
Ma Lili’s parents are going to give a birthday party for her. She’s going to be fourteen years old. Ma Lili has a lot of friends. They are going to come to the party. They are girls from Ma Lili’s school. There are twenty-five of them.
Ma Lili’s mother is making birthday cakes for the party. They are very nice cakes. Ma Lili says to her mother, “Mum, you’re very nice. Thank you for your nice cakes. ” Her father is going shopping. He buys a lot of apples, bananas, oranges and pears.
It’s four o’clock in the afternoon. Now everything is ready. The party begins in thirty minutes.
1. Who is going to give Ma Lili a birthday party?
A. Ma Lili    B. Her friends   C. Her teacher   D. Her parents
2. How many people are coming to Ma Lili’s party?
A. Two      B. Twenty      C. Twenty-one     D. Twenty-five
3. Her mother _____ for her party.
A. is making cakes   B. is shopping   C. is buying apples   D. makes a cake
4. How old is Ma Lili going to be?
A. 12      B. 13      C. 14       D. 20
5. What time does the party begin?
A. At four                  B. At half past four
C. After five o’clock     D. At about six o’clock


Dear Sir
I’m interested in the furnished (备有家具的)house near Dedham which you made known in yesterday’s paper, for my husband and I are coming to England in June and need accommodation(住所)for three months. Would you please tell me exactly where it is and give me details (细目)of bus and train services in the area ?We need a house on a busy street. And I would also like to know about the local(当地的)shops. Do the local shops still supply? I know they did ten years ago. 
I would be thankful also if you would tell me whether you supply sheets etc, and whether a laundry(洗衣房)calls at the house. The rent (房租)you ask sounds reasonable for the size of the house. How do you like it paid? Weekly, monthly or in advance (提前)?
I would be thankful for an early reply.
Pamda Smith
1.Pamda Smith got the news about the house from      . 
A.local shops       B.a newspaper     C.her friends       D.a telephone
2.Most probably, Mr and Mrs Smith      . 
A.are coming to England from America    B.want to live in a beautiful place
C.are very rich           D.once lived in Dedham ten years ago
3.How do they need a house on a busy street?
A.The rent is the cheapest   B.There is a laundry
C.They like the busy area very much  D.They don’t want to drive
4.Which of the following is not true? Mr. and Mrs. Smith     . 
A.are not clear about the rent     B.Want to be in England for three months
C.will be on holiday in England       D.do not want to wash their clothes
5.In the passage, the word “accommodation” means      . 
A.cool weather    B.good service     C.furnished rooms      D.beautiful scenes

“Fingers were made before forks.” When a person gives up good manners, put aside knife and fork, and dives into his food, someone is likely to repeat that saying.
The fork was an ancient agricultural tool, but for centuries no one thought of eating with it. Not until the eleventh century, when a young lady from Constantinople brought her fork to Italy, did the custom reach Europe.
By the fifteenth century the use of the fork was wide-spread in Italy. The English explanation was that Italians were unwilling to eat food touched with fingers, “seeing all men’s fingers are not alike clean.
Anyone who used a fork to eat with was laughed at in England for the next hundred years. Not until the late 1600’s did using a fork become a common custom.
60. The custom of eating with a fork was ________.
A. brought to Europe from America    B. begun when forks first invented
C. brought to Europe from Constantinople   D. thought of by the Italians
61. By the fifteenth century, forks were used________.
A. all over Italy                   B. only in Constantinople
C. by the kings and queens of Europe   D. in England
62. The English thought that Italians used forks in order to________.
A. imitate(模仿)the people of the East       B. keep their food clean
C. impress visitors with their good manners    D. amuse (逗笑) the English
63. The best title of the passage is “_________’.
A. Eating with a Fork             B. The History of Eating with a Fork
C. A Way of Eating               D. A Custom of Eating

An Experiment
Materials: Newspaper, ‘ACE’ hardware ruler (1/8 “think”), a flat table.
Purposes: We’ll show that there is air pressure pushing on us, from every direction while we’re on this Earth.


