
Do you have a sore throat, a running nose and a headache? Do you keep coughing and sneezing? If you do, the chances are that you have a cold or perhaps flu---but which one? Although both colds and flu are caused by viruses, they are very different illnesses.
Colds, which usually last about a week, affect the nose most. They commonly cause a running nose and sneezing. Sometimes, they cause a headache, a cough and slightly aching muscles.
Flu is a much more serious illness and is caused by different groups of viruses. People with flu usually get all the symptoms(症状) described above. However, they also get a high fever, a dry cough and much worse aching. Fever is one of the characteristic symptoms of the flu for all ages. The symptoms also last much longer. Sometimes they don’t disappear for at least two weeks.
Flu can be a deadly disease. The elderly(年长的), who are weaker and less healthy than most younger people, can die from flu. This is one reason why old people are advised to have a flu injection(预防针) before the start of winter when flu is most common. This injection is inexpensive and definitely(明显地)worth it.
If you have a cold or flu, you must always deal with used tissues(手巾纸) carefully. Don’t leave dirty tissues on your desk or on the floor. Someone else has to pick these up and viruses could be passed on. And finally, remember to cover your nose and mouth when you sneeze! You don’t want to see the small drops of liquids blown(喷) out of your nose and mouth when you sneeze, do you? Disgusting(令人作呕), eh? Now you can understand why it’s a good idea to cover your nose and mouth when you sneeze!
小题1: In paragraph 4, we learn that ________.
A.flu injection can cause death
B.most old people die from flu
C.flu can kill old people easily
D.flu is most common in summer
小题2: Dealing with used tissues properly(正确地) is important because ________.
A.it helps keep your classroom tidy
B.it prevents the spread of colds and flu
C.people hate picking up dirty tissues
D.picking up lots of tissues is hard work
小题3: Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?
A.Both colds and flu last the same time.
B.Both colds and flu can be prevented by injection.
C.Both colds and flu are caused by the same viruses.
D.Both colds and flu have an aching symptom.
小题4:Which is probably the best title for the passage?
A.Colds and Flu
B.The Different Symptoms of a Cold and Flu
C.Prevention Is Better Than Cure
D.Cover Your Nose and Mouth When Sneezing

I’ll never forget my first daughter, who died too early from a bad accident. During those years, life was   36  . One Christmas I found my 3-year-old daughter   37  with a roll of golden wrapping paper. I had bought the paper to finish a rather important project. So I became   38  and scolded her loudly, “You are not good. And you are   39  your father’s money. You don’t know how hard your parents are working.” She was   40  and cried bitterly, running away.
    41 , she brought a gift, a golden   42  made of golden wrapping paper to me the next morning and said, “This is for you, Daddy.” I was   43  of my earlier hurting words, but my anger rose again when I found out the box was   44 . I shouted at her, “Don’t you know, when you give someone a present, there is supposed to be something inside?” She   45  at me with tears in her eyes and cried, “Oh, Daddy, it’s not empty at all. I blew   46  into the box. They’re all for you, Daddy.”
I was completely   47 . I put my arms around her and begged for her   48 . A year later, a serious   49  took the life of my daughter. I was so sad that I   50  in bed for three days and three nights, saying nothing with tears rolling down my cheek. From then on, I hated cars and kept the golden box by my bed for many years. Whenever I was   51  , I would take out an imaginary kiss and   52  the love of my daughter who had put it there.
In a very real   53  , each one of us, as humans beings, has been given a golden container   54  with unconditional love and kisses ... from our children, family members, friends, and God. There are   55  no other possessions that anyone could hold more precious than this.
A.nice B.hardC.instructiveD.dull
A.looked aroundB.looked awayC.looked upD.looked down
A.eventB.illness C.operationD.accident
A.way B.stateC.directionD.sense
A.decorated B.filledC.coveredD.linked
A.onlyB.naturallyC.simply D.actually
After our early morning wake-up, we are still a couple of
hours away from the overlooks.It is pitch black.I can feel the
heavy humid fog left behind my last night's rain. This is why
the tour memo listed "flashlight". Unfortunately; the majority
of our hiking party of nine must have missed the memo, so we
have only four flashlights between us.
An hoar later,we are on the trail. It is dark, foggy, wet and the rocks are alippery.We alternate places between the flashlights "haves" and "have-nots". As we march, the only voices heard are from the "haves": "Step up, step down, watch out for the rock on your left."
We reach Intipunku with only 15 minutes to spare. The view at sunrise is not what we were told in the travel brochures. Three feet in front of our faces is a white substance called "fog".
