

  Five years ago, David Smith wore an expensive suit to work every day.“I was a clothes addict.”he jokes.“I used to carry a fresh suit to work with me so I could change if my clothes got wrinkled.”Today David wears casual clothes-khaki pants and a sports shirt-to the office.He hardly ever wears a necktie.“I am working harder than ever.”David says,“And I need to feel comfortable.”

  More and more companies are allowing their office workers to wear casual clothes to work.In the United States, the change from formal to casual office wear has been gradual.In the early 1990s, many companies allowed their employees to wear casual clothes on Friday(but only on Friday).This became known as“dress-down Friday”or“casual Friday”.“What started out as an extra one-day-a-week benefit for employees has really become an everyday thing.”said business consultant Maisly Jones.

  Why have so many companies started allowing their employees to wear casual clothes?One reason is that it's easier for a company to attract new employees if it has a casual dress code.”“A lot of young people don't want to dress up for work,”says the owner of a software company,“so it's hard to hire people if you have a conservative(保守的)dress code.”Another reason is that people seem happier and more productive when they are wearing comfortable clothes.In a study conducted by Levi Strauss and Company, 85 percent of employers said that they believe that casual dress imp.roves employee morale(心境,士气).Only 4 percent of employers said that casual dress has a negative influence on productivity.Supporters of casual office wear also argue that a casual dress code helps them save money.“Suits are expensive, if you have to wear one every day,”one person said.“For the same amount of money, you can buy a lot more casual clothes.”


David Smith refers to himself as having been“a clothes addict,”because ________.

[  ]


he often wore khaki pants and a sports shirt


he couldn't stand a clean appearance


he wanted his clothes to look neat all the time


he didn't want to spend much money on clothes


David Smith wears casual clothes now, because ________.

[  ]


they make him feel at ease when working


he cannot afford to buy expensive clothes


he looks handsome in casual clothes


he no longer works for any company


According to this passage, which of the following statements is FALSE?

[  ]


Many employees don't like a conservative dress code.


Comfortable clothes make employees more productive.


A casual clothes code is welcomed by young employees.


All the employers in the U.S.are for casual office wear.


According to this passage, which of the following statements is TRUE?

[  ]


Company workers started to dress down about twenty years ago.


Dress-down has become an everyday phenomenon since the early 90s.


“Dress-down Friday”was first given as a favor from employers.


Many workers want to wear casual clothes to impress people.


In this passage, the following advantages of casual office wear are mentioned EXCEPT ________.

[  ]


saving employees' money


making employees more attractive


improving employees' motivation


making employees happier



  BEIJING-Apple Inc is one step closer to beginning sales of iPad2 tablet computers with cellular(手机)network compatibility(兼容)for the first time in the Chinese mainland, where the consumer-electronics giant is in the midst of an aggressive expansion.

  According to China’s Telecommunication Equipment Certification Center, a device by Apple with third-generation high-speed wireless data capabilities was issued the network access license needed for the company to begin official sales in China.The device, listed under model number “A1396”, is compatible with the 3G standard WCDMA, and would work with the cellular network operated by Apple’s local iPhone partner, China Unicom(Hong Kong)Ltd.

  China Unicom declined(谢绝)to comment.

  Apple already offers the 3G iPad2 in Hong Kong through its partners, but currently only offers Wi-Fi versions of the device in the Chinese mainland.Still, consumers in China, which according to research firm IDC surpassed(超过)the US as the world’s largest PC market in the second quarter, have been purchasing 3G tablets through unofficial channels.

  Separately, Apple spokeswoman Carolyn Wu said Sept 6 that the company’s first Hong Kong store, set to open this quarter, will be located in the city’s central shopping and business district in the International Finance Center’s upscale(高档的)IFC mall, a commercial center and sightseeing spot along the city’s waterfront.Wu also said that Apple is planning a new store in Shanghai later this quarter, which will be its biggest store in China.She declined to give more details or to comment on the 3G iPad2.

