

1It is amazing that great changes ___________________________(发生) in the rural areas in the last two decades.

2The best way is ___________________________ (屏住呼吸) and pretend to be dead when you come across a bear in the forest.

3He came to me ___________________________ (相信) I could help him and be relied on.

4Celebrating the Dragon Boat Festival will _________________________ (使我们想起) the great poet, Qu Yuan.

5He apologized for having parked the car in her garage ___________________________ (未经许可).


___________________________ the beauty is on familiar terms with the humorous musician with a long beard.


The most experienced and helpful teachers are ___________________________ can not only offer us knowledge but also tell us the way how to ___________________________.


His room, filled with all kinds of books here and there, __________________________it is a small library.


On getting the _________________, they ___________________________ the disaster-hit area.


______________ the wing of his dream broken, the millionaire ___________________________ in alcohol.


1have taken place

2to hold your breath

3in the belief that

4remind us of

5without permission

6It is obvious that

7the ones who(=those who); gain knowledge

8looks as if/though

9permission; set off/out for

10Finding; drowned his sadness


1have taken place

考查动词短语。句意:在过去20年的农村地区,发生的巨大变化是令人吃惊的。时间状语in the last two decades和现在完成时连用,发生take place,故填have taken place.

2to hold your breath

考查动词不定式。句意:当你在森林里遇到熊的时候,最好的方法是屏住呼吸装死。此处是不定式作表语,屏住呼吸hold one’s breath,故填to hold your breath.

3in the belief that

考查介词短语。句意:他来找我,相信我可以帮助他,也可以被依靠。in the belief “相信引起状语,that引导同位语从句。故填in the belief that.

4remind us of

考查动词短语。句意:庆祝端午节会使我们想起伟大的诗人屈原。使某人想起remind…of,故填remind us of.

5without permission

考查介词短语。句意:他为未经许可把车停在她的车库里而道歉。未经许可用介词短语without permission.

6It is obvious that

考查固定句型。此处需要翻译很明显,后面句子是主语从句,用it做形式主语,故填It is obvious that.

7(1). the ones who(=those who); (2). gain knowledge


8looks as if/though

考查动词短语。此处需要翻译看上去仿佛,应该是look as if/though.和主语His room一致,谓语动词用第三人称单数,故填looks as if/though.

9(1). permission; (2). set off/out for

考查名词和动词短语。第一空需要翻译许可,由the修饰用名词。第二空需要翻译马上出发去set off/out for,故填(1). permission; (2). set off/out for

10(1). Finding; (2). drowned his sadness

考查动词形式。第一空需要翻译发现,主语the millionaire和动词发现是主动关系,此处作状语用-ing形式。第二空是谓语,用过去时。故填(1). Finding; (2). drowned his sadness


【题目】One morning while Officer Vogel was on his coffee break in a restaurant, a man ran in a yelled. “Officer! A little kid is driving a car down the street!"

He ran out at once and saw a car going slowly—about 25 miles an hour—but it wasn’t going very straight. He jumped into his police car and followed it. When the car was stopped, Officer Vogel looked inside. The driver was a little boy. His name was Rocco Morabiro and he was 5. In the back seat was his two-year-old sister. Both children were crying.

"I want my mummy!" the boy cried. "But she can't get here. I have the car.” Then he had an idea. "Just a minute." he told Officer Vogel. "I can drive. I'll go to get her.”

“No!" Officer Vogel said. “You stay with me!" Then he drove them to the police station and he called their mother. They had many questions for Rocco. The first question was: "Where did you get the car keys?"

Rocco said. “From the top of the refrigerator." At seven that morning Rocco's father was at work and his mother was sleeping, Rocco saw the keys on top of the refrigerator. He climbed up on a chair, and took the keys.

Rocco got into the car and started the engine. When Rocco's sister heard the engine, she ran to the car and cried. She wanted to go with him.

It was 7 a. m. —rush hour—so there was much traffic. Rocco drove one mile in heavy traffic. Then Officer Vogel stopped him.

Newspapers and TV stations heard about Rocco, and a lot of reporters went to his house. One reporter asked Rocco, “What do you want to be when you grow up?"

“A truck driver," he said, smiling.

1Why did the officer asked Rocco to stay with him?

A. He would drive them home.

B. Other cars would go much faster.

C. Rocco would not cause any accident.

D. Rocco’s sister would not feel alone.

2For what purpose were Rocco and his sister taken to the police station?

A. To have a good breakfast.

B. To learn some traffic rules.

C. To answer the policemen’s questions.

D. To wait for their mother and deal with the matter.

3According to the reporters, Rocco’s driving was ________.

A. unbelievable B. disappointing

C. reasonable D. boring


The majority of event tickets are on sale from Bath Box Office.

▼ Online: www. bathboxoffice.org.uk

▼ By email: boxoflfice@bathfesicals.org.uk

▼ By telephone: +44(0)1225 463362 (Monday to Friday)

▼ In person: Bath Box Office, Bath Visitor Information Centre, Abbey Chambers.

Opening times: Monday-Saturday 10:30am to 5pm (Closed on Sunday)

Tickets not on sale at Bath Box Office are indicated on our website and also in the programme.

Travel information

Bath will be very crowded on Saturdays,so we recommend that you start earlier for your journey considering the busy traffic.

