
The traditional tent cities at festivals such as Glastonbury may never be the same again. In a victory of green business that is certain to appeal to environmentally-aware music-lovers, a design student is to receive financial support to produce eco-friendly tents made of cardboard that can be recycled after the bands and the crowds have gone home.

Major festivals such as Glastonbury throw away some 10,000 abandoned tents at the end of events each year. For his final year project at the University of the West of England, James Dunlop came up with a material that can be recycled. And to cope with the British summer, the cardboard has been made waterproof.

Taking inspiration from a Japanese architect, who has used cardboard to make big buildings including churches, Mr. Dunlop used cardboard material for his tents, which he called Myhabs.

The design won an award at the annual New Designers Exhibition after Mr. Dunlop graduated from his product design degree and he decided to try to turn it into a business

To raise money for the idea, he toured the city’s private companies which fund new business and found a supporter in the finance group Mint. He introduced his idea to four of Mint’s directors and won their support. Mint has committed around ??500,000 to MyHabs and taken a share of 30 per cent in Mr. Dunlop’s business. The first Myhabs should be tested at festivals this summer, before being marketed fully next year.

Mr. Dunlop said that the design, which accommodates two people, could have other uses, such as for disaster relief and housing for the London Olympics.

For music events, the cardboard houses will be ordered online and put up at the sites by the Myhabs team before the festival-goers arrive and removed by the company afterwards. They can be personalized and the company will offer reductions on the expense if people agree to sell exterior (外部的) advertising space. 

The biggest festivals attract tens of thousands of participants, with Glastonbury having some 150,000 each year. Altogether there are around 100 annual music festivals where people camp in the UK. The events are becoming increasingly environmentally conscious.

11. “Eco-friendly tents” in paragraph 1 refer to tents _______.

  A. economically desirable  B. favorable to the environment

  C. for holding music performances1   D. designed for disaster relief

12. Mr. Dunlop established his business        .

  A. independently with an interest-free loan from Mint

  B. with the approval of the City’s administration

  C. in partnership with a finance group

  D. with the help of a Japanese architect

13. It is implied in the passage that _______.

  A. the weather in the UK is changeable in summer 

  B. most performances at British festivals are given in the open air

  C. the cardboard tents produced by Mr. Dunlop can be user-tailored

D. cardboard tents can be easily put up and removed by users.

14. The passage is mainly concerned with        .

A. an attempt at developing recyclable tents

B. some efforts at making full use of cardboards

C. an unusual success of a graduation project

D. the effects of using cardboard tents on music festivals

15. Which of the following would be the best title for the text?

A. Don’t Use Tents Again

B. The Advantages of Tents

C. How to Produce Tents

D. The Development of Recyclable Tents

11-15  BCCAD



11.  词义猜测题。根据第一段最后一句可知,eco-friendly tents是用纸板做,在乐队和人群离开回家后,可以重复使用的,显然是对环境有利的。另外,根据eco-friendly的构成也可猜出其含义为“环境友好的”,上文environmentally-ware(有环境意识的)也有提示作用。

12.  细节理解题。根据第五段内容可知,Mr. Dunlop与财团Mint为合作关系,Mint财团为其MyHabs项目提供50万英镑的资金支持,Mr. Dunlop提供技术并负责实施该项目,作为回报,Mint财团将获得Mr. Dunlop企业的30%的股份,故选C。A项获得Mint的无息贷款,显然错。Mr. Dunlop寻求的是the City’s private companies 的支持,而非城市管理部门的批准,B错。他的创意是受到日本建筑师的启发,而非得到其帮助,D错。

13.  推理判断题。倒数第二段最后一句“They can be personalized"暗示可以根据用户的要求裁剪式样。根据第二段最后一句可推知英国夏季多雨,但不能推出changeable(易变,多变)的,A错。根据倒数第三段可知,这种帐篷只能睡两个人,显然不是为搭建露天演出棚所用,只是为那些观看节目演出,而又难以承担或不愿支付居住高额旅馆的年轻(学生)野外露宿所用,演出应不是露天,至少不能推出B正确。根据倒数第二段首句,这种帐篷可在网上订购,但该公司将派安装队负责安装和拆除,可见安装和拆除不是很容易,D错。

14.  主旨大意题。文章关注的是开发和使用可再利用的帐篷,A正确。这种帐篷将利用纸板,但这不是根本目的,B错。这种帐篷的确是Mr. Dunlop最后一年的课题,但文章聚集的不是大学生的课题,而且该项目尚不能说取得了成功,还有待实践去检验,C错。现在尚只是使用,效果如何尚是未知,D错

15.  主旨大意题。纵览全文得知,文章讲的是开发和使用可再利用的帐篷问题,所以D正确。


Sherlock Holmes is considered by many people as the greatest detective in fictional literature. He is, in fact, more famous than his own creator, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. In the popular series of stories, Holmes is described as “tall and lean, pope-smoking, always in his cape and speaks in a splendid manner”. Doyle gave Holmes’ address as 221-B Baker Street, London, and to this day some visitors to London still go to Baker Street to search for 221-B. Of course, there never was really any such address. Holmes’ flat was supposed to be shared by the lovable, but sometimes clumsy Doctor Watson who went around with Holmes trying to solve crimes before Holmes did. Poor Dr Watson lost out to Holmes every time.

