
2.We had toqueue(排队等候)up for an hour for the tickets.

分析 我们必须排队等一个钟才能买票.

解答 queue,由had to"不得不"可知后接动词原形,因此使用动词queue"排队等候",多用于短语queue up"排队".

点评 对于翻译填空这种题,要分析句子意思,再从结构上和意义上对答案进行确定.

12.It's a Christmas tradition that's more than half a century old.And it happened completely by accident.
It started in 1955,when a local Sears store in Colorado Springs,Colorado printed an ad,which included a spedial phone mumber kids could call to know where Santa's sleigh was at any given moment.Unfortunately,someone made a mistake in printing the phone mumber and kids were calling the wrong line.
A Colonel(上校) named Henry Shoup began answering his phong at what would become NORAD,the North American Aerospace Defence Command.At first,he thought it was a simple error of one caller.
But as the phone ketp ringing and tiny voices kept asking about Santa,Shoup realized he couldn't disappoint them.So he told the staff to issue updates to any one asking about the location of Santa.
The wrong turned into a custom of the holiday and kept growing in popularity,and NORAD finally decided to make it permanent.
It's become a holiday favourite ever since,adapting to whatever new technology has come along since.In the early days,it was a phone line.Then in the 60s,NORAD put out a special series of"reports"that was played on hundreds of radio stations across North America,broadcasting the Jolly Old Elf's exact position on Christmas Eve.
Think of it as kind of an early GPS without the computer gear.
Finally,came the Internet and NORAD has now transferred its annual watch onto the Web,with a site devoted to keeping tabs on the most famous journey in the world-what you might call the real amazing race,an around-the-world mission that has to be finished within 24hours.
This year's entry allows kids to track Santa in 3Dusing Google Earth and play games at the North Pole using the Kids Countdown Section,and it even offers Santa Cams which are only operational on the night before Christmas.
36.Why did children keep calling Henry Shoup?D
A.Because they wanted to play a joke on him.
B.Because they wanted to amuse him.
C.Because he knew where Santa exactly was.
D.Because they wanted to know where Santa's sleigh was.
37.What did Colonel Henry Shoup do when more and more children kept calling?C
A.He became annoyed and decided to tell them the truth.
B.He became excited and jioned them in searching Santa.
C.He thought quickly and took it seriously to satisfy their needs.
D.He laughed at them and took no notice of their calls.
38.What does"Jolly Old Elf"in Paragraph 6 most probably refer to?A
A.Santa Claus.
B.Colonel Henry Shoup.
D.The staff in Henry Shoup's charge.
39.According to the passage,how did people learn about the Jolly Old Elf's exact position in the 1960s?B
A.By calling a special phone mumber.
B.By listening to a special series of reports over the radio.
C.With the help of a kind of early GPS.
D.By scanning the spedial column in the newspaper.
40.The passage mainly tells usB.
A.an old favorite holiday that develops along with new technology
B.50-year-old tracking Santa tradition that started by accident
C.a real amazing race,an around-the-world mission within 24 hours
D.a Colonel and the North American Aerospace Defence Command.
13.The announcements by the NASA,in the form of several Web site postings and a video posted on YouTube,were in response to worries that the world will end on Dec.21,2012.
The doomsday(末日) rumour reached a high point with the release of the new movie"2012",directed by Roland Emmerich.In the movie,Yellowstone blows up,showering the continent with black ash.Tidal waves wash over the Himalayas,where the governments of the planet have secretly built a ship which a select 400,000people can ride out the storm.There are hundreds of hooks devoted to 2012,and millions of Web sites,depending on what combination of"2012"and"doomsday"you type into Google.All of it,astronomers say,is nonsense."Most of what's claimed for 2012relies on wishful thinking and ignorance of astronomy."Ed Krupp,an expert on ancient astronomy,wrote in an article in the November issue of Sky&Telescope.
"I get angry at the way people are being influenced and frightened to make money,"Morrison said."There is no right to frighten children to make a buck."suggested David Morrison,an astronomer at the NASA Ames Research Center in Moffett Field,Calif.He said he had been getting about 20letters and e-mail messages a day from people as far away as India scared out of their wits.Morrison said he did not blame the movie for all this,as much as many other supporters of the Mayan prediction.But then,he said,"my doctorate is in astronomy,not psychology."
In an e-mail exchange,Krupp said:"We are always uncertain about the future,and we always consume representations of it.We are always attracted by the romance of the ancient past."A NASA spokesman,Dwayne Brown,said the agency did not comment on movies,leaving that to movie critics.But when it comes to science,Brown said,"we felt it was careful to provide a resource."
If you want to worry,most scientists say,you should think about global climate change or nuclear war.But if ancient prophecies(预言)get you going,here are some things Morrison and the others think you should know.

