
5.January 1-January 31
You are charming and intelligent.You are actually quite ambitious.You like to go to parties and chat with your friends.On the other hand,you are friendly,but you are also a very private person.
February 1-February 28
You are determined and hard working.You are born under the sign of loyalty and evenness (公平).You like parties and enjoy a lot of friends.On the other hand,you are quite famous for your courage.You really like to explore and you are an adventurer.
March 1-March 31
You are very loyal,independent,and open-minded.You are a born leader,and when you set a goal,you go to it.You adore challenges and competitions.You are most likely to be the one who calls out,"Let's go!"you are always in a circle of friends.You love animals. You are like a roller coaster..
April I-April 30
You are artistic,well-mannered,intelligent,and diplomatic.You are usually sweet and kind,of course.You are sometimes famous for your artistic sense and good taste.You love throwing grand parties.Vacations and routines are very important to you.You are also fairly popular.
Mayl-May 31
You are talented,sincere,and most of all,enthusiastic.You are the master of ceremonies. You shine in the crowd.When you walk into a room,heads turn,and you hear whispers and gasps.You have a strong will to defeat any challenge in your way.You have a hunger for fashion.
June 1-June 30
You are very elegant,wise,and compassionate(有同情心的).You are very attractive and people are attracted to you.Your friends rely on you for advice.You will be someone like Jacqueline Onassis.You are also very lucky in many ways.
Julyl-July 31
You are mostly agreeable,energetic,and popular.You like to try new things wherever you go.You know how to dress and you always look your best.You are talented and you love sports. You are always one step ahead of anyone else.You adore freedom and independence.
August 1-August 31
You are empathetic,easygoing,and compliant.You can get along with almost everyone. Many people admire you for your talent and creativity.On the other hand,you are sensitive and compassionate.You always like to dream.You enjoy peace and quiet at night.
September 1-September 30
You are individualistic,sociable,and very entertaining.You are capable of anything.You have an excellent memory.You like long,friendly conversations with your closest friends.You turn boring things into the life of the party.
October 1-October 31
You are thoughtful,intelligent,and the class comedian.You are also very popular,and nice around friends.You love to save the best for last.You are amusing and very fun to be around with.You love to spend hours each day reading and studying for final exams,when the school year has just started.You almost never turn on your friends.
November 1-November 30
You are unselfish,knowledgeable,and friendly.You are loyal to your friends and family. You can see the difference between right and wrong.You are very honest and you speak out when you feel something has gone wrong.You are the person who likes trendy clothes.
December 1-December 31
You are smart,optimistic,and willing to help others.You are like a rare diamond.You are intentionally the nicest while you are with friends.You are also very affectionate.You are too good to be true.Your friends trust in you easily.You are also popular in the"Being Nice"way.

46.People born in the months ofA are usually very fashionable.
A.May,July and November                
B.May,July and October
C.July,October,and November             
D.April,May and October
47.If you are born in March,the sentence"You are like a roller coaster"is probably linked with which of the following characteristicsD?
A.Being loyal.   
B.Being open-minded.
C.Loving animals.    
D.Adoring challenges and competitions.
48.Who is the combination of very different characteristicsC?
A.A person born during April 1-April 30.
B.A person born during August 1-August 31.
C.A person born during January 1-January 31.
D.A person born during February 1-February 31.
49.Which of the following is most likely to have the combination of very different characteristicsB?
A.July-having an excellent memory.
B.October-loving to save the best for last.
C.September-enjoying peace and quiet at night.
D.August@being always one step ahead of anyone else.

分析 本文讲述十二个月份出生的人所具有的不同特点,有的喜欢时尚,有的喜欢竞争.

解答 46-49  A.D.C.B
46.A 细节理解题.根据第五段提到You have a hunger for fashion你有很强的时尚感可知有五月,第六段提到You are always one step ahead of anyone else你将比别人快一步,可知是时尚,再根据倒数第二段提到You are the person who likes trendy clothes你是个喜欢流行衣服的人,可知选A项.
47.D 细节理解题.根据第三段提到You are a born leader,and when you set a goal,you go to it.You adore challenges and competitions.You are most likely to be the one who calls out,"Let's go!"you are always in a circle of friends你是个天生的领导者,当你设定目标时,你一定能实现,你喜欢挑战和竞争,你喜欢领导别人,可知,三月份出生的人大都具有崇拜挑战和竞争,故选D项.
48.C 推断判断题.根据第一段提到You like to go to parties and chat with your friends.On the other hand,you are friendly,but you are also a very private person你喜欢聚会和朋友聊天,另外一方面你是友好但你又是非常内向的人,故选C项.
49.B 推断判断题.根据倒数第三段提到You love to save the best for last你喜欢把最好的留在最后,故可知选B项.