First put a thin ruler on a flat table with a little
less than half of it hanging off the edge of the table
(see the drawing below). Next place a sheet of newspaper
over the ruler flat against the table. Make sure to have
as little air as possible under the paper so that the fold line of the newspaper is at the ruler. Then quickly strike the end of the ruler hanging off the edge of the table. If you strike it quick enough, the ruler will break near the table edge.
What’s going on?
The Earth is covered in a layer of air that is nearly 80 miles thick and at sea level (the bottom) exerts or ‘pushes’ hard almost 15 pounds of pressure per square inch. That means that a full sheet of newspaper laid out flat has nearly 9,300 pounds of air above it.
When you break the ruler above, you are able to break it because of the 'heavy' air pushing down on the paper while you quickly strike the ruler. At first the table is pushing back on the paper, and if you move the ruler quick enough, other air around the edges of the paper can't get under the paper fast enough, so you are trying to lift that 9,300 pounds with the ruler! Some air gets under the paper, but not enough, so the ruler breaks.
1.By doing the experiment, we may realize         .
A.that air exits everywhere
B.why there are directions
C.that we live with air pressure
D.how air helps on the earth
2.How many steps are there in this experiment?          .
A.2      B.3       C.4       D.5
3.The underlined word “exert” probably means       .
A.cover completely            B.advocate actively    
C.influence gradually  D.press heavily
4.The ruler breaks under a quick strike mainly because of          .
A.the air pressure on the newspaper   B.the heavy weight of the newspaper
C.the heavy weight of the flat table    D.the strong power used on the ruler

This weekly four-day physical activity schedule will get your kids excited about being active.
When the kids get home from school, don’t let them go straight to the TV and get settled in. Encourage them to get moving and get off the couch(长椅) by giving them a pedometer(计步器). Pedometers are the most fun when parents also use one because that turns stepping, walking and running into a game to see who can get the most steps.
The kids have done a great job so far this week, but now they are aching for (渴望) a little more TV time. Instead of turning on cartoons, let them watch fitness movies made just for kids. These movies encourage watchers to get up and dance along to kid-friendly music.
Get the whole family out of the house together and over to a park. Bring lots of sports equipment, pack a healthy picnic and have a family competitive sports day. Kids and adults get into groups and play against each other in tennis, basketball or soccer. After everyone has played hard for a couple of hours, stop for a picnic and then if your family isn’t too tired, go back and play some more.
Every child loves to play video games and there is no better time to allow kids to play them than on Sunday when no homework is due(应交的).But don’t let them play a game that forces them to sit down for hours. Dance games with a floor mat(垫子) to help kids follow the dance moves are popular to kids.
56.What can be the best title for this text?
A.How to make children like activities.
B.A weekly four-day physical activity plan for kids.
C.Physical activities are important to kids.        
D.A plan that will do much good to kids.
57.Parents are advised to use a pedometer together with their kids because _______.
A.they can give their kids some advice about walking
B.it can prevent them from watching TV too much
C.this will allow them and their kids to have a fun competition
D.their kids will not use it if they don’t
58.On Thursday when a kid wants to watch TV, his parents should ______.
A.let him watch it for a short time
B.watch cartoons with him
C.take him out for a walk instead
D.show fitness movies to him
59.The author advises a family to have a meal on Saturday ______.
A. in a park  B. in a mountain C. in a restaurant  D. at home