As we walk towards the Machu Picchu ruins, my anticipation is mounting. When will the fog lift? Slowly, as if someone is cranking up a curtain, Huayna Picchu begins to appear,overlooking Machu Picchu. First there are fleeting glimpses, and then finally, there is, in its full splendor.
When I envisioned going to Machu Picchu, I always thought of mysterious ruins and the famous postcard picture looking toward Huayna Picchu. But there is more to this man-made / natural wonder of the World. It is the adventure of getting there. I knew I wanted to experience the feel of the Inca culture and the energy of this sacred valley, I also knew I didn't want to take the train, but needed to hike. Depending on your starting point,the Inca Trail is 25 to 33miles of semi-arid desert, breathless mountain passes and stunning tropical cloud forest. Our hike took us four nights and 25 miles to finish.
Our local guide MaurO keeps telling us "no worries, the hike is 90 percent mental and only 10 percent physical. "I am not convinced that the physical percentage is correct, but I definitely become more and more excited as we are now getting closer to Machu Picchu.By getting myself into good shape, running 20 miles and hiking a 500-foot-high hill five to seven times per week before I left for Peru, I was able to enjoy the beauty of the hike and not worry much about aching muscles and lungs.
小题1: About flashlights, which of the following statements is true?
A.The local guide had asked them to take flashlights for the hike.
B.They had taken enough flashlights for the hike.
C.Before they got to Intipunku, they depended a lot on their flashlights.
D.They used flashlights all the time.
小题2: Put the following events into the right order.
a. They reached Intipunku,
b. They read the travel brochures.
c. They walked on the trail in the dark.
d. They advanced to get closer to Maehu Picchu.
e. They enjoyed the splendor of Huayna Picchu.
小题3: What does the underlined word "anticipation" in Paragraph Four mean?
小题4: What can NOT be inferred from the text?
A.The writer made good preparation for the tour.
B.The Inca Trail took them four nights.
C.Machu Picchu is in the country of Peru.
D.They reached Intipunku ahead of time.
小题5: According to the writer, what attracted him most in the tour?
A.Mysterious ruins.B.The famous post-card picture.
C.The hiking.D.The Inca culture.
In spite of the television and other ways to pass information, the newspaper is still an important source. Many people begin their day by reading the paper. In this way they learn what is going on in the world. Sometimes, however, they don’t have time to read the news carefully and must be satisfied with a quick look at the front page, at other times, they may be in such a hurry that they have time only for a glance at headlines.
In the United States there are newspapers to satisfy all kinds of readers. In big cities there are many types of papers, with several different editions(版本) every day. In the small towns there are fewer newspapers and perhaps only one edition each day. In some areas the paper is even printed weekly.
Another type of publications that help the population know what is happening in the world is magazines. Some magazines are published weekly, others are put out monthly. There are news magazines, and magazines for special interests as sports, photography and music. In the United States, you can find the right thing for every taste and interest.
小题1:In order to know what is happening in the world,          .
A.people should read the whole newspaper carefully
B.people should read a newspaper as the first thing in the morning
C.one should at least have a quick look at the headlines
D.one doesn’t have to read the front page
小题2: In the United States,          .
A.people read more newspapers than in other countries
B.there are different newspapers even in a small town
C.people can read at least one newspaper each week
D.people spend a lot of time reading the Sunday section
小题3: Magazines are          .
A.weekly or monthly newspapersB.a kind of publications
C.special reading materials for funD.just like newspapers
小题4:In the first paragrgh the underlined word “glance” probably means          .
A.quick lookB.quick movementC.angry lookD.unpleasant look
The easy way out isn't always easiest . I learned that lesson when I decided to treat Doug , my husband of one month , to a special meal . I glanced through my cookbook and chose a menu(菜谱) which included homemade bread . Knowing the bread would take time , I started on it as soon as Doug left for work . As I was not experienced in cooking , I thought if a dozen was good , two dozens would be better , so I doubled(加倍)everything . As Doug loved oranges , I also opened a can of orange and poured it all into the bowl . Soon there was a sticky dough (面团) covered with ugly yellowish marks . Realizing I had been defeated , I put the dough in the rubbish bin outside so I wouldn't have to face Doug laughing at my work , I went on preparing the rest of the meal , and , when Doug got home , we sat down to eat Cornish chicken with rice . He tried to enjoy the meal but seemed disturbed . Twice he got up and went outside , saying he thought he heard a noise . The third time he left , I went to the windows to see what he was doing . Looking out , I saw Doug standing about three feet from the rubbish bin , holding the lid up with a stick and looking into the container . When I came out of the house , he dropped the stick and explained that there was something alive in our rubbish bin . Picking up the stick again , he held the lid up enough for me to see . I felt cold . But I stepped closer and looked harder . Without doubt it was my work . The hot sun had caused the dough to double in size and the fermenting yeast (酵母)made the surface shake and sigh as though it were breathing .It looked like some unknown being from outer space. I could see why Doug was so shaken. I had to admit what the 'living thing” was and why it was there . I don't know who was more embarrassed(尴尬)by the whole thing - Doug or me.
