
The new science of spending comes to a surprising conclusion, How we use our money may     21

    as much or more than how much we’ve got it.

Money spent on experiences, rather than material ,goods,     22    more happiness.

Imagine that you wake up tomorrow morning to     23     $1 million under your bed . What would you do     24    that cash?

The money will probably make you think about one thing     25    all else—yourself. A large amount of research reveals that money     26    our selfish sides. We will     27    much on what that money can do for us alone, Perhaps you are imagining buying a faster car, or even a new house,

But studies show that     28    goods often fail to deliver     29    happiness, Fortunately ,our ongoing research     30    many ways to get more happiness from every dollar you spend, Changing how you spend money can increase your happiness.

But making these     31    needs to challenge some of our ideas of spending It’s hard not to     

32    buying a house as a wise investment(投资), But new research shows it brings very little happiness, A study in the United States found that homeowners, on average , were no happier than     33    .

So, working hard to save money for a house might not be such a good idea     34    it means spending less time with your families and friends.

And dozens of studies show that people get more happiness from buying     35    than material things, Experiential purchases --- such as trips, concerts and special meals--- are more     36    connected to our sense, of self.

And experiences come with one more     37    , They tend to bring us     38    to other people , but more often , material things are enjoyed    39    . So social contacts are important to     

40    mental and physical health.

21、A、present                 B、matter                   C、appear                  D、equal

22、A、carries along        B、breaks out             C、holds on         D、brings along

23、A、keep                     B、own                C、discover         D、count

24、A、to                   B、with                C、about                    D、for

25、A、above                   B、below                    C、before                   D、after

26、A、shows           B、explains          C、proves                  D、designs

27、A、depend          B、concentrate           C、take               D、look

28、A、mental                  B、material          C、beautiful         D、clever

29、A、outgoing        B、lasting                   C、willing             D、exciting

30、A、invites                   B、offers                    C、prefers           D、follows

31、A、changes        B、plans                     C、decisions              D、mistakes

32、A、know                     B、view                C、dream                   D、judge

33、A、buyers                  B、sellers                   C、builders          D、renters

34、A、if                           B、how                C、unless                   D、though

35、A、houses                 B、cars                C、experiences          D、health

36、A、clearly           B、hardly                    C、generally        D、deeply

37、A、advantage            B、conclusion             C、purpose         D、identify

38、A、familiar           B、close                     C、proper                   D、native

39、A、completely            B、worldwide              C、secretly          D、alone

40、A、gain               B、damage          C、improve          D、build



This is my third story.When I was seventeen, I   36  a quote (引文) that went something like, " If you live each day  37  it was your last, someday you'll most certainly be right." Since then, for the past thirty-three years, I've looked  38  the mirror every morning and asked myself, "If today were the last day of my life, what would I do ?" And when there was no answer for too many days in a   39 , I know I need to change something.
About a year ago I  40  from cancer.The doctors told me it was incurable, and that I should 41  to live no longer than three to six months.They advised me to get my   42  in order, which is doctors' code (代名词) for "prepare to  43  ".Later when the doctors  44  the cells taken from my pancreas (胰腺) under a microscope, they found it turned out to be a very rare form of cancer that is   45  with surgery.I had the surgery and,   46  , I'm fine now.
This was the closest I've been to facing  47  , and I hope it's the closest I get for a few more decades.Death is the destination we all   48  .No one has ever escaped it.And that is   49  it should be, because death is very likely the single   50  invention of life.It clears out the old to make   51  for the new.Your time is limited, so don't waste it living   52  life.Don't let the noise of others' opinions drown out ( 盖过) your own inner   53  .And most importantly, have the courage to 54 your heart and intuition (直觉).They 55 already know what you truly want to become.Everything else is secondary.

A.now thatB.even thoughC.as ifD.as long as
A.yourB.anyone else'sC.hisD.someone else's

February 28th, 2009 2:54 am GMT
I have to say that am shocked at just how bad the new music is. This cannot be the same band that produced great albums such as HTDAAB and ATYCLB! This is awful! They either do not care anymore, or have completely lost it. I never thought U2 would become irrelevant, but they have officially become one of those bands that you will now say, “Remember when they were great?”
----- Posted by Ronald Harris
February 28th, 2009 8:29 pm GMT
Total drivel, Mr Harris. The new album is great, far better than the safe, cynical HTDAAB and ATYCLB. U2 have become inventive again, like they were in the 1990s. thank goodness!
----- Posted by Dan
March 3rd, 2009 12:09 pm GMT
Agree, Dan. The new album is the best since Actung Baby. Magnificent is an anthem in the waiting, Breathe is unbelievable, and Stand Up Comedy is absolutely outstanding----- to name just three! Loving the new sound, pure class as usual.
----- Posted by Martin
March 4th, 2009 7:43 pm GMT
Totally agree with you guys. This album is unbelievable. Breathe is definitely a great song, same with Moment of Surrender. I bet their upcoming tour will be amazing. If you haven’t bought the CD yet, you should. I bought mine on Amozon.com for $3.99. I couldn’t believe it.
----- Posted by Josh Briggs
【小题1】According to Ronald Harris, U2’s new album is _________.