NOT all memories are sweet. Some people spend all their lives trying to forget bad experiences. Violence and traffic accidents can leave people with terrible physical and emotional scars. Often they relive these experiences in nightmares.
Now American researchers think they are close to developing a pill, which will help people forget bad memories. The pill is designed to be taken immediately after a frightening experience. They hope it might reduce ,or possibly erase(抹去),the effect of painful memories.
In November, experts tested a drug on people in the US and France. The drug stops the body releasing chemicals that fix memories in the brain. So far the research has suggested that only the emotional effects of memories may be reduced, not that the memories are erased.
The research has caused a great deal of argument. Some think it is a bad idea, While others support it.
Supporters say it could lead to pills that prevent or treat soldiers' troubling memories after war. They say that there are many people who suffer from terrible memories.
"Some memories can ruin people's lives . They come back to you when you don't want to have them in a daydream or nightmare. They usually come with very painful emotions," said Roger Pitman, a professor of psychiatry at Harvard Medical School. "This could relieve a lot of that suffering."
But those who are against the research say that changing memories is very dangerous because memories give us our identity (特质). They also help us all avoid the mistakes of the past.
"All of us can think of bad events in our lives that were horrible at the time but make us who we are. I'm not sure we want to wipe those memories out, "said Rebecca Dresser, a medical ethicist.
1. The passage is mainly about_____________.
A. a new medical invention          B. a new research on the pill
C. a way of erasing painful memories  D. an argument about the research on the pill
2. The drug tested on people can_____________.
A. cause the brain to fix memories
B. stop people remembering bad experiences
C. prevent body producing certain chemicals
D. Wipe out the emotional effects of memories
3. We can infer from the passage that_____________.
A. people doubt the effects of the pills
B. the pill will stop people's bad experiences
C. taking the pill will do harm to people's health
D. the pill has probably been produced in America
4. Which of the following does Rebecca Dresser agree with?
A. Some memories can ruin people's lives.
B. People want to get rid of bad memories.
C. Experiencing bad events makes us different from others.
D. The pill will reduce people's sufferings from bad memories.

To get an extra 14 years of life, don’t smoke, eat lots of fruits and vegetables, exercise regularly and drink alcohol in a proper amount.That is according to a study published this Monday in the Public Library of Science Medicine Journal.
After tracking more than 20,000 people aged 45-79 years in the United Kingdom from about 1993-2007, Kay-Tee, Khaw of the University of Cambridge and his colleagues found that people who adopted these four healthy habits lived an average of 14 years longer than those who didn’t.
“We’ve known for a long time that these behaviors are good things to do, but we’ve not seen this benefit before, ” said Susan Jebb, head of Nutrition and Health at Britain’s Medical Research Council.“The benefit was also seen regardless of whether or not people were fat and what social class they came from.”
Study participants(参与者) scored a point each for not smoking, regular physical activity, eating five servings of fruits and vegetables a day and moderate alcohol intake.
Public health experts said they hoped the study would inspire governments to introduce policies helping people to adopt these changes.But because the study only observed people rather than testing specific changes, it would be impossible to conclude that people who suddenly adopted these healthy behaviours would surely gain 14 years.
“We can’t say that any person could gain 14 years by doing these things,” said Doctor Tim Armstrong, a physical activity expert at the World Health Organization.”The 14 years is an average across the population of what’s theoretically(理论上) possible.”
“Most people know that things like a good diet matter and that smoking is not good for them”, Susan Jebb said, ”We need to work on providing people with much more practical support to help them change.”
1.Which of the following doesn’t belong to the four healthy habits?
A.Eating five servings of fruits and vegetables a day.
B.Doing proper exercise in the morning every day.
C.Having a cigarette before going to bed every day.
D.Drinking alcohol in the proper amount every day.
2.We can learn from the passage that_____.
A.the study observed people as well as tested specific changes
B.Susan Jebb did not take part in the study
C.there is no need for people under 45 adopt these good habits
D.only those from first class can benefit from these healthy behaviours
3.What can be inferred from the passage?
A.Governments should take measures to help people change their bad habits.
B.People aged 45-79 have bad habits in the United Kingdom.
C.All the people are well aware of the harm of their bad habits.
D.People have adopted the four healthy habits after knowing they’re good.
4.What would be the best title for this passage?
A.Smoking and Drinking Cuts You 14 Years
B.Healthy Habits Could Gain You Extra 14 years
C.A New Way of Keeping Healthy
D.Smoking and Drinking Harms Your Health