小题1:The writer's purpose in writing this story is ___________
A.to tell an interesting experience
B.to show the easiest way out of a difficulty
C.to describe the trouble facing a newly married woman
D.to explain the difficulty of learning to cook from books
小题2:Why did the woman's attempt at making the bread turn out to be unsuccessful?
A.The canned orange had gone bad.
B.She didn't use the right kind of flour.
C.The cookbook was hard to understand.
D.She did not follow the directions closely.
小题3:Why did the woman put the dough in the rubbish bin?
A.She didn't see the use of keeping it
B.She meant to joke with her husband.
C.She didn't want her husband to see it .
D.She hoped it would soon dry in the sun.
小题4:What made the dough in the rubbish bin look frightening?
A.The rising and falling movement.
B.The strange-looking marks.
C.Its shape.
D.Its size.
小题5:When Doug went out the third time , the woman looked out of the window because she was ______________.
A.surprised at his being interested in the bin
B.afraid that he would discover her secret
C.unhappy that he didn't enjoy the meal
D.curious to know what disturbed him
  Microwaves may be great at warming up food, but what about warming people?
Using microwaves to directly heat owners of a room would save much of the energy wasted by heating walls and furniture. And despite popular ideas about microwaves, this technique would be safe, according to Charles R. Buffler of the Microwave Research Center in Marlborough, New Hampshire. Low-power microwaves only penetrate (贯穿) the skin (low-power microwave penetration in a ham is about 0.2 inches, for example) and with no negative effects.
To test this idea, Buffler subjected himself to microwaves in a special room using a standard 500-watt, 2459 MHz magnetron (磁控管). He found that a person will start to feel warmth at about 20 milliwatts per square centimeter (mw. /sq.cm.); a satisfactory feeling of warmth occurs between 35 and 50 mw./sq.cm. By comparison, a person standing in noonday summer sun feels the amount of 85 mw./sq.cm. And a frozen meat pie in your microwave oven receives about 1000 mw./sq. cm.
In houses of the future, each room could be provided with its own magnetron, says Buffler. When you stepped into the living room, for example, a motion detector would turn on the magnetron, filling the room with low-power microwaves. In the same way that a microwaves oven heats up a hamburger, but not the plate it’s on, you would feel warmth from the microwaves without changing the temperature of your coffee table. (You could, however, make your favorite easy chair even more comfortable by treating it with a radiation-absorbing chemical.)
While it might be some time before homeowners are comfortable enough with the idea to set up whole body microwave heaters in houses, Buffler says microwaves may attract livestock farmers. Lambs that are born outdoors in winter, for example, are frequently lost to cold. Microwaves could warm the lambs safely and quickly.
小题1: Which of the following can tell the main idea of the passage?
A.A new heating system. B.A new microwave oven.
C.A popular technique.D.The magnetron.
小题2: The test conducted by Buffler shows that when a person feels comfortable warmth, he receives about ____.
A.20 mw. / sq. cm.B.40 mw. / sq. cm.
C.60 mw. / sq. cm.D.85 mw. / sq. cm.
小题3: According to paragraph 4, which of the following fills the room with low-power microwaves?
A.The magnetron.B.The motion detector.
C.The microwave oven.D.The radiation-absorbing chemical.
小题4: Which of the following statements about microwave heaters would Buffler most probably agree with?
A.Microwave heaters will soon be widely used by homeowners.
B.Microwave heaters sometimes make people feel uncomfortable.
C.Microwave heaters will be probably first used by livestock farmers to protect their lambs in winter.
D.Microwave heaters cannot be accepted by the public because they are somewhat unsafe.
Watercolor(水彩画) is the oldest paints known. It dates back to the early cave men. They discovered that they could mix the natural colors found in the earth with water. In this way they could add lifelike qualities to drawings of animals and other figures on the wall of caves.
Fresco(壁画), one of the greatest art forms, is done with watercolor, it is created by mixing paints and water and applying these to wet plaster(灰泥). Of the thousands of people who stand under Michelangelos’ works in the Sistine Chapel, very few know they are looking at perhaps the greatest watercolor painting in the world.