Find out about travelling to Bath by car,train, coach and plane. The main train station is Bath Spa, the closest airport is Bristol, and there is quite a lot of parking but it fills up quickly. National Express has coaches to and from Bath.


The closest car park to the Assembly Rooms (the starting point for the Promenade) is located in Charlotte Street, which is divided into several sections. Parking in the top section means the shortest walk to the start in the Assembly Rooms.

Park and Ride will be very busy on Saturdays with visitors to the city. Please allow plenty of time to park and catch the bus, and we suggest at least one hour from parking the car to getting into the city center plus walking time from the bus stop to the Assembly Rooms.


For accessibility, please see the list. Most places are a least partly accessible. If using a wheelchair, please advise the Box office so that suitable arrangements can be made for your comfort.

1Tickets are not available .

A. by telephone of Saturday B. in person on Friday

C. online D. by email

2What do we know about the transport to Bath?

A. More improvement should be made.

B. You can park easily in the airport at any time.

C. Tourists can get there by different means of transport.

D. It’s better to take a coach than a train.

3Which statement is TRUE according to the passage?

A. You can find only one parking lot in Bath.

B. You should allow extra time for your journey on Saturdays.

C. You need to walk a long way when parking in the top section.

D. All the places are easily accessible to people with disabilities.

【题目】 Increasing numbers of airports, especially in Europe, are promoting a “silent airport” idea. It is to reduce noise pollution, such as airport-wide announcements, without sacrificing timely and helpful updates of information.

International airports were once characterized by their high voices, competing gate announcements and so on. This is all changing. Angela Gittens, director general of Airports Council International (ACI), says there is a growing desire among airports and airlines they serve to create a calm, relaxed atmosphere without being disturbed by announcements. “Passengers can relax while they wait for their flight to board in the common airside lounges(休闲区), and food and drink areas,” she says.

In June, Helsinki Airport in Finland—a country where the tourism slogan(口号) is “silence, please”—became the most recent airport to adopt the silent concept. As part of its commitment to quieting things down, announcements for flights are made only in boarding gate areas.

Lost track of time in the shops?

Too bad.

Nobody’s going to call you to your flight, as announcements in all terminals will be made only in exceptional(尤其) emergency circumstances.

Heikki Koski, vice president of Helsinki Airport, says that improved flight information display system and interactive kiosks(交互式自助服务机), together with advances in mobile technology, are changing the way airports communicate with passengers. At Munich airport, InfoGate kiosks allow for video-based face-to-face conversation with a live customer service representative in the traveler’s language of choice. Interactive signs, on the other hand, give directions at the touch of finger. Passengers can tap a “you are here” display to get directions and approximate walking time to their destinations.

Of course, an airport will never be as silent as a temple. There will continue to be a need for airport-wide emergency announcements along with boarding calls. But at silent airports, the latter can be restricted to specific gates, as has adopted in Helsinki.

1What is Angela Gittens’ opinion on the silent airport concept?

A. It makes airport noise-free.

B. It is intended for passengers’ benefit.

C. It has changed international airports’ reputation.

D. It has encouraged the catering industry in airports.

2What should passengers pay close attention to at Helsinki Airport?

A. Their boarding time.B. Finland’s tourism slogan.

C. The shop’s opening hours.D. The “you are here” display.

3Why is Munich Airport mentioned in the text?

A. To show its popularity.B. To introduce Infogate kiosks.

C. To prove Heikki Koski’s words.D. To be compared with Helsinki Airport.

4What is the best title for the text?

A. Silence, please. This is an airport.

B. Can airports be as quiet as temples?

C. Silent airports all around the world.

D. Technology helps airports become interactive.

【题目】 The Harvard Pre-College Program is a nice experience for high school students. Alongside peers(同辈)from around the world, you’ll be introduced to college life as you attend classes, live on campus, and enjoy fun outings and activities.

Learning without limits

Biology, physics, law, writing and philosophy — these are just a few of the 30-plus courses you can choose from in each session. In our noncredit classes, we set aside grades so that you can fully commit to your growth as a well-rounded student. Class sizes typically range from 14 to 18 students to encourage interactive learning.

Living at Harvard

When you attend the Pre-College Program, you’ll live in a historic undergraduate house, near Harvard Square. You will be with your fellow Pre-College students, resident directors, and proctors who provide support. You’ll also enjoy meals in one of Harvard’s dining halls, which are a short walk from Harvard Yard and provide many options for a variety of dietary needs.

Thriving outside the classroom

The summer Pre-College Program offers many mentally challenging co-curricular(补充课程的)activities beyond the classroom. With faculty and Harvard-affiliated experts, you will have the opportunity to participate in workshops on topics like the psychology of color-blindness, classic literature from around the world and science of happiness. From our Cambridge scavenger hunt to a trip to the Sand Sculpting Festival at America’s first public beach, there’s no shortage of fun activities in the Pre-College Program.

1What do we know about the 30-plus courses?

A. You can only choose five of them.

B. They provide credits for students.

C. You should set aside other subjects.

D. They assist your full development.

2Where can you enjoy meals during the program?

A. Near Harvard Square.B. Close to Harvard Yard.

C. In one of the workshops.D. In an undergraduate house.

3What is the purpose of the passage?

A. To advertise meals.B. To comment on an activity.

C. To introduce a program.D. To recommend courses.

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