Well, Mrs. Evans, I’ve done my best to look after David. I’ve tidied his room up every day, got him a meal together whenever he needed one and made sure he’s always had a clean shirt to put on. It’s not been easy, with two of my own to worry about, as well. David had the best of attention, I must say. But now because I asked him to give up bringing that American friend to his home he has got quite miserable and unfriendly. He comes in at all hours and his behavior---- well, it’s quite hard to put up with---- and it’s all because of this friend. I’m sure he’s a bad influence. You see, David’s a visitor and doesn’t fully understand our ways.
He used to study most evenings. He’s got through quite a bit of work. He did up his room quite nicely, with bookshelves and large posters. He’d ask Mr. Smith and me up for a drink and cheer us up with songs from his country. He’s very good at the guitar, you know.
I don’t want to appear as if I’m running after him, but it’s about time we made it up. I’m sure he’s upset because I told him off. It might be a good idea to take him out for a meal, perhaps even with his friend. I don’t know whether it will do any good but we can try. I’m glad I’ve had this little chat with you, Mrs. Evans, and I’ll let you know how I get on.
1. Mrs. Smith believes that David is not the cause of the quarrel but that the main cause is __________.
A. Mr. Smith                                       B. too much homework
C. David’s behavior                              D. David’s friend
2. Mrs. Smith wants to make up the quarrel by _______.
A. cooking a meal                                B. inviting David and his friend out
C. running after David                          D. giving them drinks
3. David’s present attitude to Mrs. Smith is ________.
A. unfriendly             B. cheerful      C. very attentive         D. incomprehensible
4. David is ________.
A. an American friend     B. a singer   C. a visiting student             D. Mrs. Smith’s son

In my experience, one of the greatest reasons of unhappiness is the difficulty we have in accepting things as they are.When we see something we don’t like, we wish it could be different–we cry out for something better.That may be human nature, or perhaps it’s something that has been grown in our culture.
The root of the unhappiness isn’t that we want things to be different, however, it’s that we decided we didn’t like it in the first place.We’ve judged it as bad, rather than saying, “It’s not bad or good, but it just is.”
Here is an example.I have written a paper, A Beautiful Method to Find Peace of Mind.Quite a few people think it bad after reading it because I think people should expect things to go differently than you planned, and that you should accept that, instead of encouraging people to change themselves or the environment as much as possible.You could accept it as the way the world works–as the way things actually are.And try to understand why that is, and follow it, as it is.
This can be useful to whatever you do: whether it be how other people act at work, how politics works and how depressing the news media can be.Accept these things as they are, and try to understand why they’re that way.
It’ll save you a lot of sadness because you’ll no longer say, “Oh, I wish things didn’t go bad!”
If you really understand what I mean, you can try a different way to live in this world:accept, and understand.It might lead to some interesting results.
1.What is the major reason why we feel unhappy in the writer’s opinion?
A.We are never satisfied with ourselves and the environment around us.
B.When we see something that makes us unhappy, we don’t know what to do.
C.We feel hard to accept the way things happen themselves.
D.No matter how happy we are, we never want to be happy.
2.What do you think the writer may say to himself when he meets something unhappy?
A.How could I have made such a stupid mistake?
B.I should have done better.It’s all my fault.
C.Why is it all against my plan? It can’t be so bad.
D.Well, I know all is what it is meant to be.Take it easy.
3.Why do some people think badly of the writer’s new paper after reading it?
A.The writer hasn’t shown an encouraging attitude in his paper.
B.The writer asks people to try to make things better.
C.The writer reminds the people that things will go exactly as you’ve planned.
D.The writer doesn’t think it a good idea to accept the things go naturally.
4.The statements below are based on the writer’s points of view, EXCEPT_______
A.Unhappiness may be caused by human nature that we always want things to be better.
B.Why we don’t like the thing is that we have regard it as bad in the beginning.
C.The news media shouldn’t be so depressing if the reporters worked harder.
D.The best way to avoid feeling unhappy is to accept the things as they are.

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