
The holidays are a time to give. These charities---and many more—are looking for volunteers and donations.

World Wildlife Fund

The World Wildlife Fund is helping to protect endangered species through the Symbolic Species Adoption program. Those who “adopt” an animal will receive an adoption certificate and a photo of their species. Anyone can support endangered species year round by buying WWF apparel(服装). worldwildlife. Org/giving

DoSomething. org

This month, Dosomething. org launched their holiday campaign, “Grandparents Gone Wired”. The goal of the campaign is to make it easier for senior citizens to keep in touch with their loved ones using the Internet. Teens can volunteer to help seniors in their community. Volunteers are able to win prizes and scholarships. dosomething. org/grandparents

Coins for Change

Disney’s Club Penguin, a virtual gaming site for kids, launched its annual Coins for Change campaign this month. From Dec. 15 to Dec. 27, Club Penguin players can donate virtual coins to real-world causes. If players reach the donation goal, Club Penguin will donate $2 million to charity projects. clubpenguin.com.

Toys for Tots

Each year, the U.S. Marine Corps Toys Program collects new, unwrapped toys for the holidays. Communities across the nation host Toys for Tots drives around the holiday season. The toys collected are given as gifts to needy children so they can experience the joy of Christmas. toyfortots.org

American Red Cross

All you need is a pen and a piece of paper. The American Red Cross Holiday Mail Heroes Program is collecting handwritten card to send to members of the U.S. Armed Forces during the holidays. The charity has also set up a Holiday Giving Catalog where you can buy personal gifts, such as babysitting lessons. redcross.org

The Warm Coats & Warm Hearts Drive

The Warm Coats & Warm Hearts Drive is a non-profit organization sponsored by ABC’s Good Morning America and Burlington Coat Factory. During the holiday season Burlington stores collect gently worn coats. The donated coats are given to people in need to keep warm during the winter. onewarmcoat.org

1.David, 8, is fond of playing virtual games. Which charity should he attend?

A. Coins for Change.??????????????? B. Toys for Tots.?

C. DoSomething,org.??????????????? D. American Red Cross.

2.Handwritten cards for members of the U.S. Armed Forces are collected by____.

A. Disney’s Club Penguin?????????

B. the Warm Coats& Warm Hearts Drive

C. the U.S. Marine Corps Toys for Tots Program????

D. the American Red Cross Holiday Mail for Heroes Program

3.From the passage we can learn that______.

A. Club Penguin donates $2 million to charity projects yearly

B. old toys collected are given to needy children as gifts

C. teens can help seniors contact their family members online

D. whoever donates warm coats is likely to win scholarships








1.细节题:根据Coins for Change活动中让捐献虚拟币,而题目中说8岁男孩大卫玩虚拟游戏,玩虚拟游戏一般都有虚拟币。故选A

2.细节题:根据在American Red Cross部分中有“The American Red Cross Holiday Mail Heroes Program is collecting handwritten card to send to members of the U.S. Armed Forces during the holidays”美国红十字会假期邮件英雄项目收集手写卡片发送给假期美国武装部队的成员。故选D

3.细节题: 根据DoSomething部分中“The goal of the campaign is to make it easier for senior citizens to keep in touch with their loved ones using the Internet. Teens can volunteer to help seniors in their community活动的目标是让老年人更容易地使用互联网和他们的亲人保持联系。青少年可以志愿帮助社区内的老年人。由此可知青少年可以帮助老年人在线与他们的亲人联系是正确的。故选C



Walking in any high school during the first class in the morning, you will find many students are struggling to stay awake.

“They’re sitting in the classroom, but their heads are at home on the pillows,” said a teacher from a high school.

Don’t blame them; blame the clocks in their brains. A research suggests that biological clocks make teens stay up at night and sleep in the morning.

During the first several weeks of school, students are more likely to lack sleep. In the holidays, students can sleep eight hours a night, but during the school days, they sleep only about six hours on average. Students lose 10 hours’ sleep a week. This may affect their school performances and leads to poor health.

   Scientists in the US did research to reset teenagers’ biological clock to help them fall asleep earlier. They found the brain can produce a chemical that helps sleep. But it comes out only in the dark. So they use a special light in the classroom to try to force a reset of the students’ biological clock.

The research failed in the end. So some schools in the US tried to reset their school time from 7:25 a.m. to 8:30 a.m. The results seemed to be good.

What can you see while walking in high schools in the early morning ? (no more than 7 words    2 分)

Why are students so sleepy in the first class ? ( no more than 6 words  3分)

During the school days, how many hours of sleep do the students lose every month?

( no more than 2 words   2分)

What suggestion will the scientists give to high schools? ( no more than 4 words 3分)

I’ve always had strong opinions of how love should be expressed, but others had their own ways of showing care.
What I   36  most about visiting my boyfriend’s parents is the loud tick of the clock in the dining room as we   37  ate our meal. With so little conversation I was quick to   38 his family as cold. When we got into the   39   to go home, his father suddenly appeared. 40  , he began to wash his son’s windscreen. I could feel he was a caring man through the glass.
I learned another lesson about love a few years later. My father often  41  me early in the morning. “Buy Xerox. It’s a good sharp price,” he might say when I answered the phone. No pleasant  42 or inquiry about my life, just financial instructions. This manner of his  43 me and we often quarreled. But one day, I thought about my father’s success in business and realized that his concern for my financial security lay behind his  44   morning calls. The next time he called and told me to buy a stock, I  45  him.
When my social style has conflicted with that of my friends, I’ve often felt   46 . For example, I always return phone calls  47  and regularly contact with my friends. I expect the same from them. I had one friend who rarely called, answering my messages with short e-mails. I rushed to the  48  : She wasn’t a good friend! My anger  49   as the holidays approached. But then she came to a gathering I  50 and handed me a beautiful dress I had fallen in love with when we did some window-shopping the previous month. I was  51   at her thoughtfulness, and regretful for how I’d considered her to be  52  . Clearly I needed to change my expectations of friends.
Far too often, I ignored their  53   expressions, eagerly expecting them to do things in my  54 . Over the years, however, I’ve learned to  55  other persons, love signs.