  Apple currently has four full-service Apple stores in the mainland, which receive the most traffic of any Apple stores in the world.The company otherwise relies on resellers to get its products into the market.

  The new stores reflect Apple’s confidence in rising demand for its products such as smart phones and tablet computers.Sales in the Chinese mainland, Hong Kong and Taiwan helped boost(增长)the company’s third-quarter results, newly appointed Chief Executive Tim Cook said in July.China revenue(收益)surged(激增)six-fold to about $3.8 billion during the three months ended June 25.

  “This has been a substantial(重大)opportunity for Apple and I firmly believe that we’re just scratching the surface right now,” Cook said at the time, referring to strong sales in China.“I see an incredible opportunity for Apple there.”

  From China Daily 2011-09-08


According to the news, which of the following statements is true?

[  ]


WCDMA is not the only 3G standard in the world.


Apple Inc sells its products in the market of the Chinese mainland all by its own stores.


The consumers in China can only get iPad2 of Wi-Fi versions.


Chinese mainland is the second largest PC market in this year’s second quarter.


Which one of the following phrases can replace the underlined word in paragraph 1?

[  ]


in the interests of


in the front of


in the process of


in the case of


How many full-service Apple stores in China?

[  ]










What’s the probable meaning of “six-fold” in the last but one paragraph?

[  ]




six times


60 percent




By saying “we’re just scratching the surface right now”, Cook means _________.

[  ]


they don’t know much about China’s market


they will sell more products and gain more profit in China


they need to obtain more permission from China’s government


they ignored the rural market in China


  Phone producers show us every year some really superb concept phones and even if 99% of those phones never see the production line, they give us a small glimpse(一瞥)of what the phones will look like in the near future.We’ve made a list of what we think are the coolest concept phones presented in 2010.This is not a top, so the order is random(随机的).Oh, and one more thing, remember, these are concept phones, which means they are not in production and are not for sale, so please don’t ask us where you can get them and what the prices are.

  1.LG Flutter Concept Smart-phone

  The LG Flutter has a face like the iPhone.The only difference is that the LG Flutter looks more like a fan or a killer’s tool which we see in sci-fi movies.

  In spite of this, this design does seem fit for the future of mobile phones but looks a bit difficult to use.

  2.Nokia 888 Communicator

  The phone has an amazing design.You can fold it in many ways according to your needs.You can wear it as a bracelet(手镯), roll it, bend it, and wear it as a clip on your clothes.

  Nokia 888 Concept is mostly targeted at teenagers that are very active and take part in a lot of different activities.

  3.Window Phone

  It is a product to throw on the face of the shameless weather officials.Whenever they predict sunny day be sure it would rain.So we have thought of gifting them this:“Window Phone” that makes accurate predictions and even changes its display(显示)according to the climate condition outdoors.

  4.Nokia Morph

  The Nokia Morph is created by Finnish company Nokia.The concept was the product of a joint study by the Nokia Research Center and the University of Cambridge’s Nanoscience Center.

  The phone could be bent into numerous shapes, so it can be worn around the wrist(手腕)or held up to the face.The transparent(透明)phone would allow it to be see-through yet functional.It has a self-cleaning surface that can absorb solar energy to recharge the phone battery(电池).

  5.Clover Phone

  On looks it is just another ordinary phone type, but made in recycled material, which allow the device to be upgraded to meet the latest advancements in technology.We guess the green aspects on the high-end tech will be a selling point for this phone.


Which phone would probably be most popular among young people?

[  ]


LG Flutter Concept Smart-phone.


Window Phone.


Nokia 888 Communicator.


Clover Phone.


How many environmentally friendly phones are listed in the text?

[  ]










Which of the following is true?

[  ]


Window Phone can broadcast weather.


Nokia 888 can clean its surface by itself.


Nokia Morph may always keep latest technology.


LG Flutter Concept Smart-phone looks like a bracelet.


The writer wrote this text in order to _______.