点评 本文是属于逸闻趣事类的阅读短文,首先需要通读全文,把握文章的大意;其次,快速浏览后面的题目,并结合问题到文中相应的段落去寻找答案;另外,本文问题的设置旨在考查对全文或段落的细节理解的概括上,因此在平时的阅读训练中,要学会找文章的相关共同信息,并加以概括,从而提炼出文章大意.

17.The Albinas married when Mr.Albina was 30,and they spent the early marriage in Argentina.Then they decided to move to Chile,which meant they had to cross the Andes Mountains.They and their 20s sons made the difficult two-week journey on horses.One night there was a terrible snow storm in the mountains,during which Mrs Albina gave birth to triplets (三胞胎),a boy and two girls.
    Mrs Albina now has 30 more girls,including the twins who are 15 months old.The oldest Albina children are in their 30s and 40s.They are on their own now,but 18 of the kids still live with their parents in a two-room house.The house has electricity but no toilet or running water.Clearly,the Albinas don't have enough money and food for the big family.Why,then,do they continue to have children?
The Albinas do not use birth control because it is against their religion.They can let other people take care of their kids,but Mrs Albina doesn't allow it."When we were babies,"she said,"our mother left us at an orphanage and never returned.Then a couple adopted my brothers,and I was left behind.I was heartbroken.I promised that when I became a mother I would never give my children away."
     So the Albina family continues to grow.They have so many kids that they run out of names and have to give some children the same name.There are three Susannas,three Miriams,two Estrellas,and two Soledades.
     Will the family stop at 53 kids?Mr Albina is 77,and Mrs Albina is 59."I am getting old,"she said with a smile,"and I would like God to think of me and consider my age.But if God sends more children to me,yes,there will be more."

31.What is said about the children in the Albinas in the passage?D
Some children are raised by others.
God sent the children to the Albinas.
The children are all twins or triplets.
Most of the children are independent now.
32.It can be inferred from the passage thatA.
Mrs Albina experienced a hard childhood
the Albinas would like to use birth control
ten kids in the family share the same name
the Albina family has lived in three countries
33.How old was Mrs Albina when the Albinas got married?C
34.What is the attitude of Mrs.Albina to continuing to have babies?D
A.He is very positive.
B.He doesn't want to have more.
C.He hopes God will give them more.
D.He lets nature take its course.
6.Along the river banks of the Amazon and the Orinoco there lives a bird that swims before it can fly,flies like a fat chicken,eats green leaves,has the stomach of a cow and has claws (爪) on its wings when young.They build their homes about 4.6m above the river,an important feature (特征) for the safety of the young.It is called the hoatzin.
  In appearance,the birds of both sexes look very much alike with brown on the back and cream and red on the underside.The head is small,with a large set of feathers on the top,bright red eyes,and blue skin.Its nearest relatives are the common birds,cuckoos.Its most striking feature,though,is only found in the young.
   Baby hoatzins have a claw on the leading edge of each wing and another at the end of each wing tip.Using these four claws,together with the beak (喙),they can climb about in the bushes,looking very much like primitive birds must have done.When the young hoatzins have learned to fly,they lose their claws.
   During the drier months between December and March hoatzins fly about the forest in groups of 20 to 30 birds,but in April,when the rainy season begins,they collect together in smaller living units of two to seven birds for producing purposes.

62.What is the text mainly about?D
A.Hoatzins in dry and rainy seasons.
B.The relatives and enemies of hoatzins.
C.Primitive birds and hoatzins of the Amazon.
D.The appearance and living habits of hoatzins.
63.Young hoatzins are different from their parents in thatB.
A.they look like young cuckoos
B.they have claws on the wing
C.they eat a lot like a cow
D.they live on river banks
64.What can we infer about primitive birds from the text?A
A.They had claws to help them climb.
B.They could fly long distances.
C.They had four wings like hoatzins.
D.They had a head with long feathers on the top.
65.Why do hoatzins collect together in smaller groups when the rainy season comes?D
A.To find more food.
B.To protect themselves better.
C.To keep themselves warm.
D.To produce their young.

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