A.pretty goodB.so badC.the same as beforeD.completely fresh
【小题2】 whose comment is contrary to the others?
A.Martin’sB.Dan’sC.Josh Briggs’D.Ronald Harris’
【小题3】Martin and Josh Briggs both like the song _________.
A.MagnificentB.Moment of SurrenderC.BreatheD.Stand Up Comedy
【小题4】 Which of the following statements is not true according to the passage?
A.Most fans felt disappointed at the new album.
B.The new album is available on the Internet.
C.The people who made comments are fans of U2.
D.U2’s upcoming tour may be a great success.
【小题5】The passage is most probably from ________.
A.a concert posterB.a TV reviewC.a newspaperD.the Internet

Beijing ?(13, July) China sent up a new data relays atellite (数据中继卫星), Tianlian I -02, on Monday at the Xichang Satellite Launch Centre in South-western Sichuan province.The new satellite will promote the country's satellite communication network for space docking (对接).
The satellite was launched on a Long-March-SC carrier rocket at 11:41 p.m., sources at the centre told Xinhua News Agency.The satellite separated from the rocket 26 minutes after its launch and was then successfully delivered into a geostationary transfer orbit (地球同步转移轨道).
Developed by the China Academy of Space Technology under the China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation, the satellite is the country's second data relay satellite.The first, Tianlian I -01, was launched on April 25.2008.
The two satellites will form a network to improve communications between China's spacecraft and bases on Earth, according to the centre.They will also be used to help the nation's first space docking, scheduled for the second half of this year.
As planned, China will launch space module Tiangong-I (天宫1号), which was designed as a platform that will dock with an unmanned spaceship, Shenzhou, for the county's first space-docking mission this year.
Two more Shenzhou spaceships will dock with Tiangong-I next year, and one will be manned by two or three astronauts, according to China Manned Space Engineering Office, which was the main user of the Tianlian I series data relay satellites.
"The new satellite can cover a greater area to track and command the country's space vehicles m low-Earth orbits, such as manned spacecraft and remote sensing satellites, from a higher position m outer space.Only three satellites of this kind are needed to form a global communication network, and China has two now." Pang Zhihao, a researcher and deputy editor-in-chief of Space International, said.
The satellite could also equip astronauts with real-time communications, which will benefit the county s future manned space flights, he said.
【小题1】What is the main purpose to send up Tianlian I -02 ?

A.To test the function of a Long-March-SC carrier rocket.
B.To carry some astronauts into space to do some research.
C.To send more information and clearer pictures to mobile phones on the earth.
D.To promote the country's satellite communication network for space docking'
【小题2】From the passage we know           .
A.one more such satellite is needed to form a global communication network
B.the satellite was developed by China Manned Space Engineering Office
C.it was less than three years since China launched its first date relay satellite of this kind
D.the satellite could help track and command space vehicles in orbits because it's lower in position
【小题3】Which of the following is TRUE according to the news report?
A.Shenzhou Ⅷ is a manned spaceship.
B.Tiangong- I will dock with three Shenzhou spaceships next year.
C.the satellite is of great importance to China's space exploration.
D.china’s first ^a06 docking will be done in the second half of next year.
【小题4】The best title of the passage could be _____.
A.China Launched a New Space Shuttle
B.China's Plan for Space Exploration
C.China’s Progress m China's Space Exploration
D.New Satellite Helps China's Space Exploration