[  ]


make advertisements for the new phones


attract businessmen to make money from them


compare them and help you find the best one


introduce new ideas about phones


  BEIJING-Apple Inc is one step closer to beginning sales of iPad2 tablet computers with cellular(手机)network compatibility(兼容)for the first time in the Chinese mainland, where the consumer-electronics giant is in the midst of an aggressive expansion.

  According to China's Telecommunication Equipment Certification Center, a device by Apple with third-generation high-speed wireless data capabilities was issued the network access license needed for the company to begin official sales in China.The device, listed under model number “A1396”, is compatible(相容的)with the 3G standard WCDMA, and would work with the cellular network operated by Apple's local iPhone partner, China Unicom(Hong Kong)Ltd.

  China Unicom declined(谢绝)to comment.

  Apple already offers the 3G iPad2 in Hong Kong through its partners, but currently only offers Wi-Fi versions of the device in the Chinese mainland.Still, consumers in China, which according to research firm IDC surpassed(超过)the US as the world's largest PC market in the second quarter, have been purchasing 3G tablets through unofficial channels.

  Separately, Apple spokeswoman Carolyn Wu said Sept 6 that the company's first Hong Kong store, set to open this quarter, will be located in the city's central shopping and business district in the International Finance Center's upscale(高档的)IFC mall, a commercial center and sightseeing spot along the city's waterfront.Wu also said that Apple is planning a new store in Shanghai later this quarter, which will be its biggest store in China.She declined to give more details or to comment on the 3G iPad2.

  Apple currently has four full-service Apple stores in the mainland, which receive the most traffic of any Apple stores in the world.The company otherwise relies on resellers to get its products into the market.

  The new stores reflect Apple's confidence in rising demand for its products such as smart phones and tablet computers.Sales in the Chinese mainland, Hong Kong and Taiwan helped boost(增长)the company's third-quarter results, newly appointed Chief Executive Tim Cook said in July.China revenue(收益)surged(激增)six-fold to about $3.8 billion during the three months ended June 25.

  “This has been a substantial(重大)opportunity for Apple and I firmly believe that we're just scratching the surface right now,” Cook said at the time, referring to strong sales in China.“I see an incredible opportunity for Apple there.”

From China Daily 2011-09-08


According to the news, which of the following statements is true?

[  ]


WCDMA is not the only 3G standard in the world.


Apple Inc sells its products in the market of the Chinese mainland all by its own stores.


The consumers in China can only get iPad2 of Wi-Fi versions.


Chinese mainland is the second largest PC market in this year's second quarter.


Which one of the following phrases can replace the underlined word in paragraph 1?

[  ]


in the interests of


in the front of


in the process of


in the case of


How many full-service Apple stores in China?

[  ]










What's the probable meaning of “six-fold” in the last but one paragraph?

[  ]




six times


60 percent




By saying “we're just scratching the surface right now”, Cook means ________.

[  ]


they don't know much about China's market


they will sell more products and gain more profit in China


they need to obtain more permission from China's government


they ignored the rural market in China


  BEIJING-Apple Inc is one step closer to beginning sales of iPad2 tablet computers with cellular(手机)network compatibility(兼容)for the first time in the Chinese mainland, where the consumer-electronics giant is in the midst of an aggressive expansion.

  According to China’s Telecommunication Equipment Certification Center, a device by Apple with third-generation high-speed wireless data capabilities was issued the network access license needed for the company to begin official sales in China.The device, listed under model number “A1396”, is compatible(相容的)with the 3G standard WCDMA, and would work with the cellular network operated by Apple’s local iPhone partner, China Unicom(Hong Kong)Ltd.

  China Unicom declined(谢绝)to comment.

  Apple already offers the 3G iPad2 in Hong Kong through its partners, but currently only offers Wi-Fi versions of the device in the Chinese mainland.Still, consumers in China, which according to research firm IDC surpassed(超过)the US as the world’s largest PC market in the second quarter, have been purchasing 3G tablets through unofficial channels.

