud  46  my frustratio(挫折)was gone, then I calmed my self with Mozart until I was  47  to face the world. The day I lost my first child, and my dad was diagnosed with cancer,I played until I nearly  48  .There was a comfort in those keys.

That piano followed me everywhere.I taught hundreds of  49  and adults on the keys of my own piano in Taylor for over ten years. I  50  my home to a fire in 1998 and my piano was destroyed. I felt  51 I lost my oldest friend.

The insurance (保险) supplied the money to purchase  52  .My mother asked me every time she spoke to me, "Did you get another piano yet?" even when she struggled to call me by name. After she died in 1999, I  53  an envelope containing a gift certificate(礼券)to Hammell Music for a  54 .Mother made sure that I would get another piano, knowing I wouldn't do it  55   .

And so I purchased a Yamaha baby grand. Nearby hangs Mom and Dad's  56  . I play every day when I come home from work. I imagine my folks are in heaven,  57  and smiling. Every song is for them and the  58  goes on.

And although I miss my first piano, the new one is a(n)  59  that old things pass away and new life  60  .

41.A.planned B.allowed       C.begged D.dared

42.A.very       B.so C.not      D.too

43.A.lessons   B.piano   C.keys     D.text

44.A.permitted       B.promised     C.let       D.made

45.A.What a   B.What   C.How    D.How many

46.A.until       B.when   C.as soon as    D.after

47.A.likely     B.ready   C.discouraged D.afraid

48.A.dropped  B.went    C.came to       D.slept

49.A.people    B.students       C.boys    D.children

50.A.destroyed       B.left      C.lost      D.rebuilt

51.A.as though       B.even though C.even if D.though

52.A.the other B.another       C.a house       D.one

53.A.accepted B.gained  C.received      D.won

54.A.present   B.piano   C.house   D.sum of money

55.A.for myself     B.at all    C.any way      D.above all

56.A.bed B.clothing      C.portrait       D.name

57.A.crying    B.listening      C.singing D.playing

58.A.joy  B.piano   C.sadness D.friendship

59.A.book      B.reminder     C.equipment   D.instrument

60.A.disappears      B.remains       C.stops    D.begins


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