64.Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?D
A.Dr.Morrison blamed the Movie"2011"for the panic it aroused in the public around the world.
B.People who watched the movie were seared and firmly believed that the end of the world was coming.
C.In terms of science it was better to provide evidence and theory at the same time.
D.Dr.Morrison thought it was not right to make money by frightening people.
65.It can be inferred from the text thatD.
A.astronomers think that doomsday is likely to happen in the near future
B.the reason why the NASA posted web site postings was to make people interested in astronomy
C.scientists think we shouldn't worry about doomsday but show concern about environment protection
D.most astronomers agree that the world is not ending-at least anytime soon
66.Which of the following would be the best title?B
A.A New Movie"2012"
B.Is Doomsday Coming?
C.End-of-the-World Stories          
D.Astronomers Comment on Movies
67.What would the author probably discuss in the paragraph that follows?C
A.Evidence that the Mayans thought something special would happen in 2012.
B.What will really happen in 2012.
C.The reason why there is no need to worry about doomsday.
D.Ancient stories about the end of the world.
10.Among all the fast growing science and technology,the research of human genes,or biological engineering as people call it,is drawing more and more attention now.Sometimes it's a hot topic discussed by people.
The greatest thing that gene technology can do is to cure serious diseases that doctors at present can almost do nothing with,such as cancer and heart disease.Every year,millions of people are murdered by these two killers.And to date,doctors have not found an effective way to cure them.But if the gene technology is applied,not only these two diseases can be cured completely,bringing happiness and more living days to the patients,but also the great amount of money people spend on curing their diseases can be saved,therefore it benefits the economy as well.In addition,human life span(寿命)can be prolonged.
Gene technology can help people to give birth to more healthy and clever children.Some families,with the English imperial(皇帝的)family being a good example,have hereditary(遗传的)diseases.This means their children will for sure have the family disease,which is a great trouble for these families.In the past,doctors could do nothing about hereditary diseases.But gene technology can solve this problem perfectly.Scientists just need to find the wrong gene and correct it,and a healthy child will be born.
Some people are worrying that the gene research can be used to manufacture(生产)human beings in large quantities.In the past few years,scientists have succeeded in cloning a sheep; therefore these people predict that human babies would soon be cloned.But I believe cloned babies will not come out in large quantities,for most couples in the world can have babies in very normal way.Of course,the governments must take care to control gene technology.

60.What does"these two killers"in the second paragraph refer to?C
A.Gene technology and another treatment of the two diseases.
B.The two murderers who killed the cloned baby.
C.The two diseases of cancer and heart disease.
D.Hereditary diseases and cancer.
61.What's the main idea of the third paragraph?C
A.Gene technology can help people to give birth to a baby.
B.Gene technology can be used to clone human babies.
C.How gene technology can be used to treat hereditary diseases.
D.Gene technology can solve all the problems of the English imperial family.
62.In what way can gene technology help to treat hereditary diseases?B
A.Gene technology helps people with hereditary diseases to live longer.
B.Using gene technology,scientists find the wrong gene and correct it.
C.Using gene technology,human babies can be cloned.
D.Doctors can cure cancer and heart disease with the help of gene technology.
63.What is the main purpose of writing this passage?A
A.Expressing the writer's idea that gene technology will benefit people.
B.Telling people the advantages and disadvantages of gene technology.
C.Telling the readers that gene technology will not benefit people.
D.Explaining that gene technology will also do harm to the humanity.

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