The invention of oil painting by the Glemish masters in the fifteenth century made fresco painting go downhill, and for the next several centuries watercolor was used mainly for doing sketches(素描) or as tool for study. It was not until the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries that English painters put back watercolor as a serious art form. The English have widely-known love for the outdoors and also for small, private pictures. The softness of watercolor had a strong attraction for them.
The popularity of watercolor continued to grow until the twentieth century. The United States took the place of England and became the center of watercolor. It produced such well-known watercolor artists as Thomas Eakins and Andrew Wyeth.
小题1: The first watercolor users were___________
A.the early cave men
B.Italian fresco artists
C.Flemish masters
D.the English artists in the 18th century
小题2: In the 16th and 17th centuries the artists thought__________.
A.watercolor was more costly, but better
B.oil painting lasted less long, but clearer and brighter
C.watercolor was not suitable for serious works
D.oil painting was difficult to use
小题3: According to the passage, watercolor painting was put back in England because ______
A.it was easy to use outdoors
B.it was a strong tool
C.it was extremely bright in color
D.it was well suited to popular tastes
小题4: What is the passage mainly about?________
A.the gradual weakness of fresco painting.
B.Oils having more power of influence over watercolor.
C.The rediscovery of watercolor in England.
D.The start and development of watercolor.
Our boat floated on between walls of forest. It was too thick for us to get a view of the land we were passing through, though we knew from the map that our river must be passing through chains of hills from time to time. Nowhere did we find a place where we could have landed: although the jungle did not actually spread right down into the river, banks of soft mud prevented us from going ashore. In any case, what would we have gained by landing? The country was full of snakes and other dangerous creatures and the jungle was so thick that one would be able to advance slowly, cutting one's way with knives the whole way. So we stayed in the boat, hoping that when we reached the sea, a friendly fisherman would pick us up and take us to civilization.
As for water, there was a choice. We could drink the muddy river water, or die of thirst. We drank the water. Men who have just escaped from what appeared to be certain death lost all worries about such small things as diseases caused by dirty water. In fact, none of us suffered from any illness as a result.
One day we passed another village, but fortunately nobody saw us. We did not wish to risk being taken prisoners a second time: we might not be so lucky as to escape in a stolen boat again.
小题1: TOC \o "1-3" \h \z What they could see on the boat was only.
A.high wallsB.chains of hills
C.heavy woodsD.vast land
小题2:They couldn't land because.
A.the mud on the shore was too soft
B.they could not find anyone
C.they could not find the mark on the map
D.the forest was too thick to go through
小题3:From the passage, we can learn that.
A.they were in an uninhabited area
B.they were on a journey home happily
C.the country was a civilized society
D.the country was a tropical jungle coutry
小题4:The best title for this passage might he______
A.I he Problem of LandingB.Escape in the Jungle
C.An Entirely New ExperienceD.Exploration of a River
“You'll have to take care of the baby today,” a woman told her husband . “ I'm not feeling well.”
“Then you must stay in bed and rest, dear. “ her husband said. “I'll be pleased to look after our baby. “
“Thank you. I'll have a quiet day and I'll soon get better. “ his wife told him.
“Shall I do the shopping for you as well?” her husband asked.
She was very pleased and said, “That will help me very much. I'll give you a list of things to buy. “
She wrote out the list and gave it to him.
“You can get all these things at the supermarket,” she said.
“You can put the baby in the shopping cart, then you won't have to leave him outside.”
The man took the baby to the supermarket and put him in the shopping cart. Then he pushed the shopping cart along the rows of things to buy and looked for those that were on his list.
At first all was well, but then the baby began to cry.
Then he started to scream.
And scream!
“Keep calm ,George, ” the man said. “Don't get excited. Don't shout, George. Don't lose your temper, George.”
A woman in the supermarket heard him saying these things. She walked up to him.
“I think you are wonderful ,”she said. “You are so patient with your little George. ”
  “Madam, ”" the man said, “I'm George. He's Edward.”
小题1: Why did the man take care of the baby?
A.it was his turn.B.His wife was not well.
C.His wife was not at home.D.He always looked after it.
小题2:Why did the man take the baby to the supermarket?
A.He had to go shopping.
B.He wanted to show the baby to his friend.
C.He wanted to give the baby a ride in a shopping cart.
D.The baby liked going to the supermarket.
小题3:What did the baby do in the supermarket?
A.pushed the shopping cartB.lost its temper
C.made a lot of noiseD.helped his father
小题4:Finally we can infer from the story that_____ .
A.the man was very calm when the baby was crying
B.the woman was very pleased to see the man
C.the woman mistook George for the baby, while in fact the man was named George
D.the man was very busy in shopping, but he couldn't find all the goods on the list

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