Davey wanted to play baseball. But fifty years ago, in his small town, he couldn’t find enough players for two full teams or an empty lot big enough for a field. And when he played ball in his back yard, he just broke windows and got into trouble. So Davey began playing with a plastic golf ball and a broom handle for a bat.
When his dad, David Mullaney, a former semi-pro baseball pitcher(投手), realized his son was hurting his arm trying to throw curves with the little plastic ball, he decided to find a better solution. Mullaney got a bunch of hollow plastic spheres from a local factory, sat down at his kitchen table and began cutting different size holes in the balls with a razor knife. He thought maybe the holes would alter the ball’s flight and help his son throw curves and sliders without hurting his arm.
All the balls failed—except the one with the eight oblong(长椭圆形的) holes cut into one of the hemispheres. This ball curved naturally and sharply without a violent snap of the wrist. In fact, Davey was now striking out so many batters; he called his new ball a “wiffle ball”. A year later, Mullaney borrowed $20,000 from family and friends and started producing Wiffle Balls in his little suburban town of Shelton, Connecticut.
“I didn’t want investors.” He said, “I wanted to control my own company.” This was the beginning of one of the hottest fads(时尚) of the fifties and a perennial(长久的) best seller well known all around the world. Since then millions of boys and girls have enjoyed countless hours of safe, wholesome fun playing with a Wiffle ball and bat. Esquire Magazine has even called the Wiffle Ball “a national treasure”. By producing a high quality product at an affordable price, three generations of Mullany’s have enjoyed the satisfaction and benefits of running a successful and profitable family business.
Over the years, they’ve had plenty of offers to buy them out, but they’re still working out of a small factory in Shelton, making a new Wiffle Ball every couple of seconds. Creativity and persistence are two of the important sources for wealth. If he gave up his attempts at trying new things, Mullany would not have invented the wiffle ball, nor would he have made such a big fortune.
1.From the passage we can know that           .          

AMullaney made the invention of Wiffle ball with the help of his son

Bfifty years ago people didn’t like playing baseball very much

CMullaney’s attempts to help Davey better enjoy ball-playing led to the invention of Wiffle ball

Dplaying balls would hurt one’s arm before the Wiffle ball’s appearance

2.All the following are true EXCEPT         .

ADavey was a good ballplayer after the Wiffle ball came into existence

BDavid Mullaney wanted to run the family business on his own

CMullaney’s family made a big fortune through the production of Wiffle balls

DMullaney’s business was nearly bought out but they worked hard to keep it

3.The underlined word “spheres” in Paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to         .

Aballs? Bbottles? Cbags? Dboxes

4.The two important factors for Mullaney’s successful family business are         .

Atime and fortune ? Bpersistence and creativity

Cquality and fame   Dcooperation and efforts

5.The passage mainly tells us something about         .

ADavey, a famous baseball player????????????? Ba popular ball game in the 1950’s

Cthe birth of Wiffle ball      ????????????? Dthe success of a family business


Beijing—(13, July) China sent up a new data relay satellite(数据中继卫星), Tianlian I-02, on Monday at the Xichang Satellite Launch Centre in South-western Sichuan province.The new satellite will promote the country's satellite communication network for space docking(对接).

The satellite was launched on a Long-March-3C carrier rocket at 11:41 p.m., sources at the centre told Xinhua News Agency.The satellite separated from the rocket 26 minutes after its launch and was then successfully delivered into a geostationary transfer orbit (地球同步转移轨道).

Developed by the China Academy of Space Technology under the China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation, the satellite is the country's second data relay satellite.The first, Tianlian I-01, was launched on April 25.2008.

The two satellites will form a network to improve communications between China's spacecraft and bases on Earth, according to the centre.They will also be used to help the nation's first space docking, scheduled for the second half of this year.

As planned, China will launch space module Tiangong-I, which was designed as a platform that will dock with an unmanned spaceship, Shenzhou, for the county's first space-docking mission this year.

Two more Shenzhou spaceships will dock with Tiangong-I next year, and one will be manned by two or three astronauts, according to China Manned Space Engineering Office, which was the main user of the Tianlian I series data relay satellites.

“The new satellite can cover a greater area to track and command the country’s space vehicles in low-Earth orbits, such as manned spacecraft and remote sensing satellites, from a higher position in outer space.Only three satellites of this kind are needed to form a global communication network, and China has two now.” Pang Zhihao, a researcher and deputy editor-in-chief of Space International, said.

The satellite could also equip astronauts with real-time communications, which will benefit the country's future manned space flights, he said.

1.What is the main purpose to send up Tianlian I-02 ?

A.To test the function of a Long-March-SC carrier rocket.

B.To carry some astronauts into space to do some research.

C.To send more information and clearer pictures to mobile phones on the earth.

D.To promote the country's satellite communication network for space docking.

2.From the passage we know           

A.one more such satellite is needed to form a global communication network

B.the satellite was developed by China Manned Space Engineering Office

C.it was less than three years since China launched its first date relay satellite of this kind

D.the satellite could help track and command space vehicles in orbits because it's lower in position

3.Which of the following is TRUE according to the news report?

A.Shenzhou Ⅷ is a manned spaceship.

B.Tiangong-I will dock with three Shenzhou spaceships next year.

C.the satellite is of great importance to China's space exploration.

D.china’s first space docking will be done in the second half of next year.

4.The best title of the passage could be___________.

A.China Launched a New Space Shuttle

B.China's Plan for Space Exploration

C.China’s Progress in China's Space Exploration

D.New Satellite Helps China's Space Exploration


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