Doyle gave Holmes a masterly skill of deduction---the ability to come up with interesting conclusion from the simplest clues found at the scene of a crime. Doyle said that the description of Holmes was modeled on one of his lecturers at Edinburgh University where he studied medicine. That man was Dr Joseph Bell. Sherlock Holmes first appeared in Doyle’s A Study in Scarlet published in 1887. Holmes was so loved by all that when his author killed him off in one of his stories, readers wrote in anger to complain. They refused to allow Holmes to die! Holmes was brought back to “life” and appeared in further stories.  

The stories of Sherlock Holmes have been reprinted many times ever since then. Today we can watch Holmes at work on cinema and television screens as well as on stage.

Sherlock Holmes was________.

  A. the greatest detective who ever lived

  B. Dr Joseph Bell

  C. Arthur Conan Doyle

  D. only a character made up by Arthur Conan Dolye

Dr Watson was________.

  A. tall and learn

  B. lovable but always clumsy

  C. lovable but sometimes clumsy

  D. lovable and never clumsy

Holmes was supposed to have lived_______.

  A. with Dr Watson           B. with Dr Joseph Bell

  C. with the greatest detective   D. with Doyle

Doyle made up the description of Holmes_______.

  A. from his own imagination

  B. based on a famous London doctor

  C. based on Dr Joseph Bell at Edinburgh University

  D. based on a model of Holmes

We experience different forms of the Sun’s energy every day. We can see its light  and feel its warmth. The Sun is the major source of evaporation (蒸发) of water from the oceans and lakes. Sunlight also provides the energy used by green plants to make their own food. These green plants then provide food for all organisms (生物) on the Earth.

Much of the energy that comes from the Sun never reaches the Earth’s surface. It is either reflected or absorbed by the gases in the upper atmosphere. Of the energy that reaches the lower atmosphere, 30% is reflected by clouds or the Earth’s surface. The remaining 70% warms the surface of the planet, causes water to evaporate, and provides energy for the water cycle and weather. Only a tiny part, approximately 0.023%, is actually used by green plants to produce food.

Many gases found in the atmosphere actually reflect heat energy escaping from the Earth’s surface back to the Earth. These gases act like the glass of a greenhouse in that they allow energy from the Sun to enter but prevent energy from leaving. They are therefore called greenhouse gases.

When sunlight strikes an object, some of the energy is absorbed and some is reflected. The amount reflected depends on the surface. For example, you’ve probably noticed how bright snow is when sunlight falls on it. Snow reflects most of the energy from the Sun, so it contributes to the low temperatures of winter. Dark-coloured surfaces, such as dark soil or forest, absorb more energy and help warm the surrounding air.

According to the passage, the root cause for weather changes on the Earth is ______.

   A. the atmosphere surrounding the Earth       B. water from oceans and lakes

   C. energy from the Sun   D. greenhouse gases in the sky

Only a small part of the Sun’s energy reaches the Earth’s surface because most of it _______________.

   A. absorbed by the clouds in the lower atmosphere

   B. reflected by the gases in the upper atmosphere

   C. lost in the upper and lower atmosphere

   D. used to evaporate water from the oceans and lakes

We learn from the passage that _______________.

   A. all living things on the Earth depend on the Sun for their food

   B. a forest looks dark in winter because it absorbs solar energy

   C. only 0.023% of the energy from the Sun is made use of on the Earth

   D. greenhouse gases allow heat energy to escape from the Earth’s surface

There are about fifteen hundred languages in the world.

But ___1___ a few of them are very ___2___. English is one of these. Many, many people use it, not only in England and the U. S. A, but in other parts of the world. About 200, 000, 000 speak it as their own language. It is difficult to say how many people are learning it as a ___3___ language. Many millions are ___4___ to do so.

Is it easy or difficult to learn English? Different people may have different ___5___. Have you ever ___6___ the ads of this kind in the newspapers or magazines?

“Learn English in six month, or your ___7___ back ...” “Easy and funny? Our records and tapes ___8___ you master your English in a month. ___9___ the first day your ___10___ will be excellent. Just send ...” Of course, it never ___11___ quite like this.

The only language that seems easy to learn is the mother tongue. We should ___12___ that we all learned our own language well when we were ___13___. If we could learn English in the same way, it would not seem so difficult. ___14___ what a small child does. He listens to what people say. He tries what he hears. When he is using the language, talking in it, and ___15___ in it all the time, just imagine how much ___16___ that gets!

So it is ___17___ to say that learning English is easy, because a good command of English ___18___ upon a lot of practice. And practice needs great effort and ___19___ much time. Good teachers, records, tapes, books, and dictionaries will ___20___. But they cannot do the student’s work for him.

1. A. not  B. quite   C. only    D. very

2. A. difficult  B. important   C. necessary    D. easy

3. A. native     B. foreign       C. useful D. mother

4. A. learning  B. enjoying     C. trying D. liking

5. A. questions       B. problems    C. ideas   D. answers

6. A. found     B. watched     C. noticed       D. known

7. A. knowledge     B. time    C. money       D. English

8. A. make      B. help    C. let      D. allow

9. A. From     B. On      C. Since  D. After

10. A. spelling       B. grammar    C. English      D. pronunciation

11. A. happened     B. know  C. seemed       D. felt

12. A. know    B. remember   C. understand  D. think

13. A. students       B. children     C. babies D. grown-ups

14. A. Imagine       B. Mind  C. Do      D. Think of

15. A. using    B. thinking     C. trying D. practicing

16. A. time     B. money       C. language    D. practice

17. A. hard     B. easy    C. funny  D. silly

18. A. depends       B. tries    C. has     D. takes

19. A. uses      B. takes   C. gets    D. costs

20. A. do B. work   C. help    D. master

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