  Separately, Apple spokeswoman Carolyn Wu said Sept 6 that the company’s first Hong Kong store, set to open this quarter, will be located in the city’s central shopping and business district in the International Finance Center’s upscale(高档的)IFC mall, a commercial center and sightseeing spot along the city’s waterfront.Wu also said that Apple is planning a new store in Shanghai later this quarter, which will be its biggest store in China.She declined to give more details or to comment on the 3G iPad2.

  Apple currently has four full-service Apple stores in the mainland, which receive the most traffic of any Apple stores in the world.The company otherwise relies on resellers to get its products into the market.

  The new stores reflect Apple’s confidence in rising demand for its products such as smart phones and tablet computers.Sales in the Chinese mainland, Hong Kong and Taiwan helped boost(增长)the company’s third-quarter results, newly appointed Chief Executive Tim Cook said in July.China revenue(收益)surged(激增)six-fold to about $3.8 billion during the three months ended June 25.

  “This has been a substantial(重大)opportunity for Apple and I firmly believe that we’re just scratching the surface right now,” Cook said at the time, referring to strong sales in China.“I see an incredible opportunity for Apple there.”

  From China Daily 2011-09-08


According to the news, which of the following statements is true?

[  ]


WCDMA is not the only 3G standard in the world.


Apple Inc sells its products in the market of the Chinese mainland all by its own stores.


The consumers in China can only get iPad2 of Wi-Fi versions.


Chinese mainland is the second largest PC market in this year’s second quarter.


Which one of the following phrases can replace the underlined word in paragraph 1?

[  ]


in the interests of


in the front of


in the process of


in the case of


How many full-service Apple stores in China?

[  ]










What’s the probable meaning of “six-fold” in the last but one paragraph?

[  ]




six times


60 percent




By saying “we’re just scratching the surface right now”, Cook means _________.

[  ]


they don’t know much about China’s market


they will sell more products and gain more profit in China


they need to obtain more permission from China’s government


they ignored the rural market in China


  For those who are tired doing the laundry, Samsung has found an answer:a washing machine that can tell you when your laundry is done via a smartphone app(application).

  Strange though it may seem-“my wife already does that” was a common response among attendees viewing the device when it was introduced at the Consumer Electronics Show(CES)this week-Samsung is just one of many appliance makers racing to install(安装)a large number of internet-connected features in machines in an effort to make them “smart”.

  Last year, it was a refrigerator that tweeted.This year, it's Wi-Fi-enabled laundry machines and fridges that can tell you when your groceries are going bad.

  The washers and dryers, available starting in the spring, connect to any smartphone through a downloadable application.The phone can then be used as a remote control, so the machines can be turned on and off while their owners is at work or on the bus.

  Samsung says it's not just something new-the app connection actually has some practical uses.

  “If you started to dry clothes in the morning and forgot to take them out, you can go to your phone and restart your dryer for the time when come home, so your clothes are refreshed and ready to go,” said spokesperson Amy Schmidt.

  The company also says that with electricity rate(电价)varying depending on the time of day, more control over when the machines are used can help save money.

  Perhaps, but what they will probably really accomplish is what all good technologies do-enable laziness.Rather than getting up to check on whether the laundry is done, users will instead monitor it on their phones while watching TV.


What can be inferred from the common response of the attendees at the CES?

[  ]


The machine will be a big success.


their wives like doing the laundry.


The machine is unrelated to their life.


This kind of technology is familiar to them.


What can we learn about the new laundry machines?

[  ]


They can tell you when your clothes need washing


They can be controlled with a smartphone


They are difficult to operate


They are sold at a low price


We can conclude form Samsung's statements that ________.

[  ]


the app connection makes life easier


it is better to dry clothes in the morning


smartphone can shorten the drying time


we should refresh clothes back at home


What is the main idea of the last paragraph?

[  ]


The laundry should be frequently checked


Lazy people like using such machines


Good technologies also cause problems


Television may help do the laundry.

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