A.in orderB.in turnC.without delayD.without difficulty

任务型阅读(共10小题,每小题1分, 满分10分)
Unique Tradition from UK
Boxing Day
This holiday, which is observed on December 26, is a unique part of the Christmas season in Great Britain, as well as other Commonwealth nations. Boxing Day comes from a tradition that began in the Middle Ages more than 800 years ago. On this day, English churches would open their ‘alms box’ and distribute its contents to needy members of the community. It was also a day for servants to celebrate the holidays with their families, having usually worked the day before. Today, Boxing Day is one of the twenty-two paid holidays received by most working Brits. Most people now spend Christmas Day with their family and reserve Boxing Day for exchanging gifts with friends. Although the government shuts down for the day, cinemas and theatres are open.
Queen’s Telegram
In the United States, if you make it to the ripe old age of 101 or 102, Willard Scott will wish you happy birthday on national television. In England, the queen herself will send her congratulations. This fairly new custom is known as "the Queen’s Telegram" and assures centenarians (people at least 100 years old) that they will receive a birthday telegram from the queen on their one-hundredth birthday. The telegram is so longed for by some Brits that one 98-year-old woman was recently proven to have faked her age by two years just to receive the telegram.
High Tea
High tea was first enjoyed by the English working class during the 1700s. This ritual (仪式) began as a practical attempt to hold off hunger pains between breakfast and supper, as eating just two daily meals was common at the time. It was called “high” tea because it was usually taken sitting on top stools in a tea shop or standing at a counter or buffet table. Today, high tea has become a more elegant and popular tradition that is practiced in fine hotels and restaurants around the world.
Public Houses
Visiting a pub is one of Britain’s oldest forms of entertainment. The idea for the first public houses was brought to Britain thousands of years ago by conquering Roman army. The first pubs served only wine, but after the discovery of hops(啤酒花) in the fourteenth century, pubs began to serve mainly beer and ale(麦芽酒), as they do today.
British pubs operate between 11 a.m. and 11 p.m. every day except Sunday, when they must close at 10:30 p.m. The drinking age in Britain is eighteen, but fourteen-year-olds may enter a pub unaccompanied if they order a meal.
Unique Tradition from UK

Main Activities
Boxing Day
Observed on Dc.26 during the (71)______ season.
In the past, churches would open their “alms box”, with its contents (72)_______ to needy people.
Today it is reserved to (73)_____gifts with friends.
Queen’s Telegram
(74)______by the Queen when one has his or her 100th birthday.
People over 100 years will receive a birthday telegram from the queen herself on her birthday, enjoying the Queen’s (75)_____ to them.
High Tea
Enjoyed and practiced between breakfast and supper.
It (76)______to be taken sitting in a tea shop, or standing at a corner. Today it’s becoming a tradition (77)_____ in the hotels and restaurants worldwide.
Public Houses
Visited between 11 a.m. and 11 p.m. every day
At the (79)______, only wine was served, but today they mainly serve beer and ale, but people (80)_____than eighteen are not allowed to drink.

In countries around the world, food has been used to celebrate at our holidays, our rituals and our family gatherings. The food eaten at holiday time has made the deepest impact on our culture and memories. Different holidays bring different types of food. Much of the food we eat during the holidays comes from old traditions handed down for hundreds of years.

New Year's Eve always brings parties and get-togethers, but where you live in the world may determine what food graces your table. In the southern US, partiers eat black eyed peas, which are thought to bring good luck and prosperity(繁荣). The Japanese also eat food for good luck on New Year's, but their choice is red snapper, the color red being considered good luck in Japan. The Jewish celebrate New Year by eating apples dipped in honey and in Madrid, Spain the last minutes of the New Year are counted down with the popping of grapes into the mouth. A pet is a cake prepared by the Greek with a coin baked into it. The person who gets the slice of cake with the coin in it should have good luck in the upcoming year.  

In the United States, a typical Christmas feast can contain a variety of foods ranging from turkey to chicken, from ham to goose, but other countries celebrate this holiday differently. Perhaps these choices have been taken from the traditions of our heritage(遗产). In Denmark, a traditional Christmas meal is roast goose, Greece, leg of lamb. Traditionally, Italians keep their Christmas Eve meal meatless. The traditional Christmas dinner in New Zealand is a picnic eaten on the beach.  

Though holidays around the world are celebrated in different ways, it is food, feast and family that bring us together.

1.According to the passage, in different holidays people usually ______.

A. have different kinds of food to eat

B. recall the interesting life when they were young

C. have a wide variety of parties.

D. get together to play games.

2.All the following can bring people good luck except_____.

A. a cake with a coin

B. red snapper

C. black eyed peas

D. apples dipped in honey.

3.We can know from the third paragraph that ______.

A. roast goose is American’s favorite food during Christmas

B. people in Denmark and Greece share the same food during Christmas

C. Italians don’t have meat during Christmas

D. people in New Zealand like playing games on the beach 

4.Which of the following can be the main idea of the passage?

A. Holiday foods vary from culture to culture.

B. Different countries have different cultures.

C. People have a good appetite during holiday.

D. Different foods are served during Christmas.


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