
13.The following is a selection of the 2017 summer programs offered at colleges and universities around the world.
Hong Kong Polytechnic University:Kowloon,Hong Kong
July 26-31
PolyU is offering a 5-dayprogram for Grade 10 or 11 students wishing to explore the field of engineering and understand various engineering disciplines.We are looking for 6-8 students from the same high school to join the program,along with 1-2 accompanying teachers.Students can enjoy a special program fee of $200 (all-inclusive).The said fee is ignored for teachers.
Program Contact Email:denquiry@polyu.edu.hk
Queen's University:Kingston,ON
August 13-18
The Summer Enrichment Experience at Queen's gives students the opportunity to learn beyond the school classroom with engaging and challenging courses,motivating them to explore and apply new knowledge.After the experience,students will return to school with renewed energy,and excitement for learning.
Program Contact Email:linda.lamoureux@queensu.ca
University of Missouri:Columbia,MO
July 13-28
The Career Exploration Summer Program is a 2-week program in which Explorers experience a taste of various 21st century career paths.The program includes professional site visits to Fortune 500 companies,nonprofit organizations,and U.S.Government Buildings.Social activities include free time at the on-campus Student Recreation Center,watching professional sports teams,and exploring new places during program field trips.
Program Contact Email:mucoemie@missouri.edu
56.Students choose The Summer Enrichment Experience probably because itC.
A.makes them better at engineering
B.provides them with courses for free
C.enables them to learn by experience
D.gives them the chance to work out
57.If students want to prepare themselves for their future job,they shouldC.
A.take part in a 5-day program
B.explore and apply new knowledge
C.go to University of Missouri
D.send emails to denquiry@polyu.edu.hk.

分析 本文介绍了一些开设2017年暑期课程世界高校,主要包括课程内容简介以及报名方式.

解答 56.C;细节理解题.根据文中"The Summer Enrichment Experience at Queen's gives students the opportunity to learn beyond the school classroom with engaging and challenging courses"(在女王的暑期丰富的经验让学生有机会在学校课堂之外学习,具有引人入胜的挑战性课程),可知学生们选择它是因为它使他们能够通过经验来学习,故选C.
57.C;细节理解题.根据文中"The Career Exploration Summer Program is a 2-week program in which Explorers experience a taste of various 21st century career paths."(职业探索暑期项目是一个为期2周的项目,探险家们体验各种21世纪的职业生涯),可知想为未来做准备,应该去密苏里大学,故选C.

点评 尽管有些广告类阅读材料的内容难度很大,但试题设置并不难.因为广告类的文章主要要求考生读懂文中的关键信息.对此类题目的处理上,尽量不要在文章的阅读上花费太多时间.从题干出发,迅速到文章中找相应的答案.对照题目所含信息,找寻可作为解题依据的相应的段落或句子.

4.This past Christmas season,I went to visit my parents.During the visit,l found the letters written by my parents to each other during the war in the attic (阁楼).The letters were piled high,dirty and had not been touched for decades.I asked mother and father if I could take the letters back to my home.They agreed.
As I opened each letter,all of them beautiful with age,I discovered a new page in this private part of my parents'lives.My father served in the army.His letters were full of frontline (前线) descriptions,and they continued all the way through the battle.Each of my mother's letters was sealed (密封) with her lipstick kiss.Father wrote that he sealed his return letters by rekissing her lipstick kiss.How they had been missing each other!I finished reading six months of the letters and discovered there were at least eleven months missing.Maybe they were lost forever.
Not long after our Christmas visit,Father became very ill and was in hospital.I went to the hospital to see him.As I sat by his bedside,he told me how much receiving those lipstick-kissed letters had meant to him when he had been so far from home.
Later that evening,Mother and I revisited the attic in search of the lost letters.Finally we dug them out of Mother's old college trunk (皮箱).The next day was Valentine's Day,and we went to the hospital.At my father's bedside,I showed him an old envelope.His curiosity was aroused.When he carefully opened the letter,he recognized it and his eyes were filled with tears.He read the love messages that had been delivered years before to my mother in a quavery (颤抖的) voice.This Valentine's Day,we were lucky that we had everything.

29.Where did the writer find the missing letters?C
A.In the hospital.
B.At her father's bedside.
C.In a trunk.
D.In her own house.
30.How did the writer's father feel when he saw the letter?B
31.What would be the best title for the passage?C
A.Christmas Gift
B.My Parents
C.Love letters
D.The Good Old Days.
3.A sense of humor is something highly valued.A person who has a great sense of humor is often considered to be happy and socially confident.However,humor is a double-edged sword.Sometimes it can damage self-respect and annoy others.
People who use bonding humor tell jokes and generally lighten the mood.They're thought to be good at reducing the tension in uncomfortable situations.They often make fun of their common experiences,and sometimes they may even laugh off their own misfortunes.The basic message they deliver is:We're all alike,we find the same things funny,and we're all in this together.
Put-down humor,on the other hand,is an aggressive type of humor used to criticize others through teasing.When it's aimed against politicians,as it often is,it's extremely funny and mostly harmless.But in the real world,it may have a harmful effect.An example of such humor is telling friends an embarrassing story about another friend.When challenged about their teasing,the put-down jokers might claim that they are"just kidding,"thus allowing themselves to avoid responsibility.This type of humor,though considered by some people to be socially acceptable,may hurt the feelings of the one being teased and thus have a bad effect on personal relationships.
Finally,in hate-me humor,the joker is the target of the joke for the amusement of others.This type of humor was used by comedians John Belushi and Chris Farley-both of whom suffered for their success in show business.A small amount of such humor is charming,but routinely offering oneself up to be embarrassed destroys one's self-esteem,and fosters depression and anxiety.
So it seems that being funny isn't necessarily an indicator of good social skills and well-being.In certain cases,it may actually have a negative effect on interpersonal relationships.

21.In bonding humor,people create a relaxing atmosphere byA.
A.joking about experiences they share
B.showing their personal relationships
C.teasing experiences of their friends
D.laughing at other's misfortunes
22.Which of the following is among the common targets of put-down humor?C
23.In the passage,the author mainly conveysB.
A.humor can be classified into three kinds
B.humor has its bright side and dark side
C.humor deserves to be studied
D.humor is highly valued.

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