
第一节  根据所给首字母和中英文释义在下列句子的空白处填入正确的词。(每小题1分, 共10分)

1.       Generally speaking, if you are worried about your health, share your anxietie     s with your doctor. (焦虑)

2.       Judging by the company/companions he kept, Mark must have been a wealthy man. (the people you spend time with)

3.       It goes without saying that this program will make science more a     ccessibl to young people. (容易理解)

4.       Being re      jected by all the universities I applied to left me in total hopelessness. (to refuse to accept sb.)

5.       Hearing the sound, I stopped and looked back, half expecting        to see someone following me. (预期,预计)

6.       There is a f   undamental   difference between the two points of view. (serious and very important)

7.       Get your shoulders st    raightened   and repeat the exercise ten times. (to make… upright)

8.       I think that is a s       eparate issue and it has nothing to do with what we are discussing now. (not connected; different)

9.       To their disappointment, the representatives found the plan o    pposed by the majority of the public. (反对)

10.   She can’t stand the frustration     n of not being able to help. (the feeling of being annoyed or impatient)


1 anxieties             2 company            3 accessible           4 rejected                     5 expecting    

6 fundamental 7 straightened        8 separate              9 opposed             10frustration



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